John Deere 216 Two-Row 416 Four-Row Potato Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97524) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 216 Two-Row 416 Four-Row Potato Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97524)


John Deere 216 Two-Row 416 Four-Row Potato Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97524) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 216 Two-Row 416 Four-Row Potato Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN97524)

L 1
O M N 9 7 5 2 4
To the purchaser
Serial number
Your new potato planter was built to rigid
manufacturing standards. Material and
workmanship are the best. However, the way you
operate your potato planter and the care you give
it have much to do with the ser- vice and
satisfaction you will get from it.
This manual has been carefully prepared and
illustrated to show you what to do and when to do
it. It ex- plains the adjustments that are built
into the machine and give s instruc- tions on
when and how to make these adjustments.
If you find you need information not covered in
this manual or if your potato planter requires
special ser- vicing, take advantage of the f
acili- ties offered by your John Deere dealer. He
has trained mechanics, who are kept informed on
the best methods of servicing and can give you
prompt "know- how" service in the field or in his
You will find the serial number on a plate
located on the right-hand seed hopper of the
basic two- row unit just above the wheel. Write
this serial number in the space pro- vided below
for handy reference. It is important that you
know the serial number of your machine when
order- ing parts. Potato Planter Serial No....
Date Purchased. . . . . . . . ., 19 ...
Location references as "right," "left," "front,"
or "rear" are deter- mined when facing the same
direc- tion the potato planter travels in the
Contents S PE CI F IC ATIONS ..........
Poge 3
OPERATION.............. ...................... 4-17
Preparing the planter for use ....... 4
Attaching to tractor ....... ...... 4-5
Transport or storage .. . . .. .... .. . ... 5
Controls .............. ........... ....... 5-6
Height of lift and depth control Maindrive
clutch.. ... ..
........ ... .. .
5 6 6 ..... 6-8 ... ... 6 6 Rate of application
...................... ..... 7 Fertilizer depth
.................... ..... 7-8 8 8 9 9-10 9 9 10 1
0 10 11 11 11 12 13
Throwout levers ..............................
Fertilizer application .................. Handlin
g fertilizer ..................
Filling fertilizer hopper ..............
Adjusting fertilizer conveyor belt ............
Seed spacing ............ ........ .. ,
.... Seed control gates ........
............... Covering disks ......
Springs and chains ............................
Adjusting angle and tilt ... .... Distance
between disks ...
Amount of hilling .............................
Opener shoe ......................
............. Stone and trash deflector
....... ... ........
Leveling outer units on 416 planter .... ......
Safety suggestions .... ........
................. Main drive clutch .... .
..................... ..... Tilting fertilizer
hopper ...........................
Operator's seat ........................... ... 1
3 Changing row spacing . ........................
14-15 Seed hopper extensions and fertilizer
hopper cover ........ . 16
Shear bolt in drive wheels ........... ............. 16
Correcting planting difficulties ...................... 17
L UBRICAT ION ............ ....................... 18- 20
SERVICE ................................. ..... 2124
At the end of the season . ........ ........ ..... . .... 21
At the beginning of the season ....................... 21
At the end of each day ............................ 21
Picker bowl cam .......................... ..... 22
Picker arm springs .............................. 22
Multi- luber system .............................. 23- 24
SHIPPING BUNDLES ............................... 25
ASSEMBLY .................................... .
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ltow Potto P/onter
JACK John Oeere gf ó Four to' P eta to P(anter
Specifications Model No... ......... ..... 216,
two- row Potato Planter 416, four- row Potato
Planter Picking Mechanism ... , ...... Automatic
pick - type, 16 picks per wheel. Row Spacing
..... ........ . 216 Planter, 32 to 4
2-inches 416 Planter, 34 to 42- inches Shipped
with 34-inch row spacing. Lift
.................... Hydraulic Cylinder hose
extensions not required.
T hrowout Control . ... Seed Spacing ...... , .
Automatic, cam operated. 5 to 26-inches shipped
with sprockets for 9- inch spacing j will plant
10- 1/ 2 and 12" spacing w i t h ou t
sprockets. Seed Hopper . ........ ..... Single
hopper for both units on 216 Planter,
telescopes for changing row spacing 20
bushels capacity or 30 bushels with
extensions. C a p a c i t y doubled on 416
Planter. Fertilizer Hopper ...... ..... Single
hopper for both units on 216 Planter,
telescopes for changing row spacing 1,200
pound capacity. Capa- city doubled on 4 16
Wheels .............
7.50 x 24, 4-ply rib implement tires on disk
wheels, adjustable for row spacing adjustable
3- 1/4-inches vertically for
ridge planting. Fertilizer Opener Disks .......
14-inch diameter. Covering Disks ... ..... .... .
14-inch diameter.
Opener Shoe .. Fertilizer Rate . Fertilizer Feed
Makes Y-type furrow. 100 to 3,000 pounds per
acre. Endless belt type with no lacings, 9-
inches wide rubberized, 4-ply duck. John Deere
2010 or equivalent for 216 Planter
. , .
Minimum Power Requirement .
John Deere 3010 or equivalent for 416
Planter Special equipment Foot Operated Throwout
Fertilizer Hopper Cover Stone and Trash Deflector
Fertilizer Drive Sprocket
S cratch Marker Disk Marker Operator's Seat Hitch
Hose Support for 216 Planter without marker Seed
Hopper Extensions
Seed Spacing Sprockets 16-inch Fertilizer Openers
16-inch Covering Disks
fSpcci fi cations and De sign Subj ect to Change
Wi thout Notice)
Attaching to the tractor Tractor must be
equipped for re- mote hydruali c cylinder
Preparing the planter for use
Before starting your potato plan- ter in the
field, be sure you are thoroughly familiar with
the function of your machine. A careful study of
the adjustments and what they will accomplish
under the wide variety of field conditions will
allow you to reap the many benefits that a 216 or
416 Potato Planter can provide.
Hitch jach Use the adjustable hitch jack
(special equipment) to raise the hitch to the
proper height for attaching to the tractor
drawbar. Turn the arm on the jack to raise or
lower the hitch. Hitch clevis Adjust the hitch
clevis so the ma- chine will be level during
operation. After the planter is attached to the
tractor, remove bolt "A" from the jack, and swing
the jack up so it can be a t t a c h e d to hole
"B" while planting. NOTE The hydraulic
cylinde hos e support is auailab ie as special
equipment for 216 Planters without markers.
Careful inspection of the planter before starting
work each day will prevent needless delays and
break- downs in the field. Make the following
checks and adjustments.
1. Perform the lubrication ser- vices (pages 18
through 20).
2. Inspect all drive chains for proper
tension. Tighten chains only enough to prevent
links from cli mb- ing sprocket teeth.
3. Check for loose bolts and con- nections.
4. Check tire inflation. The cor- rect air
pressure is 20 psi.
operation 5 in the raised position so the
hydrau- lic cylinder can be removed. Remove the
pin from the hitch pipe and po- s ition it in
hole "A" before attempting to lower the units.
Hydraulic cylinder
Controls The remote hydraulic cylinder,
operated from the tractor, is used to raise or
lower the planter at row ends and to control
the planting depth. Height of lift and depth
Attach the rear of the hydraulic cylinder to the
anchor arm on the planter hitch. Let the arm
swing free, and attach the cylinder to the
planter lift arm. After both ends of the
cylinder have been attached, extend the cy lin-
der by operating the tractor hydrau- lic system
until the anchor arm has pivoted upward. Insert
a pin through holes "A" to secure the anchor arm
in position. Remove the storage or transport pin
as shown below before operating hydraulic
The depth of operation is control led by the
depth control stop on the hydraulic cylinder.
Adjust the stop so the planter is operating at
the desired depth.
Transport or storage pin
Additional height of lift and depth of operation
can be obtained by re- positioning the lift
straps in the ad- justment arms. The front row
of three holes allows the planter to operate
deeper in the ground. The rear row of three
holes gives more height of lift.
The bottom hole in each row give s the greatest
operating depth. The middle and upper holes in
each row give shallower operating depths.
A transport or storage pin in the hitch pipe is
used to lock the planter
6 operation Main drive clutch Operation of the
picker wheels and fertilizer belts is
controlled automatically by the main drive
clutch. The clutch is engaged when the planter
is lowered into the ground and disengaged when
the planter is raised. Throw out levers
Fertilizer application Handling fertilizer Keep
fertilizer dry. Do not store it in a damp
place. Do not leave fertiliser in the hop- per
when planter is not in use.
Most fertilizers readily acemu- late moisture
and cause metal to corrode. This corrosion not
only shortens metal life but leads to un-
necessary expense for parts broken because of
binding or freezing. Deposits of fertilizer
will build up in the hopper and interfere with
working parts. Therefore, the hopper should be
cleaned frequently. (See page 21.) Agricultural
chemicals can be dangerous. Improper se- lection
or use can injure per- sons, animals, plants,
soils, or other property. BE SAFE Select the
right chemical for the job. Handle and apply it
with care. Follow inst rue- tions of the chemical
manufacturer. Filling fertilizer hopper Fill the
fertilizer hopper in the field. Never transport
planter with fertilizer in the hopper because it
will pack, causing f aulty feeding.
Foot operated throwout levers, for use by an
operator on the rear of the machine, are
available as special equipment. They permit the
planter operator to disengage the planting and
fertilizing mechanisms before the planter is
raised, making sure all seed and fertilizer is
cover- ed at the end of the field. Planting
speed The planter can be operated at speeds up to
six miles per hour, however, greater accuracy
will be obtained by planting at s l o w e r
operation 7 To install the sprocket, remove
sprocket "A" from the shaft, remove the old
sprocket and replace with the new
sprocket. Install sprocket "A" and drive chain
for proper tension before operating the
planter. Remove the fertilizer drive chain if
potatoes are being planted without
fertilizer. Fertilizer depth The depth of
fertilizer, in relation to the seed, can be
altered by ad- justing the operating depth of
the fertilizer opener disks.
Rate of application Fertilizer is conveyed from
the hopper by a continuous rubber belt. It
delivers the fertilizer to two rub- ber tubes
that guide the fertilizer into the furrow made by
the opener disks.
The rate of application for each r ow is governed
by the setting of the control gates. Turn the
control handles clockwise to decrease the flow of
fertilizer and counter - clock- wise to increase
the flow. The rate of fertilizer application can
be varied from 200 to 3,000 pounds per acre
by adjusting the control handles. Fertilizer
drive A s p e c i a 1 16-tooth IN71364N) sprocket
is required to obtain a fertilizer
application rate of less than 200 pounds per
Fertilizer 1eve/ wif/i Seed
Fertilizer Be low'feed
Fertilizer depth a d j u s t m e nt should not
be judged by relation of the opener disks to the
opener shoe, but by trial in the field.
8 operuHon Adjusting height of fertilizer opener
Seed spacing
Seed can be spaced from 5 to 25- 1/ 2 inches
apart in the row. The sprockets on the
jackshaft and picker wheel shaft are inter-
changeable. When shipped from the factory, the
planter is equipped with a 12-tooth drive
sprocket and a 14- tooth driven sprocket,
providing for 9-inch spacing. Reversing these
sprocket s provides for 12-inch spac- ing. A
10-1/2-inch spacing can be obtained by using a
pair of 12-tooth sprockets on one unit and a
pair of 14-tooth sprocket s on the other
unit. Four other sprockets are avail- able to
secure the additional spacings as outlined in the
chart below.
To raise or lower the fertiliz er opener disks,
remove bolts "A" and slide the disks up or down
until the holes match and the bolts can be
inserted in the new position. The photograph
above is shown with one rubber fertilizer tube
removed for purposes of illustration. Sixteen-inch
fertilizer disks are available as special
equipment for use when deeper fe rti liz er
position is desi red. Adjusting fertilizer
conveyor belt
P i c ker Wheel Who ft Sproc ket 10T \2T J4T 16T 2
BT toT
10.5 13 15 .5 18 20.5 25.5
8 10.5 1 2.5 1 2 13.5 20.5
7 8.5 10.5 12 13.5 17
6 7.5 9 10.5 12 14.5
5 6.5 7.5 9 10.5 13
12T laT 16T
To adjust tension of the fertilizer conveyor
belt, tip hopper forward (page 13) and tighten
or loosen the nut on the takeup bolts. Be sure to
tighten the lock nut after the adjust- ment has
been made.
8T (N713 20N) 10T (N713 21N) 12T (N71322N)
14T (N71323N) I6T (N71324N) 20T (N71325N)
operation 9 horizontal and vertical adjustments.
They should be set to cover all seed and
fertilizer in the row. Springs and chains The
down pressure springs are equipped with
adjustable collars that will give the desired
down pressure. The springs help keep the disks in
the ground, but allow them to raise when rocks or
obstructions are en- countered in the row. Be
sure the springs are never compressed solid when
in operating position. Retainer chains are
provided to limit the distance between the disks
when operating. Rough adjustment is made by
changing the position of the spring- locking pin
in the chain. Fine adjustment is obtained by
adjusting the eye-bolts at the ends of the
chains. Adiusting angle and tilt To adjust the
tilt of the covering disks, loosen the two set
screws and move the disk to the desired position.
To adjust the angle of the disk, loosen the nut
on the adjusting bolt, and turn the disk to the
desired angle. Be sure to tighten the nut and set
screws to maintain the adjustments.
Seed control gates
The seed control gates are ad- justable to govern
the flow of seed pieces from the seed hopper into
the picker bowl. The flow of seed from the
hopper should be controlled to keep the bot- tom
of the bowl full so each picker arm can pick" a
seed piece. How- ever, the level of seed should
not be so high that unpicked seed pieces are
carried over" by the picker wheel. Covering
disks The covering disks at the rear of the
planter are provided with both
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10 operation Distance between disks
Opener shoe
The distance between the covering disks is
adjusted by repositioning a bolt in the frame.
Remove bolt "A" and position it in one of the
three holes for desired distance between the
disks. Adjust the length of the retainer chains
accordingly. Amount of hitting
The operating position of the opener shoe can
be adjusted to obtain the desired relationship to
the opener disks and cover disks. Make this
adjustment by removing bolts "A" and
repositioning them in the U- bracket as desired.
The amount of hilling by the covering disks
is controlled by the relati on of the disks to
the depth of the opener shoe. Use the lower holes
for more hilling and the upper holes for less
hilling. Make this adjustment by removing bolts
"A" and repositioning the disks as
required. Sixteen-inch covering disks
are available as special equipment when more hi
lling is desired.
The rear of the opener also must be repositioned
so the top of the shoe will run level when
operating. Re- move pin "B" and reposition so
the shoe will be level. Bolt "C" in the cover
disk bracket also should be repositioned so the
cover disks will operate in a per- pendicular
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