Case IH WD-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004064R3) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH WD-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004064R3)


Case IH WD-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004064R3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case IH WD-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004064R3)

WD-6 Tractor Operators Manual
epr nted
This sym6o/ means ATTENTION! BECOME ALea r!
YOUe SAP-ETY IS INVOLVED. The message that
/'oi/ows th'e symbol contains important
information about your safety. Carefully read the
message. Make sure you fully understand the
causes of Rssi6Ie injury or deazfi. SB001
  • It is your responsibility to observe pertinent
    laws and regulations and to follow manufacturer's
    instructions on machine operation and
  • See your Authorized Case dealer for additional
    operator's manuals, parts cat- alogs, and service

Oc 1995 Case Corporation CASE and IH are
registered trade marks of Case Corporation
TRACTOR OWNER Rease aocept our coagxatulakoos on
pour aveetment to ao lotezoatiooal Ilazveater
maniac aa youz oew powez parbtez. We deal suze
you will obtaJo 6oa tbts znackloe tke
ersonomtr'zt aod eupezior pezfozzoaace it Is
daaigoed to giye. It Is ceztaio tbat you wtit
dezi9e a tazge meaauze o/ pezaozzal satisfaction
froa operating It. 'Y'eazs oi tzactoz
mnnfactuztztg experience and actual eoatact witk
agzicu1tuza1 pzéblezas ba've been com1ioed witb
ad'vaztoeaents fa eagtoeeztog aod zneta1luzgtca1
autnnce to pzoduoe all tke leatuzes aod
refinements built iato youz tcacñoz. Pzoper1y
adjudted, operated, aod zna1ota1oed, tb18 tractor
will zespoad to evezy reasonable demaod you zaake
upon It aod give you reliable aereioe for yeazs
to coae. Tlze purpose of tbts Owoez's fdaauaJ ts
to expiaJn maintenenoe requ1reaen and zoubne
adjustments wkJcb are zteceseazy foz tba zaoet
efficteat operation oJ pour tractor. o protect
pour tractor tnvestmeat, study youz fnnum be/oze
stazttog or operating youz tractor. It you shonld
need iolozzsatioa aot gi'vea to tbte 1déauaI, or
zequ1re tke sereiees ol a tzatoeI zneckaoic, we
uzge y'ou to use tbe exteoaive Ian\ities offered
bp tbe latezoatiooal ffazvester deafer io y'our
1ocality. Dealers aze Lept toJozmet oa tke best
aetkods of tractor seryictog and are equipped to
provide pzozspt, efficient service fa tBe field
or in an up-to-date service station. Dea\ezs
cazzy azaple stocks of essential DI pazts.
Tltese dealers aze backed la eeexy case by tke
full facilities ol a ooayeoieatly located
lotezoalooal igarvester Dtetztct Wben fa aeed of
paxta, alway's give tke Iatematiooa1 Ifazvester
dealer youz tractor aaâ ezzgtoe sezTal auzabers.
We suggest tbat you wzite tkeee setta1 quzabeze
ia tke spacee provided below, for ready refereace
wbea pazts aze zequ1zod. Z'zacfor 5ecia1 J\IO.
t is the policy o/ 7zzteezzotioao) 7 'ozvestez
Cozzzpooy fa Izapzove Sta pzoduts ur6eqeeer it za
possTzi/e oad pzoatiaol to cfo so. We zesezve
the zfight to woke Q igey or odd Tapropezaeota
at oojr tizae ar7féouf iDc'uzzzDg ozzy
at/7g'ofioo to znctge guc'h uhaagee oo tzoc'toza
Bold previous/y.
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De sc r iption
Page No.
Insidethe frontcover
DELI VER Y RE POR TS (to be fi l1ed in when
tractor is deliver e d) ............
DESCRIPAON Before starting your tr actor
.................................. Instruments
and controls ....................................
Perpaingryour tr actor for each day s work
........................ Vtew of tractor
6, 7 4, 5 7, 8 3
actor ..................................... .
. Oper ating the Diese1 engine ...................
10, 1 1
LUBRICATION G has s i s lubric ation chart
.................................... Engine lubr
ieation c hart ...................................
16 to 18 14to16 ll an12d 12 1t9o2 2 12 and 13
Gener al engxne lub r ie ation ...................
. ..............
G re as ings fr ont whe e1s ......................
Lubric ating oil and grease specific ations
.......................... Oil filter
Air c le aning system ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37
B rake s .............. . ... ...... .............. ....... 42
G arbur etor ............ 24, 25
G lutc h .............. . ........ .......... . .... .... 43
G old weather operation .... ' 32, 33
Dsiee1fuel filter (for Bosch ingechon pump)... ........ ............. 28
Dies el fuel filter s (for IH injection pump) ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dsie1efuel system ..................... , .. . .......... .... 25to28
Dieselfuel water trap ..................... . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dr awb ar and hitc h ....................... . . . . . . . . 43
Goalinse str airier and s edime nt bowl ............ . . . . . . . . . . 25
Injection pump .. ....................... ................. 3031,
InJecti on pump gover nor ......... , .......... . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Injection pump timing ................... -
.. .... . .. ,..
3l 38 to 41 22, 23 44 to 46 34 to 3 6 37, 38 48,
49 41 29, 30 46 59 to 63
Magneto .............................. ... ..
... .... Peiodric inspections ....................
.. ........ . .. ..
Pnumeatxc tire s .........................
....... ..... ..
Prseuser-type cooling system ................
.. . ..... .. .
Spark plugs and cable s .....................
......... , ....... Storing and horns ing the
tractor ............... Tr ouble s hooting
Valve c Iearanc e adjustment ....................
........ ..
Venting air from the fue1 system ..............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wheels ...............................
.. ... ... .. ...
Wiring, starting and lighting ..................
. .
. . . . . . . . .
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ................. . ...
. ..............
50 to 63
COMPREHENSIVE INDEX .................
......... ..........
Capacities (U. S. Measure)
Approx. Z -3/4 pts.
Air cle ane r oil cup ..........................
Approx 20-1/2 gais.
Fultaenk .........................................
7/8 gal
Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
Gasoline tank ........................... . .. .
6-3/4 gals .
W ater cooling s ystern . .....
........... ..........
9 9 s. 3,/8 pt. 1/2 pt. l - 1/2 pts. Î 3 gaÎs.
Grankc ase pan .... ..................
........ ..
Inje ction pump (Bos ch) ...... ........... .
...... ...
Inje ction purrip (IH) ........................
.... .. Stee ring gear hous ing
................. ... ........ trTans mrs s ion
and dif Ie re ntial case ..................... Iâl
so see l u br i cat i on cha rt
Engine (Diesel Type) Gylinder s ............... .
Bore .............................................
3-7/8 in. 5-1/4 1450 rpm.
Stroke ...........................................
. ... Engine speed (gove me d) (maximum full
load) .................. . Powe r take -off
shaft s peeds (clockwis e rotation) Maximum -
lull load ............. ....................... Lo
idwle - no load .................................
537 rpm. 185 rpm.
596 rpm.
Fast idle - no load .............................
Fuel inje ction purrip ...........................
....... ..... IH or Bos ch Garburetor - IH
type (dual manifold starting) Magneto (counte r
clockwise) .......................... .......
IH Type H-4 Spark plug ...........................
.............Ga.0p2in0t.o.052in. Valve cle a r
anc e (engine hot) ...............................
..... .017 in. Clutch and Belt Pulley Single
plate, dry disk (spring loaded) .. ..... ........
........ .....ÎÎUl. Pulley s peeds Low idle -
no load .... ..... .... .......................
. 310rpm. last idle - no load ........
.......... .................... 99rp8m. Maximum
- full load .......................
............... 89rp9m. Belt speed (with l l
-inch pulley) . ............................
2588 ft. per min. Pulley diameter ............
.......... ... ....... ...........
llin. Pulley face ...............................
................. 7 - 1/2 in. Spec i al - fu
rn i shed chen ordered. E'oot Brakes Exte mal
contracting on dr ums. Transmission (Five
Speeds) (Bas ed on 13-3 0 pneumatic ti re s
) 2-3/8
2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 3-3/8 3 rd ......................
4- /8
Speed (nüles per hour) .... 4t.h..................
............. 5-3/8
5th ............................... 15-7/8
Reve rse ........ .................... 2-7/8
Sth speed I ocked ou t chen us ing steel
vhee I s. Wheels and Tread
front whee1s (pneumatic tire size)
................................. 60. 0-16 Rear
wheels (pneumatic tire size) ....................
.............. 1-330' T re ad - front
46-3/4 in. Tread - rear .........................
. ................... 5S in. Whee lbase
.. ...............................................
. 7 6 in. Oth er pneumat i c t i re s i
zes ava i I ab1 e al so steel uheel s .
General Dimensions Length ove rall
. .. ...... .. . .. .... .. . ... .. l25in.
Width ove r all out side edge of re ar tire s)
........................ 69 -3/4 in. Height ove
rall (to top of air cle ane r)
.................................. 70 in. G le
aranc e imder front axle .........................
............ 1-5l/4in. Dr awbar - vertical
adjustment above ground ......... 13 - l/8 in.
, 17 8 in. , 22 - 1/Z in. Drawbar - lateral
adjustment ................. 9-l/8ino. neacs
lhde of cente r hoîe Turning radius (without
brake applied) .......................... . .
12 -3/4 ft. 2
(No Transcript)
11 I ust. I I ns tr uoents and contro \ s .
Engine Speed Control Lever The e ngine speed
control leve r controls the s peed of the eng
ine and when s et in a given positi on,
maintains a uniform engine s peed under variable
loads .
Heat Indicator
Radiator Shutter Control The radiator shutte r
is not regular equip- ment on Diese1 Tracto rs.
The control crank opens and clos es the radiator
shutte r, controlling the engine tem- peratur e.
Turn the crank counter c lo ckwis e to c1ose the
s hutter and c 1oc kwi se to open it. In cold
weathe r close the s hutter when start- ingthe
engine and adjust it as required to hold the ne
ed1e of the he at indicator in the cente r of
the " run" range tor be st engine perfo rmance.
11 I ust . 2 Heat i nd i cator show i ng the n
eedI e i n correct oper at i ng pos i I i on .
This instrument (loc ated on the erig rue hood)
indicate s the tempe r ature of the liquid in
the cooling system. The needle of the he at indi
cator should be in the center of the "run "
range for best engine perfo r mance .
Oil Pressure Indicator The oil pre s sure indi
cato r show s whethe r oil is cir culating
through the engine. The indie ator ne edle
should be in the white are a
f see Zt t ust. 77 when the e rig rue is ope
Clutch Pedal
If the indi cator is not in the white area,
the engine immediate ly and inve stigate the
cause of the oil pre s sure failure . If
unable to find the caus e, cons ult your Inter
national Harve ster de aler before operating the
engine .
The c1utch pedal is used to dise ngage the engine
fr om the tr ans mrs s ion. Push the pedal all
the way down to dis e ngage the engine clutch.
Gearshift Lever
Choke Lever (0n Carburetor )
The ge ar shift lever is used to se le ct the
various gear ratios provided in the trans -
mrssion. The re are five forward speeds and one
reve rse s peed.
Thermostat vent plug
Choke lever
fl0TE The fifth s peed is locke d out ex- cept
when pne umati c tire s are used. Ree r tO F
IFTH SPEED" on pose 10.
Brake Pedal Latch The brake pedal latch is used
to latch both brake pedals together to ope rate
simul- tane ous ly.
Choked position
Open position
I I I ust . 3 Choke I ever and thermos tat ven
t p I ug .
Brake Pedal Lock Control Rod The br ake pedal
lock is used to lock the br ake pedals in the pre
s sed -in position to prevent the tr acto r from
The choke as s ists in starting the engine when
the engine is cold. Turning the choke leve r
clockwise shuts off the air to the car - bureto
r, g tying a rich mixture. Afte r the Iri st fe
w re vo lutions of the eng ine , turn the choke
lever c ounter c lo c kwi s e to a point where
the e ngine ope rate s without mrs s ing.
After the engine has ope rated a short time,
turn the choke leve r counte rc lockwi se all the
Brake Pedals
The br ake pedals are used to stop the mo- tion
of the t r a cto r, to ho ld the tractor in a
stationary pos ition, and to as sist in making
shar p turns .
Compression Release Lever
Pulling down on the c ompr ession re le as e leve
r conve rts the Die se l engine into a g aso-
line engine tor starting. Reduced compr es -
sion, s park plug ignition, and carburete d
gasoline fuel permit starting the erig rue as
a gasoline engine. Afte r a quick cylinde r
warm- up, switch the engine to Diese I ope ration
by pushing the compre ssion re lease leve r
all the way up. Ree r to pose 9 Io z the co r
- re ct method of starting on gasoline and
changing to Diese l oper ation. Ree r to
pose 9 for reve rting to gasoline ope ration
befo re stopping the engine.
For stopping the motion of the rt acto r, the
pedals should be latched together and ope rated s
imultane ously.
To pre vent the tractor from moving, the pedals
should be la't che d togethe r, pre s sed down
firmly, and then locked by me ans of the brake
pedal lock.
To make sharp turns , the pedal s should be oper
ated individually, pre ssing on the pedal on the
s ide to which the turn is to be made.
Engine Cooling System (Pressure Type)
Make a complete ins pection of the rt actor and
re port any shortage or darriage which may have
oc cur red while In rt ans it.
The water capacity is approximate ly 6-3/4 U.S.
Lubrication Lubricate the entire Iracto r, using
the "LUBR l CAT 1Oii ChâRTS" Ipopes 14 Io 18 aB
a u ide. Gheck the oil leve l of the eng ine c
rank- case, ai r cleaner, t rans rnis sion case,
and stee ring gear case , to see that they are
fille d to the cor re ct leve l with the pr
oper grade s of oil tor the prevailing tempe r
ature re(er to the sPec i f i cat i on s of \
ubr i cants on pole 19
Be s ure the dr ain cock on the left s ide of the
eng ine and the c ap on the radiator d rain
pipe are tight.
F ill the rad iato r to a 1e ve 1 2 - I,/4 inc
hes below the top of the filler ne ck. See 1 I I
us t .
3,3. Filling to this leve l wi11 allow tor expan-
sion of the c oolant nuder no rmal operating
conditions .
When filling the radi ator, remove the plpe plug
in the the rmo s tat hous ing, then re - place
the plug when water appear s . fr the t r actor
is to be operated in freezing tempe rature (32
F. or lowe r), ree r tO "COLD LEATHER OPERATI 0s
", on popes 32 ord 33.
Tr actor s shipped to destinations in the United
State s of Ame ric a, Ganada, and Mex- ico ar e
filled with oil betor e Ie aving the fac - to
ry. Howeve r, the lubricant in the cr ank- cas e,
art c 1eane r, and inje ction pump of a Die se l
engine , when shipped from the fac- tory, is
tor pre se rvative purpose s only and is not s
uitable for use in regular se rvice. The orig
inal oil should be drained from the crankc ase,
air cle ane r, and inje ction purrip and
replaced with the re quri ed amount of fre sh oil
having the physical prope rtie s and proper vis
cos ity g r ade for the prevailing air tempe
rature and type of se rvic e. T ractofi 9 sh i
pped export have had a T o i \ d ra i ned from
Diesel Fuel Specifications IH Die se l engine s
do not re quire s pecial Diesel fuel for
satisfactory performanc e. Mostr efiner s
market fuel oils designated as Dies el rueI to di
s tingui sh them from burner and heater fue
ls. The se fue ls are us ually made irom str
aight run dis tillate or blends of straightr un
and the rmal cracked or cata- lyti cally cr ac ke
d sto cks and are s ati sfacto ry fue1s for IH
Die se l e ngine s if the ir physical pr opertie
s come within the spe cific ations s/toun in
EflG I LIES. Some refiner s market one g rade of
fue l for both Diese l and burne r consumption.
Many of the s e fue 1s, when within the fue l s
pecific a- tions 8hOk'n t n "FUEL 0 l L SPEG l F
l CAT l0hS FOR l h 01 ESEL EH II l h ES, can
also be safely used in IH Diese1 engine s. Howe
ve r, the quality and suitability of the se fue
1s for IH Die se I engine s are definitely the re
s pons Ability of the sup- plier. Labor atory
te sts of a lar ge number of comme r cial fuels
in IH Die se l engine s have shown that sati
sfacto ry perfo rmanc e can be obtained with fuel
s having the following s pec - ific ations
the crankcase , a i r cl eaner, and i nj ect i
on pump . F or furthe r information re(er t o
19 to 22
Steel Wheels
On new tractor s, or new whee l and lug
installations, it is advisable to check and
tighten the rear whee l lug bolts several time s
and at short intervals to be sure that the lugs
seat properly.
Pneumatic Tires Before moving the rt acto r,
check the air pre s sure in the pneuznati c tire
s andinflate or deflate the tire s to the cro re
ct pre s s ure s a s s hown on pose 44.
Fuel Oil Speeifications for IH Diesel
Engines GravNy(mininum)A.P.I. ..,....,.. .30 Vis
co s ity (Saybolt) Unive r s al Se conds at 100º
F. ..............305.- 45 se c. Distillation te
st (volatility) Initial B.P. .......... 3l0O
Minimum 50 B.P. ........... 550O Maximum 90 ÿ
B.P. ........... 650Mºaximum End B.P.
............ 7 00º Maxi 2t Getane
Number .......... 43Mining flash Point
............. 103For le ga1 Pour Point .....
Must be l 0º F. lower than minimum temperature at
which the tuel oil is to be used,
water and Sedlment It is abs olutely ess ential
that the fuel be free of wate r, sediment and re
s idue. It is im- po rtant that the operator buy
clean fuel and that it is kept clean until it is
in the engine. Dis courage the use of funne1s,
cans and drums as it iS difficult to keep them
cIean. Reduce the number of time s the fuel is
to be handled tOä zTllnimum. Always fill the
tuel tank at the end of e ach day. Daily
draining of the water trap is re commended.
following these rule s Will pay dividends. Wate
r will tend to clog the filter s and if it
should pas s through them it will cor rode the
pump plunge rs and other highly finished parts in
the pump and nozzles, thus g re atly shortening
thei r life.
Gonrad son Garbon on 10 Bottoms ... 0.155.
Sulphur (by weight) (maximum) ...... i.o o 7.
Sediment and Wate r (by volume) ...... None Gor
ros ion .....................Pass As..h...........
............None Golo r .............. 3 N.P.A.
Cooling System Fuel tank filler cap
Fuel sxstem
Gasoline tank filler cap
Fill the fuel tank (capacity 20- 1/2 U. S.
gallons ) at the end of e ach day's run. This
will force out any moisture -laden air and
present conde ns ation. Fill the gasoline tank
(capacity 7/8 U. S. gallon) with a good g rade of
c lean gasoline. Garefully strain the gaso -
line and Diese l tue1 to be sure that it is free
from foreign substance s. Do not use d1rty Quel
pote 61
ExercŒeextemecare whenfillingthe
fueltankslromdrums orsirniar containers. Reer
lo DI ESEL FUEL STORAGE on page 25.
Fuel tank shut-off valve
Gasoline tank shut-off valve
Gasoline Strainer
D i esef lue I and gaso1 i ne tank s .
Ghange the oil in the ai r c leaner oil cup.
Remove the radiator cap and check to see that the
coolant comes to within 2 - 1/4 triche s of the
top of the fille r neck fsee Et tust . DU . Be
sure to replace the radiato r cap and tighten it
to the stop after you have made the inspe ction.
Be sure the oil in the crankc ase pan is up to
the f bLL mark on the oil leve l gauge. Refe r
to LUBRI CATI 08 CHARTS (potes Je 18s for
compte te 1ubr icatîon re quri ement s.
I I \ us t. 5 - Cor rect method of pour i ng
gasof i ne i n the tank .
I \ l ust. 6 - A i r vent hot es i n gaso I i
ne tank cap .
SAFETY F l RST! Never fill the gasoline tank when
lamps are lighted, when near an open Jlarwe, or
when the engine is operating. Keep the lurine I
and containe r in contact with the metal of the
tank when pouring in the due1 (see I I I up I.
5J . By so doing you will avoid the pos s Ability
of an e le ctr i c spark igniting the gas. Do
not light matche s near gasoline as the air
within a radius of s ever al feet is mixed with a
highly explos ive vapo r.
Do not ride the clutch or brake pedals as thts
will re sult in exce s s ive wear on the lin-
Pulled loads should be attac hed to the dr awbar.
Hitc hing chains or r opes to axle s or other
parts of the tr actor is dangerous and may caus
e per rnanent damage to the tr actor,
Immediately after the engine starts , chec k the
oil pr es sur e indic ator to see if it isr eg
is -
Be sure the vent hole s in the fue l and gasoline
tank filler c aps are kept open at all time s
to as sure proper flow of the fue l Isee // us
t. 6) .
tering pr ess ur e (oee I I I ust 7) . M it i s
stop the engine and inspect the oil system to
find the c aus e of failur e. If unable to find
the c aus e, be sure to consult your Inter nati
onal Har vester dealer before operating the
engine .
Do not operate the starting motor (if the
tractor is so equipped) tor mo re than thirty
se conds at any time .
If the tr actor is equippe d with a power take
-off, stop the power take - off before dis -
mounting from the tr actor.
1f trouble is expe r ie rice d in starting on
gasoline in cold or damp weathe r, the s park
plugs should ber emove d and wiped off, re -
moving any conde us ation. At the s ame time
check the s park plug gap, which should be . 020
inch to . 025 inch. After drying the spark plugs
, re place them in the engine and start the
engine in the usual manner.
Be sure tor eplac e the lubr icating oil filter
elements and to cle an the ai r cle aner atr e
gu- 1ar interval s as spec ified.
CAUT IO8 ! /hen s ta rt i ng the en g i ne i n
a barn or ga rage, keep the doo rs u i de open .
Ex - haust gas from inte rnal combustion engine
s contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas which is
odor le s s, taste les s, and color le s s.
When c ranking the engine by hand, the ope
rator should stand in a position that will
eliminate any possibility of being str uck by the
starting crank if ther e is a reve r sal of the
di re ction of the engine . G r ank the e n-
gine by us ing quick up- stroke s do not s pi n
i t. CâtlT 1011 If water is to be added to the
cooling system, follow the instructions under
"PRESSURE-TYPE COOL l h SiSTE8" or pre S4.
Neve r operate the engine at more than the re
gular governed speed. Exce ss ive speeds are
111 ust. 7 - 0i \ pressu re i nd ica tor.
ENGINE Four Steps are necess ary i n Oper at i
ng th i s D i ese) En gi ne Starting the engine
on the gasoline eye le . G hanging over to the
Dies el cyc le . G hanging bac k to ga s oline
oper ation, befor e stopping the engine , to fac
ilitate the next starting. Putting the compr
ession r ele ase lever in the Die s e 1 po s iti
on, after stopping the engine on gasoline (to
permit the starting valve s to c ool on their
seats). The above ste ps are fully expla ined in
the following page s . Study them car e- fully !
Starting the Engine See it I us ts 1, 3, and
8. Move the gear shift leve r to neutr a1 posi -
The engine is now operating on the gas oline
cycle and should be operated appr oxirriate1y one
minute (two or thre e minute s in cold weather)
befor e changing to Diese 1 fue1.
tI0TE If tr oub le i s expe r ienc ed in sta
rt- ing the engine, re(er to SUGGEST IONS
FOR CHECK I VG TROUBLE on pose 47. â Tso refr
to "COLD \fEATHER OPERAT I0lt" on pages 32 and 33.
Pull the compr es sion r ele as e leve r back to
the starting position,
Pull the engine speed contr ol Iever down to the
starting position and leave it in this positi on
unti l the engine is changed to D ie s e l ope
rat ion.
Changing to Diesel Operation isee I I I us
1 1. Push the compr es sionr e le a s e lever
all the way forwar d.
Set the choke leve r appr oximate ly one- thi rd
G r ank with quic k upwar d pulls on the cr ank
until the engine starts . For full detai1s on
"Col d death er 0Perat i on" , re her to popes
32 ond 33
lmmedi ate ly advanc e the engine s peed con-
trol lever up far enough to keep the engine fr om
s talli rig.
The engine wi11 not run on the Die se 1 cyc le
if ther e is any air in the fue1 injection
system. Ree r to pose 29 for instructions on
venting the system.
After the engine starts, set the choke lever at a
point wher e the engine ope rate s without mi s
sing. Then, as the engine warms up,r etur n the
lever to its "open " pos ition. Electric
Starter If your tractor is equipped with an
electr ic starter Push the c lute h pedal down
and pull the c hoke button out part way. (In
co1d we athe r, pull the c hoke lever out all the
h0TE T he c ar bur etor and magneto are c ut
out and the auxiliary combustion chambe r is c
losed, isolating the spark plugs, when the c ompr
ession r elease lever i s put in the Die se l
po s iti on.
Stopping the Engine B e s ure that the gasoline
supply is turned Oft. Retar d the engine speed
cnutr o1 lever and, at the same time, pull the
compr ess ion re - le ase lever all the way
bac k (to ga so line pos i- tion).
Step on the starter button and re 1ea se it as
soon as the engine start s. However, do not pr
es s on the starter button for mor e than thirty
seconds at any time. Slowly re le as e the clutch
pedal after the engine has started. Push the
choke button in to wher e the en- gine operate s
without mrs sing, then gr adual- ly push it all
the way in.
Shut off the gasoline at the tank f see Z I I us
t . 4J and allow the engine to use up the
gasoline in the ca r bur etor .
Gheck the engine oil pr es sur e. If the gauge
doe s not i ndic ate any pr es sure , stop the
engi ne and ins pect the oi1 sy stem to find the
caus e of the fai 1ure .
After the engine stops on gasoline, push the c
ompr es sion re 1ease leve r up to the D ie - se
l po s iti on to permit the starting valve s to
coo1 on their seats.
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DRIVING THE TRACTOR Safety First 0o not make shor
I tu rns at h i gh speed. Al ways atp \ y both
brake pedal s evenI y xhen traveI i ng i n h i gh
gear . Read and observe the oper at i ng precau t
i ons shown on pole 8. After the tractor i s i
n aot i on , ex tr eve care shou I d be taken to
p revent acc i - dent s and per sona J i n j ur
i es .
Starting the Tractor Dis e ngage the c lutc h by
pre s sing the clutc h pedal all the way down.
Move the gear shift 1ever to the de s ired speed.
The engine spe ed control lever should be advanc
ed to a position where the engine oper - ate s
best for the load to be handled.
Engage the clutc h byr e 1ea s ing the c lutc h
pedal gr adually.
Steer the tr actor in the conventi onal man-
ner. To make sharp or pivot turns, depr ess
either ther ight or left brake pedal, depending
upon the direction in which the turn is to be
made. The b rake pedals must be unlatc hed for
thi s pur pose.
111ust. 8 - Gear sh i ft ing pos i t ions.
tâtlT l0h? Tractors equipped with steel re ar
wheels must not be operated in fifth (high) speed.
RegulaUng Engine Speed The engine speed contr o1
lever enable s you to adjust the speed of the
engine for the load to be handled. After you
have se1ected the de st red engine speed, the
governor will automatic ally maintain this engine
speed un- der var iab1e load s. Retarding the
engine speed control lever will decr ea se the
load the tractor can handle. Ther ated or
maximum full load governed speed is 1450
revolutions per minute maxi - murri idle spe ed
is approximately 1580 to 164o r evoluti ons per
minute minimum speed (hand th rottle) is
approximately 500 r evoluti one per minute.
Fifth Speed
SâFETT F l RSTI If the tr actor is equipped with
ste e1 rear wheels, the fifth (high) speed is
locked out by a lockout sc rew loc ated on top of
the transmi ssion cas e. This sc rew must not be
removed when the tractor is equipped with stee l
whee1s To use fifth speed when the tr actor is
equipped with pneumatic ti re s ,r emove the loc
kout sc rew andr eplac e it with a 3/8 x 1,/2 -
inch cap sc rew.
h0TE! When pneumatic ti re s are us ed, be sure
the brakes ar e equally adjusted (re her to pose
4P? .
Stopping the Tractor
Gear Shifting (Five Forward Speeds and 0ne
Disengage the clutch by pushing the c1utc h pedal
all the way down.
Always di s engage the clutch before ahift- ting
gear s.
Move the ge arshift lever to neutral post -
F i fth speed i s I ocked out except when
us- i ng pneumat i c t i res.
Use the br akes to stop the tractor .
  • Brake Pedal Latch
  • CâtiT 101a I The brake pedals should always be
    latched together when driving the tr actor in
    high gear (fifth s peed).
  • To latc h the pedals together, engage latch
  • 0 , (loc ate d behind the left pedal), in the
    slot in back of the right pedal. When the br
    ake pedals ar e not latehed together , latch "0"
  • re sts in the slot behind the left br ake peda1.

I I I ust. 9 - 8rake Pedal s.
Locking the Brakes
Operating the Belt Pulley 3efe o pole
SP. Operating the Power Take-Off Re f'er to pole
T o loc k the brake s, latch the br ake pedals
together with latch fl. Then push both bed -
als down and engage br ake pedal pawl "0 with r
ack ' " by pulling out onr od h". To re lease
the brakes , push in farthe r on the brake pedals
and the 1ock will r e1e ase auto - matic ally.
engine depends upon the c ar e it is given.
Proper lubr ic ation is very important.
Oil Pressure Indicator An oil pre s sur e indie
ator regi ster s the pressure of the oil ci
rculating through the
engine . Under all operating conditions, the
pr es sure of the oil in the e8'ne should hold
the indie ator in the white section of the gauge.
Should the indic ator not register, stop the
engine at once and ins pect the oil system to
find the c ause of failure . If unable to find
the c aus e, coneult your International Harvester
dealer before oper ating the engine.
The engine has a pre s sure feed lubric ation
system. A gear -type oil pump ci rc ulate s the
lubric ating oil under pr es sure to the crank-
shaft bearings , connecting rod bearings, valve
rrie chant em, timing gear s and governor , the r
eby as suring positive lubric ation of all parts.
âl ways Iook at t he o l I fressore ind icatr
inned i ate I y after start ing the end i ne.
Oil Pump The gear -type oil pump in the c rankc
ase has a sc reen attac hed to the oil intake
which stops lar ge dirt partic le s from entering
the oiling system. This sc reen should be
cleaned whene ver the oil pan is removed. The
oil intake floats on top of the oil in the c
rankc as e and draw s the oil from the surfac e,
thus eliminating the possibility of mixing
water or sediment with the oil.
The engine is equipped with an oil fi1ter which
cleans the oil continuously while the engine ie
operating. To obtain the full benefit from the
filte r, install a new element after every 260
hours of oper at ion. CJ ean i ng the o) d
e1event i s not sat i sfactor y.
Do not operate the engine for any length of time
when the level of the oil is be low the LOW"
rxiark on the gau8e .
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