John Deere 301 Spin Spreader Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC18272) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 301 Spin Spreader Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC18272)


John Deere 301 Spin Spreader Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC18272) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 301 Spin Spreader Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC18272)

A 7
O M C 1 8 2 7 2
TO THE PURCHASER Your new John Deere 301 Spin
Spreader 1s des lgned to give you many years of
satisfactory servlc e. Proper cleaning, operation
and lu- brication, service and adjustment w i I l
assure continued succ essful performance of your
spreader. When in need of new parts or service,
consult your John Deere dealer. He is equipped to
provide genuine John Deer e r eplac ement p a r t
s. His servicemen have the training and exper
fence to service your equipment
efficiently. References in this manual to the
rlght- and left -hand s ides of the
Make this manual your guide and
spreader have been determined by standing at the
rear of the spreader, fac Ing in the direction of
travel. The serial number of your new spin spr
eader 1s located on the apron drive housing
at the front of the spreader. Record this number
in the space below for reference when requesting
information or ordering parts,
do what it recommends. These in- structions
have been written spec i-
freally f o r t h 1 s spreaderother spreade re
may operate dttf erently. Do not rely on advlc e
from others not familiar with this spreader.
JOHNDEERE301SPINSPREADER Serial No.. .. ..... ..
.. ....... Date Purchased.... , . , , .. , 18
. (To be filled in b y Purchaser)
CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . .. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DESCRIPTION .................................
OPERATION .................................. Prepa
ring Spreader ............................ Prepar
ing the Tractor ..........................
Hitching to Tractor ..... Drive Wheel Clutch
............................ Throw-Out Clutch
...... Starting Spreader in Field . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Density
Tube . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Measuring Width of Spread . . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Rate
Calculator ......................... Adjusting
Spr eader for Quantity of Distribution . .. . .
. . . . . Quantity Gate . . . . . .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apron Speed .
. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Adjusting for Uniform Spread
4-15 4-5 5 5-6 6 7-8 8-10 8-9 9 10 11-13 11 11-13
Checking Quantity Distributed . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handling Fertiliser ............................ 1213 14
Spreading Fertiliser . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cleaning Spreader ............................. 15
EXTRA EQUIPMENT . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
Directional Pattern C ontrol . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Salt Spreading Attachment . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
Grain Chute ................................. 19
Hopper Cover ................................ 30
Hopper Extension . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Wheeis . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Counter .................................... 20
SAFETY SUGGESTIONS . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
LUBRtCATION................................. 22
SERVICE . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26
Roller Chain Tension .......................... 23
Chain-Belt Apron Adjustment . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Removing Chain-Belt Apron . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Drive Sprocket .............................. 24
Replacing Shear Pins .......................... 24
Spinner and Governor . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Wheel Bearings . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
TROUBLESHOOTING.............................. 3'7-28
ASSEMBLY ................................... 29-02
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SPECIFICATIONS DRTVE................. Ground
Driven-Governor Controlled
Htnged Stainless Steel Apron Cast Spinner with
Constant Output Speed, Ground Driven-Governor
SPIi NER SPEED .........
Approximately 500 rpm (at 4 through 16 mph ground
speed) See Chart on Page 4
CAPACTTY.............. WEIGHT ... (Basic
Macnlne).. HEIGHT (Wlth 7. 60-15 Tires) Basic
Hopper ........... With Hopper Extensions ....
A9proximtet7 868 Pounda
58-1/2 Inches 71 Inches
WIDTH Single Wheels .......... Single
High-Flotation Wheels . Dual Wheels (Outer
Position) . LENGTH ................
64lnches 69 Tnches 88-1/4 Tnches
108 Inches
HOPPER Length ................ Wldth. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . TIRE SIZE Stngle Wheels
........... Single High-flotation Wheels . Dual
Wheels ............
79 lchea 53 Inches
'7.60-15, 6 Ply 11. 00-15, 8 Ply 6.70-15, 4 Pjy
(Specifications and Design Sub ject Io Change
Without Notic e)
J o/in Oeerr 301 Spin Spreader wit/t Hopp er
Exten si on a on d lgti -FI oto Ii on
?irer DESCRIPYION The r o p e-o p e r a t e d
The John Deere 301 Spin Spread-
clutch engages and disengages the fertilizer
apron to start and stop the flow of fertilizer to
the spinner. A wheel clutch on the
left-hand wheel hub disengages the spinner
and spreader drive tor transporting long
distances. Three poBsifile apron speeds,
to- gether with an adjustable quantity gate, make
pose ihle accurate distri- bution of either f
ertillEer or grain seed in widths up to 80
feet. A nu m b e r of extra equipment Items are
available to adapt the spin spreader to your
particular opera- tion, See Extra Equipment
section on pages 16 through 20.
er is designed primarily to spread
dry commercial f ertilizer in quan- tities
ranging mom 35 to 2000 pounds per acre, depending
upon fertilizer type and density. C ertaln small
grain seeds also may be spread as a broad- cast
application. A splriner, on the back of the
dis- tributor, is designed to establish an
accurate uniform spread pattern of most all
materials. The spread pat- tern remains uniform
due to an ex- clusive governor feature inside
the spinner. The spinner rotates at op- erating
speed when the spreader ground speed reaches 4
miles per hour. Proper spinner rate 1s main-
tained at any rate of travel between 4 and 16
miles per hour.
  • See the following chart for haul- ing capacity
    and correct tfre infla- tion pressures. The
    ASAE-rating columns may be used as a guide R
    determining net load. The net load column is
    based on the spreader being filled level with
    fertilizer weighing 65 pounds per cubic foot.
    Densly and we ight of fertilizer or other
    material will vary. Never ex- ceed maximum
    allowable gross load (total weight of spreader
    and ferti- lizer) as show in last column of
  • CAUTION T h e recommen-
  • dations mode in this mon-
  • uol ore based on a maximum speed of 20 mph. This
    spreoder Is not equipped with brakes therefore,
    always I I m i t travel speed to thot which will
    permit a control led stop.

AlwayS check the spreader to be sure all
foreign material has been removed from instde
the fertiliser hopper. Operating the spreader
with foreign material, such as metal parts,
lumber, stones or other de- bris can cause
damage to the chaln- belt apron, resulting in
costly re- pairs. Be sure the spreader 1s clean
of otl or grease, which may have been applied to
prevent rust. Lubricate the spreader as
instructed on page 22. Inflate the spreader
tires prop- erly before loading with f
ertllizer. Use elther the high-flotation tires or
dual wheels when using hopper ex- tensions, espec
Sally when spreading a heavy, high-dens ity
Hauling Capacity and Tire Inflation Pressure Chart
ASA E R ning ASA E R ning
Not Load
Type of Spreader Tire S ixe Tire I nflot ion Pres s ure V olume Cubic feet t65 I b5 QRF Cubio Foot Ferti I iz er) AT Iowobl e Grors Lord
Spreader with Single Wheels 7. 60-15, 6-ply 36 psi 40. 8 2640 lbs. 3530Ibs.
Spreader with Single Wheels 11. 00-15, 8-ply 40 psi 40. 8 2640 lbs. 5310 1bs.
Spreader with Dual Wheels i. to-is, ft-ply 36 psi 40. 8 2640 Ibs. 53601bs.
Spreader with Dual Wheels ti. 70-l5, 4-ply Z4 psi 40. 8 2640 Ibs. 53601bs.
Spreader with 8-Inch Hopper Extensions and Single Wheels 11. 00-15, 8-ply 24 psi 58.7 3800 lbs. 5390 lbs.
Spreader wlth 8-Inch Hopper Extensions and Dual Wheels 7.60-15, 6-ply 36psi 58.7 3800 Ibs. 5440 Ihs.
Spreader wlth 8-Inch Hopper Extensions and Dual Wheels 6.70-15, 4-ply 24 psi 58.7 3800 Ibs. 5440 Ihs.
Maximum load limited by tire safet y
standards. Maximum allowab ie grow s vehicle
Operation 5
To set the wheels in the wide tread
position, first jack up the spreader. Remove
the left-hand axle and wheel assembly by
removing the bolt from the lriner hole in
spread- et frame. Replace short drive sleeve with
the long sleeve and reassemble bolt through outer
hole. Move the rlght-hand axle to the wide trend
poa Ation ana JsoLt in place through outer
hole. A long drive sleeve 1s not required on
the right- hand axle. PRE PARING THE
TRACTOR Check front and rear tractor tires to be
sure they are inflated according to the
recommendatlons given in the tractor operator's
manual. Provide sufficient weighting
Wheel Tread Chart Wheel Tread Chart Wheel Tread Chart Wheel Tread Chart
W ie el Pa s it ion C e n te r Wh ee I W he e I s C ent e r Tire
Narrow Trend 56-1/4" 58" 58-1/4"
Wide Tread 71-1/4' ' 73 73-1/4"
The narrow wheel tread is rec- ommended for
normal operation. ror row-crop work or other
tire clearance requirements, the spread- er
wheels may tie adjustea to the wlde -tread
posttlon by installing a longer drlve sleeve
(extra equlp- ment) to replace the regular short
s to stabilize front end oftroc-
tor when operat!ng on hiI Iy land or other
adverse conditions. See your tractor operator's
manual for front end weighting informotlon. HITCHI
gon ow Tne el T read
Your spreader can be attached to any tractor
having a drawbar that conforms to ASAE-SAE
standards. The top of the rear end of the draw-
bar should be 13 to 17 inches from the
ground. Use the jack stand to ralse or lower
the spreader hltch elevis into position to engage
the tractor draw-
Operation HITCHING TO TRACTOR Contïnued
A clutch on the left-hand wheel hub is provided
to disengage the en- tire spreader drive when
transport- ing to or from the field or for long
bar. Back the tractor so drawbar 1s positioned
between the upper and lower parts of the hitch
clevis. In- sert hltch pin. iecure the hitch pin
with the spring locking pin. Do not transport the
spreod- er unless the spring locklng pfn Is
Installed In the hftch
When hitching tractor or ve- hicle to spreader,
back past the s p r e a de r hitch. Then drlve
forward so that In making the connection, the
tractor or vehicle wl II be moving away from
you. Raise the jack stand and secure the jock pln
and aprlng locking pln before transporting or
operating the sprender.
En gogad
through frame uihen zequized and faster
securely. CAUTION Always lower jack stand before
un h I I c h I n g spraader from t r a c to r
or towing vehicle. When the fertilizer Spreader
is in operation, the mater- ial w1II be removed
from the from port of the box first. Do not
unhitch the spreoder without blocking the rear
end of the spreoder unless it Is completely
empty. A portly fi lied spreaded w) II be
unstable and tend to tip backward, resulting In
possible in/ry to the operator or damage to the
spreaded. then transporting the spreader for long
distances or at high speeds, disengage the
spreader drive by disengaging the clutch on the
left- hand wheel aale. See next column.
Tire spreader drive is engaged by peening the
clutch housing in toward the center of the
machine sltghtly, revolving the housing and
releasing as it slides back toward the wheel hub.
To disengage the spreader drive, force the clutch
housing toward the
spreader as far as possible. Re- volve the
housing until it posltions in a detent Inside
the clutch. Follow the direction of the arrows
shown in illustrations on page 6, for
clutching and declutchtng. If fertillzer begins
to build up around both ends of the wheel clutch
and clutching becomes more diffi- cult, apply
grease to grease fitting to force fertilizer out
and to make operation of the clutch easter. See
lubrication tnstructlons on page 22.
Sygd To engage the apron ana drive, pull the
throw-out rope.
then cleaning the spreader, also clean the wheel
clutch wlth water. At the same time remove any
hard and cated fertilizer from around the clutch
To dlsengage the clutch and stop the apron, pull
the rope again. When reaching the end of the
fiela, dis- engage the apron before slowing
down. A more uniform application can be obtained
by dlsengaglng the apron to stop the flow of
fertiliser to the spinner rather than
operating slower than 4 miles per hour (the rated
governor speed).
The throw-out clutch engages and disengages the
apron drive, starting or stopping the ftow of
fertilizer. The throw -out is controlled by a
rope, attached to the tractor seat.
A spring release on the end of the rope prevents
damage to the throw- out if you uncouple the
tractor with- out removing the rope, or whenever
the rope becomes too tight.
8 Opezotton
Before stopping the tractor, dis- engage the
throw-out clutch. This will prevent tertiliEer
on the apron from spilling out onto the spinner
ana then leaving a buildup ot fertiliser on the
ground. Keep the throw-out mechanism clean at
all times. IMPOR T A hiT To k e e p p a r t s
working properly, add a few drops ot oil to all
pivot points in throw- out mechanism after each
day's op- eration.
  • A density tube has been provided with your
    spreader to accurately compensate for the
    variations in the weights of the many
    varieties ot commercial fertiliser as well
    as that of grains.
  • The density tutie will save you many hours of
    calibrating and re- eallbrattrig your spreader
    to obtain the exact quantity per acre you de-
    sire each time you change types and brands of
  • Use the density tube in the follow-
  • ing manner
  • Betore filling the spreader, place the density
    tube inside the spreader hopper on top of the
    chain- belt apron. The chain-belt apron must
    be thoroughly clean. Position the tube closest
    to the rear of the spreader with the numbers on
    the scale right-side -up.
  • Pour tn the contents from
  • either a 50 or 80-pound bag of ma- terial to be
    spread. If material is not bagged, weigh either
    50 or 80 pounds on a scale and pour it into the
    density tube.

acre counter (extra equlpment) is used, set
indicator at zero.
lh4PORTANT Before filling the hopper with
either fertilizer or grate, be sure to
determine material density using the density
tube as follows.
Before starting the spreader in the tleld lt 1s
necessary to (A) de- termine the density of the
material to be spread, (B) measure the width of
spread, (C juse the rate calculator to calculate
the index setting for the quantit7 ot fertilizer
or grain to be applied per acre.
These factors must be known be- fore you can
adjust the spreader for quantity ot distribution
as explained on page 11.
Operation 9
Be sure not to sptll any material over the sides
whtle f llling. NOTE It is also important
that you raund out the densit y tub e while
filling. See illustration, poge 8. Level the
material in the tube after all 50 or 80 pounds
have been poured In. 3. The densits tube is
translucent so that the level of the material can
be seen through the tube. Read the material
density in pounds per cubic foot on the graduated
scale at the top level of material in the tube.
Note that the density tube has two scales. Use
correct scale when reading the density of the
material. This reading on the scale will be the
figure used in aetermining the rate of
dlstrtbution on your rate cal- culator. NOTE
Both 50-p ou nd and 80- pound scol es hor e
aduations on each side of the dens it y tube. B.
areas 'B" above are "thinned-out' ' areas. The
effective swath wldth "A" is measured as
lndleated in the illus- tration. Effective swath
wldth is ap- proximately 80 per cent of the dls
- tance between the extreme outer ends of the
spread pattern. Measure the effective width
of spread 'A" In feet ana use this ftg- ure to
set your rate calculator. Readjust the spreader
quantlty gate as indicated on the rate calcu-
lator after I lnding the actual width of
spread. For a more uniform spreading job,
either measure or pace off the field to be
covered and place a statte or marker at the end
of each row indicating the width of spread for
each pass. Drtve the tractor so that the overlap
of the spread pattern is on the thinned-out"
area "B" for a uniform blending of the material
over the entire area.
The acutal width of spread varies with the
different types of materlal to be distributed.
For instance, coarse materials spread wider than
pulverized materials. Measure the ettective
width or spread after actually spreading a
small amount ot material over the ground. Begtn
by setting the quantlty gate (page 11) on index
setting No. 10 as 8n average eetimateQ
setting. Then spread material on the ground
for a distance of between 25 and 50 feet. Observe
that there is a uniform spread over a large
area but that the extreme outside edge begins
to "the-out." Light shaded
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10 O/'ero/ion C. USING RATE CALCULATOR A rate
calculator sI tde chart ts supplled wlth each
spreade r. The slide chart must be used to
calculate accurate dlstributlon of materlal. It
takes Into account the aenstty of the material
being spread, the speed at which the ehatn-belt
apron travels and the width of spread obtained.
  • previously, use thls Information to set your
    rate calculator as Iollows
  • Locate the figure correspond-
  • ing to material denslty glven on the density
    tube, page 8. In the fllustra- tion at left, we
    wtll assume the ma- terial density 1s 50 pounds
    per cubic foot.
  • Move the rate calculator slide
  • up or down unttl the desired quantity of
    material to be spread in pounds per acre is
    directly opposite the material dens lty figure.
    Chart at left 1s calibrated to spread 400 pounds
    per acre wlth a material denslty of 50 pounds per
    cubic foot.
  • Next locate the width ot spread (determined on
    page 10) on the rate calculator. Assume that
    the meas - ured wtdth of spread 1s 35 feet. No-
    tice that the 35-foot spread can be located in
    three places on the chart Drive 1, Drtve 2 and
    Drive 3.
  • The proper drlve is now deter- mined by selecting
    the drive which has the width ot spread I lgure
    near- est the center of the darkened or shaded
    area on the chart. In this example, Drlve 2 is
    the proper drive to use aInce the w1dth of
    spreat (35 feet) in Drive 2 is nearest the dark-
    ened area.
  • Spreader drive adjustment is ex-
  • plained on pages 11 and 12.
  • Read the quantity Index setting on the chart
    directly opposite the figure corresponding the
    width of spread for the drtve nearest the
    darkened area.
  • The index setting in this example
  • 1s 16. The quantity gate on the spreader 1s
    then set to index 16.
  • The rate calculator at above left
  • ts now set for spreadtng 400 pounds of material
    per acre, having a ma- terial density of 50
    pounds per cubic foot while spreading a 35 foot
    swath In Drive 2. The index setting in this
    example is 16. The quantity gate on the spreader
    is then set to index setting 16.

Rate Calculator
Having determined the density of the material to
be spread, and meas- ured the width of spread as
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