John Deere 30 Series Potato Digger and No.2 Stone Picker Attachment Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97581) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 30 Series Potato Digger and No.2 Stone Picker Attachment Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97581)


John Deere 30 Series Potato Digger and No.2 Stone Picker Attachment Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97581) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 30 Series Potato Digger and No.2 Stone Picker Attachment Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97581)

C 3
O M N 9 7 5 8 1
OMN97581 C3
To the purchaser curately controlled
heat-treating assure maximum strength and long
life for every part. Keep this manual in a
convenient place for quick and easy reference.
Study it carefully. You have pur- chased a
dependable and sturdy im- plement, but only by
proper care and operation can you expect to
receive the service and long life designed and
built into it. Give your potato digger proper
attention during slack periods. By doing this,
it will always be ready, without delay, when
you need it.
This manual contains valuable in- formation about
your new John Deere 30 Series Potato Digger. It
has been carefully prepared and illustrated.
In it you will find instructions and helpful
suggestions for operating, adjusting,
attaching, transporting, lubricating and
servicing your new Potato Digger. You will also
find in- structions for adapting your potato
digger to work properly in all types of field
conditions. Your new digger was built to rigid
manufacturing standards. Material and
workmanship are the best. Pre- cision production
methods and ac-
Sometime in the future, your po- tato digger may
need new parts to replace those that are worn
or broken. If so, go to your John Deere dealer.
Provide him with the model number of your
potato digger and the date purchased. Record this
in- formation in the space provided be- low, so
it will be readily accessible when It is
needed. Location references Right-hand and
left-hand refer- ences are determined by
standing at the rear of the potato digger and
facing in the direction of travel.
Model No.......................... Date
Purchased ....................... , 19 ..... (To
be filled in by Purchaser
Po ge P og o
SPE CIF IC AT IONS . . . . . .. 6-7 Operating and Adjusting
Stone Picker ....... 23-2T
OPE RATION .......... 8-25 stone Picke r Hitch
Prepar ing Potato Digger Clev is .......... 23
for Use . . . . . .. . . . . 8 Potato Digger Whe eIs . 23
Hitch Clevis ......... 8 Jackshaft . . . . . ... . . 23
Tractor Dr awbar . . . . .. 8 Stone Picker Chain Ten-
Attaching Potato Digger to s ion . .......... 23
T r actor . . . . . ... . . . 9 Slip Clutch, Tightene r
Rod Deflectors ....... 9 Sproc kets and Chain
Hand Lift Lever . . . ... . 9 Guides . . . . . . .. . . 24
Depth of Operation . . . .. 10 Rock Elevator E xten-
Shovels ............ 10 s ion . .......... 25
Elevator Chain ....... 11 Extra Extension for
Separation of Dirt from Rock Elevator . . . .. 26-Z7
Potatoes .......... 12- 13 Elevator Height ..... 27
Shove I Depth ....... 12 Maintenance Suggestions 28
Front Elevator . . . . .. 12 Before and After Storage 29
Agitation . . . . . . .. . . 13
Elevator Speed . . . . .. 13 LUBRICATION . . 30- 32
Torque Limit Clutch ... 14
Elevator Drive Chains . . 14 DETACHING STONE
Operating Digger Chain P ICKER FROM POTATO
Inside Out ... , ..... ! 8 DIGGER . ......... 33-35
Car rier WheeIs . . . . . .. 16- 17
Adjusting 1000 rpm Drive ATTACHING STONE
Chain ............ Foretruck with Rubber PICK ER TO POTATO DIGGER . ......... . 36
Tires ............ 18
Foretruck with Caat- Iron SPE CIAL EQ UIPMENT ... 37-39
Rollers . . ........ 19 Rollers and Agitators . .. 37
Adjustable Wheel . .... 20 Pointed Shovels . . . . . .. 38
18- Inch Potato Digger Bed Agitator Control Shaft ... 38
Exte nsion ......... 21 1000 rpm Operation .... 38
Safety suggestions ..... 22 Colorado special Potato
Digger 39
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John Deere 31 fo tots Digger with Sti ff If itch
. š.-
Series . . . . . . .. .. . .. Models .
. 30 Series consisting of three models . . 31
Digger with stiff hitch 32 Digger with caster
whe els whee I size - 4.00 x 8- inch, smooth 33
Digger with cast r olle rs (made of cast
Capacity . .............. Two-row Row width .
............. 32-, 34-, 36-, and most 38-inch
rows Power requirement ........ John De er e
3010 Tractor, its equivalent or larger . In some
light soil areas, it is possitle to use a 2010
Tractor. Power lift .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front section operate d try hydr aulic con- trol
lever on tractor Tire s ize ............... 670.
x 15-4-ply implement tire Wheel tread
............. Angled pos ition - 65
inches Vertical inner position- 72 tnches
Vertical outer pos ition- 76 inches Over-all
length with stiff hitch (31 digger) .......... 14
feet, 8 inches Over-all length with foretruck (32
and 33 digger) ............ 16 feet Maximum over-
all width ..... 7 feet, 1-1/2 inches with 76-
inch tread 6 feet, 8-1/2 inches with 72- inch
tread Shovels ................ Straight, 3 piece
(re gular equipment) Polnted, 3 pie ce (optional
equipment) Shovel width ............. 88 inches
(over- all) Be d width , .............. 58
inches Potato chain ............. Cons ists of
129 links, 29 inches long. 64 links project up,
and 65 links project down. Length of chain
........... Over-all length each side ! 6.8
feet We ight .. , . , ... , ........ 31Potato
Digger - 2,037 pounds (approxi- mately) 32 Potato
Digger - 2,065 pounds (appr oxi- mately) 33
Potato Digger - 2,267 pounds (approxi- mately) Tor
que limit clutch . , ...... Adjustable friction
type Cone rollers ............. White
iron Should be used with draw ie z Tape tractor
Agitators . . ............. Triangular type
(regular on front section) Short oblong (regula
r on bed section) Long oblong (special
equipment for Ded se ation) High f requeney
smooth rolle r (special equipment for bed se
ction) Optional equipment ......... 540 or 1000
rpm drive parts Colorado spe cial with
2-1/8-inch apron chain and oblong shaker
sprockets in- stead of regular 28- or 37 -tooth
ele vator drive sprockets Special equip ment
......... . Agitator control shaft Short oblong
shaker sprockets Long oblong shaker sprockets
High f requeney agitator Cone rolle rs required
when running po- tato chain inve rted) Drive
sprockets 23, 28, 33, 37, or 42 tooth
(28-tooth regular) to. 2 stone piclcer
attachment 18 -inch Ded extension Adjustable
whee1 (tractor must be equip- ped with a dual
hydraulic system) No. 2 stone picker
attachment Potato digge r requi red . . .... . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Potato Digger Only
Capacity . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Up to 350 tons per day Size of
stones handled . .... . . . . . . . . , .
1-1/2-inch to 8-inch diameter Working depth
siinxches Shove1 width . . . . , .. . . . . . .
. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
inches Caste r tire size . ....................
....... 5.90 x 15-inch Picker we ight
.................... 1, 530 pounds
(approximately) Dimensions of digger with stone
picke r attachment Maximum beight . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 feet, 7
inc bes Height with elevator extension removed .
. .. . . . . . 7 feet, 3 inches Maximum width .
. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 feet, 2 inche s Width with elevator extension
removed . ... . . . . . 12 feet, 10 inches Length
. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 15 feet, 6 inches Flights .
................. 3- 1/2 inc Yes high, 13-3/4
inches apart Speed of elevator chain . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 feet per minute
Width of elevator ...............................
24 inches Special equipment .......... Rock
elevator extension Hook-up bundle for diggers
prior to 1959 production The 42-tooth drive
sprocket cannot be used with the stone picker
attac h- ment. (specipcotion and design subiect
to change withou! notice 1
Operation Preparing potato digger for use
Hitch clevis HITCH GLEVIS
The bed of the potato digger should be ie
vel when in the ope r- ating position. Set the
hitch clevis to maintain this leve I pos ition
when the potato digge r is hitched to the
Before starting potato digger in the field, De
sure you are thoroughly familiar with the
function of each working unit. A careful study of
the adjustments and what they will ac- complish
under the wide variety of field conditions will
allow you to reap the many benefits that a 30
Series Potato Digger can provide. Careful
inspection of the potato digger before starting
work each day will prevent needless delays
and treak- downs in the field. Make the
tol1owing checks and adjust ments.
The center position is shown above. Use
whiehe ve r of the three settings is necessary
to keep the digger bed level. Tractor drawbar The
tractor dr awbar should be secured in a center
poa ition, par- allel to the PTO shaft, with the
off- set down. Adjust the length of the drawbar
so the end hole is 14 inches from the end of the
powe rshaft, if digger is to be operated by a 540
rpm PTO shaft or 16 inches if digger is to be
operated by a 1000 rpm P' 0 shaft.
1. Perform the lubrication serv- ices (pages 30
through 32).
2. Inspect all drive chains for proper tens
ion, Tighten chains only enough to prevent links
from climb- ing sprocket teeth.
  • Check for loose bolts and con-
  • nections.
  • Check tire inflation. The cor- rect air pressure
    is 24 psi. If you have a 32 Potato Digger, the
    tire in- nation pressure of the foretruck
    wheels is 40 psi.

SAFETY FIRST Every operator must co- operate
fully in the shielding ot rotating Powershafts
an exposed Powe rshaft can be deadly.
o9erofion 9 Rod deflectors
Attaching potato digger to tractor
When starting the digger in a field, always check
to make sure that the rod deflectors are in the '
'down' ' position as shown above. The rod de-
fIectors will guide the potatoes into a s lngle w
indrow. I-hand lift lever
Attach the digger to the tractor drawDar. Connect
the dr lv e shaft to the tractor PTO. Then attach
the hydraulic remote cyllnde r to the front
support and to the hydraulic lift shaft arm, and
se- cure wtth the spr tug locking ptns.
After the desired digger depth has Deen determine
d, adust the hand lift r leve on the digger to
that position. This will assure a constant
shovel depth that can be eas ily set by oper-
atlon of the remote hydraulic control lever on
the tractor.
Attach the hoses to the hose sup- port rod and
connect them to the tractor as instructe d in
your tractor operator's manual.
10 ope nation
Depth of operation
Do not operate your potato digger any de eper
than nece ssary. Under average operating
conditions , trav- eling at two miles per hour
and a depth of four inches, ttie digger is
lifting eight to te n tons of soil per minute. A
ge neral rule to follow is, for e Fch half- inch
of average depth of the blade , about 75 tons of
soil are lifte d per acre of operation. T his of
course will vary depending upon the type of
soil. Although your goal is to have a 100 per
cent harvest of your potato crop, it is sometimes
inconvenient to go the extra depth to get every
single potato. By operating one - half inch deep-
er, it would re quire the digger to lift another
ton or more of soil per minute. Although you
might recover a few more potatoes by going
deeper, it is possible that you will get
inadequate soil separ ation and hence the cost
would be more than the value of the few extr a
potatoe s . When you get inadequate soil
sep- aration, it may be necessary to re- duce
either the travel speed or depth until one of the
following occurs (1) An occasional potato is
cut (2) The separating capacity is adequate
or (3) The soil blanliet on the apron becomes
inadequate for protection against damage.
The shovels should be polishe d enough to scour
Ireely. Failure of the points to scour fr eely,
espe cially in certain types of soil, is a common
problem. This failure is usually caused by
paint, rust, inadequate polish, loose soil
conditions or un- cut material accumulate d over
the cutting edge.
It is important that the shovels scour since
losses of 15 bushels per acre are not uncommon
when the shovels fail to scour. Cleaning, pol-
ishing, sharpe ning or increasing the depth of
operation of the blade are possible measures
that should be taken if the shovel points are
not scouring.
Pointed shovels If you are operating in
trashy conctitions , pointed shovels will give
the best results. They are useful for digging
deep-plante d potatoes with- out carrying an
excessive amount of dirt up onto the chain.
IMPORTANT Always stop the posvershaft and
raise the shovels out of the ground when making
operation 11
Elevator chain
Operate the elevator chain loosely to prevent
wear, and to keep stones from lodging between the
chain and rollers. However, do not allow the
chain to drag on .the ground, or be loose enough
to become disconnect- ed. Disconnecting and
connecting elevator chain To disconnect the
elevator chain, first turn all the agitators so
they lie flat. The best place to discon- nect
the links is at the back of the digger and on
the bottom side, where there is the most slack.
Without inas te z link
If the digger chain does not have a master link,
the best way to dis- connect the chain is to
grasp four links with the r ight hand. Draw them
together to obtain all poss ible slack. Push
link "A up and back as shown by arr ow. With
the other hand, push link C bac k between
the opening o1 link "A and ' 'B,' ' If link '
'C' ' didn't drop out, it will be necessary to
rotate link ' 'B' ' up and back. Link "C will
then drop out and be free.
With maste z linb BEVELED END
The elevator chain may be equip- ped with a
master link to facilitate disconnecting the
chain. The master link has the ends beveled. The
chain should be disconnected at the master
link. Turn the chain until the master link 1s on
the bottom or return side ot the bed and at the
rear of the digger. Grasp four links together
with the master link. Then rotate the master link
up and back until the link drops free trom the
chain. To connect the chain, reverse the above
To disconnect link 'C' from ''D, gr asp link
C' ' and pull it back to the rear ot the machine
as shown. Then rotate link ' 'C' until it is
dis- connected from link ''D.' ' To connect the
chain, reverse the above procedure.
1 2 operation Separation of dirt from potatoes
  • Gentle handling ot the potatoes is of pr imary
    importance , and the long- er separation can be
    delaye d, but eventually obtaine d, the better
    the resuits will be. De layed separation is
    desirable because a laye r of dirt under the
    potatoes will cushion the m and prevent bruising.
  • There are four means of adjust- ing the
    separation on your digger
  • Adjusting Shovel Depth
  • Adjusting Front Elevator 3, Changing Agitation
  • 4. Adjusting Elevator Speed in
  • Relation to Ground Speed
  • Shovel depth

Front elevator
The holes at ' 'A, permit the position of
the front cone rolle rs to be varied in relation
to the shovel. As the rollers are moved back, the
el- evator breaks the dirt more quickly. The
greater the gap between the shovel and the
elevator, the more effective the separation Will
IMPORTANT In stony ground it 1s advisable to
place the front cone rollers in one of the rear
holes which will provide ample clearance for
stones between the elevator and shovel.
The depth of the shovels dete r- mines the amount
of dirt carried up the elevator. The working
depth of the shovels is readily controlle d by
the hydraulic control lever on the tractor,
the hand litt lever on the digger, or a
combination of the two. Fine adjustment can also
be made by adjusting the lift rod adjusting nut
on the lift rod as shown. Operate the shovels as
shallow as possiblebut use caution so that the
potatoes will not be cut.
Li ft rod Adjust the adjusting nut on the lift
rod, so the wing shield will not )am on the beam
angle when the elevator is in the maximum raised
position. This setting can also be use.d as a
fine ad- justment to control the depth of the
front shovels.
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operation \ 3 any surplus links from the
drive chain. Put them in a safe place as they
will be required if, at a later date, larger
sproekets are used.
5eparating conditions vary great- ly in
different types of soil and weather. Your
John Deere Digger is equipped with a combination
of tri- angular agitators , short oblong
shaker sproekets , and plain rollers that will
give the proper amount of elevator shake in most
conditions. If it should prove necessary to
change the amount of agitation, there are
several agitators , available as ex- tras, to
accomplish this purpose. 5ee pages 37 and 38. If
your digger is equipped with an agitation control
shaft (page 38), the rollers of the shaft can be
raised off the apron chain and thus will reduce
the agitation of the chain by adjusting the
agitator lever. NOTE The apron chain has been
removed for i//usfzofire pu_at_oses.
5eleet from the chart below the sprocket to suit
your digging condi- tions. The digger is
shipped from the factory equipped with N 12884N
28-tooth sppoeket, or N71873N 37- tooth. However,
all these drive sproekets are available from your
John Deere dealer.
Port nvmber Port nvmber Port nvmber Size E Ievotor s peed ft. per m inute
N 12833 N 23-Tooth 400
N 12884 N 28-Tooth 330
N 71872 N 33-Tooth 280
N 71873 N 37-Tooth 250
N 71874 N 42-Tooth 220
Elevator speed To meet varying field conditions,
it is sometimes necessary to in- crease or
deere ase the speed of the elevator. Five sizes
of elevator drive sproekets, listed in the
next column, are available to meet these
requirements. When changing drive sproekets on
the digger, it is advisable to remove
It is recommended that the tractor be operated at
2 mph with the proper drive sprocket on the
digger. Then if it is necessary to increase
ele- vator speed during operation, the
tractor can be shifted into a LOWER GEAR. Because
of the constant power take-off speed, this
automatically in- creases the speed of the
elevator in relation to the forward movement of
the tractor.
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