John Deere 475 Series Integral Disk Plows Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA14806) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 475 Series Integral Disk Plows Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA14806)


John Deere 475 Series Integral Disk Plows Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA14806) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 475 Series Integral Disk Plows Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA14806)

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YOUR NEW PLOW Behind your new plow is an or-
ganisation that has specialized in ttesigning
and building plows for over 125 years. This plow
was built in the world's largest plow factory by
ex- periencea men, many who have worked in this
large plant for from 10 to 45 years , thus
assuring the utmost in good design,
high-grade workmanship and thorough inspec- tion,
so essential to the production of good plows.
High quality materials, precision production
methotts, and accurately c o n t r o 11 e d
heat-treatlng assure maximum strength and long
life for every part. This manual has been
carefully prepared and illustrated, so that you
may make the necessary adjust- ments for
adapting your plow to work properly in
practically all types of soil and field
conditions. These ad- justments such as proper
adjusting for width and depth of cut, are tully
covered in this manual. Study this manual
carefully. Keep it handy, in a safe place, for
future reference.
Occasionally your plow may need new parts, or
require service not covered in this manual. If
so, we suggest that you take advantage ot the
facilities offered by your John Deere dealer,
which assure you or genuine JOHN DEERE Parts
and prompt "know-how" service in the field or
shop. If you will furnish your dealer with the
information which should be recorded at the
bottom of this page, when the plow is delivered,
he can give you p r o m p t and e I I i c i e n t
service .
John Deere 475 integral 2- and 3- furrow dlsk
plows Date Purchased ............................
.19....... 9o 6e f fed itt by Purclias ez)
CONTENTS IDENTIricATION VIEWS . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIFICATIONS .
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPERATION
................................... 4-23 Importanc
e of Proper Adjustment . . . .. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 4 Preparing the Plow
Preparing and Adjusting the Tractor . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Attaching Plow to Tractor . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Detaching Plow from Tractor . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Raising and Lowering . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Depth of Plowing ................................ 9
Leveling . . . . . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Wldth of Cut ................................... 10-13
Hitch Crossbar Angle ........................... 10
Changing Wldth of Cut ........................... 10-13
Rear Whe e1 ................................... 14
Lateral Disk Settings ............................. 15
Vertical Disk Settings . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Disk Scrapers . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Rear Wheel Weights . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Transporting . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Safety Rules ................................... 18
Procedure for ie1d Adjusting Plow ................... 19
Reducing a 2-Furrow Plow to a l-Furrow Plow ........... 20-21
Reducing a 3-Furrow Plow to a 2-Furrow Plot ........... 32-23
MAINTENANCE .................................. 24
LUBRICATION . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PLOWING DIFFICULTIES AND RE MEDiEg . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28
ASSEMBLY ..................................... 29-34
SHIPPING BUNDLES . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
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SPECIFICATIONS TYPES ........... 475 Serles
Integral 2-Furrow Disk Plow for use wlth John
Deere 1010 and 1020 Tractors. 475 Series Integral
3-Furrow Disk Plow for use with John Deere 1010
and 1020 Tractors. 3-Furrow Plow reducible to
2-Fur row. 2-Furrow Plow reducible to
1-Furrow. NOTE Thes e plows also can be use6f on
other trac- tors of eompazab ie he zs epomer with
a stankard s- point hi tch. DISKS ...........
24-Inch Plain Regular Equipment. 26-Inch Plain
Special Equipment. 26-Inch Plain, Heavy
Special Equipment. 26-Inch Plain, Inside Plated
(Sharpened on the front or inside) Special
Equipment. 26-Inch Notched Special
Equipment. DISK BEARINGS .... Heavy -duty, dust
-proof, each having large anti - friction
bearings. DISK SCRAPERS .... Moldboard and
hoe-type available as special equip- ment. REAR
WHEE L ..... Cast, fully adjustable .
Replaceable steeI segments. DEPTH RANGE . , , . .
Approximately 4 to 11 inches depending On type
of aoil. WIDTH OF CUT .... Factory set for 10-
1/2 inches per disk. Can be re- auced to 8-1/2
inches per disk.
Hydraulically controlled by tractor h y d r a
u1 i c system.
REAR WHEEL WEIGHTS........ One 70-potind welght,
special. An additional 50- pound weight for
extreme conditions, special. DISK SETTING9 ....
Three vertical and two lateral. tSeci/icafotts
and design sobject to chatge without
notice.) NOTE When the term 'right or left" is
us ed, i I means from a posi tion behind the plow
and facing the front.
11 the plow is not to be used im- mediately,
protect the polished sur- faces by applying a
coat of cup or gun grease. If plow is to be put
in storage for a considerable length of time, see
page 24.
Your new plow is fully adjustable and, when
property adjusted to op- erate in the type of
soil and field conditions on your farm, it will
do a good job of plowing at a minimum of expense.
A well-adjusted plow pulls lighter its furrow
slices are uni- form in width and depth it
covers traah it leaves the soil in proper
condition to be worked down into the best -type
seedbed. Improper adjustment results in rapid
wear and possible breakage of parts, and
inefficient operation. PR EPARING THE PLOW
DISKS The polished surfaces of the plow disks and
scrapers have been painted with protective black
paint. In most cases it is not necessary to
remove the black paint because it will wear off
quickly upon contact with the soil. In those
soils where the black paint w111 not wear off, re
- move with gasoline, kerosene, or diesel
fuel. Be any
BOLTS AND SE T SCREWS Before starting to work
with a new plow or one which has been stored,
check to see that all bolts and set screws are
tight and all cotte r pins spread to keep them
from tabling out. Check the bolts that hold the
plow disks to see that they are drawn up very
A good practice is to check for loose bolts,
screws, or parts when lubricating the plow.
Loose bolts are easily lost or cause excessive
wear on parts, resulting in possible serious
damage to the plow.
Be sure plow has been properly lubricated. See
Lubrication Chart on page 25.
w elf-uenti lated area and aiyay from any sparks
or flames.
For complete tractor operating Instructions,
refer to your tractoP operator's manual.
For maximum ballast, refer to your tractor
oper ator's manual. FRONT END WEIGHTING For those
plow and tractor eom- binatlons which re quir e
additiona I front end welghtlng for transport
s tability purposes, add front end welghts to
tractor as shown in chart below. Cast-iron front
end weights may be securea from your John
Deere dealer. Total Front Weight R equl red
for Tronsport 5tobl I lty
Inflate the tractor tlres as rec- ommende d ln
the tractor operator's manuals REAR WHEE L WE IGH
Rear wheel weights may be nec- essary to
eliminate excessive wheet slippage or for
stabtllty In rough or hillside I lelds. However,
weights should not be added to the point wher e
all slippage is eliminated. To do so would hinder
maximum performance of the tractor. The ideal
amount of added weight can be determined by
observing the tracks of the rear wheels. When the
tractor is pulling its rated load, the soil
between the tire lugs s hould be Droken or s
hifted. E too much weight has been added, the
tread markf3 wlll be clear and distinct. tf too
little weight has been added, the tread marks
will be entirely obliterated.
''' 2 r'- ,p 3.yq "i
i or 0 R 100 lbs. i00 lbe. 100 lbs. 0 o 150 lbs.
ioi 0 RU 100 lbs. i00 lbe. 100 lbs. 0 o 150 lbs.
1010 RUs 100 lbs. i00 lbe. 100 lbs. 0 o 150 lbs.
io20 RU 100 lbs. i00 lbe. 100 lbs. 0 o 200 lbs.
io2o no 100 lbs. i00 lbe. 100 lbs. 0 o ioo in.
BE LT PU L LE Y If tractor is equlppe d with a
belt pulley, remove pulley. POWE RSHAF T MASTER
SHIE LD (1010 TRACTOR) Remove power shaft master
shield from tractor. CAUTION Be sure the pow-
Liquid Weights Water and calcium chloride
solu- tion is an economical means of add ing
weight to rear wheels. Ca ICiUW chloride is
recommended rather than water as it with not
freeze. See your tractor ope rator's manual OF
your John Deere dealer.
s ershaft guard Is In place any
tlme the master shield Is re-
moved. R eploce the master shleld Immediately
upon removal of the plow. Be sure the master
shield is Installed whenever the powershoft Is
used. TRACTOR DRAWBA R Set the tractor drawtar
In the ono t high posltton and ptn it to the
extreme left side of the support.
C ant-Iran heights Where weight in addition to or
in place of liquid weight ia required, east-tron
weights can be bolted to the rear wheels. This
type of weight can be secured from your John
Deere dealer.
TRACTOR Continued
REARWHEELSETTINGS Set the rear wheels or the
tractor at 23 tnches from center of tractor to
tnside of ttres.
lar surface condtttons, ' L posttlon may glve
better performance. !Sray B lochs (I 020 Trac ter
FRONTWHEELSETTTNG On wtde front axle tractors,
set the front wheels to confor m to rear wheel
settings, center to center of tread. 3-POINT
The 3-point hitch provides atast, easy means ot
attaching the plow to the tractor. See your
tractor oper- ator's manual for complete explana-
tion of the hydraulle system.
The sway blocks must be set in the upper category
1 posttlon. Thig set- ting eliminates stde sway
when the plow 1s raised for transport but per-
mlts lateral flexlbtllty when working.
load C atool Forte (1010 7'xactoo) Connect
center link to center hole In load control yoke.
Link Lengths It ig tmportant that the length ot
the center ltnk and lift ltnks be ad- justed
properly. Measure fr om cen- ter to center of
Load C ontool ockout Scnew JI 010 T Mac
low Turn the load control lockout screw in
so the load control poke v'111 operate.
The chart on the tollowtng page s ho w s t h e
recommended stortlng lengths of the ltnks for
vartous trac- tors used with these plows. NOTE,-
A ylight inc rear e oz de - ccease in the sec
ommended length max be nece smany in other than
nor- mat e ondi tions and in ue ny deep or very
shallorv plying. Final adus t- mcut zhould be
made In the fee Id. NOTE When us Ing these plv
s wi th the 1010 Tractors, the li ft linbs mumt
be altac hed to the inner holes In the rocbshaft
Hi// are s.
Pazalle I Ltft Arm Ope ratim (1010 Txactoz On
tractors wtth dual hydraulic system, adjust the
system so Inte- gral cylinders are in parallel
and so lift arms will operate together to
obtain maximum liftlng capacity.
R ockuhaft be lec tor Lerer (1020 Tyac too For
most plowtng conditions, set the selector lever
In LD' positlon. In very light draft soil or in
ir regu-
Oferattan 7
Stortlng Llnk Lengths
Left Lift Link (Di men sion A) fish Lif Link (DIMenu ien B ) Cntcr Link (D imens ion C')
1010 R 19-1/2 16" 21-1/2"
1010 RU 1g-1/1' 19 27"
1010 RI/3 19-1/2" 19' 2'7"
1020 RI/ 26'' 26-1/2 27"
1020 HU 26' ' 26 1/2 27
The LI ft Link meostireinetifs ahotvn are far
1020 tractors with rtgid draft lime. IQ these
tractors are equippe d 'ith teie scopiiig dr yr
rubs, s et the fi/f links 2-1/4 inches shorter
than IN measiirements given aboue.
Raise the plow slowly and watch for any
Be sure that the lift links are set at the
recommended length shown on page 7.
Place rockshaft selector lever in the 'D
position for better control when attachlng.
Always lower the plow to the ground when not In
sure to lower the support stand to support the
plow after It is dlsconnected from the
Slip draft link ball socket over plow hitch
pins and lock in place with "Quik- Lock' ' pins
provlded. Connect center liriR to plow mast.
Before connecting, it may be neces - sary to
change length of center link with the adjusting
handle. After con- necting, reset center link to
recom- mended length as shown in chart, page 7.
flcient length, the pin mus I be ze - placed with
a R28061R pm.
Ratse support stand to highest setting.
The support stand may be adjust- ed to the
desired helght Dy raising or lowering in stand
clamp and se- curing with drilled stop ptn
and sprlng locking pin.
Operation 9 LEVE LI NG
RAISING AND LOWE R ING The plow is raised and
lowered by the tractor hydr aullc system.
1020 Proctor 1Ilv stwoted
Lateral (stde-to-side) leveling of the plow 1s
controlled by the leveling s crew crank on the
traetor hitch. See page 7 for correct llnk
lengths. After the plow is leveled satisfa ctor-
fly, lock the leve ling crank in plac e.
Fore-and-aft leveling ts con- trolled by the
center link on the trac- tor hitch. At no time
should the front disk run deeper than tne rear
020 roe Iat I I tus tt a te d
Moving the rocks halt control lev- er to the rear
raises the plow, while moving lever forward
lowers the plow. DE PTH OF PLOWING The rockshaft
control lever on the tractor controls the
operating depth. The adjustable depth stop can be
set (after a few minutes operation to determine
the desired position) so the plow always returns
to the same working depth when lowered. After
the stop has been set, It oecastonally may be
necessary to vary the set depth. Mounted on the
quadrant, this stop can easily tie by-passed
with the lever if additional working depth is
desired. The Load-and-Depth Control of the
hydraulic system tends to main- tain the
operating depth over uneven ground or ln varying
soil conditions but always keeps the working
depth wtthin the limits of good plowing. NOTE
Be sure hitch links are adjusted properl y. See
page z.
To open a new land it may be nec- essary to
adjust the levellng crank on the hitch to control
the cut of the front dlsk.
On the second round with the trac- tor wheel in
the furrow, adjust the center link so the plow
runs level fore-and-aft.
10 Ofi'exatian
These plows may be set for elthe r B-1/2- or
10-1/2- inch cut per dtBk. Once set tn either of
these positions the width of cut ts controlled by
the hitch crossbar angle, plow rear wheel
adjustment, and tractor rear wheel setting. See
page 6 tor proper tractor rear whe e1 settlng
and the following pages for hltch crossbar
angle and plow rear wheel adjust- ment. The w)dth
of cut must be the same on oil disks. Before
measuring the width of cut on the front disk, be
sure the plow ts properly leveled
T o decrease wtdth of cut, loosen outer nut, and
extend inner nut by turnlng clockwise. CAUTION
Be carefuJ when mak- )ng this adjustment. A
sJight change from the 20-degree setting of the
crossbar will make a major change In the cut of
2-borrow P low7 0-I/2 Inch C The factory
settlng for both the 2- and 3-furr ow plows
Is 10-1/2 lnches cut per disk.
The width or cut of the 2-furrow plow may be
changed to 8- 1/2 inches by moving the disk
bearing standards and disks forward. There are
extra holes in the frame bars provided for this
adjustment. Move the front dtsk forward one hole
and the rear disk forward two holes. See
lllustratlons aDove and on next page.
Before operating, adjust the
screw so the hitch crossbar is turn-
ed down and cranked f0ruard ap- proxlmately 20
degrees from verti- cal. See illustration
above. Various field conditions may re- quire
slight changes of the hitch crossbar
angle. To increase width or cut, loosen inner
nut on adJusting screw and draw up outer nut.
Two ftller straps are supplied In the frame to
give the frame support when the disk standards
are moved forwara. The one-hole filler strap 1s
positioned between the frame bar and the rlght
front frame brace. The two- hole flller strap is
positioned be- tween the frame far and left
front frame brace. The Illustration and chart
below show the proper location of bolts when
changing the wldth of cut set- tings on a 2-fur
row disk plow.
2 -F urro v P fa w -8 - T/2 In cdi Cut
J0-1 2 1 n h C vt
6 th
1 3 i 4
3/4 ' x 6 - l/ 2 3/4 x 6 3/4 x s - i/4
3/4" x fl"
Poslti on 3 Positions 2-7 -8 Posltions
4-9 Positions 5-8
Position 3 Positions 8-7 -8 P ositions i -9
Positions 5-6
......... Pos itions 2-3 -7 Positions fi-e
Positions 1-5- 8-8
Post tions 2- 3 rositions 4 - Positions 5- 6 -Y
-8 Dos1t1ort 1
I 3/4x4-1/4"
1 2 Oerofton CHANGING WIDTH OF CUT Continued
The Illustration and ciaart on the next page show
the proper location of bolts when changing the
width of cut settings on a 3-furrow plow.
When changing mom 10-1/2 lnch cut to 8-1/2 inch
cut the flller straps
Ope ratim 1 3
10 13
o f Blt'I t L es s Wii
2 s3/4 ' ' 4- t/4 Positions 9-15 Positions 9- l5 Positions 1-7 Position 7
4 3/4 x 5 Positions 6-7- Positions 6-7 Positions 5-6- Positions 1-5-
8- 10 810 1314 13- 14
2 3/4 x 5-1/4 ' Positions 4-1l Positions 4-11 Positions 4- l8 Positions 4-1Z
4 3/4 x 6 ' Positions 2- Positions 2.- Positions z- Positions 2-6-
13-14 18- 14 10- II 10-11
l 3/4' ' z 6- 1,2' ' Position 3 Position 3 PoGition 3 Position 3
4 Openation
After desired cut has been obtained be sure to
draw up the nuts and set screws tight. Aa adjusts
ent of 1/2 Inch at this point or akes quite a
dif- eehence in ltte ope ratlm of the plcnv, z o
be careful uihen inabing this ad- Jus truest.
The threaaed end of the lead rod permits fine
lead adjustment of the rear wheel. The front edge
of the wheel should lead slightly toward the
plowed land. HEIGHT ADJUST MENT The set screw and
collar locks the rear axle at the height
required. For average conditions, the bottom of
the wheel should be about 1/2 inch below a line
extended across the bottom of the disks. However
in deep sand, it may tie necessary to run the
wheel as much as 3 inches below the disks in some
The adjustments in the rear wheel height, lead,
width ot cutprovide sufficient adjustment to
meet all soil conditions. Proper adjustment of
the rear wheel assures a steady runnlng plow,
maintains an even cut with all disks, and keeps
the plow running straight. WIDTH OF CUT
ADJUSTMENT Various soil conditions will re-
quire changes in the width of cut ad- justment.
To reduce the width of cut, loosen cut
adjusting bolts and the left-hand cut adjusting
set screw. Tighten the right-hand cut adjusting
set screw to the desirea setting and then
retighten the cut adjusting bolts and left-hand
set screw.
When changing the height of the rear wheel it may
be necessary to adjust the position of the lead
rod. A second eyebolt attaching hole in the
adjusting post ls suppliect for this
purpose. REAR WHEEL SCRAPER Atjust scraper blade
to fit closely to rear wheel but not tight enough
to cause friction. Loosen set screws to adjust
scraper arm and blade.
I'o increase the width of cut, loos- en the cut
adjusting bolts and reverse the procedure with
the set screws.
Operaifian 15 LATERAL DISK SETT INGS of the
dtsk angling wedges. To change the aettlng,
first loosen the
bearing plate and the standard at taching
bolts. Then remove the top standara attaching
bolt allowlng the wedges to drop out of posltlon.
Re - place top bolt and remove lower a t a
n d a r d attaching bolt allowing wedges to be
removed entirely and reversed. NO TO To make
changing the lat- em/ dish s ettingy easier,
raise the p low so it onI y touches the ground
lightly. When reassembling with wedges ln thelr
new posltion be sure to re- move and replace only
one standard attaching bolt at a time to prevent
the standard fr om falling out of place
. The Illustrations below show the posftlon of
the wedges tor setting the disks in the hard
ground and loose ground settings.
There are two lateral disk set- tings, hard
ground ana ioose ground. The hard ground setting,
shown ln above illustration, will give satis-
factory results In most condltlons . The disks
will penetrate hard ground and revolve I reely
enough for most conditions. lioweve r, ln sancty
soil, where penetration is no problem, and in
iaeavy trash, wet ground or rocks, where it is
deslrable to have the disks roll more lreely,
the loose ground setting witl be more satisfac
- tory. The lateral setting of the diska can be
changed by reversing the position
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The illustrations above ahow the afsks set in the
three vertical set- tings flat, medium, and
bolts which attac h the bearing stan- dara
piates to the frame bar for easter handling.
When the standard and dlak are replaced, a arilt
can be used through the upper hole re qulred for
the setting desired. In this way the wedges used
for the late ral set - ting of the standards can
be located and secured in position wtth the
lower of the two bolts .
The flat setting, upper left, 1s used in wet
sticky soil that needs to be cut loose trom the
bottom of the furrow.
The medium settlng, center iuus- tration, is used
for average and hard ground conditions.
When changing the setting on the rear standarti
and disk, the rear wheel and rear axle bracket
must be removed.
The steep setting, upper right, is used In loose
solls to obtaln enough pressure against the
disks to cause them to rotate readily.
CAUTION When changing
When changing the vertical setting of the
disks, both attaching bolte must be removed.
Loosen the three
the 'uerlfical setting of tfie
dish, handle the s fiafidaxd and dish emotions fy
to 9repent injtizy,
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