Case IH 660660 Diesel Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014246R5) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH 660660 Diesel Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014246R5)


Case IH 660660 Diesel Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014246R5) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Case IH 660660 Diesel Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014246R5)

660/660 Diesel Tractors Operators Manual
If Safety Decals on this machine use the words
Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as
follows 0 DANGER Indicates an immediate
hazardous situation which if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. The color
associated with Danger is RED. 0 WARNING
Indicates an potentially hazardous situation
which if not avoided, will result in serious
injury. The color associated with Warning is
ORANGE. 0 CAUTION Indicates an potentially
hazardous situation which if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also
be used to alert against unsafe practices. The
color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If
Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel
Pictorial, decals are defined as follows
0 The first panel indicates the nature of the
hazard. 0 The second panel indicates the
appropriate avoidance of the hazard. 0
Background color is YELLOW. 0 Prohibition
symbols such as
and if used, are RED.
safe and proper use of the machine. 0 Reads and
understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the
machine. G Reads and understands ALL Safety
Decals on the machine. M Clears the area of other
persons. G Learns and practices safe use of
machine controls in a safe, clear area before
operating this machine on a job site. It is your
responsibility to observe pertinent laws and
regulations and follow Case Corporation
instructions on machine operation and maintenance.
2001 Case Corporation
Bur 0-00000 issued November, 1994
CASE and IH are registered trademarks of Case
TO THE OWNE R The purpose of this manual is to
assist you in realizing the benefits you
anticipated when you purchased this
International Harvester product. Many people
have con- tributed to the design and production
o1 this product and its delivery to you. They
have an interest in its successful performance
and have provided this manual to give you the
benefit of the experience they have gained
through years of field testing and nomal usage of
this and similar products. The way you operate
and the care you give this product will have much
to do with its successful performance. This
manual has been carefully prepared and the
information arranged and illustrated to make it
as easy as possible fox you to rind the
information you wish. It will pay you to read the
entire manual carefully before operating and keep
it handy for future reference. Your International
Harvester Dealer will be glad to answer any
further questions you may have on the operation
or care o1 this product.
It is the policy of International Harvester
Company to improve its products whenever it is
possible and practical to do so. We reserve the
right to make changes or add improve- ments at
any time without incurring any obligation to make
such changes on products sold previously.
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
(No Transcript)
The following information pertains to personal
safety. Be sure to read and follow these
PRECAUTIONS Observe the following steps for
safe operation Always tighten gas caps
PROBLEM Gasoline vapors can build up pressure
in your gasoline tank.
All gasoline fuels are more volatile today than
ever before. They vaporize and build up pressure
in your gasoline tank more easily than in the
past. Winter grade gasoline is especially subject
to va- porization and pressure build-up when used
on hot Spring or Fall days. If you have a tractor
which is out of tune or not properly maintained,
it can run hotter and increase vaporization.
Never, under any circumstances, take the gas
cap off a hot or running tractor.
Never hold over Winter gasoline for use in the
Spring. Remove any equipment unnecessary for warm
weather operations, such as comfort covers, heat
housers, or radiator covers.
Maintain equipment properly and pay particular
attention to electrical, exhaust, fuel, and
cooling systems. Repair or replace frayed
electrical wires leaky exhaust manifolds,
gaskets, pipes and mufflers damaged carburetors,
sediment bowls and fuel lines. Be sure radiators
are clean inside and out. Clean off any
accumulation of trash, oil or grease.
DANGER Fire and personal injury.
If the fuel cap is removed when the gasoline tank
is hot and vapor pressure has, under certain
circum- stances, built up in the tank, this
sudden release of pressure could force gasoline
out of the tank. If the gas cap is not fully
secured and tightened, it could come ott the
tank, and again, gasoline could es- cape. This
sudden eruption of gasoline exposes the operator
to, and may cover him with, liquid fuel and
vapors and is a clear fire hazard if a source of
ignition is present. A running engine is a source
of ignition, as are cigarettes, open flames,
sparks or a poorly maintained exhaust system. An
immediate fire could occur. The operator or
anyone in the area could be burned and suffer
serious injury or even death.
Make sure that fuel cap vent holes are not
plugged, gaskets are in good condition, and that
cap tangs are firmly riveted. Repair worn, bent,
or deformed filler necks and damaged heat shields
or shield insulation. If your tractor is not
equipped with a heat shield or insulation,
install such equipment on applicable models.
Be alert to any unusual sights and sounds dur-
ing operation. If you suspect overheating or
pressure build-up in the fuel system, do not
touch the cap. Turn off the engine and allow the
tractor to cool before you touch the cap.
FREE GASOLINE CAP See your dealer today.
New caps will be exchanged free of charge with
owners of certain models of International
Harvester farm tractors. To see whether your
tractor already has the new cap or to arrange to
obtain one, simply contact your local
International Harvester dealer. Also ask him
for a free International Harvester brochure New
Facts About Fuels" and for free Warning decals
for all gasoline equipment.
International Harvester has developed a new
gasoline cap designed to improve vapor venting
and to inhibit the sudden eruption of liquid fuel
if the safety precautions against cap removal are
not observed.
NOTE New cap will not fit on any of these
Gasoline Tractor Models Included in Cap Exchange Program (See Note) Gasoline Tractor Models Included in Cap Exchange Program (See Note) Gasoline Tractor Models Included in Cap Exchange Program (See Note) Gasoline Tractor Models Included in Cap Exchange Program (See Note)
A 100 504 2404
AV 130 F-544 Only 2424
B 140 560 2444
BN 200 600 2504
C 230 606 2544
H 240 650 2606
HV 300 F-656 Only 2706
M 330 660 2756
MV 340 666 2806
0 350 686 2826
OS 400 706 2856
W 404 756
WR 424 766
70 444 806
86 450 826
460 856
B-275 1-434
B-276 1-544
I -284 1-656
I -354 1-2656
New cap will not fit on these tractors above
serial numbers shown. F-504 above serial No.
13400 I -504 above serial No. 14272 I -606 above
serial No. 6879 I -2606 above serial No.
6879 New cap will not fit on any lawn and
garden tractor in the Cadet model series or on
any tractor with the gasoline tank behind the
operator's seat.
1 258 504 CI. 4-8t. eatesco e uasco eatce or
\ / U S A
(No Transcript)
De s c ri pti on Page No. Page No.
DELIVERY REPORT ..................... l
INTRODUGTION ....................... 3
DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS................ 5 to 8
BEroRz STAR TING YOUR NEW TRA C TOR ........... 910 ,
DIESEL FUEL OIL SrE cir I cA TiONS.............. 10
OPERA TING TH E DIES EL ENGIN E . . ............ 14 to 16
DRIVING TH E TRA G TOR . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 to 19
OPERA TING THE TOROU E A MrL I ri ER ............ 220l ,
OPERA TING TH E H YDRA - TOU CH S YS T EM ........... Z2, 2 3
OPERA TING TH E B EL T PU LL E Y ............... 26
FRONT WH EELS . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Z7 to Z9
R EAR WH E JfL S . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
WEIGH TS . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 32
PNEU MA TIC T1R ES . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 to 35
STAR TING AND L1GH TING EQUIPM ENT ..... ....... 36 to 40
COOLING S YS T EM . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 41
GOL D W EA THER PR ECAU T1ONS . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
GENERAL ENGINE LU BRICA TION . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
L U BR ICA TION TABL E . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 45
L U BRICA TION GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 46 to 4 9
SPECIFY CA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 50 to 54
EX TRA EOU IPMEN T AND ACCESSORIES . . .. . . . . . . . . 55
iNDEx ....... .................... 5c to s 8
ACCIDENT Notional Safer y Councils
A s s em b led i n thi s book are ope r ating
and lub ri c ati on ins t ru cti ons for
the luter nati onal 660 and Inte matt onal 660
In o rde r to pr ovi de a tr actor equippe
d as nea r ly a s pos sible to s iiit eac h cu s
- torn er 's ne ed s, a variety of extr a e
quip- ment and acce s sor ie s i s available . F
o r a
D ie s e l T r ac to r s. Thi s m ate rial has
prepar ed in detail in the hope that it wi11
li st of the extr a eqiii pm e nt and ac ce
s s or ie s a vat l abl e , see poge 55.
he lp you to better under stand the co r re c
t c are and e fficie nt operation of your tr
ac tor,
W he re ope rating and mai ntai ning in-
If you should ne ed info rmati on not given in
this manual, or in the tr actor P re ven-
st ruc ti on on the se i term s i s re qiii
red, it i s include d in the inst ructi ons in
the Oper ato r' s
ti ve Maintenance Manual, or r e qui re the
or P re venti ve Maintenance Manual. Dis re -
ser vi c e s of a trained mechani c, get in
gard the inst ructions for equipment not on
touch with the lute rnati onal Har veste r
y our tr actor,
de aler in your tocality. Deale r s are kept
info rme d on the late st methods of se r vi ci
W hen in nee d of par ts, alw ay s spe city
the t r actor and engine se ri al num ber s, i
nc luding any prefix or suffix le tter s. The
trac tors. They c arr y stock s of IH parts,
and are backed in e ve ry ca se by the full
f acilitie s of a ne arby lute rriati onal
rt ac tor se ri al num be r i s s tarn ped on a
Har ve ster Di st ri ct Offi ce.
name plate attac hed to the ri ght side of
the c l ut c h hon sing. See Iflu st. 3A. Thr
oug hout thi s m anu at the us e of the te rm
s LED T, R IGH T, F R ONT , and REAR mu st
be iinde r st ood to avoid c onfu si on when
following i n st r uc tion s. LEF T and RIGH T
indic ate the left and ri ght si de s of the tr
ac to r w hen facing forward in the dri ver ' s
s e at, R efe re rice to FRONT indi -
cate s the radi at or end of
the tr ac to r to R EAR, the dr aw b
ar end, See 111 ust. 3.
Illust. 3A Location of the tractor seri ol number.
The engine se ri al numbe r i s stamped on the
left side of the engine c rarikc a se on a pad
below the di st rib utor housing on the gas oline
engine tr actor, or below the oil pump shaft
suppor t on the die se l e ng - i ne rt actor.
Thi s se rial number i s pre c e de d by eithe r
the prefix C- 263, which indi cate s that it i s
a carburete d engine with a 263 cubi c- inch
pist on dis plac eme nt, or D- 282, which indi
cate s it i s a die sel e ngine with a 28Z cubic
- inch pist on displac eme nt.
Illust. 3 Terms of location.
The illu st rati ons in this manual are
nurnbe re d to cor re spond with the page s on
F o r re ady re fe re nc e, w e s rig ge st
that y ou w rite these se ri al number s in
the s pac e s provide d on the Delive ry R e por
wl i ch the y appe ar Ior exam pie, Ill usts.
3 end 3A ore on page 3.
Lefl from view of tke International 660 Troctor.
Illust. AA R ight front view of the Intemotiøpo
660 dieselTroctor.
Tachometer 1ighting
II lust. 5 lnstr ument s and control s on the
gosoline engi ne tractor. Th4 some tYoCto wiI I
noi have boh clutch pedal and clutch ho nd lever.
BRAKE PEDALS The s e pe dal s ar e as e d to
stop the tr ac-
Caution! Always latc h the brake pedals together
when dr iving the tr actor in high gear (fifth
spee d). To lat ch the pe d - als tog ethe r,
engage the late h ( in the back of
tor, to hold the tractor in a stati onar y po-
sition, or to assist in making sharp turn s
as outline d below To s top the tr actor, depr
es s both pe d - als at the same
time. BeJore dr iving the tr acto r in high
gear, ale ays latc h the pedals tog ethe r. To
hold the tra ctor in a stationary posi- tion,
late h the pedals togethe r, depr es s them, and
lock them in thi s depr essed pos i- tion by us
ing the bra ke pe da1 loc k. To a s s i st
in making a sharp turn, op- erate the pedads
individually, depr es sing the pedal on the s
ide towar d whic h the turn i s to be
made. The broke pedol l oleh (I llusts. 5 ot 61 i
s u s e d to latch both br ake pe dals
together, caus ing the br akes to oper ate s
imultane ously.
the left pedal, Ill ust. 5 or 61 in the s lot in
bac k
of the r ight pedal. W hen the brake pedals
ar e not lat che d togethe r, the latc h
should re st in the s lot in back of the
left brake pedal.
i s us e d to
The broke p edol lock (lllusts. 5 or 6)
lock the br ake pedals in the depr es se d posi-
tion thi s pr e vents the tractor from
moving. If your tractor i s equipped with a
Torque Amplifier it Nos one of the following
types T ra ctor s e quipped with a TA pad on
the s ide of the clutch pedal. Trac tor s e
quipped with a combination over- center clutch
and TA ope rating hand leve r . T rac to r s e qu
ippe d with an individual TA operating hand leve
focque a 6'onâ
In struments and control s on the diesel engine
tractor. The some tractor wi I I not hove both cl
utch pedal and cl utch ljond lever.
clut ch pedal, for the sp ring- loaded engine
clutch, when depre ss ed all the way, di s - enga
ges the engine f rom the t ra nsmi s sion. If the
tra ctor ha s tor que amp lif i er , a TA pad
on the s ide of the c lutc h pedal i s used to
s ele ct the tor que amplifie r drive position
or the "dir ect dr ive positiOIf. See poges 20
ond 21 for ope rating instr uctions . OYER-CENTER
(Combination bond Leyer) The clute h hand leve r,
for the over - c enter e ng ine clutch, when
pulle d all the way back, di sengages the eng ine
I rom the t ran smi s sion. u the tr a
ctor ha s to rque arnplif ier , a button at the
top of the c lut c h hand leve r, is used when
ope rating hand lever all the way back so that
the pawl latche s on the ratchet. To dis enga ge
the to rque amplif ie r, s quee ze the pawl cont
r ol grip to re1ea se the pawl then m ove the
ope rating hand leve r f o rwa r d. See poges to
d 2i for additional to r que amplifi er info r-
mation. O4OKE CONTROL BUTTON (Gasol ine Eng
ine) The choke control button (Ill ust. S) make
s it pos s ible to re gulate the ca r bur eto r
choke while s itti ng on the t ra ctor s eat.
Pulling out on the choke contr ol button clo se s
the car bur etor choke fo r starting the eng ine
pushing it back in opensthe choke. FUEL STOP
CONTROL BUTTON (Diesel Engine) The fue l stop
cont rol button (I Ilu st. 6) i s u s e d when
sta rting or stopping the engine . Push the
button in when starting the eng ine . Pull it out
when stopping the engine. FUEL GAUGE With the ke
y switch tur ned on, the fuel gauge indicate s
the leve I of the fue l in the fuel tank.
s e1ecting tor que arripl if ier po s it
ion. See poges 20 ond 21 instructions .
drive or di re ct dr ive for op e rating
viduo I bland Lever) T o e nga ge the to rque
amplif i er , pull the
DECELERATOR PEDAL The de c eler ator peda1is
used to re duce the spee d of the tra
ctor without changing the set- ting of the
engine spee d contr ol Iever when ope r ating
unde r adve r s e conditi ons.
KEY S\lTCH A key- type lock. switch is locate d
near the r ight s ide of the ins trume nt pane1.
Turn the key clockwi se to a horizontal positi on
before atterripting to start the engine. The key
cannot be removed when in this positi on.
GOVERNOR(Gosoline Engine) The gove rnor is set
at the factory and should require no
adjustment. If the link- age needs adjus trrie
nt for any r ea son, s ee the in st r uction
s in the tr actor Pr even tive Mainte nanc e
Coution! When the engine is not operating or the
engine ha s stalle d and the operator leave s the
t racto r, the key must be turne d to the off po
s ition to prevent batte ry dis cha r ge.
complete s the ele c- tr ical ci r curt between
the batte ry and the cranking motor solenoi d and
cause s the c rank- ing motor p in ion to enga ge
the Ilywhe el ring gear, thereby cranking the
engine . Refer to poge 13 for starting the
engine . GLOV PLUG SWITCH BUTTON (Diesel Engine)
The c ontr ol cr ank ( on tractor s so equippe d)
open s and clos es the r adiator s hutte r, con-
tr olling the engine temper atur e. Turn the
cr ank counter cloc kwise to clos e the shutter
and clockwi se to ope n the s hutte r.
Pushing thi s button in e ner gizes the glow
plugs to br ing them up to igniting tempe ra-
ture . The glow plug meter indicate s whethe r
the glow plug system is working.
Second Fourth
speed speed
fOrWitfid forward
LIGHTING S\fITCH The switch has four pos it ions
"OFF" pos i- tion "D" pos iti on for dim he
adli ghts, a tail- light, and instr urrient
lights "B" po s ition for bri ght headli ghts,
a tailli ght, and instrument li ghts and "R"
po s ition for bright headli ghts, a white re ar
light, and instrument lights .
First speed forward
Fifth speed forward
Third speed forward Illust. 7
Pu sh the li ghte r in to make ele ctr ical con-
tact. When it pop s back it is ready for u s e
. ENGINE SPEED CONTROL LEYER This lever c ont ro
1s the spee d of the engine and, when s et in a
given pos iti on, will main- tain a unif o rm
engine spee d even though the engine load may
Geor shi ft positions.
Thi s lever is use d to select the var ious
gear ratio s in the tran smis sion. There are
five forwar d s peeds and one re ver se s peed.
See 11lust. 7.
When the leve r i s s et at the top indie ator
point (LO), the e ngine speed is fully retarded.
When the leve r is at the lowe r indi
cator point, the engine spee d is fully advance d.
More T he fifth spe ed is locked out when ste
e1 wheels are us e d for further inst r uc-
tion s see pegs 9.
Minimum idle speed (hand throttle) for the gosol
ine en gine i s app r oximate1y 425 r. p. m.
and for the diesel eng ine approximately 625 r.
p, m. with the engine spee d contr ö1 lever tully
re - tarded. Neve r ope rate the engine at m or
e than the re gula r gove rned speed. Exce s s
ive spee ds are harmful. F o r engine speed s ,
se e "Specifications".
OPERATIHG HAHDLE The s ame ope rating handl e is
u s e d to en- gage or di s engage the
independent powe r take - off or belt pull ey .
See poge 25 fo r independent powe r take - off
or poge 26 fo r belt pull ey ope r - ating ins t
ru cti on s .
CONTROL HANDLES The s e h and 1e s (Ill usts. 5
or 6) ope rate the Hy- dra- Touc h systerm. They
ar e use d to r ai s e, par tially rat se or
lower dir e ct c onne cte d or trail ing-type
implements . See poges 22 ond 23
for operating insrt uc tion s. SEAT POSITION
lever i s us e d to hold the
s eat in
the de s ire d pos iti on. Fo r additional infor
lllust. 8A Heot indie otor.
mation, see pages J7 arid 18.
OIL PRESSURE GAUGE Thi s gauge (loc ate d on the
instrument pane l) s hows whethe r lubr icating
oil is cri - c ulating thr ough the engine.
The exhau t pipe is pr ovided with a fully
automatic weat her c ap whic h opens with the
fir st slight pre s sur e of the exhaust and
c1os es the instant the engine is stoppe d.
The indi cator nee dle should be pa st the
Rain, dri t, and in s e ct s ar e kept fr own e
n- ter ing the exhau st and r eaching int er na1
parts of the engine.
fir s t mar k above ze r o when the eng ine is
running at s peeds appr oximate ly 100 r. p, m.
above slow i dle spe ed. S111 usr. 8B. If the
ne e dle doe s not m ove past the fir st mar
a.bove zer o, stop the engine imme diate1y and
in ve s tigate the cause of the oil pre s s ure
failure . If you are unable to find the caus e,
consult your International Har veste r
dealer be for e ope r ating the engine .
II lust. 8 Charge indicator.
Oi) pressure gouge.
Thi s instr urge nt (Ill ust s. 5 or 6 end 8)
indicate s whet he r the g ener ator is char
ging or the batter y is dis char ging. If it s
hows dis c har ge continuo usly, inve s ti gate
the caus e to avoid complete ly di s char ging
the batte r y and pos - sible dama g e to the
ge ner ato r. Se e the tracto r P re ve nti ve
Maintenance Manual to r additional infor ma
tion on e Ie ctr ic al equipment.
Thi s instr ument (I llust n S ond 6) re c or ds
en- gine hour s of oper ation, s hows nor mal
tr ac - tor spe e ds in mi le s pe r hour in
all for war d gear s base d on r ear tir e s
izes s hown in the table on poge 53, and indi
cate s the engine
r . p.m. This pr ovides a ruean s of setting
the exact engine s peed s pec if ie d tor power
take - off ope ration s .
A ma rk on the lower half of the dial in-
dicate s the power take - off shaft s peed.
Thi s in str ume nt (lllu sts. 5 or 6 end 8A)
indic ate s the r e lati ve temper atur er ange
of the liqui d
Refer to the table in the Spe c if ic ation s
for no rmal g r ound spee ds accor ding to tir e
si ze s . Refer to Power Take - Off in Spe
c ific ations for power take - off s peeds.
in the cooling system. for best engine
perfor rna n c e the indic ato r pointer
should be
in the RUN r ange .
LUBRICATION Troclors shi pped to destined ions in
the Uni ted SI otes of Anne rico, Con odo, on d
Rexi co have the cr ankc ase and air cle ane r s
for the gosol ine engine froctor fille d with
SAE- 10 W oil and for the di esel engine Proctor
f ille d with SAE- 5W - 2 0 oil. If the eng
ine is to be ope rate d at temper atur es
between 6 5OF. and 10 F., this oil can be u
s e d for the gosol ine en gine for the fir st
50 hour s of oper ation and Jor the die set en
gine fo r the fir st 2 5 hour s of operation.
If tern pe r a- tur e s ar e not within the r
an ge spe cif ie d, dr ain the oil Ir orn the c
r ank ca se, oil filte r, and air cleane r, and
re plac e it with the r equri e d amount of fr
e s h oil hay in g the phy s ie al pr o per
tie s and pr ope r vis c os i ty sui table for
the pre vai1in g te mpe r atur e and type oJ s e
r vice. for the 9osol ine engine, afte r the fir
st 50 hour s and for the di esel en gine, after
the fir st 2 5 hour s of ope r ati on, the o
il f ilte r element and cr ankc ase oil shoul d
be r e- plac ed. Refer to the Lubr icat ion
Guide for further information. Trocto rs pocke
d for expor I have all oi1 dr aine d from the
engine cr ankcas e, ai r cIeaner and all gear
cas es. Lubr icat e the enti r e tr acto r,
using the Lubr ication Gutde.
r ear whe e1 bolts at inte r vals to be sure
that the lugs s eat pr oper ly. ENGINE COOLING
SYSTEA Be sur e the r adiator dr ain and c rank-
case wate r dr ain (Illu st. 41) ar e c lo s e
d then fill the radiator to a level appr oxim
ate ly 2 - l / 4 in che s be low the top of
the f iller neck. Filling the r a diator to
thi s le ve l will allow for exp an s ion of
the c oo lant unde r normal oper ating condition
s. Use cle an w ater soft or r air water is
re comme nded, a s it doe s not conta in alkali,
whic h for rns s cale and e ventuall y c log s
the pa s s age s . Ne ver star t or operate the
engine with- out water or antif r eez e in the
c oo ling sys - tern exe e pt a s in str ucte d
in Cold W e at he r P r e ca uti on s on poge
d2, For fur the r info rmation se e G oolin
g Sy ste m (poge 41), and the tr acto r Pr
eventive Mainte nanc e Manual. If the tr a ct
or i s to be ope r ate d in fr e e zing te
mper atur es ( 32P . or lowe r ) s ee G ol
d We at her P re caution s" on poge 42. F or c
ooling sy stem capacity, see 'Spe cific ation s
. FUEL SYSTEA T o obtain be st r es ult s,
use the fue l to r which the tr actor is des
igne d, f oll ow the
ope r ating insrt uc ti on s given Jor that fuel
and obser ve the f o11owin g pr e c antions Us
e c lean fuel and keep it cle ari. Sto r e
fuel in tank s equi pped with hos e and no z z
le t o pr e vent contars inati on of the fue
1. The u s e of funnel s, cans and dr url s
is not r ecom mended becaus e they ar e diffi
cult to kee p cle an. B ef o r e at tern ptin g
to us e a fuel tor w hic h your tr a cto r is
not des igne d, see y our Int er - national Har
vester dealer or the near est Inte r nati onal
Harve ster Corepany Distr ict Offic e tor full
details . Gasol ine Engine Inte r nati onal
Harvester gasoline burning engine s ar e s
pecific ally designe d for us e with r e gular
g rade gas of ine having an 90 minimum octane
rating (Re se ar c h Me tho d- - appr oxima te ly
54 M otor Me tho d). Di esel Eng in e Ca ref
ully strain the dies el fuel to be sure it is
Jree fr om foreign substanc es. Do not us e
dirty fue1. Se e Die s el Fuel Oil Specific
ation s ' ' on poge 10. Vent the fuel sy stem
befor e star ting the eng irie to r the fir
st tirne . See Vent in g the fuel System on
poge I S.
Oi I levd gouge. Check the oil 1e vel s of the
eng ine c rank- case, air c1eaner, tr ansmi
ssion, be1t pulle y hous ing, and all gear ca
se s to see that they ar e f i He d to the c or
r e ct le vel s with oil of the prop er vis
cos ity for the pre vailing temp- er atur e. See
the Lubr ication Guide and the " Lubr ie ation
Oil and Gr ea se Specific a- ti OnS ' ' on poges
44 o nd 45. PHEUAATIC TIRES Be for e mo vin g
the tr acto r, check the ai r pr es sure in the
pneurnati c tir es and inflat e or deflate the
fr ont andr e ar ti r e s to the c or re ct
ope r ating pr ess ur es. See the table on pog
33. STEEL 'HEELS If your tr acto r is equipped
with ste e1 whe el s, or ha s ne w whe el
and lug in s ta Ha- tton s, it is advi sable to
check and tighten the
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BEFORE STARTiHc youR HrW TRACTOR engine, be s ure
the batte ry-to- gr ound strap is conne cte d.
Tractor s s hippe d fr om the factor y with
your s elf with all ins trume nts and contr ols
as des cr ibe d on poges
starting and lighting equiprri ent have the
batter y-to- ground strap disconne cte d at the
batter y, coile d, and se cure d to the tr actor.
Ther efor e, before attempting to start the
The be st guide to follow when s e ie cting fuel
for us e in International diese l engine s is
the s et of feel specifications prepare d and re
comme nded by the builder.
Cetane number (ignition quality). . . . . . .
., . . . .40 min. Coppe r strip co r osion--
3 hour s _at_ 212 F ......N3oma.x.
3ONPA mam
Color .... .
Vi sc os ity, kinemati c l 00 F .
Most r efiner s now market fuel oil des - ignate
d as dies e1 fuel to distingui sh it fr om burner
fuel. Although s imilar to burner fue1, diesel
fuel is usually made from the st r aight- run
distillate s, while burner fuel may conta in
sufficient quantitie s of the lower - igniti on,
catalyti c- cracked distillate s to make it
unsati sfactory for use in the lu- ternational
diesel engine .
cent str okes - - min. . . . . . 1.8
Vi sc os ity, kinemati c 0 100 F.
ceni str okes - -rriax. . . 5.8
When No. 2 - D fuel conforming to the above spe
c ification s is not available, No. l - D (light
fuel may be use d. However, thi s lighter fuel
has a lower heat content and lower vi s co sity.
Its use may re sult in loss of power and / or
inc rea se d fue1 consumption and shor tene
d inje ction pump life. However, No. l - D fee
1 may be require d in sub- zer o weather in or
- der for the purrip to maintain an adequate
flow of fue 1.
Some reGners are rnarketng one grade of fuel for
use in both die se l and burner ap- plic ations .
This fue1, when within the spe ci- fic ations
shown below, can be sat e1y us e d. However,
maintaining the quality and suita- bility of the
se fue 1s for International diesel engine s
is definitely the re sponsibi lity of the a
upplie r.
fuels lighter than kero serie will not give
satisfacto ry performanc e in International
diesel engine s. Although some fue1s meet the
No. 2 - D spe c ification s, their compos i-
tion may be such that unsati sfactory engine wear
and exce ss ive depos its may re sult unle s s
high-additive lubricating oil is used. Knowledge
of the fuel s in your area and the type s of
c rankca se oils r equi r ed for s ati s-
factory performance with the se fue ls will
Diese1 fuel for high- speed die s el engine s is
now obtainable in the U.S.A. in two grade s,
namely No. l - D ( li ght fue 1) and No. 2 - D
(heavy fuel).
No. 2 - D fuel give s the mo st sati sfactor y
per to rmanc e in luter national diese1 engine s
when the phys ical pr oper tie s are within the
limit s of the I ollowing specific ations
avoid ser vic e pr oblem s. When in doubt,
see your International Harvester dealer.
Gravity... . . Min. 30 AP l Flash point. . Min.
12 5 F. min. or legal
. O
Water and se diment will tend to clog the filter
s, If water pas se s thr ough them it will cor r
ode the pump plunger s and other highly fini shed
parts in the pump and noz- zle s, thus gr eatly
s hor tening the ri live s. The fuel mu st be
free fr om water, sedime nt and r esidue.
Pour point. . 10 lower than min. antic-
ipate d te mpre atur e Gloud point... Pr efer
ably no more than 10 higher than pour
point Water and se diment (by volume... 0.l
0o Garbonr e s idue l0c re s i duum)
..........02 5. max. Ash (by weight)
........002. mcx.
Buy c1e an fuel and keep it cle an. To re duce
the possibi lity of fue l contamination, store
fuel in tanks equipped with hos e and noz zle.
Do not us e funnels, cans and drum s, because
they ar e difficult to kee p clean. Handle the
fuel as little as pos sible. Alway s fill the
engine fuel tank at the end of each day to re
duce conden sation. Following the se rule s will
pay dividends.
Dis tillation Initial boiling point min.. . . .
325 F.
50Jf boiling point min..... 475 F.
90 boiling point min..... 550Oy. 90o boiling
point max..... 675 F. End boiling point
max..... 72 5 F. Sulphur by we ig ht .....
05.t max.
Air c leaner cap .. Air cleaner oil cup Cooling
s ys tern .. Lubr icati on points .
.Remove dirt or chalf. See the tr acto r Pr
eventi ve Maintenance Manual. .Remove, cle an
andr efill. See the tractor Pr eve nti ve
Maintenance Manual. . C he ck ie vel of c o
olant in r a dia to r. See poge d1. .See Lubr
i cation Gutde.
Illust. IN A Filling tke kel tank.
Naver refuel tractor while engine is running or
extremely hot. Fill the fue1 tank pr efe rably at
the end of
COOLING SYSTEM Remove the r adiato r filler cap
and check the water leve1. F ill to a level
approximate ly 2 - 1 / 4 inc he s below the top
of the filler neck.
each day' s wo rk. Thi s will for ce out any
moisture -la dev air and pr event condensation.
for fuel capac ity, see "Specifications .
HYDRA-TOUCH SYSTEt B efor e oper ating the Hydr
a - Touc h s ys tern for the Air st tlrrie , c
he ck to s ee that the sys - tern is fi lle d
to the pr oper l eve1 as des cr ibed in the
Lub r ication Guide unde r Tr ans mi s -
The filler cap on the fuel tank has air
vents . These vents s houl d be kept open at
all time s to as s ur e pr oper flow of the
fue Is .
See l Host. 11.
Sofety fi rst! Ne ve r fill the fuel tank when
the engine is r unning o r when near an open
flame . Do not smoke or use a lantern when wor
king ar ound inflam- mable fuel s. Whenr efue
ling the rt a c to r, kee p the hos e no z zle
o r the f unne l and cont ainer in contact
with the metal of the fuel tank (illu st. 11A)
to avoid the pos s ibil ity of a n e le c -
s ion". Also see the tr acto r Pre ventive
Maint enanc e Manual.
tric spark igniting the gas . Do not light matc
hes near gasoline, as the air within a radius
of se ve r a1 feet is rri ixe d with a hi ghly
explo s ive vapor .
Ill us I, 1 B Air cleaner oil cup.
The air c leaner cap should be cIeaned, and the
orl in the air cle arier oil cup shoul d be
change d mor e fr eque nt ly than ever y ten
hour s of ope r ation, if unus ually dusty
or dri ty c ondition s ar e enc ounter ed.
111 vst. l i Vent hoIes in the fill er cop.
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