John Deere 218 Draper Platform Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH116953) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 218 Draper Platform Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH116953)


John Deere 218 Draper Platform Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH116953) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 218 Draper Platform Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH116953)

L3 English
L 3
O M H 1 1 6 9 5 3
This safety alert symbol identifies impor- tant
safety messages in this manual. When you see this
symbol, be alert to the possibilit y of personal
injury and carefully read the message that
Your operator's manual contains SI metric
equivalents which follow immediately after the
U.S. customary units of measure. Right-hand" and
left-hand" sides are determined by facing in the
direct ion the plat form will travel when in
use. Rucord your platform serial number in the
space provided in Specifications. The warranty
on this platform appears on your copy of the
purchase order which you should have received
from your dealer when making your pur- chase.
This warranty provides you the assurance that
John Deere will back its products where defects
appear within the warranty period. In some
circumstances, Joh n Deere also provided field
im- provements, often without charge to the
customer, even if the product is out of
warranty. Warranty and field improvements are a
part of John Deere's product support program for
customers who operate and maintain their
equipment as described in this manual. Should the
equipment be abused or modified to change its
performance beyond the original factory
specifications, the war- antywillbecomevoidand
fledimpfovementsmay be denied.
Page Introduction.................................
.....................Inside Contents..............
....1 Safety......................................
...................................2 Attaching
and Detaching.....................................
...4 Transporting.................................
............................6 Operating the
.7 Lubricants.....................................
....................19, 20 Lubrication and
Maintenance........................21, 22 Trouble
......23-26 Service...............................
.................................27-34 Storage....
..............35 Assembly.........................
...................................36-44 Specifica
............45 Index..............................
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Decals with these headings and symbol indicate
the possibility of personal injury. IMPORTANT
Decals with this heading indicate the possibility
of damage to the machine. Decals are located in
areas where they apply.
feet, and cloth ing away from power- d riven
parts. Never c lean, lu bricate, or adjust the
platform when it is runn ing.
Never attempt to clear obstructions off the
header unless the combine engine is shut
off. Everyone must be clear before starting
engine or running combine.
OPERATE SAFELY Clothing wo rn by operato r must
be fairly tight an d belted. Loose jac kets,
shirts, or sleeves must never be worn. Anytime
work is being done under reel or platform, the
hydraulic cylinder safety stops must be placed in
the safety position.
Sa lety 3
AVOID HIGH PRESSURE LEAKS Escap ing fluid under
press ure can penetrate the skin causing serious
injury. Relieve pressure before disconnect ing
hydraulic or other lines. Tighten alI connections
before applying pressure. Keep hands and body
away from pinholes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high press ure. Use a piece of cardboard or
paper to searc h for leaks. Do not use your
hand. If ANY fluid is injected into the skin, it
must be surgically removed within a few hours by
a doctor familiar with this type injury or
gangrene may result. Crac king hydraulic Iine
fitt ings to lower the feeder house will resuIt
in an instantaneous dropp ing of feeder house or
feeder house and header. PROTECT AGAINST
NOISE Prolonged exposu re to loud noise can cause
im- pairment or loss of hearing. Wea r a suitable
hearing protective device as ear- muffs (A) or
earplugs (B) to protect against ob- jectionable
or uncomfortable loud noises.
A - Earmu ffs B - Eerp tug s
bine unattended , tu rn off engine and remove
keys. Su pport the platfo rm with the hydraulic
cylinder safety stop or lower it to the ground.
Place the gearshift lever in neutral and engage
the parking brake. Lock cab doors on 7720 and
8820 Combines.
Attaching and Detaching
ATTACHING IMPORTANT (7720 and 8820 Combines)
Lock pln (A) (both sides) mu st be posi- tioned
In before attac hin9 header. Position pin by
slldln9 stop bolt (B) In and then plvotin9 it
down. If pin s are left in th e out
position, a9e to the feeder hou se will re
suit wh en mountin9 platform.
A - Lock Pin B - Stop Bolt
  1. Start engine and lower feeder house.
  2. Drive com bine slowly fo rward until feeder house
    is centered in p latfo rm o pening. Raise feeder
    house, lifting p latfo rm, all the way up.
    Shut off engine.

Combines (
Atiach ing an d Detaching 5
3. Disconnect chain (A) and lower hydraulic cyl-
inder safety sto p (B) on lift cylinder.
A - Support Chain B - Safety Stop
  • (7720 and 8820 Combines) Slide and pivot stop
    bolt (A) up, and out to lock pin into header.
    Re- peat procedure for other side.
  • NOTE Loosen mating lock p/ale (B) on _at_/BffOW
  • let lock pin rock and center into platfo m.
  • TorQue nut on lock p/afe (B) to 170 ft-lbs
  • ( Nm) H8p88t procedufe for OthBf 6idB.
  • NOTE. On 8820 Combines with variable speed
    leeder house, install coupler shipped with leeder
    house on lelt-hand platform drive shalt.
  • (7700 Combines) Secure platform to feeder house
    with three 5/ 8 x 1-1/2-inch round head bolts, 21
    /32 x 2 x .250-inch flat washers, lock washers
    and nuts.
  • Place chain around sprockets and slide coupler
  • over sprockets and chain. Repeat for other side.
  • Connect reel Ilft and reel drive hoses under
    operator's platform or on feeder house.

B Lock PIate
  • Raise platfo rm and lower hydraulic cylinder
    safety sto ps. Shut ott engine.
  • Disconnect reel lift and reel drive hoses under
    operator's platform or on feeder house.
  • IMPORTANT To prevent damage to hydraullc
  • system connect reel drlve hoses together under
    operator's platform or on feeder house. These
    hoses stay wlth comblne.
  • Slide coupler away from sprocket and remove
    chaln. Repeat for other slde.
  • (7720 and 8820 Combines) Disengage lock pin by
    pulling stop bolt out pivoting it down. Repeat
    for other side. (7700 Combine) remove three 5/8
    x 1-1/2-inch round head bolts, 21/32 x 2 x .250-
    inch flat washers, lock washers and nuts.
  • Raise hydraulic cylinder safety stops and hook
    with chain. Lower platform to the ground and
    drive combine slowly backward until feeder
    house is free from platform.

  • Chec k local w idth Iaws before transporting.
  • The plat form can be transported by leavi ng it
    attached to the combine.
  • Empty grain tank.
  • Swing unloading auger back and sec ure wit h
    transport brace.
  • Turn on combine flashing warning light, unless
    prohibited by local law.
  • Couple combine brake pedals together.
  • Lower reel completely and raise platform to a
    position that will keep it off the gro und but
    still allow good visibility.

Operating the Platform
A - Pick up Reel
B - Cutterba r
C Draper
D - Auger
The draper platform receives the rice and moves
it to the front of the teeder house with a pickup
reel, c utterbar, d rap e r and auger. R etrac t
ing fingers in the au ger feed the material to
the feeder conveyor. Tall or downed and twisted
rice is cut by the c utter- bar and conveyed
evenIy by the drapers. This eliminates bu nching
an d uneven feeding of the rice to the auger,
feeder convey or and threshing cylinder.
8 Operating the Platform
Pickup reel fingers gather downed rice,
redu ce shattering, and provide a mo re even flow
of ma- terial to the com bine, The fingers on
pickup reels are angled to pro perly lift
material befo re it is cut by the cutterbar.
The an gIe mu st be selected so a downed crop is
unifo rmly delivered to the draper and onto the
auger. In rice that is down and badly tangled,
set the reel so it will just clear the kn ife. In
this position , the mater ial is swept bac k onto
the draper and into the aug er.
  • Hydr aulic Reel Lilt Safety Stops
  • CAUTION Lower both safety stops when
  • working under or on the reel.
  • To place each stop in the safety position, start
    combine engine and raise reel to maximum
    height. Sto p combine engine.
  • Unhook safety stop (B) from storage chain (A) to
    position lock on cylinder plston rod. Safety
  • (B) must be snapped over cylinder with safety
    stop lock (C).
  • Lower safety stop on other end of platform in
  • same manner.

C - Safety gtop Lock
Operating the Platform 9
Adjusting Reel Forward or Rearward NOTE Reel is
easier to move if support arms (B) are level.
Keep bolt in end of each reel arm at all times,
to prevent reel from sliding ott. The position of
the reel on support arms can be changed without
adjusting pitch on pickup reel fingers.
  • To adjust reel, loosen lock nut, turn out adjust-
    ing screw (A) and slide reel to desired position
    on support arms (B).
  • NOTE When a iusting reel, place a punch in one
    of the uncovered adjusting holes (C) and m ove
    reel until it comes in con tact with punch. This
    will align screw (A) on center of hole.
  • Turn in adjusting screw (A) and tighten lock nut.

B - Reel Support Arm C Adjusting Holes
Poalaon both anda Of reel evenly on support arms.
RM flngare muct have adequate clearance from
auger. lMPOByANT A 1Inch (26 mm) minimum
clear- czjoa bMean Mpe of plck-up reel flrtafa
and euttarbar must be main- Mined. Leaa clearance
can result In
  • Adjusting Plckup Reel Finger Pltch
  • Adjuyt reel pltch initially to the position
    shown. The fingers must be perpendicular to the
    cutter- bar. Too great a pitch causes the reel to
    carry or wlnd the cut crop around the reel,
    because the flngen do not release the material
    after it is cut. Cut materlal must be delivered
    to the draper and onto the underside of the auger
    and not pushed
  • over the top of it.
  • NOTE.- The pitch on the pickup reel fingers can
    ba changed without changing the position of the
    reel on the support arms.
  • To 8djust finger pitch, remove screw (A) (both
    ends of reel).
  • Turn adjusting bolt (D) on both ends of the reel
    for the desired finger pitch (B) or (C).
  • Install and tighten screw (A) (both end s).
  • IMPORTANT 6erew (A) muet be tightened at both
  • ende to nold fallure of eocentr1c
  • arma.

B - Leae Pltch C More Pitch D - Adju eting Bolt
10 Operating the Platform HYDRAULIC LIFT
REEL Raising and Lowering Reel The raising and
Iowering of the reel is controlled by a lever on
the combine steering col umn, To lower the reel,
push the lever torward. To raise the reel, puII
the lever rearward. The lever automatically retu
rns to a neutral posi - tion when released.
Connecting and Disconnecting Hoses When the
hydraulic hose is connected to control valve,
snap protective cap (A) and plug (B) to- gether
as shown. Whenever the hydraulic hose is
disconnected trom co ntrol valve, insert cap
into coupler body (C). Snap plug over coupler
nose (D).
D Coupler Note
IMPORTANT When the hoses are dlsconnected from
the off llnes to the motor, con- nect pressure
line to return line as shown to assure a free
flow of all to the reservolr. Fallure to provlde
for the return flow will cauge relief V8lve to
overheat the all from con atant operatlon. Thls
wlll eventually damage the comblne hydraullc
Opera ting the Platform 10A
When the hydraulic hose is connected to either
variable feeder house hose or reel lift line,
snap pro- tective cap (B) and plug (C) together
as shown. Whenever the hydraulic hose is
disconnected, in- sert cap into coupler body (A).
Snap plug over coupler nose. ACoupler Body
BProtective Cap CPlug
When the hoses are disconnected from the oil
lines to the motor, con nect pressure line to
return line as shown (A) to assure a free flow of
oil to the reservoir. Failure to pro- vide for
the return flow will cause relief valve to
overheat the oil from constant operation. This
will even- tually damage the combine hydraulic
Combines (600001-
A Hoses Connected
Combines (600001-
10B Operating the Platform
Opera ting the Pla tto rm 11
Adjusting Speed of Reel Lowering The control
valve, located under the operator's plat- form,
has an adjustment to control speed of reel
lowering. A nut located on the valve, can be
turned in or out to change spool travel. By
turning nut in, lowering speed is decreased by
turning nut out, lowering speed is increased.
Access Pla te in Floorboard Removed
Adjusting Reel Helght and Leveling IMPORTANT
Cutterbar tilt must be set before ad- Justlng
reel helght range. The height ran ge of reel is
determined by the Ioca- tlon of the bottom of
hydrauIlc cylinders in the ad- Justlng brackets.
Posltlon both cylinders In range that is right
for the crop condit ions. IMPORTANT A 1in. (25
mm) minimum clearance between tlps ol the plckup
reel fingers and cutterbar must be maln tained.
Inadequate clearance can result In damage to
guards and cutterbar. On flex platforms, this
clearance must be checked wlth cutterbar flexed
to Its hlghast position. A - Plckup Reel Flnger
Tlp B - Knlfa Quard C - Reed Left Cylinder To
adjust reel height Move reel to any of holes 1
through 5 and secure w ith pin. Top hole 6 is not
drllled all the way throu gh and should not be
12 Opera tin g the Platfo rm
To posltlon cylinder in adjusting bracket, remove
cotter pln in drilled pin. Position cylinder as
desired and install pin. CAUTION Real 1s heavy.
It must be ade- quately supported when
positioning hydraulic lift cylinders. IMPORTANT
When hydraullc cyllnders are com- pletely
retracted, adjust reel height so reel fingers or
slats clear cutter- bar by at least 1-In. (2S
mm). Inade quate clearance can result in damage
to guards and cutterbar. Adjustable Reel Llft
Cylinders Fine tuning of reel heIght is made by
rotat ing the adjustable stops as shown. Raise
reel by t urnlng clockwise and lower by turnIng
counterclockwise. If reel interferes wlth maklng
a full turn the handie (safety stop) can be
operated IIke a ratchet by alter- nately
ralsing and lowering end attached to cylInder
while t urning.
A - Clockwlse - Ralse B Counterclockwise - Lower
  • Rephaslng Rael Cyllnders
  • Always keep reel level with cutterbar. Both
    hydraulic cylinders must be located In same hole
    in each adjustlng bracket.
  • If durlng operation, one end of reel is lower
    than the other, raise reel to Its hlghest
    positlon or lower reel to its lowest posltlon.
  • When both hydraullc cylinders are completely
    extended or retracted, return reel to its
    original position and it will automatically be

Opera ting the Platform 13
  • Bleeding the System
  • If hydraulic hoses have been disconnected from
    the c ylinder or if reel will not remain level
    with cutter- bar, trapped air must be bled from
    cylinders and lines.
  • CAUTION When performing this operation cylinder
    safety stops must be raised.
  • Open bleed pug at upperend ofslave cyhnder on
    left-hand side of platform.
  • Raise reel.
  • When oil flowing out the bleed plug opening is
    free of air bubbles, replace bleed plug.
  • IMPORTANT Bleed plug must be tight.
  • Regulating Reel Speed
  • Reel speed may be varied from 3 to 30 rpm by
    turn- ing control on the console. Choose a reel
    speed to match condition of crop. Keep speed as
    fast as possible without shattering grain or
    carrying straw around over top of reel. Usually,
    slow ground speed requires a slow reel speed.
  • To in crease reel speed , t u r n k n ob to h i
    gher number.
  • To decrease reel speed, turn knob to lower number.
  • Adjusting Reel Drive Chains
  • Loosen four round head bolts (A).
  • Move d rive motor (B) rearward until chain will
    operate without climbing or jumping sprockets.
  • Tighten bolts.
  • Repeat procedure on other end of platform.
  • NOTE The reel drive motor is moun ted in-
    dependently of reel support arms, so chain does
    /?ot require readjustmen I whenever reel is moved.

(Right-Hand III ustrated) A - Bolts B - Drive
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14 Operating fhe Platform
CUTTERBAR The c utterbar is basically a multi ple
series of sh ears. To c ut p roperly, the knife m
ust operate smoothly in the cutterbar, an d every
knife section mu st rest on the guard in position
to make a shear c ut. The guards, knife cli ps,
and wear ing plates must be in good conditio n an
d set correctly. If these pa rts beco me loose or
wo rn, the knife will chew and tear the cro p
instead of c utting it. T he c u tte r ba r t i
It i s p re set at t he fa ct o ry at 0 deg rees
and does not requ ire further adjustment. The use
of n on-cl og c utterbar guards will hel p
eliminate material buil dup on the cutterbar and
cutterbar c logg ing in matted, tangled, and wet
crop cond it ions. DRAPERS Three canvas drapers
cover the area between the cutterba r and auger.
The drapers provide un ifo rm an d even fl ow
of material to the com bine. The drapers must be
kept tight and even to properly move Io ng
stemmed rice from the cutterbar to the
auger. Adjusting Drapers Adjust the drapers
evenly on both sides to pre- vent them from
moving to one side or the other.
A - Lock Nuts B - Cap Sc rews W hen drapers have
stretched from use, tighten by holding lock nut
(A) and turning cap screw (B), on b oth end s of
each draper.
IMPORTANT If platform will be setting idle for a
long period of time, r elease ten- sion on the
drapers by loosening cap screw (B) between the
drapers and on both ends of the platform. A -
Lock Nut B - Cap Screw
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