Title: Electric Handcycles for Disabled
1Electric Handcycles for Disabled
The Electric Handcycles for Disabled from Freedom
Ryder are cutting-edge mobility devices that
transform standard wheelchairs into powerful,
electric-assisted handcycles. Designed for easy
attachment and use, these handcycles offer a
smooth, efficient ride across various terrains,
enhancing mobility and independence for users.
With robust construction and intuitive controls,
they provide both comfort and reliability,
allowing for longer journeys and outdoor
adventures with ease. Ideal for those looking to
expand their range and enjoy greater freedom,
these handcycles make exploring the world
accessible and enjoyable.
2Freedom Ryder 20589 SW Elk Horn Court, Tualatin
Oregon United States, 97062 503-692-1029 michaelsl
ofgren_at_gmail.com https//www.freedomryder.com/