Case IH McCormick Super W-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004277R2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH McCormick Super W-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004277R2)


Case IH McCormick Super W-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004277R2) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Case IH McCormick Super W-6 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1004277R2)

McCormick Super W-6 Tractor Operator's
Manual 1004277R2
If Safety Decals on this machine use the words
Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as
follows 0 DANGER Indicates an immediate
hazardous situation which if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. The color
associated with Danger is RED. 0 WARNING
Indicates an potentially hazardous situation
which if not avoided, will result in serious
injury. The color associated with Warning is
ORANGE. 0 CAUTION Indicates an potentially
hazardous situation which if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also
be used to alert against unsafe practices. The
color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If
Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel
Pictorial, decals are defined as follows
0 The first panel indicates the nature of the
hazard. 0 The second panel indicates the
appropriate avoidance of the hazard. 0
Background color is YELLOW. 0 Prohibition
symbols such as
and if used, are RED.
safe and proper use of the machine. 0 Reads and
understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the
machine. G Reads and understands ALL Safety
Decals on the machine. M Clears the area of other
persons. G Learns and practices safe use of
machine controls in a safe, clear area before
operating this machine on a job site. It is your
responsibility to observe pertinent laws and
regulations and follow Case Corporation
instructions on machine operation and maintenance.
Oc 2001 Case Corporation
Bur 0-00000 issued November, 1994
CASE and IH are registered trademarks of Case
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De se ripti on
P age No.
Delive ry report (to be ftlled in when tr actor
is ieli ve red) .
A t fr ont
Genre ral . , . . . .
Se rtal numbers , engine and trac tor .
O etiver y report
Before s tasting your new tractor Instruments and
controls P re paring your tractor tor eaeñ day' s
work Views of the tractor . OPERATDfG YOUR TRACTOR
7, 8
4 to 6 8, 9 3
Driving the tractor. .. Operating a gasoline
engine .
. ,
l6, 17 lD, 11 1 2 to 14 15
Operating a die tiHate e ngine Operating a dis
tillate engine on gasoline Operating a ker oserie
. ..
. .
is 20 19
Oper ating the belt pulley. .
Operating the Hydxuulic Remote Gontrol Operating
the powe r take -off
Engine and chas sis lubetc ant s peeifications
General engine lubrscation Greas ings tne front
whñe1s ....... L ubr Jcatxon guxdc Lubrtc ating
ox1 and gr eas e spe cifica tions ..
. . .
32 23 to 29
Oil filter . , .. MAINTENANCE Adj us ting the d
rawbar Air cieanxng ps ys tern . Battery Ignition
unit Brake s ..
. .
. ,
40, 4 I 42 to 4S 64, 65 34, US 36, 37 S3, S8,
59 34 51 to 5 3, 57 , 58 72 46 to 49 33 69 to ?
1 4 I, 42 49 to 55 56 to 59 78 S9 to 6 1 78 73to77
C arbur etor . .
Gold wea the r precautions
Gooling sys tom C.ranking motor Fuel s traine r .
Gene rator Hydraulic Remote Gontrot ays tern If
agneto (traetor a so equipped) . Pe riodi c inepe
ctions . .
Pneumatic tir us . ... .... . Spark plugs and
Starting and lighting equipment (trac tore with
batte ry ignition)
Starting and lighting equipment tractor x with
ma gneto) Starting engine a that heve been in
storage . ..
Storage bzttc ry .
Storing and houaing your tractor Trouble shooting
. . . , . . . ..
Wheele . ..
(atrtirig and lighting) . .
54 to 56 79 to 9z 93, 94 95, 96
As semb led in this book a re ope r ating and
maintenance ins tractions for the Super W
-6. This mate r ia1 has been prepared in detail
in the hope thatttwillhelp youto btGez under-
standthe corrccttart and eNicientoperaton ofyour
tratt0t. M you gtiould need information not
given in this manual, or require the services of
a trained mechanic, get in touch with the Inter-
national Harvegte r dealer in your
locality. Dealers ace kept informed on the late
ct meth- ods oJ servicing tractors. They car ry
stocks of IH parts, and are backed tn eeery caee
by the full facilities of a nearby International
Harvests r District Offiee.
Throughout this mattual the use of the terms
LEPT, RIGHT, FRONT , and REAR must be nude r
stood to avoid confusion when fottow- ing inc
trtictiona. LEFT and RIGHT indie ate the left and
eight sides of the tractor when lac - irig
forward in the driver s seat. Reference to
PRONT indicate a the r adxator end of the
tractor, and REAR the drawbar end of the tractor.
S48 Zl 1 8 t. 2 The illustrations in this
manual are num- bered to corre spond with the
pages on which they appear for example, It I tts
ts. 6, 6d and are an )z ff,
I I I not. 2
hour ing. S8e Zi lti8 t. NJ. The se rial number
is preceded by the prefix SW -6. The engine
serial number is stamped on the right side of be
engtme orankcee abovetRe orankoa breathe x. be
I I I tf I. B This se rial num- be r i9
preceded by the pr clix C-264, which in- dicatec
that it is a carbureted engine with a 264-c ubic
-irtch pis ton displacemerit.
When in need of par ta, always s peci by
the .raetor andengine ser rat numbe rs. The
tractor se rial nttmber is stamped on a name
plate attached on the left side of the clute h
Fo r re ady refe renee we sugge a t that you w
rite these se rtal mimbe rs in the epacea pro-
vided on the Deltve ry Report.
111 ust. 28 Locat ion of eo9i oe seri ml number.
'.t. 3 - s't Œt .red.
ety of speci a) equ i paent i s ava i I ab1 a
for use ui th the Super -6. The i nstruct ions
for oparating and eai ntai n i ng the spec i al
equ i paent have been in- c) uded in thg
instruct ions for operating end maintain ing the
tractor. 0 i srsgard tha instruct bona for soeci
aT eeu i eaent not on Your tractor.
Brake pedals
Raliaror h utter t I l ust. 4 I.ocat i on of
i nstruaents and control s.
Brake Pedals The se pedals are useel to stop the
tr actor, to fto1t tote tzacto z Oz a
stat1Qzzazy pos ittoT , a z' to as syst in
making sbarp towns as outttned be- low
To as sis t in making a sharp ter r n, ope r ate
the pe dals individually, depre ssing
the pedal or the side toward chic h the turn is
to be made.
Tha brake pedal I atch I/ T Ius Ss. I and 1
7J is as ed to late h both brake pedals together
, c aus ing the b r ake s to ope rate
sirriultanoous ly.
To s top the tractor, depre ss both pedais at the
some ttme. Before driving the tractor in high
gear, always la tc h the pedale together,
CfiOT1081 Always late h the brake pedals toge
ther when driving the tractor in high gea r ( S
th speed). To late h the pedals together, en-
gage the latch (located1 in back of left
pedal, /1 I ust. a7 tn the s lot in back of the
right pedal, W hen br ake pedals are not late
hed togethe r, the late h s heold re st in the s
lot in back of the left br age pedal.
To hold the tractor in a stationary posi- tiom,
latch the pedals toge the r , de - pre s s artd
loc k there in this depres se d positiom by
pulling out the br a ke pedal lock control rod.
The brate reda1 1 oek I i t up ts 4 and 171
Lighting flwitch The switch hae three positions
"O" - off position "D" - dim lights and "B" -
bright lights, Aoiaeter This ins trument indie
ates the charging r ate of the generator or the
discfar ge rate of the batte ry. If it x howl dis
cnar ge continii - ously, inve s tigate the cause
to avoid com- pletely diec har ging the batte ry
and possible
is used to foek the brake pedals in the de-
pres sed position which prevents the trac tor
from moving. Cltttch Pedal This pedal, when de
pre seed all the way, disengage e the engine from
the trans mrssion.
Choke Rod The choke rod make s it pos a ible to
regu- late the carburetor choke from the drive r
' s aeat. Pulling out on thn choke rod eloses
the car btiretor choke for s tar ting the engine
push- ing it back in ops us the choke. Engtne
Speed Control Never Thie lever controls the speed
of the en- gine and, whrn set in a given
position, will mairitain a uniform engine apeed
even though the engino load may vary.
damsge to the generator. Re 'er to cable W
t o 64 additional information on electric al
Ott Pressure laI1cator
The rated or matimum tuft load gove rued speed
is I , 450 r. p. m. maximum itle speed is
approximately 1,600 r. minimum idle speed
(hand throttle) ie 400 to 450 r. p.m. with the
engine epeed control lever fully retarded. Neve e
operate tlxe engine at more than the re giilar
governed speed. Exce s sive speeds are harrriful.
I I I ust. 5 0 i 1 pressure indi cator, shovi
ng naedl e i n correct oper at ink poa i I ion.
The gove rnor is eet at the factory and s houltl
require no adjuatme nt. Gone ult your lute
rnational Harvester deale r if the governor docs
not function properly.
This indicato r 11I I us fs d nftd J/ shows
whether lub ri catirig oil is cir c mating titre
ugh the e ngine. The indi cator needle should re
g - tste r in the white ace a when the e ngine is
re r- uing at s peeds approximate ly 1 00 r, p.
m. abo ve s low id ie speed s IZ I f e8 t . 5/
. If it is not i n the white area, stop try e eng
tne cmm ed ia te ly a nd inves tt gate the ca us
e of the or 1 pr es sure faifure. If yoti are
unable to find the cans e , be sure to cons ult
your Inte rnational Har ves te e dealer before
ope rating the engine,
This button closes artd opine the elee trical
circ iiit for operating arid s topping the
engine, Pull the button otit fxr ope rating and
push it iii to stop the engine.
tAtff 1R. On trae tors with battery ignition,
when the engine ie not operating or the eng inc
Radiator Shutter Control Crank The contro I c
rank open x and c los es the rad ia tor shutter,
contr olling the engine ten - per a tur e. Turn
the erank eounter c loekw i s e to e los e the
shu tter and clockw tee to ope n the s hutter .
haa e ta fled aitd the operetez leaves the
tractor , tlse ignition switch button must be
pushed a 11 the way in, ap that the switch ia in
the "OFF" poaition, to prevent battery dis char
ge. Staring Swttch Control Rod
To start tlxe enginc, adjuat the choker od and
pull out on the starting switch control r nd as
explained oft pop 21.
lt0TE. T raetors with gasoline engine s a re not
regularly equipped with this feature.
Gearshttt Lever
peed forward forward
I I I ust 6A Haat i nd icator in correct
operating pos i t i on risen oper at ing on d i
st i ate or kerosene.
Fifth speed
manifold 8eat Control Iever
Gearsh i ft
pos i t ions.
This lever is used to s etc ct the variou s geae
ratios in the tr ansmisc ion. There are five
forwar d speeds and one reve rse speed.
h0Tt The filth s peed is locbe d out when ste
e1 whee1s are as ed fur further instructionC re
ter to s 4e 17.
I Tust. 68 Pteat control val ve set i n
hot pos i t i on (d i st i ) - ) ate or kerosene
eng i nes on I y) .
This contr o1 leve r I I i i tts t. 68) i s
used only on di s ti11a te o r ker o se ne e
ngine s . F o r nor mal o pe r ation , set the
leve r in the top note h HOT" pos ition. If the
dis tillate or keroserie e nginc is to be ope
rated on gasoline , s et the eontrol leve r in
the bottom notch " COLD" posit ion, and re move
the manifold s hielet. T o c hange pos i tions ,
loosen the luck
Power Take-Off Shif ter Rod The shifter rodis
usedto engage o r dis - engage the powe r take
-off. Re 8 T tO oote for oper atrng ins tr
nut on ttte ie ver s i red position. fer to
popes JJ
and move the ie ve r to the de - Fo r eorrip ie
Ie ins tr tietions re- to i c.
Best Indicator
This ins tr urrient fJ i i us Ig. â and fi4 indi
- eates when the liquid in the eooling sys te re
i s at the proper temper attrt e for the bes t
e ng irie pe rio rrnanc e. The indie ate r
pointe r s Would be in the e entc r of the RUN"
r aoge t/f t us i . fid for eng inc s as irig
dis tillate or keroscue for ftze1, azrd on the
low s tde a/ the "R \Itf raw ge for e rig
inc s tis ing gag oline fur fuel,
Hydraulic Remote Control Lever
Thi s 1eve r i I I '.us t, COA) i s used to c
ontrol the IIow of fluid tn the c ylinde r artd
thu s r at se or 1owe r the implement the dest
red amount, withis the lirwi ts cif the system.
Reer to e H for addr ti onal irdorrriation .
Steel Wheels If your trac tor is equippe d with s
teel wheels, or has new wheel nd log ins
tallations, it is advisable to cheek and tighten
the re ar wheel bolts at trite rvale to be sure
that the In g s S eat p r OOHr l .
1.ubrJcatloa Lubricate the enti re tra ctor, as
ing the " LubF iCa tion Ghide" On Qoas M tO H .
Check the oil levels of tire engine c rank- case,
air cleaner, trams rnis s ion, belt pulley hoes
ing, and all gear case 6 to see that they are
filled to the cor rect levels with oil of the
pFoper viscosity for the pr e waiting tempe ra-
Engine Cooling System The cooling xys tern
capacity is appr out- mately 6- 1/4 U, S. gallons.
ture , Refe r to the Lubrication Guide
pa)ee f!3 t o 29, and to the spec ifications
of lubricants D048s A n/d3I, Tractors sh i pped
to dest i nat i one iii the
Be sure the crankea se water drain Zf rat. 10)
and the radiator drain are cloeed, then fill
the radiator to a leve1appeonimate ly 2- 1/4
inches below tne top oJ the filler neck. F tiling
the radiator to this level will allow for ex -
pansion of the coolant nude r normal operating
conditions . Use cle an wate r soft or rain
water is recommended, as it does not contair
alkali, whieh forms scale and eventually clogs
the pas sages. When filling the radiator , remove
the vent plug xn the loft s ide of the the rmos
tat housing I Z11Its t, 101 and replace the
plug when wate r a ppear S.
On i ted States of Air i en, Canada and Hos i
co are
filled with oil in all parta befo re leaving the
factory, E',ngines are filled with a light
engine oil. However, this engine eil is for pre
se rva- tive pm rpos es only and is not a or
tabte for regu- lar service. The original oil
should be drained from the crankcas e and ai r
c1e ane r and re - placed with the requi red
amounts of fre s h oil for the preva
ingternperature, Tractors Oacked for exoor t
have all oil drained from the engine c rankca se,
air cleane r anti all gear caees. Before start i
ng the engine for the f i rst t i we remove
the spark plugs and put about one teas poonful
of c rankcase oil into eac h cy linde r replace
the spark plugs and crank the engine to dis tr
ibute the oil over the cyIin6c r weMs. This as
sure s pay lii ve lubr ieaton of the cyl- rude
rs and pistons imrriediate ly afte r s tar ting
and eliminates the possibiltty or s cor irig.
Neve r start or operate the engine without water
or antifre eze in the cooling sys tern ex- cept
as instructed in Gold Weather P re c ac- tions"
on Pa)e e6. Our ther info rma tion refer to
"Gooling Sy s tern on pates J7 old . If the
tractor is to be
operated in
temperaNres (32F. oc to Gold W e athe r P re
contions on
Belt Put\ey 'T'o es sure smmedtatc IubrScatioo,
of tbe new pn rta, remove the filler plug II
Ius I, 82B), lubri cent in the reoe rvoi r in
the belt pulle y housing (approximately 1 U.S.
pint), after which the proper level is mnintnined
f rom the ot1 tn the tranamtsion ease.
Replace the filler plug. It i necessory to put
in this additional lubricant only before
operating the belt putlc y far the fi r st
time. Reer to pole y1 for approved
lubricant, Pneuzoattc Ttres Before moving the
tractor, chec k the air prea sure in the
pneumatic ti rea and inflate or deflate the front
and rear tire a to the cor rect oporating pree
sores. Refer to the c hart out
Nesr refuel bcctoc white myfne ie nscniny or
cxtmaly Not,
DESCIUPTIDN D is tillate or ker usene- burntng tr
ac tor s s hould not ha ve the s hut-off v alve
Fuel System
Thi s tractor is desiqued so that tt may be
equippe d wtth e ithe r a gasoline, dis ti11ate ,
o r lte ros ene -bu ruing Engine. Befo re atte
rnpting to us e a Incl tor wltic h your t ra cto
r is not de-
under the a uxili a ry task and the one
nude r the mair fuel tank open o r e ve n parti
ally open at the sa rue ti rrie , as this wtll
per mi t the di s tillate or ker -
osene tn mix with the gas oline , making the
engine hard to start.
si gned, see you r In te r national Har vester de
ale r
o r the ne ares t lnte rnational HarvcS te r Di
s tr ic t
Off c e tor fen details.
D u rtng the ltr st 100 hours of operation, li
ght engine ol wi th every /tve U. S. ga Glans of
/ue\. Battery- To-Ground Cable Tr actor s shipped
Mr orn the fa ctory with star ting and li ghting
equipme nt have the bat- tery- to-ground cable
die conneeted and taped. Therefo re, before
attemptxTig to gtart the engine, be sure the
battery-to- ground cable is connected to the
ground. Instruments and Controls The r oog hly ac
quaint your self with all iri- s trurnents and
controls as des cribeö Fri Sales a Io 6.
To obmin bee t ren ults , u se the luc l to r w
hie h the trae tor is des igned, follow the op-
e r ating nstruc tions given for that fue1 artd
obs e rve the following pree autione Buy clean
fttel and keep it clean. Store fueI in tanks
equipped with hose and nozzle to pr cvexit c
nntarri ination of the feel. The use of funne1s,
cans and drum a is not r e c ornrnende d he
catis e they are difJie ult to keep r lea n. D is
tillate fuels shorrid confo rrri to lute r-
nationa I Harv es ter G ornpany s pecift- cations
(see your tnte rnational Har - vests r dealer).
di s tillate or keroaeneengine ie ta be op
Fuel Eystem
er ated on gasoline only, uw e the lar ge feel
bill the feel tank ( c apa ci ty 21 U. S, gal-
lons) preferab Y St the end of eaeh day' S WO V
k. This will force out arty mois ture -laden at r
and present condemsaCon. Tracto rs deeignet for
dis tillate or kero- sette operation have an
auxiliary tank ( c a pact ty 7/8 U, S . gallon)
for gasoline , whic li is us ed only for sdarting
and warming up the engi ne.
for gasol ine and e ttlie r s ktit off the s mall
or use it as an a ilary
Tüe f the r c ap a om both ftief tnnks have air
vcntz. Thcsc vcnte hould bt keptopcc atall time
s to as sure pr oper flow of the fuel c. M
sirTf r i isT We ver tin the ther taluk when
the engine is rutinxng or when near on open
tlarrie , Do not smoke or us e on oil lan- tern
when working o r ound inflammable fuet s . When
refueling the Irae tor, keep the hose nozzle or
funnel and container (i1ored) in con- tact with
the metal of the fue I tank (Ji let. 8? to avoid
the pos si bil Qty of an electric
spark igritting the ga s . Do not ttght rnatche
a near gasoline, as the atr wxthin a redtu s of
seve ml feet is mixed with a higMy expl osive
vapor .
t T lust. 8A
F i 11 in9 the fuet
Cooling System Remove tote radiator Filter cop
aod cbeck e water level. Pt11 to a 1cye1
approximately 2-1/4 inches 1alow the top of the
filter neck. or ccp rind tighten
to the bre1t -any coupling front half by giving
the rear ña2f u lght push with a amnll bar or sc
rcw drxver. Bcmuc e some force ts required to
fetch t2e coupling, the coupling design provide
e for uae of a small bar or acnewdriver to obtntn
the use cs any pre sourc, EOTE' Tke Xczaota
Gozztro1 wt11 lower tbe ñn ementwhenAscomtrolwmdle
veri pulWdbauk, providdtRtA0 hozoxMe
zontrolvnlvc fi cOnnctcd t0iRe cylinder on the
ñc of the pivot pin lock pin. It wt12 operate
in the reverse murmur If the top home is
connected to the opposite stde o the cy1in-
periodic Ir specttoz s e/sr to poYe 31.
CbmmgthzoJinMir cleaner 0
1/ to Mlevw1mrkwitz engine oil (cxpcclty Lay
tRc oxe eutUin xtralg1tnc be-
EJTGINE CRAN0X5E Uhen oPerat ing on geaoJ ina'
did a gent otJ to brtog tbc oO up to tbe
1evc1 at tbe upper tgat cache izt tbe czazzkcaae
pno, Beor tmrfing yeur ninefor tRday
work, and allow the oil to drain to thia level.
Cloa e the loWer tc st cock nDd open tho uppc r
cock in the c rankcaac pm. Adtt rtew ott
(approxlms te - ly one U. S qunrt) until it
appears at thia IeveJ and tnem c1oe the cock.
Refer to Lubrication Gutdc' or Que 23 / 9
for completn dnily iubrication rcquiee-
Neeervoir and fi ter pug.
Hydraulic Remote Control system To prepare the
Hyñrulic Remote Control syetazoor tbc ftzst
time, or to attacb ftse cyltzzder to aztotkez
tznp1ezzteztt, fojJow tjzeac tnatructtons Connect
the becak-away coupling rear hull
Itezoove tbe reaexvotr tt1tcr plug //T lust. 9J
Gtszt tbc tractor eztgtztc czzd opexotc it at a
moderate Idle apccd. Set tbe atxoke bmitcoUar a
tRGyokeoddtRcp(z4oa that operate the piston to
its x mum stroke in boWMrccMomzbouttentbuoxbymn
dmgifi costollevar f/UvL ML bcksndIo
, TMxwUlfHtAecyHndcrndhozedi6
fluiderdremovct6erfromaMesyWrm Set tho piaton
in tnc retracted position ( wyi)mAddao clcanI
W Teucb- ControlFluidtothc rexcrvoiruAbltReflmd
lcvclieweiblc in the filler optnin, Acplacc
andfiten fhefUler plug. When connecting the
break-any coupling front and rear halvcc, tche
care to keep the erupting free from dirt rind
grtt thee the dust rape furnished w-ith the
Remote Cozttrol to bolp protect the break-awry
eoupltng front half disconnected. Attaching the
Cylinder ToatVchi6e cyhsdxr tnhe
trcHingizn plcment son the inst tienc on fodB H.
Before ttenot ing to start or operate the
tractor, be sure yxi rev ie the instruct ions
for the rev tractor and thorougfi\ y fani Tiarize
yourse Tf with the instruments and contra\s.
Ba aee tbc 9embift lomt of tbc bector ie in
()luat. lO FueI sy stei - gasol ine engine.
Radiator Shutter
tion and always s tand in a pos ition that will
e1i m mate any poss ibili ty of being str uck by
the s tar ting c r ank if the re is a reve rs al
of the di rection of the eng ine. Crank the
engine by using quic k tips troke s do not spin
it. The following ins tr u ctions offe r approxi-
rna te requi re ments whic h may be c hanged to
ssit local conditioris During warm weathe r, or
with the engine warm, pull the choke rod halfway
out, then crank the engine, using .quick mps tr
odes , until the engine etarts. During eold
weattic r, or with the engine cold, pull the
choke rod out all the way and c rank the engine
with quiz k ups tr oke e as follow s
T r ac tor s des igned toz ga soline engine op-
e ration are no't re gular ly equipped with a
radi - ato r s hutte r, btit this teature can be
supplied, If your tractor is so eqiipped, close
the radi- ator s hutte r when atar ting the
engine in eold weathe r then regulate it as re
quir ed to hold the needle o( the heat indie ato
r on the low side
of the "R UN range.
Fuel System Ghe ek the gasoline tank to make s
ure it is full algo be sure the shut-off valve
on the ftiels tr aine r under the gasoline tank
is open.
To as sure againe t leakage or seepage when the
valve is in its full open position, be s ure to
screw the needle ste m (shut-off valve out until
the seat on the stern is tight against the
stop. Use a good grad e OK Ja Solin e. startlng
the Engine with the Cranklng Motor
eiht 1tfts
ture OF. to 1 OOP. door to five lifts of the
c rank st tempel - etuz'es 1 OP. to
2OP. I'wo to tkree 1iJts of ttte c rxnk st
tcmpcr - aturc s 2O F. to 30Y'. Pus h the
choke rod halfway in and crarik the enginc with
quick upstrokes until it s tartx. h0TE' Avoid ove
r choking as exce ss ive use of the choke will
flood the e ngirie , making it hard to s tar t.
Use of the e hoke for s tar ting will vary,
depending on tempe rature and attitude.
1. Put the gear s hift lever in the ne u tra
position. Sue 1 t t we t. 6.
2. Open the gasoline shut-off valve nude r
the feel tank.
3. Pull the c noke rod out all the way.
4. Advance the engine s pce6 control lever
After the EngtEe OtArts As soon as the engine s
tarts, adjtis t the c hoke to a point where tlte
engine operate s without mis s ing and, as the
engine warrns up, open the choke all the way by
gradually pcs h- ing the ehome rod all the way
in. Do not us e the choke to e nr ie h tire fuel
mixtti re except when s darting the
engine. lmmediate ly afte r the engine star ts,
chec k UC OH pro 5Sti 2e indicator f J I l fte
t. 5j to make s tire s uffi crent otl is
circulating through the engine. If it is not, s
top ttie engine and ins pe ct the otl system to
find the cause o( failure. If unable to find the
canse , con s ult your lute r - nationa I Har
yes te r dealer beio re operating the e ngine.
one-third. (Push forward, up, to adva nee. )
  • S, Pull out on the ignition switch button.
  • 6. Disengage the engine clutch by pres - sing
    down on the clutch pedal. Pull out on the
    starting awitch control rod and re lease it as
    soon as the engine etarts. However, do not hold
    the rod out for rriore than thirty second s at
    any one time. If the engine doea not sta rt
    within this time, re tease the rod and watt a
    minute or two then try again, Slowly rele use
    the clutch pedal af4e r the engine starts,
  • Band-Cranklng the Engine
  • I . P ut the gearehift lever in the neutr a1
    position. Via I l I net 6
  • Open the gasoline shut-off valve nude r
  • the feel tank.
  • Pull the choke rod oct all the way.
  • Advance the engine epeed cont rel leve r
    one-third. (Pus li forward, up, to advance, )
  • See /l ma t, 4.
  • S. Pull the ignition switch button out.
  • G rank tire e ngine one or two s t roke s then
    open the ehoke poet way.
  • Crsnthe emgine ntilit startv
  • Aiff ltr W hen c ranking the engine, be eure
    the gearshift leve r is yn the ne utr al post-

Stopping the Engtne Re tard the engine speed
eontrol leve r by pulling it all the way back f I
I I tilt . 47 . A how the engine to cool slowly
from full-load oper - ation by slowly idIing the
engine for a a ho r t time. Then push the
ignition switch cont re1 button all the way in to
stop the engine. It is advisable to clos e the
gasoline shot-off valve if the engine is to be s
topper tor any fength of time.
  • Four stepe ars necessary i n ooerat i ng a d i
    st i \ ate eng ine on di st i I ) ate.
  • S ettiny the rnagifold hea t c ontro I leve r in
    the top notch "H" (hot) pos ition. See Page 13
  • S tar tin g the engine on gaso line .
  • C hanging over to d is ti 11a te fue 1.
  • 4, C hanging back to gaso 1One before s toppin g
    the engine, to ins tire having gasoline in the
    fue1 bow I for the next s tar tiiq.
  • T he above steps are fully expla tried in tn is
    manna 1 study therrt
  • ear efu lly.

Badtztor Shutter T ra ctoz designed iOF open
ation on dis - tillate are regularly equippe a
witE a radiato r shutter to help warm up a eold
engine quickly and to maintain the engine at the
most efficient operating temperature.
The adjustment of the sltutte r will vary,
depending on the load the tractor ie handling,
length nf idling periods, atmospheric temper -
atures, and the kind and quality of fuel that is
being used, II'IP0RTITI Before fitting the r
adiator in fre ezing weathe r, cto se the
radiator shutter and start the engine then put
the water in the r adiator immediately. This
prevents water from freezing during the
warming-up period. the engine hxs warmed up,
adjust the ra- diatcr shutter to maintain the
operating terrt perattir e of the engine rn the
c enter of the "RUN" s ec tton on the heat
indicator I I I Iin t.
Distillate fuels are heavier thou gasoline and
therefore require more heat for proper va-
poriaation. BeJore starting a distillate engine,
close the radiator ehutte e eorripletely.
After the engine has been star ted. allow it to
operate wtth the radiator shatter closed un- til
the pointer on the heat indie ator is in the
center of the "RUN" section then regulate the
shutter enough to keep the pointer on the heat
indicato r in the cente r of the "R UN" section I
I I I us I 6d7
I ) 1 ust. 12 Fuel and gaso) ine tanks on I i
sti \ I ata
t ractor
'uet System C hec k the fue 1 arid a uxilia ry
gas nlt ne tanks to rwake sure they ar e
fa11. Open the gas olin e va lve and be sur e
the shut -off valve for the main fuel tank ie c
los ed, (This shut-off vahe should not be opened
unti1 the engtne has been opera ting on gas otin
e long enough to be tho r- oughly warmed up.)
0o noty ix fuel s' Do not have the shut-of/ valv
e nuder the auxilia ry tank and the one undee
the main fuel tank ripen or pa r tially open at
the same t\zzte a s this w1Tt pe rrrttt the di
etlt tate duet ta mtx with the ga so\toe,
retaking tote engine hard to start.
Ceec or "6eppy" clothing should not be worn by
the epetutor hence ot tits dcnycr pt JI wupptny
on or gJltis ioto dc aiming pure.
Before s tar ting the engine on gas oline, be s
ure there ie n o dis ti Hate fuel in the car bure
- tor or in the fueI s tra iner .
Manifold heat Control The di s ti hate engine
rrtanif o1d i s de signe d so the hot exhaust
gase s pas s ar ound the i rttake manifold arid
heat the incoming fue1 mixtur e, re suiting irt
maximum efficie n cy under all nor - mal oper
ating condition s.
The manifold heat contr of valve has
four adjustrnent pos itions top note h, "H"
(hot) po s it ion two center notc he s, inte r
we dia te pos ttinns bottnrri notch, G (
cold) pos it ion. See I I I us I GB,
Reduce cpord tgtsfore making a turn or wicn eppl
yen g the bakes. Remember, eAe danger o tGc
bct0Or ovomumimg inwcoacs lowt Hmc, wGenlho ped
h doubled.
With tlse se adjus trrtents the heat of the
manifold can be re gutate d to suit var iotis
open - ating condition s , which ar e gove rue d
by the prevailing air temper ature , the toad
the engine is handling, and tlte kind and
qiia1its of fue 1 that is betng used,
Wlten operating the engine on di str hate , the
he at eontr nl valve should be set in the top
notch, "HOT" poeitinn II i i os t . âB) . W o
do thi s, triosen the nut on the he at contr o1
adjus t- ing lever and raise the Ie ver tn the
top notch, Keep the valve iii this poxiti on
except when the pr evailin g temper atur e is
very h igh , o r when the en mine is ope rating
wtth a con s ta nt, heavy loat, In sucn ca se
s, use etthe r of the two int rrnediate
positioria or the "CO L D" po s itxon.
The manifold should be kept h ot a t all time o
to properly vapor ice the heavy Joe I s a nd
to avoid dilution of the er anke ase i ub r i e
at in g oil.
I a YS b flp thc trctof in gear w1to down Qty
e p h i11s.
oil g
Starting the Eagi e with the Cranking
Motor 1. Put the gea r shift lever 3n the
neutr at position. Sae / 1I us t. 6
After the Engine Starts As soon a s the engine s
tar ts , adjtet the choke to a point she re the
engine missing. As the engine warm s up, gr
  • 2, Open the gasoline shut-off valve Ande r the
    auxiliary gasoline tank and be sure the shut-off
    valve for the main feel tank / /1 Iest. 127 is
  • Advaric e the engine speed contr of leve r
    one-t2ii r d. Se8 I i i ti8t. i. (Puah forward,
    up, to advanc e. )
  • Close the radiator shutter.
  • Pull not the ignition switch button.
  • Pull the choke rod all the way out.

open the choke allthe way by
the choke rod all the way in. Do not
chnke to enrich the fuel mixture ltpt wh
starting the engine.
lmme diately after the engine staFtfi, check
the oil pres sure indxe a ter /1 / gt7 to make
sure efficient oil ss circul ating IN rough the en
gine. If it i s riot, stop the engtne and
Inspect the oil sq stem to find the can se o
failure. unable to Jirid the cause , consuit your
trite rna - tiona l Harve ster dealer before
operating the engine.
Changing Over to Dlstlllate Fuel When the engine
hae operate d a while and the needle on the heat
indicator is we 11 into the "R UN" section,
change ove r to operate on dis- tillate by ti
ghtly elo ring the gasoline shut-off valve and
quic kly opening the shut -off valve un- der the
main fue1 tame.
7, Diaengage the engine clutc h by pre n s -
ing down oit the clutch pcdat . Pull out on the
s tar ting switch control rod and re ea e a s
soon ae the c ngine s tarts. Ho weve r, do not
hold the rod out for rna re than thirty second s
at any one time. If th e rig inc doe s not s
tart within thi s time, roleaoe the rod arid wait
a minute or two, then try aga in. Slowly re lea
se the clutch pedal after th enginc starts,
Do not ope rate the engine under load until it is
thoroughly warmed up (when the heat infi
cator pointe r is in the cente r of the " R UN" s
elt tion) . See at i ue t. 6J .
Hand-Cranking the Engine
Ad3u st the radiator shutte r so as to main-
tain the needle in this position.
  • Put the ge ar shift leve r in the neutral
    position. See i i net. 6.
  • Open the ga soline shut-off valve under the
    auxiliary gasoline tank and be sur e the shut-off
    valve to r the main fue1 task is cInsed. See i
    Yes t. 12
  • Advanc e the engine speed eontr o I ie -
  • ver one -thir d. (Push forward, up, to advanc
    e. ) See /1 I his t. 4

Stopping the Engine Glos e the di s till ate s
hutoff valve and open the ga s otine shut-off
Dalye. Ope rate the engine two or three rrti note
s with the engine s peed control leve r one-half
advanc ed to e mpty the fue1 line s and car
buretor of di s - tillate and fill them with
gasoline, Thie will instir e haying gas oline in
the fuel bowl ter s tar ting again. Reter d the
engine speed con- trol leve r by pulling it all
the waY bac k dnw n) and pus h the i grit tioti
switch button all the may in.
4, Close the radiator shutter. S. Pull out the
ignition switc h button.
6. Pull the choke rod out all the way. Grank the
engine one or two stroke s the n push the choke
r nd halfway in. Grank the erig inc ttM11 IN
S P ,
Afte r the en gine has stopped, tt is good pr ac
tice to elos e the gasoline s hut-off v a lve
To s tart as engine that has been stopped while o
pe rating on dis Vitiate and has cooled off, c
los e the mai ri fuel s hut-off valve and d r ain
the dis tillate from the car bure tor fee i bowl
and feel s tr aine r bowl tlsen proc eed i n acc
or d ane e with ttie starting rnatr we
tionc shown a bove .
Avoid over chokin g aa ext e s s we u se of the
choke will fl rind the engine, makin g it h ar d
to start. For bestr e sulta follow tote p roc
edur e out lin ed in th e pa rn gr aph "Hand C r
a n k i n g the Engine" or oa(e 11
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M your tractor is equipped with a ke ro serie
-burning engine , follow the sarrie ope rating
instritetione ae outlined for di s tillate opera-
lf a ke r os ene engine ie to be ope rated on
gasoline , the same instructions as for opera-
tkng a dis tillate engine on gasoline will apply.
Diatillate or keroaene engines rriay be op-
erated on gasoline if nece es ary however, mate
aatafaetory results will be obtained when the
engine is operated on the feel tor which the
engine ia designed,
Manllold Heat Control Set the heat control valve
in the c (cold) pos ition e xc e pt when ope
rating ends r a light load or in extr rueip
cold wea the r then the valve should be set in
the lower xnterrned rate po s Ation.
To operate a dis tillate engine on gas oline ,
follow the sarrtm operating instruc tions as for
distillate operation cafes 12 to 24J exee pt as
ingtruc ted in the following par ag raphs.
Manifold Shield Re move the manifold s hieId exe
e pt w he n ope r ating in extre mely cold wea
the r.
Puel System The 21 U. S, gallon Tue1 tank ie
used for gasoltne und the a mqll tank may be used
as an auxiliary tank.
5topptng the Engine
Retard the ertgirtc speed ceotrot leve r by
pulling it all the way bae k. See 1 I f tt8 t
t Al1ow the engine to cool slowly from fttll-
lod oper ation by s lowly idling the engine for
a s hor t ttrne. Then pus h the ignition switc h
bu t- ton all the way tn to stop the engine . It
is ad- v isa ble to clos e the gasoline s
lint-off valv e U the e ngine is to bes toppod
for any length of time .
Gloao the radiate r ahutter when s tar ting the
engine in cold woetfie r, and as the eng me
warrws up, re gulate the ahutter ao the de st in-
dieator printer maintainx its poai tino on the
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