Case IH 460 560 Diesel Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014367R2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH 460 560 Diesel Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014367R2)


Case IH 460 560 Diesel Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014367R2) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Case IH 460 560 Diesel Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014367R2)

460/560 Diesel Tractors Operators Manual
This syzzi6o/ means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT!
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inI'ormation about your safety. Carefully read
the message. Make sure you fully understand the
causes of Rssible injury or death. SB001
  • It is your responsibility to observe pertinent
    laws and regulations and to follow
  • manufacturer's instructions on machine operation
    and maintenance.
  • See your Authorized Case dealer for additional
    operator's manuals, parts cat- alogs, and service

Oc 1995 Case Corporation CASE and IH are
registered trade marks of Case Corporation
'PO THE OWNE R We are glad to welcome you as an
owner of a product of International Harvester
Company. You have a line product, designed and
built to give you many years o1 efficient
operation. The way you operate and the care you
give this product will have much to do with its
successful performance. To help you operate your
equipment with utmost eiticiency we have provided
this operator's manual. It has been carefully
prepared to give you the benefit of many years of
experience gained in field testing and normal
usage of this and similar products. We urge you
to study this manual so you will understand your
new equipment thoroughly before operating it. We
also urge you to take care of your manual so you
will have it available for reference when you
need it. Ii your manual is lost or deshoyed, a
new copy may be ordered from the International
Harvester dealer at a nominal price. Your
International Harvester dealer will also be glad
to answer any questions you may have on the
operation or care of this product. lt is the
policy of Internaüonal Harvester Company to
improve its products whenever it is possible and
practical to do so. We reserve the xight to make
changes or add improve- ments at any time without
incurring any obligation to make such changes on
products sold previously.
All illustrations ond descriptive motter in this
publicotfion opply to International Harvester
products sold under the International, McCormick,
or flñcCrmick-InternotionoI trode nome.
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De s c ripti on Page No.
D ELIVER Y R E POR T ....................... ..... ............ 1
INTRODU C TION ............................................. 3
DESCRIPTION .............. ..... .......................... 4
INS TRUMENTS AND G ONT ROLS ................... .............. 5 to 8
B EF OR E S TAR TING YOUR NEW TRA G TOR .............. .... .... 9, 10
DIES EL FU EL. OIL SPE GIF I GA TIONS .............................. 10
OPERA TING THE ENGINE ...................................... 12to14
DRIVING THE TRA CTOR .................. .................... 15to18
OPERA TING THE TOROU E AM PUNIER ..... .... . . .............. 1819,
OPERA TING THE H YDRA - TOU CH S YS T JfM .......................... 20 to 24
HIT GHING THE IMPL EMENT TO THE TRAC TOR ...................... 252,6
OPERA TING THE BEL T PULLEY ....... . .................. Z8, 29
FRON T WHEELS ............ .... . ........... ............. 3031,
R EAR WHEELS ........ ... . . .... ........................ 32 to 37
WHEELS ....................................... .......... 30to37
W slGH TS .................................... ............. 38to40
PNEUMATIC TIRES .......... ....... ... .................... 41to43
STATINRG AND LIGH TING EOUIPMENT ....... .................... 44to47
COOLING S YST EM .................. ........................ 48
GOLD WEATHER PREGAU TIONS ............... .................. 495,0
GEENRAL ENGINE L UBRI GA TION ............. ................. 50, S 1
LU BRICA TION TABL E ... ..... .... ........................ 53
LUBRICA TION GUIDE ............ . ... .................... 54 to 58
SPEc.IFIGA TIONS ......... . . . 9 t 6
EX TRA EQUIPMENT AND ACGESSORIES ............................ 66
sol So/cci Councit
As s ernb le d in thi s book ar e oper ating and
lubr ic ation insrt tic tion s for the P ar re
all 46 0 Die s e1, 4 60 Die s e1 Hi - C lear,
56o nie s e1, 560 Die s e l Hi- C le ar, and
Intern ati onal 560 Die s e l Tr a etcr s .
Thi s mate rial Isa s be en pr e par e d in
det a i1 in the hope that it will help you to
better nuder stand the cor e ct c ar e
and effi- cient oper ation of your tr actor.
In or der to pr o v ide a tractor equippe d a
s near ly as pos s ible to suit each customer '
s ne e ds , a var iety of extr a equipme nt and
a c- ces s or ie s is available. F or a 1i st
of the ex- tr a e quiprne nt and ac ce s s or
ie s available, see poge 66.
Wher e oper ating and ma inta ining instr uc-
tion s on the s e item s is r equri e d, it i
s in- c hide d in the in Srt uc tion s in the
Oper at or ' s or Pr e venti ve Maint e nanc e
Manual. Disr e gar d the ins t ru c tion s for
equipment not on your tractor.
M you s houl d ne ed inf or mation not given in
thi s manual, or in the t ra c tor Pr e ventiv e
Mainte nanc e I'm anual, or r equir e the s er
vic e s of a tr a ine d me c hani c, get in
touc h w ith the luter nati onal Har vest er
Deal er in your loc ali- ty. Dealer s ar e
kept informe d on the late st
methods of s e rvic ing trac tors. They c arr y
W hen in ne e d of part s, alway s spe cify the
tracto r and erig ine s er ial nurriber s, inc
luding any pr efix or suff ix letter s. On th e
Formol 1 460
sto cks of IH par ts, and ar e b ac be d in
e very
case by the full faciliti es of a nearby Inter
nati onal Har ve ster Di st r ie t Of f i c e .
Diesel Tractor the tr actor ser ia1 nurrib
er i s
T hr o ugho ut thi s manual the use of the ter
ms LED T, RIGHT, FR ONT, and REAR mu st be under
stood to avoi d confu sion when f o llow- ing
instr ucti ons. LEF T and RIGH T indicate the
left and r i ght s ide s of the tr actor when
fac ing for war d in the driver ' s seat. Refer
ence to
starnpe d on a plate at tae hed to the r ight si
of the clutc h hous ing. On the Formnll end Int
emotion ol 560 Dies9l Troctors the tractor ser
ial riurnbe r is stam ped on a plate a ttache d
to the left side of the clutc h housing. See
Ill ust. 3A.
ORONT indi cate s the r adi ator end of the See
tractor to REAR, the dr awbar end, l l lv
st. 3.
I llu st. 3A Location of the tractor serial
number. The engine s er ia1 nurnber is s
tamped on the left st de of the engine cr ankc as
e on a pad bel ow the oil pump s halt
support. This
ser ial nurn ber i s pr e c e de d by the pre
fix D -Z 36
Terms f location.
o r D- 2 82, whic h indi cate s that it is a
Dies el
engine with a 236 or 282 c ubic - inch ptston
dis plac ement. For r eady r efer ence, we
Suggest that you
The illu str ations in this manual ar e nurn -
ber e d to c or r e s pond with the page s on
whic h the y appear for example, l l lu sts. 3
end 3A or o pege 3.
wr ite the se se rial nurnber s in the spac
es pr ovided on the Deliver y Repor t.
(No Transcript)
Hydro-Touch handles
Fuse housing Tachometer
Lighting switlth
Push bufton starling switch.
Torque Amplifier operating handle Key switCh
Independent power oke of perot handle
itch butron
Glew plue
Broke pedal latch Broke pedals Broke pedal lock
I llust. 5 IIIStUment s and control s on the
Farmo1460 and S60 Di esel Troctor s.
BRAKE PEDALS The s e pe dals ar e used to stop
the tr actor, to hold the tr a ctor in a s
tationar y po s it ion, or to a s s i st in
making shar p turn s as outl ined below To stop
the tr actor, depr es s both pedals at the s ame
time. Befor e dr iving the tr ac - tor in high
gear, alway s latch the pedals together. To hold
the tr actor in a stationary posi- tion, latch
the pedals tog ethe r, depr ess
tog ether, engage the latch ( in pedal, l Ilu st.
5 or 6) in the s lot r ight pedal. When the
br ake
back of the left in ba c k of the pe dal s ar
e not
latc hed togethe r , the late h s houl d r e st
in the s lo t in bac k of the left br ake
The broke pedol Iock (I IIusts. 5 or ) i s u s
e d to lo c k t he br alt e pe dal s in the de
pr e s s e d po s iti on thi s pr e ve nt s
the t r ac tor rf om rnoVing.
them, and lock therri in thi s de pr e s s ed p S

Cl utch and Torque Ampl i fier Hand Lever
International 560 Tractor The clut ch h and le
ver , fo r the ter e rig i n e clut ch, when
pull ed all ba ck, di se ngag e s th e erig i
ne rf or rni s s i on.
tion by using the br ake pe dal loc k.
To a s s i st in making a sharp turn, oper ate
the pedals indivi dually, depr es sing the pedal
on the s ide towar d which the tur n i s to be
made. Th e broke pedol Iolch (1l lust s. 5 or 6)
i s u s e d to latc h both brake pedals
together, causing the brakes to operate
simultane ously. Cout ion! Alway s latc h the
brake pedals together when dr iving the tr
actor in hi gh gear (fifth s peed). To latch the
o ver c en - the way the t r an s -
T he to r que ampl if i e r button, at the top of
the hand leve r , i s us ed whe n s e l e c ti
ng to r que ampl ifier d ri ve o r d i re c t
d r ive p os it i on s . See poges 18 ond l9 for
oper a tin g in s t r iic tion s .
Chorge indicator Push button starting
switch lighter
ous Lightine switch
Glow plue swicch button
Torque amplifier oparofine
In struments and control s on the I nternotionol
560 Diesel Tractor s.
CLUTCH PEDAL Thi s pedal, when depr es sed
all the way, di s engag e s the engine fr om
the trans mis - sion.
cr ankin g mo tor solenoid and caus es the crank-
ing motor pinion to engage the f lywhee l r ing
ge ar, ther eby cr anking the engine. Rfr o
puges 13 end l4 for starting the engine .
The fuel stop conrt ol button is us ed when
s tar tin g or stopping the engine . Pus h the
A key- type lock switch is locate d near the r
ight s i de of the ins trume nt panel. Turn
the key clockwi s e to a hori z ontal position.
button in when sta rt ing the engine . Pull it
out when stopping the engine .
befor e attempting to star t the engine. The
key carinot be re move d when in this pos ition.
With the key switc h turn ed on, the fuel gauge
indicate s the level of the fuel in the fuel
Pu sh the button in to ener gize the glow plug s
and br ing them up to igniting tempe ra- tur e.
The glow plug me ter indicate s whether or not
the glow plug sy Stem is working.
Pu s hing the button in complete s the ele c- tr
ieal cir cuit betwe en tire batter y and the
Second Fourth
speed speed
forward forward
switch has four positi OnS ' 'Olf'' pO S1-
ti on D po siti on for dim headli ghts, in
st ru- ment li ghts , and a r ed tai lli ght "B
positi on tor b ri ght h e adli ghts , in s
rt urri ent li ght s , and
qf Neutral
tai lli ght and ''R" positi on tor bri ght
a red
headli ghts , in st rument li ghts, and a
white ear li ght. Ther ed tai lli ght should
alway s be us ed when traveling on the highway at
night or during tirxi e s of poor vi st bi lity.
The white rear light is for field use only and
should not be us ed on the hi ghway.
First speed forward
Third speed forward
Fifth speed forward
Pu sh the light er in to rriake ele ctr ie
al conta ct. W hen it pop s back it i s r e
ady tor us e.
l l l u st. 7 Geor sh i11 pmi tion s.
ols the s pee d of the en- gine and, when s et
in a given pos iti on, wi11 maintain a unifor m
engine s pee d even though the engine load may
Note The fifth spee d is locke d out when ste
el whee ls ar e us e d for further instr uc-
tion s see page 17.
When the leve r is s et at the top indi ca- tor
poirit ( LO, the eng rue s pe e d is fully r
etar ded. W hen the le ver i s at the lower
indicator point, the engine spe ed i s f
ully advanc ed. Minimum idle spee d (hand thr
ottle ) i s ap- pr oximat ely 650 r. p.m. with
the engine s pee d contr o1 le ver fullyr etar
ded. N ever ope rate the engin e at re or e
tfian the re gular gove me d spee d. Exces s
speeds ar e harmful, for engine spe eds, s ee
Specifi cdtion s".
Thi s r o d i s u s e d to engage or di s e ng
a ge the side-mounted belt pulley. See poge
28 for ope r ating ins t r u cti ons .
The same oper ating handle is us ed to e n-
gage or dis eega ge the inde pen dent poser
take - off or r ear - mo unte d be It pull
ey. See
po9e 26 for in de pende nt power take - off or
po9e 28
The c ont r o1 c rank ( on tr actor s so
equippe d) open S and clo s e s the r adi ato r
s hutte r, con- tro 11in g the e n gine temper
atur e. Turn the cr ank count er c lo c kwi s e
to clo s e the s hutt er an d clo ckwi se to
open the shutter .
for rear - mounte d belt pulley oper ating in-
st r ucti ons,
The s e han dl e s (lllust s. 5 or 6) oper at e
the Hy- dr a- Touch systera. They ar e used to
r at s e,
This lever is used to hold the seat in the desir
ed positi on. F or addition al infor - mation,
partially rai se or low er dir e ct c onne cte
d or
t r a iling- type imple nts . jy poge di for
oper ating inst r ucti ons.
This le ver is used to se1ect the var ious
The to rque ampIifie r oper ating handle is us
ed to engage or di s engage the to rque amplifi
er . Se pge 18 for ope r ating instr uc-
gear r atio s in the tr ansmi ss ion. Ther e ar
five forwar d speeds and oner e ver se speed.
S lllu st. 7.
IIIusi. 8 Oi I pressure gouge.
Illust. 8B Heat indicator.
Thi s gauge (locate d on the instr urrient
panel) shows whether lubr icating oil is cir-
culatin g thr ough the engine.
Thi s instrument (lllust n 5 or 6 nd 8Bl indi-
cates the relative temperatur e range of the
liquid in the cooling eystem for best engine
performance. The indicator pointer should be
in the center of the "R UN" range.
The indicator needle should be past the fri st
mar k above ze ro when the engine is running
at spe eds appr oxirnate ly 100 r. p.m.
above slow idle s peed. See lllust. 8 If the
ne e dle doe s not mo ve pa st the fir st
mark above zer o, stop the engine imme diately
and inve s ti gate the caus e of the oil pr es
sure failur e, If you ar e unable to find the
caus e, concult your Inter national Har vester
dealer befor e oper ating the engine.
Illust. 8C Teckometer.
Thi s in s tr ument re cor de engine hour s of
oper ation, s hows normal tractor a pee de in
mile s per hour in all Ior war d gear s, based
on rear tir e sizes shown in table s on pages 6.3
to 65, and indicate s the engine r. p. m. which
pro- vide s a mean s of setting the exact engine
speed speciGed for power take-of operaGons
I lluct. 8A Chorge indi cat or.
Thi s instr ument (I Ilusts. 5 or 6 oftd EA )
indi - cate s whether the gem e r ato r i s char
ging or the batte ry is dis char ging. If it s
hows di sc har ge continuous ly, investigate the
caus e to avoid compl ete1y dis char ging the
batter y and pos s i- ble damage to the gener at
or. See the tractor Pre ventive Maintenanc e
Manual for additional infor mation on ele ctr
ical equipment.
A mark on the lower half of the dial in-
dicate s the power take - off shaft s peed.
Refer to the table in the "Specification s" for
normal gr ound spee de accor ding to tire st zes.
Refer to Power Take -Off'' in "Spec ifi- cation
s for power take - off spee ds.
LUBRICATION Tractor s slii pped to destination s
in the United Stotes of America, Conodo, end be
xi co have the cr ankca se
HUB RETAIHER CAP SCRE\IS International 560 Diesel
Tractor s Be for e starting the tr acto r, check
the hub
r etainer
c ap s cr ews, on the end of eac h
and atr M the
c leane r s Iille d with SAE 5W-20 oil. engine i
s to be oper ate d at te rriper a -
rear axle, to be sur e that they ar e tight ene d
to a torque tightn es s of 280 - 320 foot
pounds, STEEL PHEELS If your trac tor is
equippe d with s tee l whee1s, or ha s new whee1
and lug ins talla- tion s, it is advi s able to
check and tighten the r ear wheel bolt s at
inter vals to be sur e that the lugs seat pr oper
ly. ENGNECOOLlNGSTSTEA Be surethe radiator drain
and crankcase water drain (Ill ust. 48A) ar e c
lo s e d then fill the radiator to a level appr
oximat ely 2 - l / 4 inc he s below the top of
the filler neck. Filling the ra- diator to thi s
Ievel will allow for expan s ion of the c o
olant under nor ma1 ope rating condition s. Us e
c le an water soft or r ain water is re com-
meride d, as it doe s not conta in alkali, whic h
for ms scale and e ve ritually clog s the pa s s
age s. When filling the r adiator, open the
vent cock on the r ight si de of the the rm o
stat housing (lllu st. d8A) and clo s e it whe n
water appe ar s.
tur e s betwe en 65 F . and -l- 1 0 F . , thi s
oil can be us e d. M te mpe r atur es ar e not
within the r ange specifie d, drain the oil
from the cr ankc as e, oil filter, andair
cleaner, andr e plac e it with the r equir ed
amount of fr esh oil having the phys ica1 pr ope
rtie s and proper viscosity suitable for the pr
tempe ratur e and type of s er vic e. After the
fir st 2 5 hour s of oper ation, the oil filte
r eleme nt and cr ankc a se oil should be re-
plac ed. Refer to the Lubr icati on Gutde" for
further information. Tractor s pocked for export
have all oil dr aine d from the engine c rankc
ase, air cle aner and all gear cas ea.
Lubr icate the entir e tr acto r, using the
''Lubr ication Guide .
Neve r start or operate the engine without
water or antifr e e ze in the c o olin g s y
except as instr ucte d in "Col d W e at her Pr e
- caution S ' ' on poge 49.
For further inform ation see ''Cooling Sys -
tern (pogt 48), and the tr ac tor Pr eve nti
ve Main- tenanc e Manual. If the tr actor is to
be oper ate d in fr eezing tern per atur es
(-i-32 F. or lowe r ) s e e
Oil level gouge. Ghec k the oil leve1s of the
eng ine c rank- case, air cleaner, tran smis
sion, belt pulley hous ing, and all gear ca ses
to se e that they ar e filled to the cor r ect
leve1s with oil of the pr op- er vis cosity for
the prevailing temper atur e.
Cold Weather Pr ecaution s" on poge 49 For
cooling systern capac ity, see Spe cifi cati
FUEL SYSTEA Bill the fuel tank. Car efully st
rain the diese1 fuel to be sur e it is fr ee fr
om for eign substanc es. Do not use dirty fuel.
See Die s el 'ue1 Oil Spe c ific ation S ''
on pug 10. Vent the fuel sy stem befor e star
ting the
sp ec ifi-
See the Lubrication Guide and the cation S of
lubr icants on poges 51 to 58. PNEUMATIC TIRES
Befor e moving the tractor, check the air pr es
sur e in the pneumatic tire s and inflate or
deflate the front andr ear tir e s to the c
orr e ct oper ating pr es sur es. See the table
on poqe 42. REAR \fHEEL HUB CLAAP BOLTS Formoll
460 and 560 Diesel Tractors Be for e ope rating
the tra ctor, check the rear wheel hub clamp bolt
s to make ce r tain that they ar e torqued to
390-440 ft. lbs. Tighten ther ear whe el hub
c lam p bolts al- ternately and a little at a
time to pr event exce ss ive tens ion at any
engine for the fir st time. See Venting the
Fuel System on puges 12 end 13.
To obtain be st r e sult s, use the fuel for
which the trac tor is designe d, follow the
operating insrt uc tions given, and obs erve the
f ollowing pr ecaution s
Us e cle an fuel and keep it clean. Stor e fuel
in tanks equippe d with hos e and noz z1e
to prevent contamination of the fue 1. The
us e of fume1s, cans and drum s is not r e -
c ommende d becaus e they ar e diff ic ult to ke
ep c le an.
engine, be sure the battery-to-grouztd strap is
coztztec ted to the gr ound.
BATTERY-TO-GROUND STRAP Tr actor s shippe d fr om
the facto ry w ith starting and lighting
equipment have the batter y-to- ground strap
disconne cte d at the batter y, coile d, and
secur ed to the tr actor. Ther etore, betor e
atte mptin g to start the
your s elf with all in- srt ument s and contr ol
s a s de s cr ibe d on poges 5 to 8
The be st gui de to f o llow when s ele cting
fue1 for us e in Inter national diesel engine s
is the s et of fuel spe cif i c ations pr epar
ed and r e c omm ende d by the buil der.
Ge tane numbe r (ignition quality.............,..
.....,.. ... , . ... 40 min. Copper strip cor o
s ion - - 3 hours Q -p212 F.......No. 3
max. Golor .. ............................. 3
NPAmax. Visc osity, kinemati c _at_ 1 00 P. cent
st okes - - min ........... ............ 1.8 Vis
cosity, kinemati c l00 F. c eni str oke s - -
max ........... ..............5.8
Mostr ef iner s now market due l oil de s ig
- nate d as diese1 fuel to dis tin guish it fr
ore burner fue1. Although s imi lar to bur ne r
fuel, diesel fue1 is usually made fr om the s
traight- run distillate s, while burner fuel may
con- tain sufficient quantitie s of the lower -
ignition, catalytic - cr ac ke d di s ti1lat es
to make it un- sati sfacto ry for u se in the
International diesel engine.
When No. 2 - D fue l c onfor ming to the above
spe cif ication s is not ava ilable, No. l - D
light) fue l may be us ed. Howe ve r, thi s
1ighter fuel has a lower heat content and lower
vis cosity. Its use mayr e sult in loss of power
and /or inc rea se fue l consuinpti on and shor
te ned in- jection pump lif e. However, No. l -
D fuel may be r equri e d in sub- zer o we
ather in or- der for the pump to maintain an
adequate f1ow of fuel.
Some r ef iner s ar e mar keting one grade of
fue l for us e in both di es el and burner ap-
plications . This fue1, when within the s pec
ifi- cation s shown below, can be s ate ly us
ed. Howe ver, maintaining the quality and s
uitabi li- ty of the s e fue 1s for triter
national dies e1 en- gine s is definitely the r
es ponsibility of the supplier.
Fuels lighte r than kerosene will not give s ati
sfac tor y perfor manc e in luter national dies
e1 engine s. Although s ome fuels meet the No. 2
- D spe cification s, their compos i- tion may
be such that unsati sfactor y engine wear and
exce ss ive depos its may r e sult un- les s
high-additive lubr icating oil is used. Knowle
dge of the fue 1s in your are a and the type
s of c rankca se oils r equir ed for sati s-
factory performanc e with the se fuel s will
Diesel fuel for high- s peed dies el engine s is
now obtainable in the U.S.A. in two grade s,
namely No. l - D ( light fuel) arid No. 2 - D (
heavy fue1).
No. 2 - D fuel give s the mo st s ati sfac tory
perfo rman ce in International diesel engine s
when the phys ie a1 pr ope rtie s are within the
limit s of the following spe cific ation s
avoid s er vic e pr oblem s. When in doubt, see
your International Harvester dealer.
Gr avity..............................Min. 30
'la s h point .....Min. -l- 1 25 F. min. or legal
Water and sediment will tend to clog the
Pniir point.. ... .. .l 0O lower than min, antic -
filters. U water passes through them it
ipate d te mperatur e Cloud Point ........
Preferably no mor e than 10 higher than pour
point Water and s e diment (by volume ).......
0.l 0o Carbonr e s idue ( l 0o residuurn)....
......0.25v max. As h (by we i ght)
.....................0.02o max.
will corrode the pump plungers and other highly
fini shed parts in the pump and noz- zle s,
thus gr eatl y shor tening the ir live s.
The fuel mu st be fre e fr om water, sediment
and re sidue.
Buy clean fuel and keep it clean. To
r e duc e the po s s ibili ty of fuel
contamination, store fuel in tanks equippe d
with hos e and
Dis tillati or Initial boiling point
min............ 325 F . S 0b boiling point mir
............. 4 75 F. 9 One bo iling point min
...,.. ....... 550 F. 90/ boiling
pointmax..... 675 F. End boiling point max
......,.., . .. 725 F. Sulphur by weight...
,............ 0.5o max.
noz zle. Do not us e fume1s cans and drum s,
becaus e they are difficult to keep clean.
Handle the due1 a s little as possible. Al-
ways fill the engine fuel tank at the end of eac
h day to r e duc e c onden sation. F ollowin g
the se rule s will pay divi dends.
Air c l eaner cap.... ... Rerriov e di rt or
chaff. See the tra ctor Pr eventi ve Maint enan
ce Maxual. Air cleaner oi1cup... Remo ve, c le an
andr ef ill. See the tr actor Pr eventive Maint
e nance Manual. Cooling s ys tern... ... . G he
ck leve I of c o o larit in r adiator. See
poqe 48. Lubr ie ation point s... See Lubr
ie.ation Guide . FUEL SYSTEA
lMusñllA Filling he fuel tonk.
Never refuel the tractor while the engine is
running or extremely hot.
AIR CLEHER The air c1e aner cap s houl d be cle
ane d, and the oil in the air cleaner oil cup
should be change d mor e fr equently than eve r y
te n hour s of oper ati on, if unusually dusty
or dir ty condition s ar e enc ounte r ed.
Bill the fuel tank pr efer ably at the end of
each day' s work. This will for ce out any moi s
tur e- laden air and pr event condensati on. F or
fuel capac ity, see Spec ifi cation s ' '.
The f ill er c ap on the fuel tank has air vent
s. The se vent s s houl d be kept open at all
time s to as sure proper flow of the fuel. See
lllust. II.
I I I ust. 11B A ir cl eoner oi I cu p.
COOLING SYSTEA Re mo ve the r a dia tor f ill
er c ap and c he c k
II lust. 11 Yent hol es in fhe fi I(er cop.
the water le ve1. F ill to a le ve l appr
mately 2 - I / 4 in c he s be low the top of
ill er ne c k.
Sofety fir st! Never fill the fuel tank when
HYDRA-TOUCH SYSTEA Befo r e oper at in g the
Hydr a- Touc h s ys t em for the f ir s t time,
check to see that the sys -
the engine is r unnin g or when ne ar an
open f lame . Do not srrioke, li ght rriatc he s
or us e a lantern when working ar ound infl
am - enable fue ls. Whenr efue ling the tra cto
r, keep the hose nozzle or the funne1 and
contain er in c ontac t with the metal of the
fuel tank (l llust. llA) to avoid the pos sibil
ity of an el e c - tr ic spark igniting the
tern is f ill e d t o the pr oper le v el a s
de -
sc ribe d i n the "Lub ri cati on G ui de ' '
unde r
"T ran smi s s ion ". Al so s e e the tr
actor P r e - ventive Mainte nanc e Manual.
Before attempting to start or operate the
tractor, be sure your e view the in s tr uc ti
ons for the new rt a c to r and thor oughly
familiar i ze your s elf with the in st r ume nt
s and contr ols.
II lust. 12 Fuel sy stem for tlse Forma II 460
and 560 Di esel and International 560 Di esel
RADIATOR SHUTTER If your tr actor has ar adi
ator s hii tte r, clo s e it when starting the
engine in cold
weat he r thenr e gulat e it asr e qui re d
to hold the ne edle of the he at indi cato r in
the center of the "RUN"r ang e.
FUEL SYSTEA When fi lling the fuel tarik, c ar
efully str ain the die set fue1 to be sur e it is
Mr e e fr ore for- eign subs tanc es. Do not use
dir ty liiel. See "Die sel due l Oil Specifi
cation s" on poge 10.
Be s ur e the s hut- off valve under the fuel
tank i s open. To a s sur e again st 1eakag e
or seepage when the valv e i s i n i ts full open
pos i- tion, be sur e to scr ew the needle stem (
shut- off valve) out until the seat on the stem
is tight again st the stop.
Loose or "floppy" clothing should not be worn by
the operator because of the danger of it wrapping
on or getting into the moving parts.
When starting the engine in a barn or garage,
keep the doom wide open because exhaust gases
from internal combustion engines contain
poisonous carbon monoxide which is odorless,
tasteless and colorless.
I llust. 13
(lllust, 13 and allow the fue l to r un
out until it appear s in a solid s tr eare
without air bubble s.
All air mu st be eliminated fr om the fuel line
s befor e the engine will start and oper ate
pr oper ly. All plug s and fue l line conne cti
mu st be thor oughly ti ght ene d to pr event le
ak- age and to pr event art fr om enter ing
the fuel system.
Tighten the hose conne ction at the inlet elbow
and tighten the coupl ing nut unde r the final
fuel filter . Loo s en the c oup l in g nut
on the fuel re - turn line on t op of the
inje cti on pump and
Note To pr event pos sible damage to the fue1
injection pump and to faci litate starting, befor
e attempting to star t the engine, vent the fuel
systern ac cor ding to the foll owing ins tru
ctions .
all ow the fue l to r un out. Cr ank the eng ine
by pr e s s ink the pu s'i b utt on s tar ti
rig s wit ch
tor a few s e cond s unti l the fuel r uns out
in a solid stream, without air bubble s . Then
ti ghte n the r oupl in g nut.
1. Vent the fuel srt a iner and water t r ap by
loos ening the thurrib nut at the bottom of
the ba il and lower th e gla s s bowl enough to
a llow fuel to flow over the edges. Thenr a i s
e th e bowl in p1ac e and t ight en the thumb nut.
5. Tr y star ting the engine a s des cr ibe d
el s ewher e on thi s page . If the engine
riot start, use two wrenches (one tor holding
the adapter and the other for loo s en ing the
fue l pipe nut) and loosen the two cente r fuel
pipe nuts at the inje ction nozzle s. Crank the
engine, by pr essing the pus h but ton s tar
tin g
2. Loosen the ble ed er s ten on th e v ent
swit ch until fue1 appe ar s . Be su re the
valve at the top of the pr imar y fuel filt er
adapte r s ar e tight use two w r e n che s
(one on
(lllust. 12) and allow the fuel to run out until
it becomes a solid str e arri wi thout air
bubble s. Then tighten the blee der stem to close
the vent valve.
the ad apte r and the othe r on the nut) and ti
pnh te n the fue l pipe nut s . Star t tbe en g
ine .
T he sy stem must al so be vented under the f
ollowing cir curr stanc es
3. Loosen the blee der s term on the
f inal fuel f ilter (l l l ust. 12)
valve at the top of the
  • l . When an engine , in ope ration, runs out of
    fue 1.
  • Whe n the fue l I ilter s have bee n s er v-
    ic ed or r epJ ac e d.
  • W he n any c onne ction s be tween the in-
    jection purrp and fue l tank have been loos -
    end or br oke n for any r e as on.

allow the fuel tor iin out until it be-
bubble s.
come s a SOlid s tr earn without air
Then tighten the ble eder stem to close the
vent valve. 4. Loosen the hose coupling nut under
final fuel filte r, then loosen the hose
conne ction on the inje ction pump inle t elbow
To st art th e eng in e , pr oc e ed a s follows
Imrnedi at ely aft er the engi ne s tar ts, che
ck the oi l pr e s sur e g auge (l11ust. 5 or 6)
to make sur e lubr icating oil i s ci r cu1ati
ng thr ough the engine. If it i s not, s top
the erig ine and in s pe ct the oil s y ste m
to find the cau se of failiir e. If un able
to find the cau se, consult your Inte r nati
onat Harv e ste r de aler b efo r e oper ating
the engine.
  1. Be s ur e th e shut - off valve under the fuel
    task is open.
  2. Put the g ear shift l ever in the neutr al po s
    it ion.

Inspect the engine to see that it is run-
  • Be s ur e the fuel stop cont r ol butto n is in
    all th e way.
  • Move the engine s pe ed control l ever to
  • th e fully advanc ed positi on (wide open th r
    ottle) . Thenr eta rd the lever to the one -
    thir d advanc e positi on.

ning evenly and note whether the exhaust
smoke s hows evidence of poor combustion.
Uneven r unning i s gener ally due to air in the
line s or faulty nozzle s. Black exhaust smoke
can gener ally be tr ac ed to poor or exce s s
ive fue1, or wr ong inje ction purrip timing to
engine. Blue s rrioke indi cate s heavy oil
consumpti or. White smoke indicate s mis- sing'
' c ylinder s . F or po s s ible r errie die
s , s ee
5. Di s eng a g e the eng irie c lut ch.
"Tr oub le Shooting in the tr acto r Pr e venti
ve Maintenanc e Manual.
6. Turn the key swit ch clo ckwi s e to the sta
rt ing (hor i zont al) pos it ion.
Wrote Ghe ck, us ing the glow plug m et er , t
o be s ur e th e gl ow plug s yst em is f un ct i
on ing. The glo w plug m et er po int er s houl d
m ove a11 th e way to th e left s ide of th e
di al.
Smoke Number Smoke Number COlOr Explanation
0 Cle ar No smoke vi sible, only heat disto r tion of ob- je cts s e en thr ough exhau st gas vapor .
l Tr ac e Very faint srrioke .
2 Li ght gr ay Defin ite s moke vis ible without any doubt.
Dar k gr ay ha ze Usual maximum consid- er ed des ir able for c ont inuous oper ation.
4 B la ck No t de sir able for con- tinuou s oper ation.
5 He avy blac k Soot colo r - - pos s ible flame or glow pr e sent, depending on the length of the exhau st line.
  • Wh en t emp er atur es ar e above rf e ez ing ,
    pr e s s th e glow plug swit ch button (to heat
    th e glow plugs ) f or at l e a s t 3 0 s e
    cond s.
  • Wh en t emp er atur es a r e below rf e e z ing
  • pr e s s the g low plug swit ch butt on f or at
    l ea st l - l / 2 rri inut e s.
  • Cont i nue t o pr e s s th e glow plug swit ch
    button aft er th e s pe c if i ed am ount of t
    irn e , and , at th e s am e t irn e , pr e s s
    th e pu sh butt on st art - ing swit ch unti l
    the eng ine start s. Cont inue the glow plug
    heat ing unti1 the smoke cle a r s up. hlote Do
    not ope r at e th e cr a nking motor for
  • rn or e than 15 seconds at any one t im e.
  • If th e en gin e do e s not sta rt with in thi
    s t irri e , r ep e at Steps 7 and 6.
  • If th is smoke i s encountered, stop the engine
    and inves- ti gate the cause.

9. As s oori a s th e eng in e s ta rt s , s
et th e eng in e s pe ed c ont r of l ever f
or 800 eng ine r. p. rri. to s pe ed eng in e
wa rrn up without r a c - ing th e eng ine.
Slowlyr elea s e the clutch aft er the engice st
a rt s , l e ay i rig th e g ear shift I eve r in
th e neut r al pos it ion.
ST0 P PI N G TH E E HGl CIE Retar d the engin e
spe ed by pus hing the con- tr ol le ver all the
way up. Allow the engine t o cool s Iowl y fr orn
full- load oper ation by slowly i dling the
engine for a s hor t tirri e. Then pull the fuel
stop contr ol button out all the way and tur n
the key s witch counter cloc kwis e to
the OFF posi ti on.
11 th e eng ine I a il s to st a rt aft er
following the abov e pr ocedur e, s e e your
Inte mat i onal Harve s ter deal er .
ADJUSTING THE SEAT The hydraulic s eat give s
the oper ator the maximum in driving comfor
t. Betor e starting the tr actor, adju st the s
eat to one of the five positions available to
provide the mos t comfor tab le pos ition for
the oper ator.
The seat is quickly and eas ily adjii ste d by
roean s of the seat position r elea se lever
(1llust. 15A) lo cate d at the fr ont of the s
eat su spen sion unit.
Smt pou4on release lever
Pr ess down on the lever and move tne s eat
for war d or bac kwar d to the mo st com-
fortabl e operating pos ition.
111vst. ISA Adi usting the sent.
TILT-BACK SEAT BRACKET When equippe d with the
tilt- back seat br acke t, the s eat on the
try dr auli c se at suppor t can be f lippe
d up (l llust. IS) to pr ovi de arriple r oorn
for the oper ator to stand. The seat can be set
in a s emi- ver tical position, giving the
operator a suppor t against which he can brace
his le gs while standin g. Also, the se at can
be tilte d all the way back (l llust. I5B) to ke
e p out r ain and snow.
lllu st. 15 B Tiltbock seal bracket.
Scot tilted for delving In o stond ing position.
1 5


If the tractor will not move because the rear
wheels have dug in or sunk deeply into the
ground, don't fasten logs, posts, or any(hing to
the rear wheels (hat will prevent them from
rotating. This would be certain to tip the
tractor over backward. Instead, use another
tractor. Be sure to hitch it correctly according
to instructions in "Towing the Tractor." STEERING
THE TRACTOR The tr actor i s ste er e d in the
c on ve ntional mannlt r by mean s of the ste er
ing whee1, eit her manually or by hydr auli c a
ssi st (Power Steer - ing) howeve r, to make a
sharp or pivot turn, pres s either the r ight or
left brake pedat, de- pending on the dir ection
in which the turn is to be made. The br ake
pedals must be unlatc hed so they can be operate
d individually.
1l lust. 16 Sbi lting geor s.
l . Advanc e the eng ine spe ed contr ol le
ver sl ightly. See I Ilast s. 5 or 6
Tractor s equippe d with power s teer ing
ar e identifie d by the worde Powe r Ste er -
ing" under the IH mono gram on the s teer ing
2. Di s eng a g e the engine clut ch,
wheel hub cap.
tor additional Hydraulic Power Stee r ing infor
mation, see the tr actor Pr eventive Maint
erianc e Manual.
3. W i th the clutch dis engaged, reove the
(Ill ust. 7j,
g e a r s hilt le ver to the desri e d s pe ed
4. Star t the t ra ctor in moti on by s lowly e
ngag ing the clut ch and advance the engine s
pee d cont r ol le ve r to a pos ition wher e
the engine oper ate s be st for the load to
be handle d . Hole Do n ot shi ft ge ar s
while the engi ne c lut ch is eng a ge d
or whil e the t ra c - tor i s in moti on. S.
Do notr e st your feet on the clutch or br ake
pedals while driving the tr actor, as this will
wear the lining s exces sively. Alway s latc h
the brake pedals togethe r before driving the
tr actor in high gear . To latc h t he pedal s
together, engage the latch into the slot in back
of the r ight
pedal. She Illustc 5 or s. When the br ake pe
Be extra careful when working on hillsides. batch
out for holes or ditches into which wheel might
drop and overturn the tractor.
ar e not iatc hed together , the latc h shoul d r
e st
in the s lot in bac k of the left br ake peda1,
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eng a ge the clutch by pr essing down fir mly on
the clutch pedal and move the gear shift le ver
to the neutr a1 positi on. U se the b rake s if
neces sary. TOMNG THE TRACTOR When towing is ne
ces sar y, us e a tow rope , chain or cable and
have an oper at or steer the tr actor and
operate the brake s.
To toW o Formoll 460 or 560 Diesel Tractor,
attac h a towr ope, chain, or cable to the
tractor fr ont frame chann'e ls or to the
lower por tion of the upper bolster of the
tractor whic h is stuck or which i s to be to
Always keep tha tractor in gear when going down
steep hills.
Totowonlnternationol560 Diesel Troctor, attach a
tow chain, or caLle to a bolt or rod through the
two holes in the front bolster of the tractor
which is "stuck or which is to be to wed.
See lllusts. 5 or 6, The lock will then engage
the r at chet on th e l eft br ake pedal. The
bra ke pedals will lock in thi s pos it ion. To
rele ase the brake s, simply pr ess the
Never hit ch to the lower bols ter. Wh en
pulling a stuck tr actor , the power of both
t ra ctor s should be us ed, and a heavy
pull must be kept on the cha in a11 of the t
irri e.
brake pedals further down, and the lock will
automati cally fall back into the disen- gage d
pos ition.
Co ution' When towing the rt a cto r to g et it
started, put the torque ampl ifier handle in th e
dri e ct dr iv e (fully for war d) po s it ion.
Do not exc eed the gr ound s peed norm ally atta
ined in the gear s ele ct ed for towing the t r
a cto r. Refer to the table in SPECIF IGATIONS.
FIFTH SPEED On tr actor s equippe d with s te
e1r ear whe e 1s, the fif th (hi gh) spee d is
loc ked out by a lockout sc rew locat ed on top
ct the tr ans mi s sion cas e. Sofety i rst! Do
When towing the rt actor to t ran s po rt it rf
tm one pla c e to another , the gear shift lev
er must be in the neut ral pos it ion and th e gr
ound spe ed should not exc eed twenty m ile s per
not r em ove thi s s cr ew unle s s the tr
actor is conve r te d to pneumatic tir es. Then
r errio ve
the lockout s cr ew and replace it with a 3/
8 x 3/ 4- inch cap scr ew.
Note When the t ra ctor i s equipped with fa st
r ever s e r having the fa atr ever ser lever
in neut ral doe s not me et the abover equi r
9 S
is p
Failur e of th e fa ct r ever s er will r
esult, due to the high g ear ape e d obtained,
if the tracto r is towed with the tran smisston
in g ear and the la st r ever ser in neut
ra1, LOCKING THE BRAKES Alway s lock the br ake
s when th e rt actor i s par ked on a gr ade
or wh en doing belt work.
Reduce speed before making a turn or when
applying the brakes. Remember, the danger of
the tractor overturning increases four times
when the speed is doubled.
To lock the br akes , fir st lat ch the br ake
p ed- als tog ether with the lat ch a s pr eviou
sly de - s cr ib ed. Then pr es s down on the br
ake pedal s and lift up the br ake pedal lock l
ever or r od.
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