John Deere 100 Integral Disk Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA35701) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 100 Integral Disk Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA35701)


John Deere 100 Integral Disk Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA35701) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 100 Integral Disk Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA35701)

I7 English
I 7
O M A 3 5 7 0 1
To the Purchaser
Reco rd your disk serial nu mbers i n the space
provided on page 29. Your dealer needs this info
r- mation to give you prompt, efficient service
when you order parts or attach ments. If you r
disk re- quires replacement parts, go to your
John Deere dealer where you can obtain genu ine
John Deere parts accept no substitutes The
warranty on this disk appears on your copy of the
purchase order which you should have re- ceived
from your dealer when you purchased the
disk. This safety alert symbol identifies
import- ,_at__at_, ant safety messages in this manual.
When you see this symbol, be alert to the
possibility of personal injury and carefully read
the message that follows. Because John Deere
sell s its products wo rld- wide, U.S. units of
measure are shown with their respective Metric
equivalents throughout this operator's manual.
These equivalents are the SI (International
System) Units of Measure.
This new disk was carefully desig ned and man u-
factured to give years of dependable service. To
keep it running efficiently, read the
instructions in this operator's manual . Each
section is clearly identified so yo u can easily
find the information you need whether it is
operation, lubr ication , or service. Read
Contents to learn where each section is
located. In addition to the equipment furnished
with your disk, attach men ts are available to
help you do a better job in special crop
conditions. These are described in the
Attachments ' section of this man ual and can
be purchased from your Jo hn Deere
dealer, Right-hand and left-hand" sides are
deter- mined by faci ng in the direction the disk
will travel when in use.
Nam e
TO THE DEALER Prede livery service is the
service John Deere recommends that a dealer
perform on a mach ine before delivering it to a
customer. This inclu des assem bly, Iubr
ication, adjustment and test. The service
assures that the machine will be ciel ivered in
good condition to the customer and that the
customer will be fuIly satisfied with its
performance right from the start The John Deere
Delivery Receipt, when pro perly f illed out and
signed by the dealer and customer verifies that
the predelivery and delivery services were
satistac to rily performed . When delivering this
machine, g ive the customer's copy of the
delivery receipt and the operator's manu al to
the customer and ex plain their
purpose. PREDELIVERY CHECK LIST The following
check list is a reminder of points to inspect.
Check off eac h item as it is found satis-
factory or after proper adjustment is
made. lnspect to be sure nuts on all boIts have
been tightened and all cotter pins spread. See
bolt to rque chart on page 25. Be sure alI grease
fittings are i nstalled. Lu bri- cate the dis k.
(See page 16.) Check sc rapers fo r correct assem
bly with only the pro per amo unt of tensi on
against the disk blades. Be sure disk gangs turn
freely. Paint all unpainted bolts and nuts and
any other parts scratched up in shipment. This
disk has been chec ked and, to the best of my
knowledge, is ready for delivery to the cus-
Post Ot fice
S tate .
Serial No.
Date Solds
DELIVERY CHECK LIST The following check list is a
reminder of very im- portant information whic fi
should be co nveyed di- rectly to the cu stomer
at time disk is delivered. Check off each item as
it is fuIly exp tained to cus- tomer. Advise the
customer that the life expectancy of this or any
other machine is dependent on regu lar
lubrication as directed i n operator s man
ual. Tell the customer all about safety
precautions wh ich must be o bserved while using
this disk. When the disk is transported on a road
or hig h- way at night or duri ng the day,
accessory lights an d devices sho uld be used fo
r adeq uate warn- i ng to operators of other
vehicles. In th is re- gard, tell custo mer to
check local govern- mental regulations. Give the
operator s manual to the custo mer and explain
all operating adjustments. To the best of my
knowledge this machi ne has been delivered ready
fo r fiel d use and cus- tomer has been fuIly i
nfo rmed as to proper care and operation.
(Date Delivered)
(Date Set Up)
(Si gn atu re of Del i ve ry Person)
(Signature of Set-up Pe rso n)
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
2 Safety Suggestions
3 Identification View
4-6 Preparing For Use
7-8 Attaching and Detaching
9 Transporting
10-12 Operating Adjustments
13-15 Attachments
16 Lubrication
17-23 Service
24 Trouble Shooting
25-28 Assembly
29 Specifications
30 Index
Safety Suggestions
GENERAL The safety of the operator was one of the
prime considerations in the minds of John Deere
engineers when this disk was designed. You can
make your farm a safer place to live and work if
you observe the safety suggestions given. Study
these suggestions carefully and insist that they
be followed by those working with you and for
you. Finally, remember this An accident is
usually caused by someone's carelessness,
neglect, or oversight.
TRANSPORTING When transporting the disk on a
smooth sur- face road, do not exceed maximum
tractor trans- port speed. Reduce speed
considerably when traveling over rough
ground. When transporting disk on a road or
highway at night or during the day, use accessory
lights and devices fa r adequate warning to
operators of other vehicles. In this regard check
local govern- mental regulations. Lights and
devices may be obtained from your John Deere
OPERATION Be careful when operating the disk to
avoid injury. Never ride or permit others to ride
on the draw- bar of the tractor or on the
disk. OnIy one person - the operator - should be
per- mitted on the tractor platfa rm while
tractor and disk are in operation. Be careful
when operating on hillsides because the tractor
may tip sideways if it strikes a hole, ditch, or
other irregularity. SERVICE Never clean,
lubricate, or adjust a machine that is in
motion. Do not leave the disk in the raised
position when it is not in use. Always lower it
to the ground
(No Transcript)
Preparing For Use
GENERAL Your new disk is fully adjustable and,
when prop- erly adjusted to operate in the type
soil and field conditions on your farm, it will
do a good job of disking at a minimum of expense.
A well-adjusted disk levels the soil uniformly
and leaves it in proper condition for the best
type of seedbed. Imp roper adjustment results in
rapid wear, pos- sible breakage of parts, and
inefficient operation.
  • Rear Wheel Tread
  • 850 and 950 Tractors
  • Set the tractor rear wheel tread at 45 inches (1
    145 mm) or less, center-to-center of tires, and
    equal distance from center line of tractor.
  • 2040, 2240, 2440, 2640, 2B40, 4030 and
  • 4040 Tractors
  • Set the tractor rear wheel tread 66 inches (1 675
    mm) or less, center-to-center of tires, and equal
    distance from center line of tractor.
  • Front Ballast Information
  • Tracto r front end stability is necessary for
    safe and efficient operation. Therefore, it is
    important that the proper amount of weight be
    installed on the front of the tractor as
    recommended in your tractor operator's manual,
  • CAUTION Ballast recommendations pro- d vide
    for adequate transport stability. Addi- tional
    front ballast may be required for satis- factory
    field operation. See tractor operator's manual.
  • Instructions
  • Step 1 - Find you disk model in the IMPLEMENT
    CODE TABLE and enter its code on line 1, right.
    Step 2 - Enter an Implement Code for each attach-
  • ment on line 2.
  • Step 3 - Add these codes to obtain Total Imple-
    ment Code.
  • Step 4 - Select additions or subtractions from
  • tor operator's manual.
  • Step 5 - Refer to tractor operator's manual to
    de- termine required tractor front ballast.

PREPARING THE DISK Lubricate the disk as
instructed on page 16. Be certain all bolts are
tightened securely. See torque chart on page 25.
complete tractor operating instructions, refer to
your tractor operator's manual. Rockshaft
Selector Lever 2040, 2240, 2440, 2640, 2840,
4030, and 4040 Tfactors Set the tractor rockshaft
selector lever in the zero or D" position,
depending upon your tractor model. Tire
Inflation Inflate the tractor tires as
recommended in the tractor operator's
manual. Tractor Drawbar Place the tracto r
drawbar in the short position. Rear Wheel
Weighting Rear wheel weights may be necessary to
elim- inate excessive wheel slippage or for
stability in roug h or hillside fields. However,
weig hts should not be added to the point where
all slippage is elim inated. To do so would
hinder maxim um per- formance of the tractor. For
maximum recommended rear wheel bad last, refer to
your tractor operator's manual.
Preparing For Use 5
IMPLEMENT CODE TA BLE 850 and 950 Tractors
Our example is an 8 (2.4 m) disk with furrow
filler and scrapers for a total 63 implement
code. Refer to you r operator s manual for step 4
and 5 for your recommended front end
ballast. IMPORTANT Refer to tractor operator's
manual 1. If the total implement code exceeds
the maxi- mum implement code listed for a
particular tractor model, the implement-attachment
combination is not recommended for that tractor.
2. The total load on any tractor wheel due to
the weight of the implement-attachment
combination and tractor equipment, should not
exceed the carrying ca- pacity of the tractor
tires. CAUTION When operating the tractor in
third or lower gears, front-end weights up to the
maximum permissible, regardless of size and
equipment of disk, are recommended to avoid
possible front-end tip-up. For maximum
permissible ballast, see your tractor operator's
Basic Attachments Attachments Disk Furrow
Filler Scrapers
67 (2.0 m) 16 (405 mm) Blades 18" (450
mm) Blades 69" (2.1 m) 16" (405 mm) Blades 18
(450 mm) Blades
IMPLEMENT CODE TABLE 2040, 2240, 2440, 2640,
2840, 4030, and 4040 Tractors
Basic Attachments Attachments
Size Disk Furrow Filler Scrapers Adjusting Lift Links
67"(2.0 m) 50 3 3 850 and 950 Tractors
69 (2.1m) 53 3 4
7'10"(2.3 m) 59 3 4
8(2.4m) 56 3 4
95"(2.9 m) 96 3 5
114(3.5 m) 118 3 6
EXAMPLE Step 1 56 Step 2 7 Step 3 63
(sub Step 4 Step 5 (total)
YOUR CODE Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 5
Attach left hand lift Iink to draft Iink using
either the lower hole (indicated by bold arrow)
or the upper hole of the lift link. The upper
hole gives you greater transpo rt clearan
ce. Right hand adjustable lift link may need to
be changed when disk is attached to tractor.
6 Preparing For Use
Sway Chains 850 and 950 Tractors
Adjusting Lift Links Continued
2040, 2240, 2440, 2640, 2840, 4030, and 4040
Tractors Adjust the lift links for transport
clearance and lateral float.
A - Lock Nuts C - 14-1/2-inch (370 mm)
Dimension B - Turnbuckles The sway chains are
fully adjustable. Loosen lock nuts (A) and adjust
sway chain turnbuckles (B) until dimension (C) is
14-1/2- inches (370 mm). Sway Blocks 2040, 2240,
2440, 2640, 2840, 4030, and 4040 Tractors
Lift L inks To adjust the lift link, raise the
lock and turn the adjusting body. If desired, a
wrench may be used on the hexagon surface of the
body. After adjust- ing, slide the lock down
until it engages the body and prevents the body
from turning. Adjusting For Lateral Float 2040,
2240, 2440, 2640, 2840, 4030, and 4040
Tractors The lateral float adjustment permits one
side of the disk to follow the ground contou rs
without effecting the other side For adjusting
instructions, refer to your tracto r operator's
Sway Blocks Installed To Permit Side Sway When
Implement Is Worthing Sway blocks must be
attached in upper position as shown above. This
will eliminate side sway when the disk is raised
for transpo rt, but will permit lateral
flexibility when working,
Attaching and Detaching
ATTACHING TO TRACTOR 3-Point Hitch 6'7, 6'9,
710 and 8 (2.0 m, 2.1 m, 2.3 m and 2.4 m) Disk
95 and 11'4 (2.9 m and 3.5 m) Disk
B - Hitch Pins Category I
A - Pin
B - Hitch Pins
A - Pin Install pin (A) i n lower hole in
mast, an d hitch pins (B) pointing outward . Back
tracto r until draft li nks almost line up with
ends of hitc h pins. Attach draft links and
secure with Ouick-Loc k pins. Release center link
an d attach to hitch mast. Le ngI he n or sho
rten cen t e r I i nk fo r e asier attac hing.
B - Hitch Pins C - Hitch Ball Ga tego ry 2 Instal
I pin (A) in lower hoIe in mast, and hitch pins
(B) pointi ng inward for Category 1. Instal I
hitch ball (C) in top hole in mast, and hitch pi
ns (B) point ing outward fo r Catego ry 2. Back
tracto r until draft links almost line up with
ends of hitc h pins. Attach draft links an d
secure with Quik-Loc k pins. Release center linI
an d attcch to hitch mast. Len g then or s ho rte
n cen t e r Iink f or e a sier attaching
8 Attach ing and Detaching
DETACHING FROM TRACTOR Lower disk to ground
. Detach disk from 3-point hitch or Quik-Coupler.
Attaching To Tractor Continued Quik-Coupler
Category 2 2040, 2240, 2440, 2640, 2840,
4030, and 4040 Tractors
Install the two adapters which are used with the
Qui k-Coupler on the en ds of the disk hitch
pins with the large ends outward. Secure the
adapters in place with the spring pins provided .
Regular Q ui'k- Coupler Lift the latches to the
vertical positio n to lock them in the released
pos ition. Lower the hitch as- sembly until the
attachi ng hooks are lower than the disk hitch p
ins. Back the tractor up until the disk hitch
pins enter the lower hooks and the upper hook is
behind the p in between the sides of the mast.
Slowly raise the rockshaft to engage the disk.
Push inward on the handles so that the latch
handles are horizontal and against the coupler
frame to lock the disk to the co upler. CAUTION
When the latches are properly locked, the Iatch
handles will be horizontal and against the
coupler frame.
Suggest If the above button click is invalid.
Please download this document first, and then
click the above link to download the complete
manual. Thank you so much for reading
John Deere 100 Integral Disk, 67 (2.0 m) w//ñ
John Deere 950 Tractor
CAUTION These disks have been de- signed to be
transported at tractor trans- port speed. DO NOT
EXCEED. Never travel at any speed which does not
permit adequate con- trol of steering and
stopping. To transpo rt, raise the disk with
rockshaft con- trol lever.
If greater transport clearance is desired,
shorten the center Iin k on the hitch, and
attach left lift Iink to left draft Iink using
upper hole. CAUTION Lower disk to ground before
disconnecting left lift link from left
draft link. CAUTION When transporting the disk
on a road or highway at night or during the day,
use accessory lights and devices for adequ- ate
warning to operators of other vehicles. In this
regard, check local governmental regulations for
proper use. Variou s safety lights and devices
are available from your Joh n Deere dealer.
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
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