Ford Series 745 Loader for 340A and 540A Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.42074512) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ford Series 745 Loader for 340A and 540A Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.42074512)


Ford Series 745 Loader for 340A and 540A Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.42074512) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 25 August 2024
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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ford Series 745 Loader for 340A and 540A Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.42074512)

Your new loader has been deslgned, built and
tested to BSSMF6 th8 highest quality, give
maximum strength anQ long löe t0reveppah, This
manual has been prepared to assist you in the
proper break-in, daily care and operation oi your
new Ssries 745 I.oadsr. It contains specific
information on its many features the attachments
that are available instructions for making
minor repairs and adjustments safsty
precautions general S 8Cifications sMggested
operating techniques the prsdeIivery and
50-hour checklists. Your Ford Series 745 Loader
has been Carefully inspected before leaving the
tactoy and by your Ford Tractor-Equipment Dealer
prior to delivery to see that it is ready to
go, To keap it in this ready-to-go condition,
it is important to follow regularly-sChedu!ed
service periods as recommended in this
manual. When referring to the loader, all
referenCss to left and right are as vlawed from
the tractor's operator seat, Raad this manual
carefully before operating your Ford Series 745
Loader and heep lt in a convanient localion for
future reference, If, at any time, you have a
serViGB FOblem concerning your new loader,
remember that your Ford Tractor-Equipmsnt Dealer
has trained serviCa personnel, genuine Ford
parts, and the necessary tools and equipmsnt to
best sa1Isfy yoMr SefViC6 f\eeds, Ford Tractor
Operations recommends that you equip your tractor
loader with a Roll Over Protective Structure
(ROPS) and seat belts, ROPS are effective in
reducing injuries during tractor overturn ac-
cidents. Overturning a traCtor wihout a ROPS can
result in serious Injury or death. Roll Over
Protective Structure (ROPS) and ssat bolts are
available tor your Ford traCtor. If your tractor
is not equipped with a ROPS and sest belts see
your Ford Tractor Equipment Dealer. Ford Motor
Company, whose policy is one of continuous
improvement, reserves the right to make changes
in design and specifiCBtiOns at any tima without
notiCe and without obligation to modify units
previously built.
Safety Precautions.... General Information.. , ,
...., . , , , . , . , , , .... , .
  • Countarweighting ..... 4
  • Operation . , , .... ... , .....,......
    .............. 5
  • Bucket Installation.. , , .................
    ,..,.. ..., 11
  • Buckst Lavel Indicator.... .... , .... ...... ,
    . , ... , 12
  • Lubrication ....... ............................
    ,. 12
  • Hylraulic Systam Maintananca... , .. , . , . 13
  • Removal end Storage............ . ,
    .............. 15
  • Loader installation...............................
    . 18
  • Attachrrsnts .......... , .. ... , .... ...
    ......... 20
  • Specifications ..... ........................,....
  • Pre-OeIivery Checklist.. , . ... , . 23

https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
A careful operator is the best operator. Mos1
accidenls can be avoided by observing certain
precautions to prevent the possibility of injury
or damage. The following precaLJtions are
suggested to help prevent accidents.
  • Gazes st
  • Read the Operators Manual carefully before using
    your loader. Lack of operating knowledge can
    lead to accidents.
  • Use as approved rollbar and seat beli for sate
    opera- iron. It your tractor is not equippea with
    a rnltbar and seat belt, see your Ford
    Tractor-Equipment Oealer.
  • Always use the seat Delt when the rolibar is
    installed. Oo not use the seat belt if the
    rollbar is removed from the tractor.
  • Use the handhofds ancl step plates when getting
    on and otf the tractor loader.
  • Do not permit anyone but the operator to ride on
    the unit. There s no safe place for extra
  • Replace safety and warning decals when they
    become damaged and illegible. (See list of decals
    on page z3 and 24 of Tractor Operation,) keep
    safety deGals clean of dirt and grime.
  • Tractor Operation
  • Dp not start the engine white standing beside
    the trac- tar. Aiways sit in tile tractor seat
    when starting the engine.
  • Never attempt to IiK toads in excass of loader
  • Never allow anyone to get under the loader bucket
    or reach through the lift arms when the bucket is
  • Always be watchful of bystanders when lowering or
    operating the toader.
  • Use care when operating on steep grades to
    maintain proper stability also drive at sp0edS
    Compatible with sataty, especially when operating
    over rough grouncl, crossing ditches, stopes or
    when tvrntng. A\ways carry the Ducket as low as
  • Never attach chains, ropes, caDles, etc., to the
    ROPS or loacter for pulling purposes.
  • Do not transport anyone in the loader Ducket.
  • Always transport a load witf\ the bucket as tow
  • possioie-
  • t1. Always use the recommended amount of counter
    weighting to ensure good stability.

12 Be careful when ttandling round objects such
as round 6ales, potes, etc. Lifting too high or
rolling bucket too far back could result n these
objects rolling rearward down 1he loader arms
ontp the operator.
2. Use SMV warning signs on the unit when
  • public roads bolh day and night.
  • 3, Use the flasher/turn signal lights when
    travehng on public roads, both day and night,
    unless prohibited by law.
  • Do not pet oft the tractor while it ts in motion.
  • Lower the bucket to the ground, Shut off the
    engine and apply the parking brake before getMng
    off the unit.
  • 6, Do not operate the tractor engine in an
    enclosed buiIdtng without adequate ventIat on.
    Exhaust tumas can cause death.
  • Do not enter the un t from the rear.
  • Avoid leaving the unit when it is parked on an
    incline. Always park the unit on level ground
    where possible. ff it is to be parked on an
    incline, always tower the bucket so that the
    cutting lip contacts the ground, apply the
    parking braKe and securely block the wheels.
  • Loader Operation
  • Always be sure of water, gas, sewage and
    electrical line locations before you stert tO
  • 2, Watch out for overhead and underground
    high-voltage electrical lines when operating the
  • 3. Operate the loader controls only when properly
    seated at the controls.
  • 13. Never allow anyone to get under the toader
    bucket or reach through the lift srms when the
    bucket is raised.
  • 14. Exercise caution when operating the loader
    with a rais ed loaded bucket or foh.
  • Maintenance
  • 3. Observe proper maintenance and repair of all
    pivot pins, hydraulic cylinders, hoses, and main
    attaching bolts prior to each days operation.
  • Do not lubricate or make mechanical adjustments
    while the unit is in motion or when the engine
    is running.
  • Never make fep6irs or tighten hydraulic hoses or
    fit tangs when the system is under pressure, when
    the engine is running, or when the loader
    cylinders are under a load.
  • gf is is necessary to raise the boom to work on
    the s de Or front end of the tractor, support the
    boom securely.
  • Maintain he brakes in 9ood working order.
  • 6 Oo not ctieck for hydrauiic leaks with bare
    bands. Oit under hi9h pressure can penetrate
    flesh ano cause serious infection.
  • 7. Do not modify or after or permit anyone efse
    to mod fy or after this loader or any of its
    components or any loader function without first
    consulting a Ford Tractor equipment deader.

Whenever you see this symbol it
Figure 1 fiaAac 746 Loader installed on A Food
440A Induatrlcl Trsstor
  1. Control Lever
  2. Loadar Frame Post 3, Llft Arm

4, Left Cylinder 5, Buckst Cylinders 6, Buckst
A slngle control laver (1), Figure 2, controls
the ralslng and lowering of the left arma, and
the rollback and dumping of ths bucfst. In
addltTon to the four basic movements, a float
Is Included,
This fT\8nUBI COlstalna Information pertaining to
the 8efl68 745 Loaders. Six Settee 745 Loaders
are avaJJabJe, but thla manual will covsr only
one of thls sarlas. The loadar is ldentlflsd by
COM 0 Ft8ftt f\Mmbar.
The float position anablss the Uh arms and
buckat to follow the sontour of tha ground and is
lnltlatad by moving the control lever full forward
1955 Serles 745, 2800 lb. Loader with
direct buckat Tlnkage and float control
G2UNfERWElGH'fl1G--- -
tnto tha detant position. The lever will remain
In tha "float" poeltlon until It Is moved
manually to tha nautrat position.
To obtain sufflclont counter-balance for loader
operation on the Ford 340A and Ford 540A, weight
can be Installed on tha unit in the form at a
welght box, raar tlra liquid ballast, rear wheal
weights, rear slab weights or a comblnatlort Of
the above,
Add wslght to the roar of the tractor as
tndlcatad lnthe oowlngchauz
NOTEThe minimum counterweight requirement of
3000 lba, (t36I kg) may not be adequate under
certain condltlons. Add weight to the tear a/ tho
tractor as neaeasary to avoid rear tire slippage.
When a Ford Ssrtes 765 Backhoe Is Inetallsd no
additional counterweight should bs added to the
rear of the tractor.
Plies x Losdec Ocnbol Lemr
If using more than one mathod of counter-
weighting, add the stfectTve coMnterbalance
weights (right hand column of chart, page 5), to
obtain the total eftactTvs counterbalance welght.
Example uaing rear wheel weights and a couter
welght box tlllsd to capacity would achleva
an effective counterbalance weight of 3840 pounds
(1742 hg).
COUNTERWEIOHTINO Before potting tha loadar Into
operation It ie necsssary to add additional
countsrwieht to the rssr of tha tractor for safe
Ford 340A
3000-5000 Lbs. (1361-2268 kg,)
5000.00tO Lbs.(4361.22B8 kg
The abova weights are not actual weight but
effective counterbalance weight. The effective
counter- baIana weIgrta can be daterminad from
the follOWtUg ChBft,
Suggest If the above button click is invalid.
Please download this document first, and then
click the above link to download the complete
manual. Thank you so much for reading
Rear Tire Fluid 90/ Fill 5 Lbs. Chloride/Galion of Water 14.9 x 24 Tir8s 16.9 x 24 Tires 1015 1308 (460) (593) 1015 1308 (460) (593)
Rear Wheel Weights (363) (363) (363) 800 (363)
Rear Countsrweight Box to Capacity 1g00 (862) 1.6
Raar Slab Weights (3) with Backhos Subframe (1361) (1361) (1361) 1.4
72" Box Scraper g4ü 2B2) 1114 (505)
Other Rear Attached Equipment 1,50
Backhoe subframes must be installed on tha
traGtor in Order to mount rear s\ab
weights, Hold up brackets recommended when
using rear counterweight box. Raar Wheel Weights
Counterwaighting Box to Capacity - Effective
Counterbalance Weight 800 Lbs. (363 kg) 3040
Lbs, 1379 kg) 3840 Lbs. (1742
kg) OPERATION Operate ihe loader with the
engine running at 1200 to 1700 rpm, Good
production will result at thls speed and will
lessen bucket spillage and unnecessary component
NOTE Before operating In tempeYBtMfe belaty 30
F. (1.1 C), oparata the angine for apprax
imateiy 5 minutes beIo'w 12o0 rpm to warm the
oil to normal operating temperaforas.
Ease ths control lsver rearward and to tha left
to IIft and roll back the bucket.
Suggested operating technlquee for loader
operation are outlined In thls section. Practice
ths levsr movements as you operate the loader
through the various jobs described. FI1LIN0 THE
BUCKET Set the bUCk6t tO the leval poaltlon as
indicated by the bucket level Indicator.
Approach, than enter the pils.
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
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