Case IH International T-4 and T-5 Crawler Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1003883R1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH International T-4 and T-5 Crawler Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1003883R1)


Case IH International T-4 and T-5 Crawler Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1003883R1) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Case IH International T-4 and T-5 Crawler Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1003883R1)

International T-4 and T-5 Crawler
Tractors Operator's Manual 1003883R1
If Safety Decals on this machine use the words
Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as
follows G DANGER Indicates an immediate
hazardous situation which if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. The color
associated with Danger is RED. G WARNING
Indicates an potentially hazardous situation
which if not avoided, will result in serious
injury. The color associated with Warning is
ORANGE. G CAUTION Indicates an potentially
hazardous situation which if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also
be used to alert against unsafe practices. The
color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If
Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel
Pictorial, decals are defined as follows
0 The first panel indicates the nature of the
hazard. 0 The second panel indicates the
appropriate avoidance of the hazard. 0
Background color is YELLOW. 0
Prohibition symbols such as and
if used, are RED.
safe and proper use of the machine. G Reads and
understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the
machine. 0 Reads and understands ALL Safety
Decals on the machine. 0 Clears the area of
other persons. 0 Learns and practices safe use of
machine controls in a safe, clear area before
operating this machine on a job site. It is your
responsibility to observe pertinent laws and
regulations and follow Case Corporation
instructions on machine operation and maintenance.
Bur 0-00000 issued November, 1994
2001 Case Corporation
CASE and IH are registered trademarks of Case
T-4 and Ü- Crowle Troclors
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
  • The purpose of this manual is to assiet you in
    realizing the benefits you anticipated when you
    purchased this International Harvester product.
    Literally thousands of people have contributed to
    the deeign and produc- tion of thia product and
    ite delivery to you. They have an interest in
    ita sueceeaful performance and have provided this
    manual to give you the benefit of the experience
    they have gained through years of field testing
    and normal uaage of this and similar products.
  • The way you operate and the care you give this
    product will have much to do with its successful
    performance. This manual has been care- tully
    prepared and the information arranged and
    illustrated to make it aa eaay as pœaible for you
    to find the information you wi8h. lt will pay
    you to read the entire manual carefully before
    operating and keep it handy for future reference.
    Your International Harvester Dealer wàll be glad
    to anawer any furîÏier questions you may have on
    the operation of this
  • It ia the policy of the International Harvester
    Company to improve its products whenever it ia
    possible and practical to do eo. We reserve the
    right to make changes or add improvements at any
    time without incurring any obligation to make
    such changes on products sold previously.
  • All illustrations and descriptive matter in
    this publication apply to International Har-
    vester products sold under the McCormick,
    McCormick-International, McCormick-Deeming, or
    McCormick-Deeming International trade name.

International T4 Prowler Tractor International TS
Prowler Tractor DELIVERY REPORT (Thie copy to be
filed by dealer.)
Engine Serial No.
fsec lltuet. I B 1
Delivered to
Purcheser'e Nazae
Street and No. or R.F.D. end Box I .la.
Province or State Dcte Number tractors
owned, izzcluding ztcw purchae
Town Tractor being replaced if any Mak ge
Years) Model
Check the Major Use Ozsty for this tractor and
complete inforrnatiozz ursder headixtg
  • Type work
  • Liet below special duty equipment to be need
  • Equipment
  • Mak Model

PREDELIVERY SERVICEPrior to delivery of the
above tractor the following checks and teata were
made and cor- rective action taken where
neceaeary. O Shortage or Damage in Shipment O
Extra Eltjuipment and Acceaaoriee Checked
Against Purchase Order Q
D Cranking Motor O Revefi8efi fOr PrO_at_er
O_at_MratlOn O Generator Charging D Steering Gutch
Adjustment Lights O Steering Brake Adjustment TA
Clutch Linkage D Foot Brake Adjustment 3-Point
Linkage O Clutch Pedal Adjustment RTO
Operation Q Tracks for Correct Tension and Align-
Torque Cylinder Head, Engine Hot ment Adjust
Valvee, Engine Hot Q Hydraulic Valvea for Correct
Operation Engine Operation O Test Drive for
General Operation Check Radiator Coolant O
Complete Lubrication of Tractor Gear Shif ang. AH
Speeds O Clean and Polieh
Engine Oil Level O
Air Cleaner Oil Level D
Transmission Oil Lnvel with or without Hyd.
O Final Drives, Oil Level O
Cooling System Level D Water Level and Gravity of
Battery Checked When I netalled Engine Oil
DELIVERY SERVICEAt time of delivery the
importance of the Operators and Maintenance
Manuals was explained and, with them ac a guide,
instruction waa given as indicated by check
marka. _at_ Precautions with New Tractor O
Adjustment to TA Linkage D Lubricating of Entire
Tractor O Adjustment of Steering Clutches O Fuel
and Lubricant Specifications O Adjustment of
Steering Brakes D Checking Crankcase Oil Level O
Adjustment of Foot Brake O Checking Transmission
Oil Level with O Care of Ignition System or
without Hyd. O Care of Generator O
O Safe Hitching Praccicea O Care of Cooling
System O Care A Uee of Hydraulic System O Care
of Fuel Syatem O Storing Tractor O Starting
Tractor After Storage O Discuss Down-Hill
Operation with TA O Caution on Using Crawler
Tractor When Ueed to Wheel Tractor O Tightening
Nuts and Bolts Q Keeping Tractor Clean
Checking Final Drive Oil I-cvels O
O Care of Battery Adjustment
D Track Care and
Care of Air Cleaner and Breathers O
Servicing Oil Filter Q
Hot Weather Operation
D Servicing Water Trap Fuel Strainer
O Gold Weather Operation O Drawbar Adjustments O
Three Point Hitch -eatures
O Starting, Stopping General Operation D
Adjustment of Engine Clutch Pedal
The customer's sigzzature below certifies that
the tractor was delivered to him izt a
satisfactory condition azzd that he received
irsstructiozt as to its proper operatiozz and
maizttezzarsce. Appointment for after-delivery
inspection (10 to 30 days after) was made for
RECORD OF CONTACT Symbols C - Ctted ozx T -
Telepltozse L - Fatter
International T4 Crowler Tractor International TS
(This copy to be sent to International Harvester
District OlTice.) (EXPORTSend to Distributor or
Affiliate General Office.) Tractor Serial No.
Engine Serial No. 'Se Illuet. I B
) Delivered to Address
Purchases Nme
Suwetand No.orR.F.D.ndBoxNo.

Town " Tractor being replaced if
any Make ge
Province or State
I"4umber tractors owned, Model including new
ChecL the Major \Jse Orsly for this tractor and
corrsplete iztforrrsatiors urxder.heading
  • Type work
  • Liet below special duty equipment to be ueed
    Equipment Meke

PREDEL IVERY SERVICEPrior to delivery of the
above tractor the following checke and teats were
made and cor- rective action taken where
neceaaary O Shortage or Damage in Shipment O
Extra Equipment and Accessories Checked
Against Purchase Order Q O Engine Oil Level O
Air Cleaner Oil Level Transmission Oil Level with
or without Hyd.
O Cranking Motor O Generator Charging Lights TA
Clutch Linkage 3-Point Linkage PTO
Operation Torque Cylinder Head, Engine Hot Adjuet
Valves, Engine Hot Engine Operation Check
Radiator Coolant Gear Shifting. All Speeds
Revereer for Proper Operation O Steering Clutch
Adjustment O Steering Brake Adjustment O foot
Brake Adjustment O Clutch Pedal
Adjustment Q Tracke for Correct Tension and
Align- ment Q Hydraulic Valvee for Correct
Operation O Teet Drive for General Operation O
Complete Lubrication of Tractor O Clean and Polieh
Final Drives. Oil Level O
Cooling System Level O
Water Level and Gravity of Battery Checked When I
netalled O Engine Oil Pressure
DELIVERY SERVICEAt time of delivery the
importance of the Operator's and Maintenance
Manuals waa explained and, with them as a guide,
instruction was given aa indicated by check
marks O Precautions with New Tractor O
Lubricating of Entire Tractor Q O Fuel and
Lubricant Specifications
O Adjustment to TA Linkage Adjustment of Steering
Clutches O Adjustment of Steering Brakes O
Adjustment of Foot Brake O Care of Ignition
System O Care of Generator
O Safe Hitching Practices O Care of Cooling
System Care Uee of Hydraulic System D Care of
Fuel System O Storing Tractor O Starting Tractor
After Storage Diecuae Down-Hill Operation with
TA O Caution on Ueing Crawler Tractor When
Ueed to Wheel Tractor O Tightening Nuta and Bolte
O Keeping Tractor Clean
O Checking Crankcase Oil Level O Checking
Transmission Oil Level with or without Hyd. O
Checking final Drive Oil Levels O
O Care of Battery Adjustment
O Track Care and
Care of Air Cleaner and Breathers O
O Hot Weather Operation
Servicing Oil Filter O Servicing Water Trap
Fuel Strainer
O Cold Weather Operation O Drawbar Adjustments O
Three Point Hitch Features
D Starting, Stopping General Operation O
Adjustment of Engine Clutch Pedal
The cuatomers sigxsature below certiGes that
the tractor was delivered to hirrs izz a
satisfactory cozzditiozz azxd that he received
izxstructiozt as to its proper operation arxd
maizttezxarsce. Appointment for after-delivery
inspection ( 10 to 30 daya aftnr) was made for

By By
(No Transcript)
International T4 Crawled Tractor International T5
Prowler Tractor DELIVERY REPORT (This copy to be
retained by owner.)
Engine Serial No.
Tractor Serial No.
tsee Illust. I BI
Addreu Street and No. o R.F.D. ond Box No.
Purchaser's Name
Province or State Dcce Number tractors
owned, Model including neW purcia0e
Town Tracto being replaced Mg/_at_ _at_
Check the Maior Uae Only for this tractor and
complete information under heading.
  • Type work
  • Liet below special duty equipment to be need
  • Equipment Equipment
  • Make odel Make odel

PREDELIVERY SERVICEPrior to delivery of the
above tractor the following checke and teats were
made and cot- rective action taken where
  • O Shortage or Damage in Shipment
  • O Extra Equipment and Acceesoriea Checked
    Against Purchase Order
  • D Engine Oil Level
  • O Air Cleaner Oil Level
  • _at_ Tranemiseion Oil Level with or without Hyd.
  • Q Final Drivee, Oil Level
  • .d Gravity of Battery
  • Checked When Installed O Engine Oil Preeeure

Q Cranking Motor O Generatofi Charging
O Reveraer for Proper Operation D Steering Clutch
Adjustment O Steering Brake Adjustment O Foot
Brake Adjustment O Clutch Pedal Adjustment Q
Tracks for Correct Tension and Align- ment Q
Hydraulic Valves for Correct Operation Q Teet
Drive for General Operation O Complete
Lubrication of Tractor O Clean and Polish
Lights TA Clutch Linkage 3-Point Linkage PTO
Operation Torque Cylinder Head, Engine Hot Adjust
Valvea, Engine Hot Engine Operation Check
Radiator Coolant Gear Shifting, All Speeds
DELIVERY SERVICEAt time of delivery the
importance of the Operator's and Maintenance
Manuals wae explained and, with them ae a guide,
instruction waa given as indicated by check marks
O Adjustment to TA Linkage O Adjustment of
Steering Clutch O Adjustment of Steering Brakea
O Adjustment of Foot Brake O Care of Ignition
Syatem D Care of Generator
_at_ Precautions with New Tractor O Lubricating of
Entire Tractor O Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications D Checking Crankcase Oil Level O
Checking Transmieeion Oil Level with or without
Hyd. O
O Safe Hitching Practices O Care of Cooling
System Care Uee of Hydraulic System O Care of
Fuel System O Storing Tractor O Starting Tractor
After Storage O Diecuee Down-Hill Operation with
TA O Caution on Ueing Crawler Tractor
Checking Final Drive Oil Levels O
O Care of Battery O Track Care and Adjustment
Care of Aié Cleaner and Breathers O
Q Hot Weather Operation
Servicing Oil Filter O Servicing Water Trap
Fuel Strainer
When Uaed to Wheel Tractor O Tightening Nuta and
Bolte _at_ Keeping Tractor Clean
Q Gold Weather Operation O Drawbar Adjustments O
Three Point Hitch Features
O Starting, Stopping General Operation O
Adjustment of Engine Clutch Pedal
The customer's sigxzature below certifies that
the tractor was delivered to him izz a
satisfactory coztditiors azzd that he received
iztstructiorx as to its proper operation and
maizztenarzce. Appoizztment for after-delivery
izzspection (10 to 30 days after) waa mada for
Signeri Signed By By
INTRODUC TION ............... ..... ........
..... ......... .... .............
.......... 1 DESCRIPTION .. . . ..... ...... .. .
.. ... ..... .. . .. ... .. ... ..... ..... .. ..
.... ...... .... 23, INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS ...
.. ... .. ..... ... ... .. ... . .. .. ..... ..
.. .... ...... ... . 4-6 OPERATION
................. ...... .......... ........
....... ..... ....... ........ ... . 6 - 18
Before Starting Your New Tractor
78, Cold Weather Preparation ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ........................
....... l2 Driving the Tractor ...................
........ ..... ..................... ...... ...
. 9- 11 Hydraulic Remote Control Attachment
.............................................. 18
Hydraulic System ................ .............
.. .................. .... .. ... ......
. 1516, Operating a Gasoline Englne
................... ............................
....... g Operating in Hot Weather ...... ...
..... ... .. ... ..... .....................
.......... 13 OperaPting ree autions
.................... ..... ......... ... ....
... ... .. .... . ...... 11 Operating the
Hydraulic System .................................
................... 16 Operating the Power
Take-Off .........................................
............. 1415 , Operating the Reverses
........................ .........................
.. ........ . 14 Operating the Torque Amplifier
... .......... ........ .... ...... ....... .
......... ... . 13 PreparingforEach
........... 8 Three Point Linkage......... ..
........ ... .. ..... ....... .... .......... ...
...... ... . 16 - 18 LUBRICATION
.... ............... ie-2 FINDING TROUBLE ..
........... ... .. ...... ..... ..... ...... ..
.. .... ... .............. 25-3 1 MAINTENANCE
... ............... 32- 50 Amp Cleaner ..
........... ..... ... .......... ... ... . ..
............. ................ 3.6 Adjusting
Front ldler Alignment ... .... ... .. ... .....
.... ........... ............... 49 Adjusting the
Track Chain Tension .............................
.................... 49 Brake and Steering Clutch
Adjustment .....................................
.......... 4647 , Carburetor......................
37 Chec ngSlackznTraccChain.......................
.............................. 48 ChecRingthe
.................. 38,39 Cooling
....................... 32-34 C ranking Motor
................. 40 Dislributor
.................... 3e Electrical Equipment
................... ................ ..... ....
..... ...... .... 38 Engine Clutch Adjustment
for All Tractors Not Equipped with Torque
Amplifier.......... 45 Engine Clutch
Adjustment for Tractors Equipped wxth Torque
Amplifier................. 45 FanBelt
....................... 34 Front Idler
Verticals Adjustment ... ....... ......
......... ........ ...... ... ..........
49 Fuel Pump - Hleotrxcal ........................
.. ............ ....................
44 Mechanical ...................
33 Fuel Strainer and Water Trap .. ..... ......
.... ..................... ......... ......
. 3s Hydraulic Fluid Filter ........... .........
....................................... 44 Install
ing New Track .. ... ... .. ... . . . .. . . . .
. . .. .. . . . . . . ... . . ... . .....
.............. 50 Oily Filter ....................
... 35 Reinstalllng the Track .........
..................... 50 Removing the Track......
.. ...... ....... ......... ..........
............. ........ . S0 Spark Plugs
......................... 40 Storage Battery
................ 43-44 Tightening Track Shoe
Bolts ............................................
........... 48 Torque AmplJxer Clutch Adjustment
................................................ 4
8 Track Assemblies ........... ...................
................................. 48 Valve Tappet
Adjustment ...... ... ....... ...... .........
............. ... .......... 42 Wiring Diagram
. . . . . ..... ......... ........... ...
................. ... .. . . . . . . . .
.. 41 50-56 56 52 5253 , 5455 , 50 51
'ry ijumeg . ..... ..............
.............. ...........................
Front End heights ................................
......... ........... - ...........
Track Frame Positions ......
............................ .....................
.. Front Track Frame Position ....................
.............. .................
Rear Track Frame Position .... ...................
....... . ........... - ........
Track Shoes . ...... .. ... ......
............................................. Type
of Shoes ...... ..... ..... .. .............
..... . ........ ........ ..............
Assembled in this book are operating and
lubricating instructions for the International T
-4 and T- 5 C rawler Tractors. This material
has been prepared in detail in the hope that it
Will help you to better under stand the correct
care and ef- ficient operation of your
tractor. IN you should need information not
given in this manual or if you should require the
services of a tr ained me chanic, get in touch
with the Inter- national Harvester dealer in your
locality. Deal- ers are kept informed on the
latest methods of servicing tractors. They
carry stocks of I.H. parts, and they are
backed in every case by the full facilities of a
nearby International Harvester District
Office. Throughout this manual the use of the
terms LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and REAR must be un-
der stood to avoid confusion when following
instruc - tions. LEFT and RIGHT indie ate the
left and right sides of the tractor when facing
forward in the driver' s seat. Reference to
FRONT indicates the radiator end of the tractor
to REAR, the drawbar end.
Illust. lB Location of tractor serial number
The engine serial number is stamped on the right
side of the engine crankcase above the battery
ignition unit. See Illust. IC. This serial number
is preceded by the prefix C - 123 or C - 135
which Indicates that it is a carbureted engine
with either a 123 or 1 35- cubic - inch piston
displace - ment.
Illust. lA The illustrations in this manual are
num- bered to correspond with the page s on which
they appear for example, Illusts. 1A, lB and
lC are on page 1. In order to provide a tractor
equipped as nearly as poss ible to suit each
custosmer' needs, a variety of extra equipment
and accessories are available. Refer to page 56.
Illust. IC Location or engine se rial number for
ready reference, we suggest that you write
these serial numbers in the space s provided on
the Delivery Report.
Where operating and maintaining instruction on
these items is required, it is included in the
instructions for operating or maintaining the
trac- tor. Disregard the instructions for
equipment not on your tractor.
Illust. 2A 3/4 Front view of the International T
- 5 C r awler Tractor
T -4 AND T - 5 C RAWLER TRACTORS Both the T - 4
and T - 5 International C raw ler Tractors are
full track laying type tr actors, pow - ered by
C - 1 23 or C- 135 gasoline engines re spec-
tively. Except for the power units, the
principal components such as the engine clutch,
transmis - sion, steering clutches, the final
sprocket drives and the track assemblies are
exactly the same. Listed below is a des cription
of the main compon- ents.
The steering clutches transmit the engine power
from the main bevel gear to the sprockets in the
final drive housing. Both clutches and steer -
ing brakes can be adjuste d or replaced without
dis - turbing adjacent units.
FINAL SPROCKET DRIVES The final sproclcet
drives consist of spur gears and pinions w hich
provide a fixed gear re- duction and tr ansmit
the power out to the main drive track sprocket.
ENGINE Both the C - 1 23 and C - 135 Engines are
four - cylinder, wet sleeve, valve in head,
carburetor gasoline engine s. The primary
difference between the two engines is the
cylinder bo re, the stroke and the horse power
rating. The C -123 engine produces approximately
26. 3 horsepower at the drawbar, whereas the C -
135 engine produces ap- proximately 30. 9
horsepower at the drawbar. To ensure maximum
efficiency and service life both engines include
the following features Tocco-hardened
counterbalanced cr ankshaft, re - placeable
cylinder sleeves, precision type bear- ings, full
press ure lubrication system, thermo- stat
control centrifugal water pump cooling sys -
tern, ele ctrical fuel pump on tractors equipped
with hydraulics or a mechanical fuel pump on
tractors not so equipped.
TRANSMISSION A sliding spur gear transmis sion is
used in each tracto r w hich provides five forw
ard speeds and one reverse. If the tractor is
also equipped with a torque amplifier, this
provides ten forw ard speeds and two reverse
speeds. Also, a full re- verse transmission is
available, This unit is mounted in the same
housing as the tor que ampli- fier, therefore the
applicatio n of the full reverse transmis sion is
limited to tractors not equipped with torque
amplifier. This unit provides five ad- ditional
reverse speeds in addition to the no rmal five
forward speeds and increases speeds by ap-
proximate ly 20 to.
TRACK ASSEMBLIES Either the four or five roller
track as sem- blies can be obtained in 38, 48 or
68 gauge widths. The four rofler track is
supplied as regular equip- ment and will prove
satisfactory for the majority of operations,
however where extra traction is re- quired for
heavy front loader work the tractor can be
readily equipped with a five ro11er track
frame. The track frames are of the rigid type and
are secured to the main frame channels in such a
manner they may be moved backward or forward
from their normal position, thereby making the
tr cto partic ular ly adaptable to front or
rear mounted equipment. The front idler may
also be low ere d from its normal position to
give the track mo re contact u'ith the ground.
ENG INE C LUT CH Two different main clutches
are available for the T - 4 and T - 5 tractors
depending on whether the tractor is equipped with
a standard or constant unning power take -off
shaft. When the tractor is equipped with the
standard power tahe - off shaft, a heavy duty
10'' s ingle plate, spring loaded dry disc
clutch is used. On tractors equipped with
constant r unning power take -off, a two stage
clutch replaces the re gular single clutch. The
first stage of this clutch oper ates the
transmission and the second stage by means of a
hollow shaft running outside the transmission
drive shaft which operates the power take - off.
Partial depression of the clutch pedal disengages
the transmis sion clutch without stopping the
power take -off shaft. This feature allow s
the operator to shift gear s, stop and start the
trr acto without stopping a power driven ma-
chine. The constant running power take-off
shaft is limite d to tractor s equipped with
torque am- plifier or reverser units.
A swinging drawbar is s upplied on both the T - 4
and T - 5 tractor s. A three point hydr
aulically contro lled hitch is also available for
either tractor and will ac commo date any
Category No. I imple - m-ents. The three point
hitch may be used in con- junction with the
swinging draw bar, therefore a tractor so
equipped may be used for regular draw - bar work
ror fo operating three point hitch imple- ments.
A special drawbar extension is also avail- able
for tractors equipped with either the standard or
constant running power take - off.
accomplished through two 9 inch single plate
spring loaded, dry dis c clutche s lo- cated in
the main fr ame housing. Steering brakes,
actuated by the steering levers operate on
the clutch drums and make very sharp turns pos
The operator of this tractor should thor- oughly
familiarize himseK with the instruments and
controls provided for operation. There are
important differences between various tractors,
therefore regardless ofprevious experience with
other machines, the operator shouldfully under-
stand what each control is for and howto useit
before startingto operatethistractor.
control lever controls the speed of the engine.
When set in a given position, it maintains a
uniform engine speed under variable loads. When
the lever is in its lou'est position, the engine
is at low idle speed. Push the lever up to
increase the speed of the engine.
GEARSHIF T LEVER The gear shift lever is used
to select the various gear r atios provided in
the transmission. There are five speeds forward
and one rever se. When shifting gears depress
the engine clut ch pedal to disengage the
engine clutch, then care - fully move the gear
shift lever to the desired speed.
IGNITION SWITCH The ignition switch is a push
- pull type switch having two positions -
''OFF" and "ON" . Pulling the button out is the
"ON" position which complete s the ignition
START ING SWITCH BUTTON Pressing the starting
switch button com- pletes the electrical circuit
between the battery and c ranking motor, causing
the cr anking motor to crank the engine. Release
pressure on this but- ton as soon as the engine
STEERING CONTROL LEVERS The steering control
levers control the steering of the
tractor. Pulling back on either steering lever
releases the steering clutch and en- gages the
steering brake, thus making the track on that
side inoperative while the other tr ack contin-
ues in motion, turning the tractor. Pulling the
le- ver back enough to release the steering
clutch z ill allow a gradual turn, whereas
pulling the lever back further to apply the
steering brake it will al- low a pivot turn.
To turn right pull back on the right lever, to
turn left pull back on the left lever.
CHOKE CONTROL BUTTON The choke is controlled by a
choke rod ter- minating in a button on the dash.
Pull out on the choke button to close the choke
whiCh Shuts off the air to the carburetor, giving
a rich mixture. Avoid over choking because
excessive use of the choke will flood the engine,
making it hard to start. Af- ter the fir st few
revolutions of the engine, push the choke button
in to open the choke to a point where the engine
operates steadily. After the engine has un a
short time, push the button all the way in.
TORQUE AMPLIFIER LEVER The torque amplifier lever
is used to en- gage or disengage the torque
amplifier. Refer to page 13 for operating
AND CONTROLS BRAKE PE D.\L The brake pedal is
used to stop the for u ar d or re arw ar d
motion of the tr actor and applies brake s to
both tracks simultaneously. It is not used for
the purpose of steering.
BRAK E P ED.4L LOCK Illust. 5A 4" The
amrs.te inéiicate s w hr ehe the fat te ry is
being charged Dy the generator. 'The
should s'io w char ge whenever the engine is
oper - sting at a speed faster titan low idle
speed. IN it irâi cates s fii c'nar ge contin
nously wingle eye-alia-g at a fts ie r thn low
idle spee d, tlne cause sn.o uld be in ve s tiga
te to avoid completely dis char ging tr.e ba.
ry ord pos sible damage tc the gener ator .
The brake pedal lo ck is use d to lo ek the brake
peda1 in the depre s sed pos ition, holding the
tr cto in a parxe d position on a gr ade or when
it is nece ssar3 to hold the tr actor stationary
while running the tra rior engine. C AUTION Be
sure the tractor is in neu- tr al v hen the
engine is r unning and the br ake lock is
holding the tractor stationary. See Illus. 5D.
HA 4229 This instrument indi cat es the temper
at ure of the liquid in the cooling system. The
infiicator sho u1d be in the low side of the
RUN range iv hen ope rating. OIL PRESSURE
Illust. 5C -422 This instrument indicate s the
pre s s ure of oi1 circulating through the
engine. The pointer should be past the fir st
rr.ark above zero when the engine is operating.
If the pointer is not past the first mark, stop
the engine immediately and inve s- tigate the
cause of the engine oil press ure
failure. ENGINE C LUTCH PE DAL When the tractor
is equippe d u ith the stand - ard pow er take
-off, depre s sing the clutch pedal iv ill
disengage both the tr ansmission and the pos! er
take-off shaft. However, when the tractor is
equipped with the consrtant unning pov'e r take -
off, depressing the clut ch pedal approximately
2 dis - engages the transmission only. Further
depres- sion on the pedal disengages the pow er
take - off shaft as well.
The rpos'e take -offr leve is used for engag -
ing and disc ngaging the pony er take - off
shaft. Pull ther leve up to disengage the power
take - off shaft and push it doc' n to engage the
rpow e take - off shaft.
The light switch has four positions OFF - off
pos ition, D - dim ligBhts , - bright lights, R
- rear light. All lights are on ix'hen the
su'itch is positioned toB D, and R. The rear
light has a red glow when the so i tch indi cates
D or B, how - r eve when the switch is
positioned at R, it becomes a clear seale d beam
  • The reverser lever has three positions - the
    FORWARD position will allow the tractor to
    operate under normal transmission operating con-
    ditions with five speeds forward and one reverse.
    The NEUTRAC position will neutralize the trans-
    mission when in gear. The REAR position chan-
    ges the transmission gear speed from a forward
    speerd to ever se, thus giving five speeds
    rever se and one forward. IMPORTANT Before
    shifting the reverser lever from one position to
    another it is necessary to proceed in the
    following manner
  • Depress the clut ch pedal.
  • Select the gear speed required.
  • . ift eve for ard for nor a trans is to wor . hi
    t ever to the rea for reverse tra -
    million ork.
  • 4. Release clut ch pedal slowly and begin oper-
  • Refer to page 14 for Operating Instr uctlons.

TTA 3990
Illust. 6A
Illust. 6B Right side view of C - 1 23 and C -
135 Engine
HA 4200
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Illust. 7A Left side view of C - 123 and C - 1 35
HA 4199
Inspect the tr cto completely for any short- age
or damage which may have occurred while in
transit. Check to be sure that all component
units Lubrication Refer to "Lubrication G uide"
on page s 20 to 23 and lubricate the entire
tractor. Check the oil levels of the engine
crankcase, air cleaner cup, transmission and
final drive hous- ings to see that they are
filled to the corre ct level with oil of proper
vis cosity for the prevailing tem- peratures.
See the "Lubrication G uide" and "Lu- brication
Table". Tractors shipped to destinations in
Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico have the crankcase and
air cleaner cup filled with SAE- 10W lubrication
oi1. If the engine is to be operated at temper
atures be - tween 65 and 10F. this oil can be
used for the first 50 hours of operation. If the
temperatures are not within this range, drain the
crankcase, oil filter and air cleaner cup, then
replace the lubri- cant with the required amount
of fresh oil, having the physical properties and
proper viscosity suit- able for the prevailing
temperatures and type of service. After the fir
st 50 hour s of operation, the oil filter element
and crankcase oi1 should be re - placed. Tr actor
s packed for export have all oil drained
from the engine crankcase, air cleaner and all
gear housings. Refer to the "Lubrication Guide"
on pages 20 to 23.
are se curely mounted to the tractor. NOTE
Operate a new tractor with a light load for the
fir st 30sho urr at ated governed speed. Fue1
Illust. 7B International Harvester gasoline
burning engines are specifically designed for use
with reg- ular grade gasoline, having
approximately an 80 minimum octane rating t Motor
Be sure to use a well known grade of cle an fuel.
Keep the containers or drums clean at all times.
In order to be safe from contaminated fuel
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