John Deere 1010 Integral Field Cultivator Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN159504) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 1010 Integral Field Cultivator Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN159504)


John Deere 1010 Integral Field Cultivator Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN159504) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 1010 Integral Field Cultivator Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMN159504)

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This safety alert symbol indicates important
safety messages in this manual. When you see this
symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal
injury and carefully read the mes- sage that
follows. This publication contains both the US
customary units of measurements and the SI
Metric equivalents. "Right-hand and "left-hand
sides of the cultivator are determined by facing
in the direction the cul- tivator will travel
when in use. The warranty appears on your copy of
the purchase order which you should have received
from your dealer. Record your model and serial
number in the space provided on page 38.
a io riel0 Culti va tar with Harrow A tlachment
TelI the c ustomer of safety precautions to
observe when using this mac hine. See page
2. Make sure the customer has the right size and
type of hydraulic cylinder to use for the par-
ticular model c ult ivator. See pages 7, 38. If
it becomes necessary to transport the c ulti- vat
or on public roads or highways, adv ise cus-
tomer to check with local and state agencies
regard ing the regulations for transporting over-
size equip ment an d the use of accessory lights
and devices for adequate warning to operators of
other vehicles on such roads. To the best of my k
nowIedge , this mac hine h as been delivered
ready for field use and the cu s- tomer has been
fully informed regard i ng p roper care and oper
at i on.
Sp ring teeth are correctly spaced for wid th to
be cuIti vated .
Shovels or sweeps are co rrec tly assembled ,
I l I 1
Standard attaching U-bolts tightened to 85 ft-lbs
(119 Nm) torque.
Cultivator is properly Iubricated.
Safety reflectors and SMV emblem are installed.
Restric to rs are installed i n remote
cylinder ports on R ig id Ve rti cal Fol d Fiel d
C ultivato r.
I have performed the above predelivery service to
the best of my ability.
0a ie
Da te
Sign ed
AFTER- SALE CHEC K LIST Check with the customer
as to the performance of the c ultivator. Make
certain the proper oper- at ing adjustments for
his crop (or soil condition) are understood. 0
If possi ble, operate the cuItivator to see that
it is fu nction ing pro perly. Acq uaint the cu
stomer with any spec i al attach- ment which wilI
hel p to do a better job. 0 Go over entire c
ultivator for loose or missing bolts. Chec k for
broken or damaged parts. Check with the customer
to make sure that recommended periodic
lubrication has been performed. Review the
operator's manual with the Customer and stress
the importance of proper lubrication and safety
I Address
I Post Office
I State
Zip .
I mplement Serial No.
I j
Implement Size
Date Purchased .
DELIVERY CHECK LIST ! 0 Advise the c ustomer to
I ubr icate the machine as ! d irected in the
operato r s manual.
Give the operator's manual to the customer and
explain all operating adjustments.
OM-N 159504 lssue 14
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
Page Safety ......................................
....... .................... 2-3 B Prepari ng
the Tractor.................. ...................
....4-5 Preparing Field Cultivator..............
........................ 6-7 Attaching and
Detaching .......................................
8-9 Transporting ................................
............................10 Operating the
Field Cultivator............................11-15
Guidelines for Use ...............................
................11 Rockshaft Control and Remote
Cylinder Levers...................................
............................12 Tightening Spring
Trip Standards ...................... 12 Leveling
C ultivator......................................
.........13 Operating Outrigger
Lift............................14-14B Stabilizer
.....15 Lubrication and Maintenance
................................. 16 Trouble
Shooting ..................................
..................17 Service......................
........................................18 18B it
OFa Q .. .... .... .. .. . .... .... .... ... ..
... .... .... ... .... .... .. .. .. ........
1 Assembly..... ...........................
............................. 20-36 Standard
Spacing Diagrams..........................33-35 S
..................... 37 Serial
.......... 38
Operate Safely DO NOT operate f Tel d c ult
ivator wit ho ut read in g th is ope rat or s m
an u al. DO NOT allow anyo ne to ri de on the
field c uItivato r when it is in o pe ration. DO
NOT operate close to a ditch or c ree k. Slow d
own when turni ng. Dri ve slowly ove r roug h
ground. Always keep the tractor in gear when
driving down steep grades with cuIti vat or
raised. Sto p the cultivato r on level g ro und
when raising and lowerin g ou triggers, Stay
clear of fold ing secti ons when raising and
loweri ng. Wear relatively tigh t and belted
clothi ng to preven t being cau ght on some part
of the machine.
Protect Aga inst Noise Prolonged exposure to loud
noise can cause im- pailment or loss of
hearing. Wear a su ita ble hea ri ng protective
device such as earmuf fs (A) or earpl ugs (B) to
protect against o bjectionable or uncomfortable
loud noises. A - Ea rmuffs B - Ea rplugs
z/z s. r
Avoid Fires DO NOT refuel with the tracto r
engine running. DO NOT smoke or use a lantern
when refueling

Sa fety 3
Use Safety Lights And Devices When transporting
your machine on a road or highway at night or
during the day, use necessary lights (A), SMV
emblems (B), reflector tape (C) or reflectors
(D), for adequate warning to operators of other
vehicles. In this regard, check local govern-
mental regulation. These various safety lights
and devices are available from your John Deere
A - Lights B SMV Emblem C - Reflector Tape D -
Transport Safely Always install lockup pins (A)
on vertical fold outrig- ger lift models. Always
move depth control cylinder stop forward to lock
the cylinder. DO NOT fail to Iatch the tractor
brakes together. Observe overhead wires and KNOW
the transport height of your cultivator. Shift
the tractor into a lower gear when transport- ing
down steep slopes or hills. Keep the SMV emblem
(B) and reflectors (C) clean and visible from the
rear. Stop slowly.
N35 679
18-1/2 Ft. (5 539 mm) in Transport Position
A - Lockup Pins B - SMV Emblem C- Red Reflectors
Practice Safe Maintenance DO NOT lubricate,
adjust, or clean the cultivator while it is in
motion. Always use a safety support when working
on, under, or around the cultivator. Shut off
engine and remove key when working on cultivator.
3A Sa fety Service Tires Safely Failure to
follow proper procedures when mounting a tire on
a wheel or rim can produce an explosion which may
result in serious injury or death. Do not attempt
to mount a tire unless you have the proper
equipment and experience to perform the job. Have
it done by your John Deere dealer or a qualified
tire repair service. When seating tire beads on
rims, never exceed 35 psi (240 kPa) (2.4 bar)
or maximum inflation pressures specified by
tire manufacturers for mounting tires. Inf
lation beyond this maximum pressure may break the
bead, or even the rim, with dangerous explosive
force. If both beads are not seated when the
maximum recommended pressure is reached, deflate,
reposition tire, relubricate bead, and
reinflate. Detailed agricultural tire mounting
instructions, in- cluding necessary safety
precautions, are con- tained in Joh n Deere
Fundamentals of Service (FOS) Manual 55, Tires
and Tracks, available through your John Deere
dealer. Such information is also available from
the Rubber Manufacturers Association and from
tire manufacturers. A - Use a safety cage if
available. B Do not stand over tire. Use a
clip-on chuck and extension hose.
SaIety 3B
Avoid HighPressure Fluids Escaping fl uid under
pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious
injury. Relieve pressure before disconnecting
hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections
before applying pressure. Keep hand s and body
away from pinholes and nozzles which eject fluid
under high pressure. Use a piece of card- board
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your
hand. I f ANY fluid is injected into the s kin,
it mu st be surgically removed within a few hours
by a doctor familiar with this type injury or
gangrene may result.

Preparing Tractor
  • CAUTION Make sure PTO guard and master shield
    are both installed on tractor (bold arrow).
  • Refer to tractor operator's manual regarding
    recom- mended adjustments, tire inf lat ion press
    ures, use of hydrauIiG system, PTO and ot her
    info rmat ion pertaining to tractor with
    implement uses.
  • Your cultivator is equ ipped with International
    Stan- dard Organization (ISO) hydrau lie hose
    fitt ings. If your tractor does not have ISO
    hydra uliG GoupIers, see your Joh n Deere dealer
    fo r non necto rs.
  • The tractor must be equipped with a category 2
    three point hitch with or without Quik-Coupler or
    a category 3 hitch wit h Quik-Coupler.
  • Set the tramtor wheel s for the desired row spac-
    ing. The wider the spaning, the more stability.
    See your tractor operator's man ual.
  • Place drawbar in short centered posit ion or
  • remove it.
  • Adjust Iift lin ks to min imum length.
  • Position sway bloc ks i n upper wide sett i ng.
  • Set the lift links to look out lateral float
    unless stabilizer wheels are used.

R 20030
Wlth Srad//izer Wheels
With out Ifitabi/izer Wheels
6. Turn metering valves (A) to fast or rabbit
Preparing the 7rac tor 5
7. Move rockshaft selector lever midway between
MIN. (or ZERO or D) and MAX. g. Determ ine front
ballast as follows Step I Find the size of
your cultivator in the table at the right and
enter its Implement Code on Li ne 1. Step II
Enter an Implement Code for each at- tachment or
option used on your cultivator, on Line 2
below. Step III Add Implement Code of
cultivator and Implement Code(s) for each attach
ment used to obtain the Total Implement
Code. Step IV Refer to tractor operator's
manual to determine required tractor front
ballast. IMPORTANT 1) If the total implement
code ex- ceeds the maximum implement code
listed for a particular tractor model, the
implement-attachment combination i iot
recommended for that tractor. 2) The total load
on any tractor wheel due to the weight of the im-
Integr al Size (mm) ImpI. Code
9-1/2 (2 896) R igid 60
10-1/2 (3 200) R 62
11-1/2 (3 505) R 67
12-1/2 (3 810) R 72
13-1/2 (4 115) R 84
14-1/2 (4 420) R 87
15-1/2 (4 724) R 103
16-1/2 (5 029) R 106
17-1/2 (5 334) R 110
15-1/2 (4 724) R igid Vert Fold 105
16-1/2 (5 029) RVF 108
17-1/2 (5 334) RVF 111
18-1/2 (5 639) RVF 140
19-1/2 (5 944) RVF 142
20-1/2 (6 248) RVF 145
21-1/2 (6 553) RVF 145
22-1/2 (6 858) RVF 146
23-1/2 (7 163) RVF 151
24-1/2 (7 468) RVF 157
Implement Code 15
Attachm ents or Options Gauge Wheel s (add onIy
when using on 15/1/2, 16-1/2 or
17-1/2 foot 14 724. 5 029, 5 334 mm1 Rigid Models)
plement-attachment combination
and tractor equipment, should not
3.14 per foot
Harrow Attach ment
exceed the carrying capacity of the tractor
tires. Refer to tractor operator's manual for
weight limitations applicable to your tractor and
tires. NOTE Ba/last recommendations provide for
ade- quate transport stability af recommended
speeds. Additional Iront ballast may be re-
quired /or satisfactory field operation due fo
sudden or extreme forces on the tractor hitch,
such as can occur when removing cultivator mom
the ground and turning at row ends, or during
field transport over very rough terrain.
Line 1.
Line 2
Total Implement Code.
Preparing the Field Cultivator
HITCH PINS AND TIRES 1. Set the hitch pins and
spacers to match the tractor hitch.
Ca tego ry 2 With ou t Quik- Co up ter
Ca tego ry 2 With Qu ik-Co up ler
Reverse location of sleeves and spacers (C and D)
for category 3N.
A - Mast Ball B - Mast Spacer C - Sleeve D -
Ca tego ry 3 With Quik- Co upler
2. Inflate stabilizer wheel tires to 28 psi (194
kPa) (1.94 bar).
  • Preparing Cultivator 7
  • CAUTION Damage to the cylinder and possible
    personal Injury may result II a non- recommended
    cylinder is used. At initial operation, make sure
    that neither end of the cyllnder Interferes with
    the lllt arms in tha lully extended or retracted
  • IMPORTANT U se only John De e re re mote
  • hydraulic cylinders (black tractor cylinder) or
    ASAE standard side- ported cyllnders.
  • Assemble hoses and cylinders as follows
  • Install the two restr ic tors (B).
  • Attach hoses (C) to restrictors and tlg
    hten securely.
  • NOTE Side-port must point to rear as shown.
  • Cylinder With End Ports
  • Attach cylinders as follows
  • Attach remote cylinders to the lift arms on
    field cultivator.
  • Route hoses downward toward t he rear as
  • shown.
  • A - Remote Cyllnder

Attaching and Detaching
  • CAUTION Before attaching cultivator to
    tractor, be sure hitch pins and spacers are
    completely assembled to match the hitch
    configuration of your tractor. (See page 6.)
  • Tractor Without QuikCoupler
  • Back tractor and position draft links (A) in
    front of and in line with hitch pins (B).
  • Stop the engine and set the brakes.
  • Extend the draft links (A) and adjust the length
    of the lift links to allow installation of hitch
  • Install pins and secure Quik-Lock pins.
  • Adjust length of center links (E) then fasten to
    mask ball (F) and secure latch lever.
  • If equipped, couple hydraulic hoses to tractor
  • Tractor With Quik-Coupler
  • Lower the coupler to allow jaws to pass under
    cultivator mast spacer and hitch pins.
  • Back tractor raise coupler to firmly seat
    coupler jaws.
  • Lock the latch levers. The spring loaded latches
    in the lower coupler jaws must be extended above
    hitch pins.
  • If equipped, couple hydraulic hoses to tractor
  • NOTE On rigid vertical fold models with sup-
    port pins, pin stands up after attaching
  • IMPORTANT Check lifting function by raising
  • and lowering outriggers slowly to
  • make certain cylinder rod is fully raised and
    hinge stops are con- tacted firmly when
    cylinder rod is fully extended. If necessary,
    change position of shims on lift frame
    straps, see pages 26, 27, 28.

A - Draft Links B - Hitch Pins C- Quik Lock
Pins D - Center Link E - Center Link Latch
Handle F - Hitch Pin and Ball G Spacers H -
Draft Link Lock Pins I Leveling Screws
Attaching a nd Deta c hing 9
  • CAUTION On rigid vertical fold model s with
    suppo rt stand, pin support stand down
    before detaching cultiv ator. Un- couple
    hydraulic hoses and marker ropes if applicable.
  • Lower cultivato r onto a level surface.
  • Loosen center Iink as necessary to remove load
    from hitch.
  • Release center link latch lever and disconnect
    center link.
  • Uncouple hydraulic hoses from tractor outlet, if
  • Remove hitch pins or release Quik-Coupler latch
    levers then detach tractor from cultivator.

8upp art stand in raised p osilion
18-1/2-Foot (5 639 mm) 1010 Rigid Vertical Fold
Cultivator in Transport Position
CAUTION When transporting the culti- vator
on a road or highway at night or during the day,
use accessory lig hts and devices for adequate
warning to the operators of other vehicles. In
this re- gard, chec k locaI governmental regula-
tions. Various safety lights and devices are
available at your John Deere dealer.
A - Operating Position B - Transporting
Position C - Outrigger Lift Hinge Brae ket D -
Lock-Up Clevis
  • Start tractor engine and raise outriggers to
    trans- port position.
  • Observe overhead wires and KNOW the trans- port
    height and width of your cultivator.
  • Insert lock pins through lock-up cIevis(es)
    (B) and secure in place with spring locking
  • Never exceed 10 mph (16 km/ h) when transport-
  • Reduce speed over rough or uneven terrain.
  • Use adequate front ballast. See page 5.
  • IMPORTANT Never raise or lower outriggers
  • while machine is in motion.
  • Be certain SMV emblem and reflectors are clean
    and visible at all times. Install as shown on
    page 32.

Operating The Cultivator
  • Use the recommended size tractor. See page 37.
  • Work at a recommended speed of 5-7 mph (8-11
    km/h) for best t ill age results. In rocky soil
    con- dit ions, reduce speed.
  • If soil conditions make it difficult to obtain
    desired depth, make two passes at an angle to
    each other and maintain proper operating speed of
    5-7 mph (8-11 km/h).
  • The standards are desig ned for maximum depth ot
    5-inches (127 mm).
  • Raise the field cultivator ou t of the ground
    when making sharp turns.
  • Level cultivator as instructed on page 13.
    IMPORTANT Before raising and lowering outrig-
  • gers refer to page 14 tor proper
  • Hydraulic Outrigger Lift procedure.

Suggest If the above button click is invalid.
Please download this document first, and then
click the above link to download the complete
manual. Thank you so much for reading
12 Opera ting Cultivator ROCKSHAFT CONTROL AND
  • The rockshaft control lever (A) is used to raise
    (B) and lower (C) the field cultivator. See your
    tractor operator's manual for complete
    information on rockshaft control and selector
    levers. Adjust depth control as follow s
  • Set rockshaft selector lever. See page 5.
  • Adjust tractor lift links. See page 4.
  • Set adjustable depth stop (D) so cultivator
    operates at the desired working depth.
  • In some light draft soils or extreme rolling land
    conditions, reset rockshaft selector lever
  • tween MIN and MAX to obtain desired load
    response of hitch. See page 5.

/\ - RockshaftControl Lever B - To Raise C - To
Lower D - Depth Adjusting Knob
following nuts periodically to the torque
specified tighten U-bolts evenly and equally to
have the same number of threads exposed on each
end. U-BoIts......................................
...85 ft Ibs (119 Nm) Pivot Bolt.................
...................85 ft Ibs (119 Nm) The
rigidity of the standards can be increased for
hard ground. To increase rigidity, remove
standard clamp bolt (C), push standard down, and
turn stan- dard clamp 180 degrees. Position
standard back in clamp and reinstall bolt.
Tighten bolt to 35 ft lbs
(47 N-m) torque.
N3S67 2
A - U-Bolt B - Pivot Bolt C - Standard Clamp Bolt
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friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
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