John Deere 494AN and 694AN Corn Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMB25393) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 494AN and 694AN Corn Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMB25393)


John Deere 494AN and 694AN Corn Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMB25393) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 494AN and 694AN Corn Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMB25393)

PLANTERS OMB25393 E7 English
E 7
O M B 2 5 3 9 3
Your new planter is sturdy and dependable. It
will give long and efficient service if given
proper care and operation. This operator's manual
is provided to furnish information on the proper
operation, adjustment, maintenance, and
lubrication of the planter. When in need of
parts, see your John Deere dealer. He will
furnish genuine John Deere Parts and prompt and
eflicient s ervi ce in the fi eld or in the shop.
Right- hand and left - hand reference is dete r-
mined by standing at the rear of the plante r and
facing the di re ction of travel.
Study this manual carefully. Keep it handy, in a
safe plac e , for future reference.
494AN OR 694AN CORN PL ANTER Cheek off model
of your plante r, special equipment obtained,
and record date purchased.
Model 494AN With disk openers...... 494AN
Wlth runner openers .... 694AN With disk
openers...... 694AN With runner openers
.... Fertilizer Atta ehments Dry
...................... .. Liquid
.................... . Gauge Shoes
................ . TrashKikers............... .
Press Whee1 Scrapers ......... . Press
Whee1 Bands............ .
Four Carrying Wheels ............. 9In-ch Double
Disk Furr or ers and C over - ing
Knives.................... 8-Inch Disk Coverer
s.............. Seed Packer Wheels...............
Minimum Tillage Attachment......... Pea and Bean
Attachment ........... Insecticide Attachment
............. Granular Herbicide Attachment
....... 14-Inch Double Disk Openers
(Anti-fric- tion bearing) ..................
Rubber Pres s Wheel Tires....... . Row Leveling
Bla des........... Compaction Seed Runner
IDENTIFICATION VIEW . . . . ... . . .
. SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . .. . . . .
. OPERATION . , .. , ............
ATTACHMENTSContinued Rubber press wheel tires
........ 9-ineh double disk furrozers and cov-
ering knives................ 8-Inch disk coverers
with anti-fr ietion bearings. . ................
Minimum tillage attachment . . . ... . Gauge
shoes ................. Pea and bean attachment .
. . .. . . . . SAPETY SUGGESTIONS . . . . . ..
. . . . LUBRICATION .......
4-15 4 4-6 7-8 9 9 10 II-12 13 14-15
Preparing the tractor ... ..
33 34 34 34
Preparing the planter . . . . .. . . .
Hitching . .... . .....
Transporting . .............. Markers .
................. Planting depth . . . . .. .
. . . .
Drill planting ............... Soybean charts
. Maise charts ...............
SERVICE. ................... 39-44 At the
beginning of the season .. .. 39 At the end of
the season ......... 39 Storing planter ....
... .... 40 41-42 42
ATTACHMENTS . . ........... .
16-34 Fertiliser attachment . .........
16-24 Trash kickers . .............. 24 Fenders
for the insecticide and/or herbicide
attachments ......... 24 Granular herbicide
attachment . . . . . 25-28 hisecticide
attachment .......... 28-30 Seed packer wheels
............ 31 Row leveling blades
............ 31 Your carrying wheels
........... 31 Press wheel scrapers . . . ... . .
. . . 32 Press wheel bands . ......... ... 32
14-inch double aisk openers. ..... 32
Runner alignment . . .. .
Drill shatt pins ...............
Double disk fertiliser openers and double
disk seed openers with anti- friction bearings
............ Timing the planter ... ........
.. Ratchet drive .. . .......... ... Causes for
common difficulties en- countered when planting
. ......
42 43 44
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TYPE Drill Corn Planter. 6-Row - 28- or 30-inch
row spacing. 4 -Row - 38- or 40-inch row
spacing. OPENERS Runner openers - optional. Disk
openers - optional. 14-inch double disk openers
with anti-friction bearings - optional. ROW
SPACING 28-, 30-, 38-, or 40-inch rows. TYPE
OFIJF- Remote hydrauliC C7inder. TYPE OF
DRIVE Sprocket and chain from ground
wheets. SEED HOPPERS 1-1/5 bushel capac lty,
with seed gauges.
18-inch press wheels that can be equipped with
scrapers and/or press wheel bands, semi-
pneumatic press wheel tires, or tractor tread
press wheel tires. MARKERS- Disk type
automatically raise and lower when the planter is
raised or loweredL OVER -ALL TRANSPORT
WIDTH Approximately 15 feet 6 inches. P WANTING
UNITS Each unit individually mounted 2or maximum
flexibility. PLANTING DEPTH Controlled by press
wheel on each planting unit.
S,teci/tcations 3 NO. 9A, 11, AND 12 COMBINATION
HITCHES- The purpose of the No. 9A, 11, and 12 C
ombina- tion Hitches is to combine the tillage
and planting operation.
- approximately 1350 pounds. Openers - runner or
double disk.
FOUR CARRYING WHEE LS The four carrying wheels
are available for use in soil conditions where
it is desirable to have more flotation when
feed. Capacity - approximately 1600 pounds Gal.
). Opcners - runner or double disk.
INSECTICIDE ATTACHMENT Will apply insecticide in
the row with the seed at the time of planting.
PEA AND BEAN ATTACHMENT Available for planting
peas or beans in the row with the corn. GAUGE
SHOE ATTACHMENT 7-1/2-inch gauge shoes are
available for loose ground conditions.
TRASH KICKER Will push aside small stones and
trash ahead of the runner.
applying granular herbicide over the row at the
time of planting.
furrower available for planting the seed in
shallow fur rows.
SEED PACKER W HEE L Will press the seed against
the moist soil in the bottom of the furrow.
COVERERS Kntfe or disk covere rs are available
for more positive seed coverage.
decreases tillage operations prior to planting.
It smooths out the seed bed and assures a more
uniform planting depth. Covering knives or disk
cove rers are recommended to be used in
conjunction with the minimum tillage attachment.
ROW LEVE LING BLADES Spring controlled blades
which mix either granular or sprayed
herbicide in the soil from the surface to a
depth of approximately 1/2 inch, aepending on
soil types and condi- tions. It is advisable to
use covering disks or covering knives with the
levelers to in- sure adequate loose soil in the
banded herbi- cide area.
PRE -EMERGENCE SPRAYER Will apply llquid
herbicide over the row at the time of planting.
The 22 or 25A Sprayer may be used for
pre-emergence spraying.
COMPAC TION SEED R UNNER Wtl1 make a wtder seed
trench which results tn a more uniform planting
depth and a more unttorm germinatton.
(specifications and destgn sub ject to
change without notice.)
The tractor must be equipped with an 8-inch
stroke remote hydraulic cylinder that conforms to
ASAE-SAE standards. On tractors with an
adjustable drawbar, plac e the drawbar
approximately 15 inches from the ground and bolt
it in the center of the tractor.
If possible, set the tractor rear wheels 60
inches, center to eenter of tread and equal dis-
tance from center line of tractor. The planter
ground wheels will then run in tracks left by the
rear wheels of the tractor. If this cannot be
done it is best to adjust the tractor rear wheels
so the planter wheels run entirely out of the
tractor wheel tracks.
Consult the lubrication charts on pages 36-38 for
guidance In lubricating your planter. Regular and
systematic lubrication is the best assurance
against breakdowns and delays. It will help you
get better service from your corn planter and
save on your maintenance costs. TIRE
INFLATION inflate the planter 6.70 x 15
traction-type tires to 24 ps1 of air
pressure. ROW WIDTHS
'he planter 1s a 30-Inch row wldth dritl type
corn planter. It may also be used to plant stx
28-inch rows or four 38- or 40-inch rows.
The marker illustrated is set for 30-inch row
widths. To change the markers for other row
widths loosen the set screws so marker pipes will
slide. Set the inside end of each marker pipe to
line up with the center of the hole in the mark-
er arm, for desired row width. Turn each marker
pipe so bracket "A" is in position illustrated.
Tiqhten the set screws securely to hold markers
in position. The angle of each marker disk may be
adjusted for various soil conditions by 1oosen-
ing bolt "B" and turning the disk. After adjust-
ment is made tighten bolt "B' securely.
SEED PLATES The selection of the seed plates is
one of the most important steps in preparing the
plante r for the field. There is a great variety
of John Deere seed ptates available in various
cell sizes and number of cells. Growing
conditions change from year to year, and the size
of the seed will also vary. There- fore, it is
quite likely that different seed plates are
required to plant the same variety of seed from
year to year. There are two ways to select seed
plates. One way is to totlow the recommendations
of the seed supplier, if available. The other way
is to take a sample of the seed to be planted to
a John Deere dealer and let him run the seed
through his John Deere seed plate selector
stand. In either case the accuracy of the seed
plate selected should be checked when installed
in your planter and operated at the planting
speed you intend to travel. The test check is to
plant a short distance, at the desired planting
speed, and then stop and dig up the hills of corn
to determine the actual planting rate.
The planting speed is very important in deter-
mining which s eed plate to use. The planting
rate is determined by the cetl fill of the seed
ptate. The faster the planter is operated the
faster the seed plate revolves. Therefore at
faster planting speeds it may be necessary to use
seed plates with slightly longer cell length to
obtain the proper cell fill for the planting rate
that is desired. A 24- celt seed plate revolves
at a slower rpm than a 16- cell seed plate, the
result being better cell fill at the same
planting speed. It is there- fore recommended
that a 24- cell seed plate be used in all cas es
when available for drill planting. NOTE Due to
the fact that a s4- ce II seed plate zerolees at
a s love r km than a 16- cetl seed plate, a 24-
ce II seed plate will plont at a heavier rate
than a 16- cell seed plate with the same cell
size at a given drilling distance and 9landing
spee d. The r e c o m m e n de d planting speeds
on page 12 take this into consideration for both
16- and 24- ce II plates.
The following is a tist of the most popular corn
plates available with 16 and 24 cells.
Plates for Flat Kernel s of Com Plates for Flat Kernel s of Com Plates for Flat Kernel s of Com
16Ce I I 24CeI I Kind ltf Corn
H697B H694B 1l1572B H695B H2156B H696B H2504B H2503B B12498B H257 IB H1302B H27 llB H950B H2584B H2836 B H2848B H2847B ...... Extra small corn Small corn Small slende r corn Medium corn Long thick corn Large corn Medium flat slurry treated corn Large flat slurry treated corn Extra large flat slurry treated corn
Plates for Round Kernel s of Corn Plates for Round Kernel s of Corn Plates for Round Kernel s of Corn
24Ce If Kind of Cum
H2295B ...... Extra small rouna corn
H2043B H2824B Small round corn
H1933B B 10853B Medium rouna corn
H2044B H27 l2B Large round corn
H2820B ...... Extra large rouna corn.
The following is a partial list of seed plates
which require a special false ring or floor
plate, or the regular floor plate turned over
The following is a list of the soybean plates
and the edible bean plates Plates for
Soybeons 20-Cell H 1255 B H 2527 B (Use with
H1279B Floor Plate)
P ote of
N. Cn Kind oI eed
uH 779B 16 uH 780B 16
Popcorn Medium country gentleman sweet
corn 16 Spanish corn and small popcorn 16 Large
country gentleman sweet eO Tn 16 Small sweet
corn, small sun- flower seed 16 Medium shoe peg
corn 16 Medium sweet corn, large sun- flower
seed 16 Extra small country gentleman tapered
sweet corn 16 Cantaloupes and cucumbers 16 Beet
seed (thin plate) 16 Extra small round
corn 16 Extra, extra small corn 16 Small round
core 16 Extra small narrow corn 16 Tomato seed
(machined plate) 16 Popcorn 16 Popcorn 16 Popcorn
16 Maize and grain sorghum 20 Popcorn 20 Soybeans
heavy planting 24 Maize and grain
sorghum 24 Matse and grain sorghum 25 Onion seed
(machined) 32 Maise and grain sorghum 54 Maize
and grain sorghum . . . Blank plate 5/32 '
thick (holes can be drilled up to 1/4 '
') ... Blank plate 5/32 ' thick (cells can be
filed in edge) ... Blank plate '5/32 thick
(ma- chined)
P lotes for Edlbl e for Edlbl e Beans
16Cel 24CeI I
H 1324 B H 1300 H 1300 B H 1B301
H 1071 B H 954 H 954 B H 983 B
H 956 B H 1B3 l5 H 1B3 l5
. . H 1258 H 1258 B ......
. H 1254 H 1254 B ....
. .. H1B255 H1B255
H 1084 H 1084 B
url 961B uII 963B
uH 964B uH1238B uH123 9B
Vl262B oHl263B oH1316B sH1322B sHl345B sH1352B
nH1353B uH2505B uH267lB uH2709B nB27768 uJ-1
781B pII2527B sIt2672B uB27783 nII1256B nB27769
uN2469 uH 776B kH12llB
It pays to be careful for your own she !
Accidents can ... Pain Lame Maim and cost you
Use with Y3313B False Ring Use with An306B Floor
Plate and Y5055B False Ring 0 Use with H1264B
Floor Plate p Use with H 1279B Floor Plate Use
with H l323B Floor Plate Use with Y2630B False
Ring or Hl346B Floor Plate
With the planter resting on the stand, back the
tractor to the planter so the plante r hitch is
straight in line with the tractor drawbar. In-
stall the remote hydraulic cylinder on the plant-
er and set stop A, as Illustrated, so the cyl-
inder wtll retract alt the way. This will permit
the plante r press wheels to always gauge the
planting depth. Install the hydraulic hose in the
hose holder. Extend the cylinder and disconnect
the transport links from the transport Ing.
Attach the chain arm at right angles to the
tractor drawbar. Tighten the bolt securely as the
marker chain arm must be held rigidly to the
tractor drawbar. Set the elevis in holes B,'
C,' or D,' so the lower edge of the planter
hitch is paral- lel to the ground when in
planting position.
Remove the clevis pin from the clevis and place
lt in the hitch extension holes, as il-
lustrated, to hold the clevis straight out.
If the clevis is installed in the upper holes,
place clevis pin in the lower hitch extension
holes. Place the marker control chains over the
fertilizer drtve, under the support pipes and
through the chain guides. Attach the marker
control chains to the springs and chatn
arm. Retract the hydraulic cyrlinde until the
plant- er hitch is the same height as the tractor
draw- bar. Attach the elevis to the tractor
drawbar with the clevis pin and secure in place
with the retatnlng pin as shown. Extend the
hydraulic cylinder to raise the planter off of
the stand.
NOTE Retighten all bolts in hitch panel
after p/OrIfi OpprOXiMOtefy be OCrOS.
8 Openation
HITCHINGContInued Attach the spring to chain
arm, and hook the left-hand marker control chain
to spring at the shortest link possible,
without stretching the spring. Now pull the
teft-hand marker control chain until the marker
control lever points to right- hand side of
planter. Attach the spring to chain arm, and hook
the right-hand marker control chain to spring
at the shortest link possible, urithout
stretching the spring. NOTE Be ce stain all
parts of mayber assem- bly more freely. MARKER
Pull the pins and push the planter stand up over
the planter stand hitch rod and hook the front
legs of the stand over the rod on the hy- draulic
cylinde r bracket. Hold the planter stand in
place with the pins. To place the planter stand
back into position for unhooking from planter,
reverse the above procedure.
With the remote hydraulic cylinder extended to
maximum length, pull marker lift chains tight at
each end of planter and adjust each lift chain in
the marker chain retainer so marker arm is snug
against the marker stop. Place the loose end of
each marker chain in the marker stop. CAUTION
Keep the loose end of eoch marker chaln In the
marker stop at all times, except when
plantlng. Pull the right-hand marker control
chain un- til marker control lever points to
left-hand side of planter, as illustrated.
Oferofion 9 are latc hed up, chains will be s
lacb. When rats - ing plante z, be wery case
ful that s!ac b chain doe not catch and bee
at. The position of the marker control lever
will determine which marker will drop when the
planter 1s lowered.
Extend the remote hydraulic cylinder and in- s
ert the pin tn hole A as shown. CAUTION When
transporting the planter on a rood or highway at
night or during the day, use accessory lights and
devlces for adequate warnlng to operators of
other ve- hicles. In this r egord, check local
governmental r egulatlons. Var lous safety lights
and devices ore ovalloble from your John Deere
When the marker control arm points to the
left-hand side of the planter, as illustrated,
the right-hand marker will drop. The marker
control arm will stay in thts po- sition, and the
rtght-hand marker will raise and drop when
planter is raised and lowered until the tractor
1s turned sharply to the right. Then the
left-hand marker control chain will tighten and
point the marker control arm toward the right-
hand side of the planter and the left-hand marker
wl11 drop when the planter is lowered. The marker
that is down will automatically raise when the
planter is raised.
After reaching the field, extend the remote
hydraulic cylinder and place the pin as
Illustrat- ed. MARKERS
IN the right-hand marker will not drop after a
sharp left turn, shorten the right-hand marker
control chain at spring, one link at a time,
until right-hand marker will drop alter a sharp
left turn. Shorten the left-hand marker control
chain If left-hand marker fails to arop after a
sharp rtght turn.
Remove the end of each marker chain from the
marker stops betore lowering the planter in the
field. NOTE When planting the rows next to
the fence, hold the moskezs up b y inserting the
mazb- ez chains in the marker stops. When mazbers
10 Opoxo/fpn PLANTING DEPTH The planting depth of
the planter is gauged by the planter press
wheels and not with the tractor remote
hydraulic cylinder. The remote hydraulic cylinder
must be fully retracted when planting.
Adjust all planting units so the spring pres-
sure is the same on each unit. NOTE thereone
rating in the field, lower the plante r only she
ri tñg tractor is moving fo ard. this gift
present the planter runne rs from clog- ging iti
maint aoil condi tions.
The planting depth of each unit is determined by
the setting of the depth adjusting pin in the
depth adjusting strap. To change the planting
depth move the pin up to increase the depth or
down to decrease the depth. ttoldpin in place
with the pin lock. Each hole in the depth
adjusting strap repre- sents a change of
approximately 1/2-inch tn the planting depth To
increase the planting depth by /4-inch remove
the spacer from under the lock- ing pin. Always
insert the depth adjusting ptn and pin lock as
illustrated. Adjust all units to plant at the
same depth.
Each planting unit has a eprlng which can be
adjusted to increase or decrease the down pres-
sure on the planting unit.
In some field conditions where planter frame must
be closer to ground than normal, and when there
is no additional adjustment In pressure rod,
position llft arm in hole A in wheel frame.
If the runner tends to rtde out of the ground,
raise the planter and move the adjusting bracket
down to the next position as shown. NOTE Do not
attempt to penetrate the plou Jan. In hard
ground conditions, this could cans e the planter
drive wheels to raise off the ground.
DRILL PLANTING Position the chain idler so there
is 3/4-inch slack in drive chain.
Ptn the clutch throw- out link to the lift lever
at ' A to engage the planter drive.
DRILLIGDbTANCE6 Sixteen different drilling
distances can be obtained with each seed
plate. For drill planting, the sprocket setting
varies the distance between seeds.
2- ond I0- booth Dr i ve r S pr oc Let ond /'/ .
2 i dler spr c e c m min o ion
The chart on the following page gives the ap-
proximate drilling distances wliich are obtain-
able and the maximum recommended speed. After
planting about 80 rods, make a seed population
check at selected operating speed. At speeds over
5 mph some seed grades may re- quire a seed plate
with slightly longer cells for better cell fill.
NOTE No. 1 Idle z Spzocbe t is used with the 8-
and 11- Tootti Dniver Sprocbe t com bination No.
2 Idler Up zocbet is us ed uiith the 12- and lo-
Tooth Drsner Sproc bet c ombination at 'B.' The
12- and 10-Tooth Sprocket should be stored as
shown above when not in use.
Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure Approximate Drllllng DIstance In Inches and Maximum Recommended Speed Planter Equipped with 6.70 x 15 Tires Inflated to 24 psi Atr Pressure
flevemmew6ed Speed (mph) D i stonc e D i stonc e Com bi n oion s Com bi n oion s S ro'cket Number
flevemmew6ed Speed (mph) D i stonc e D i stonc e Com bi n oion s Com bi n oion s S ro'cket Number 2 ' 2 ' 30-Inch Stow s 30-Inch Stow s 38-Inch Rows 38-Inch Rows 40-Inch Rows 40-Inch Rows
flevemmew6ed Speed (mph) D r iver Driven S ro'cket Number 16-Cel I 2d-CeI 1 76CeT I 2d-Cel 1 16-CeI1 24-Cell 16-Cell 24-Cel I
2.75 5.8 3.9" 18-Tooth 7-Tooth 1 38100 57490 36040 53600 28350 43410 27000 40200
3.25 6.6" 4.4 18-Tooth 8-tooth 1 33630 50950 316Y0 4'/500 24700 3'7410 23520 35630
3.50 7.5 5.0" 18-Tooth 9-Tooth 1 29890 44840 27870 41810 21950 32930 20900 31360
4.00 8.3" 5.6" 18-Tooth 10-Tooth 1 36884 40040 Z5180 3'/510 19740 29400 18800 28000
4.25 8.8" 5.8" 12-Tooth 7-Tooth 2 25t60 38650 23750 36040 18700 28380 17810 27030
4.50 9.5 6.3 11-Tooth 7-Tooth 1 23600 35580 22000 33180 17320 26120 16500 24880
4.75 10.0" 6.6" 12-Tooth 8-Tooth 2 22420 33640 20900 31670 16460 24700 15680 23520
5.00 10.5" 7.0" 10-Tooth 7-Tooth 2 21350 32030 19910 29860 15680 23520 14930 22400
5.25 10.9' 7.3" 11-Tooth 8-Tooth 1 20560 30730 19180 28640 15100 225'/0 14380 21490
5.50 11.3" 1.5" 12-Tooth 9-Tooth 2 19830 29890 18500 27870 14560 21950 13870 10600
5.T5 12.0" 8.0" 10-Tooth 8-Tooth 2 18680 18030 17420 26130 13710 20580 13060 19600
6.00 12.2" 8.2" 11-Tooth 9-Tooth 1 18380 27340 1'/050 25490 13460 20080 12850 19120
6.25 12.5" 8.3" 12-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 1Y930 27010 16710 25190 13170 19830 12540 18890
6.50 13.5" 9.0" 10-Tooth 9-Tooth 2 16600 24910 15480 23230 12190 18290 11610 17420
6.50 13.6" 9.1" 11-Tooth 10-Tooth 1 16490 24640 153'70 22970 12110 18090 11530 17230
'/.00 15.0 10.0" 10-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 14940 22420 13900 20900 10980 16460 10450 15680
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Oferatian 13
Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up Approximate Pounds of Soybeons Per Acre With H2527B 20- Cell Seed Plate and H1279B Floor Plate - Groove Up
Mo xi m um Reco mm ended S peed (mpk) Sprock et Com bi not ion s Sprock et Com bi not ion s d1er Sproc ket N umbe r Poun ds P er Acre Poun ds P er Acre Poun ds P er Acre Poun ds P er Acre
Mo xi m um Reco mm ended S peed (mpk) Sprock et Com bi not ion s Sprock et Com bi not ion s d1er Sproc ket N umbe r Rev Vidh s Rev Vidh s Rev Vidh s Rev Vidh s
Mo xi m um Reco mm ended S peed (mpk) Driver D riyen d1er Sproc ket N umbe r 28 30" 38 40"
4.5 18-Tooth 7-Tooth 1 148 138 109 104
18-Tooth 8-Tooth 1 143 133 105 100
5 18-Tooth 9-Tooth 1 134 125 99 94
5 18-Tooth 10-Tooth 1 120 117 88 84
5 12-Tooth 7-Tooth 114 106 84 80
5 11-Tooth 7-Tooth 1 108 101 80 76
6 12-Tooth 8-Tooth 2 102 96 75 '72
6 10-Tooth 7-Tooth 2 98 92 '/2 69
6 11-Tooth 8-Tooth 1 97 90 71 68
12-Tooth 9-Tooth 2 94 88 69 66
7 10-Tooth 8-Tooth 2 92 86 68 65
11-Tooth 9-Tooth 1 91 85 67 64
12-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 85 79 63 60
10-Tooth 9-Tooth 2 83 'II 60 58
11-Tooth 10-Tooth 1 ?9 '74 59 56
10-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 74 69 55 52
Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate Approximate Pounds of Soybeans Per Acre With i-11255B 20-Cell Seed Plate
Recommended Speed (mph) 8proc ket Com bin ations 8proc ket Com bin ations I d I er S proc ket Num beI Pv6s Per Arre Pv6s Per Arre Pv6s Per Arre Pv6s Per Arre
Recommended Speed (mph) 8proc ket Com bin ations 8proc ket Com bin ations I d I er S proc ket Num beI RWiJ s RWiJ s RWiJ s RWiJ s
Recommended Speed (mph) Dri ver D iven I d I er S proc ket Num beI 28 30 38 40"
4.5 18- Tooth 7- Tooth 114 106 84 80
5 18-Tooth 8- Tooth 1 108 101 80 76
5 18-Tooth 9-Tooth 1 100 93 74 70
5 18-Tool 10-Tooth 1 91 85 6'/ 64
5 12-Tooth 7-Tooth 2 88 82 65 62
5 11-Tooth 7-Tooth 1 85 79 63 60
6 12-Tooth 8-Tooth 2 83 7/ 60 58
6 10-Tooth 7-Tooth 2 '/9 74 59 56
6 11Tooth 8-Tooth 1 27 72 5/ 5t
'7 12-Tooth 9Tooth 2 74 69 55 52
10Tooth 8-Tooth 2 72 68 54 51
11-Tooth 9Tooth 71 67 53 50
12-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 68 64 50 48
7 10-Tooth 9-Tooth 2 6'/ 63 49 4'7
11-Tooth 10-Tooth 1 66 61 48 46
10-Tooth 10-Tooth 2 60 56 4t 42
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