PDF Los Innovadores / The Innovators (Spanish Edition) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PDF Los Innovadores / The Innovators (Spanish Edition)


PDF Los Innovadores / The Innovators (Spanish Edition) | Copy Link : gooread.fileunlimited.club/607316064X – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 3 September 2024
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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PDF Los Innovadores / The Innovators (Spanish Edition)

173173173Tra su extraordinaria
biograf237ade Steve Jobs, el nuevo libro de
Walter Isaacson cuenta la fascinante historia de
las personas que inventaron el ordenador e
internet Los innovadores est225destinado a
convertirse en la historia definitiva de la
revoluci243ndigital y en una
gu237aindispensable para entender
c243mosucede realmente la innovaci243n
nbsp191Qu233 talentos y habilidades
permitieron a algunos inventores y empresarios
convertir sus ideas visionarias en realidades
disruptivas? 191Ded243ndevinieron esos saltos
creativos? 191Porqu233algunos triunfaron y
otros fracasaron? nbspEn esta magistral saga,
Isaacson arranca con Ada Lovelace, la hija de
lord Byron, una pionera de la programaci243ninfo
rm225tic en la d233cad de 1840. Adem225s
presenta a las extraordinarias personas que
crearon la revoluci243ndigital que nos rodea,
gente como Vannevar Bush, Alan Turing, John von
Neumann, J. C. R. Licklider, Doug Engelbart,
Robert Noyce, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve
Jobs, Tim Berners- Lee o Larry Page. nbspEsta es
la historia de c243mofuncionan sus cerebros y
por qu233han sido tan inventivos, pero
tambi233nde c243mosu capacidad para colaborar
y dominar el ar te del trabajo en equipo les hizo
a250nm225screativos. nbspEnuna era que busca
fomentar la innovaci243n la creatividad y el
trabajo en equipo, Los innovadores es la obra que
mejor muestra c243mose producen. ENGLISH
DESCRIPTION Following his blockbuster biography
of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson8217sNew York
Times bestselling and critically acclaimed The
Innovators is a 8220rieting, propulsive, and at
times deeply moving8221(The Atlantic) story of
the people who created the computer and the
Internet. What were the talents that allowed
certain inventors and entrepreneurs to turn their
visionary ideas into disruptive realities? What
led to their creative leaps? Why did some succeed
and others fail? The Innovators is a masterly
saga of collaborative genius destined to be the
standard history of the digital
revolution8212an an indispensable guide to how
innovation really happens. Isaacson begins the
adventure with Ada Lovelace, Lord
Byron8217sdaughter, who pioneered computer
programming in the 1840s. He explores the
fascinating personalities that created our
current digital revolution, such as Vannevar
Bush, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, J.C.R.
Licklider, Doug Engelbart, Robert Noyce, Bill
Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Tim
Berners-Lee, and Larry Page. This is the story of
how their minds worked and what made them so
inventive. It8217salso a narrative of how their
ability to collaborate and master the art of
teamwork made them even more creative. For an era
that seeks to foster innovation, creativity, and
teamwork, The Innovators is 8220asweeping and
surprisingly tenderhearted history of the digital
age8221(The New York Times).
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