John Deere 1207 Mower-Conditioner Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OME61321) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 1207 Mower-Conditioner Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OME61321)


John Deere 1207 Mower-Conditioner Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OME61321) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 1207 Mower-Conditioner Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OME61321)

C9 English
C 9
O M E 6 1 3 2 1
To the Purchaser
Your new mower-conditioner was carefully de-
signed and manufactured to give years of depend-
able service. To keep it running efficiently,
read the instructions in this operator's manual.
Each section is clearly ident if ied so you can
easily find the in- formatio n you need whether
it is operation, Iubri- cation, or service. Read
the Table of Contents" to learn where each
section is located. Use the alpha- betical index
for fast reference. In addition to the equipment
furnished with your mower-conditioner, attach
ments are available to help you do a better
job in special crop conditions. These are descri
bed in the attachment section of this manual and
can be purchased from your John Deere
dealer. This satety alert sym bol identi ies
important safety messages in this manual. When
you see this sym bol, be alert to the possibility
of per- sonal injury and carefully read the
message that follows.
Because John Deere sells its products world-
wide, U.S. units of measure are shown with their
respective metric equivalents throughout this
operators manual- These equivalents are the
SI (International System) Units of Measu
re. Right-hand and left-hand sides are deter-
m ined by faci ng in the direction of mower-con-
ditioner forward travel. Record you r
mower-conditioner serial number in the space
provided on page 29. Your dealer needs this
information to give you prompt, efficient ser-
vice when you order parts. If your mower-con-
ditioner requires replacement parts, go to
your John Deere dealer where you can obtain
Genuine John Deere parts accept no su
bstitutes. The warranty on this mower-conditioner
appears on your copy of the purchase order which
you should have received from your dealer when
you purchased the mower-conditioner.
After th e m ow er-c o nd it io ne r has been com
- pletely assem bled , inspect it to be sure it
is in good run ning o rder before delivering it
to the customer. The following check list is a
reminder of points tO inspect. Check off each
item as it is found satis- factory or after
proper adju stment is made.
SMV bracket is turned u p. Tires are properly
inflated, page 4. 0 Hydraulic cylinder operates
pro perly. Mower-cond itioner has been run for
one-half hour and bearings are not heating. t Mak
e su re t he s I i p c Iutc h w i II sI i p a n d
the sp rings are prope rly adjusted , page
7. ROIIs are properly timed and spaced, pages
19 and 20.
E K nockdown bar is adju sted to operating
posi- tion, page 21. 0 All grease fittings
have been Iubr icated and gear cases filled.
(See Lu brication , pages 10 through12) All
moving parts are wo rki ng freely. E Platfo rm
float is properly adjusted, page 7.
_at_ Wind rowing sh ields and swath board properly
adjusted, page 8.
(Da te Set- Up)
(Signatu re)
DELIVERY CHECK LIST At the time the mower-cond
itioner is delivered. the foIIowing check Iist is
a reminder of very im-
Name...... R R .... .. . Cou nty. ...... .....
... State...... ....Zip
po rtant info rmation which sh ould be
conveyed directly to the customer. Check off each
item as it is fully explained to the customer.
Serial Num ber... . ... . ... .........
Operator's Man u al No. OM -E61321 Date SoId...
.... ..
0 Advise the customer that the life expectancy
of this machine, like any other mach ine. is
depen- dent on regular lu brication as described
in the operator's manual. E Advise the customer
of the safety precautions that mu st be exercised
whi Ie using this mo we r- con ditioner, pag e
2. 2 Give the operator's man ual to the customer
and explain all operating adjustments and lu
brica- tion fully. Point o ut sl ip clutch safety
device. Explain proper ASAE standard dimensions
for 540 rpm.
When the mower-conditioner is transported on a
road or hig hway at night or du ri ng the d ay.
accessory lig hts and devices sho uld be used fo
r adequ ate warning to operato rs of other
vehicles. In !h is regard, tell customers to
check local governmental regulations. Amon g
these is the SMV (slow-movin g vehi cle) em blem
which can be attached vertically to the m ounti
ng on the fro nt side of the left-hand spring
support bracket to provide proper ligh t
reflection. 2 Advise the customer of the optional
attachments that are available for special crop
and operating conditions.
(Date Delivered)
OM-E61321 C9) Litho In U.S.A.
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
AFTER-SALE CHECK LIST It is suggested that the
following items be checked sometime during the
first operating season.
0 Check for broken or damaged parts. If
possible, run the mower-conditioner to see if it
is fun ction ing properly. I Review the entire
operator s manual with the customer and stress
the inn po rtance of proper and regular lu
bricatio n and safety precautions.
0 Go over the entire machi ne and check fo r
loose O FO SS 1g b t Check chain for pro per
tension. Make sure all safety shields are in
(Da te Chec ked)
(Sig na tu re)
  • Page
  • SafetySuggestions. ... .......... .. .... ......
    ...... 2
  • Identification Views..............................
    ............................... ......,
    .....,....., ..........,..........................
    ... 3
  • ge Fat lo n . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4
  • Storage......................................
    .................., .................
    ............ ................. ............
    ........ .............. 9
  • Lu br ication......... .... ...... ... ..... ..
    .. .. ...... ...................
    ............................. ... ..........
    .......... . ....... ..... ...... . ..1 0
  • e W ÎCe .... ...... ........ ... . ..
    ................ ........... ........ .......
    .................. ... .. .. .. .. ..... .......
    .... .............. ... - ' ' ...... 1 3
  • TroubleShooting ........................ ...
    ...... ...........22
  • Attach ments....................................,.
    .................. .25
  • ASSe tqq b g ... , ............ , ....
    ............. , . , . , . ... .. , . ,
    ........................ .......................
    .... ...... ...... ....... ........ .... .... 26
  • SpecifiGations.............. ......... .... . .
    ............ ..... ... ...........................
    ......... ...... ..... ...... ...................
    .... ..29

Safety Suggestions
  • The safety of the operator was one of the prime
    considerations in the minds ot John
  • Deere engineers when this mower-conditioner was
    designed. Shielding. simple adjustments, and
    other safety features were built into the
    mower-con- ditioner wherever possiole.
  • You can make your farm a safer place to live and
    work if you observe the safety suggestions given.
    Stu dy these suggestions carefu Ily and insist
    that they be fol lowed by those work ing with you
    and for you.
  • All machinery should be operated only by re-
    sponsi ble people who have been delegated to
    do so.
  • Before starting, make su re bystanders are clear
    of the mower-conditioner so they cannot be struck
    by moving parts or caught i n a d rive belt or
  • Never walk behind the mower-conditioner while it
    is operating.
  • Never clean. oil, or adjust the mower-cond
    itioner with the tracto r engine running.
  • Do not leave mower-co nditioner unattended with
    cu tt ing pIatfo rm raise d. Always lower to
    the ground. Never adjust mower-conditioner
    with power engaged.
  • Be especially careful when operating on hill-
    sides. The mower-conditioner may tip sideways
    if it strikes a hole, ditch, or other irregular
  • Provide a first-aid kit for use in case of
    accident. Use proper antiseptics on scratches and
    cuts with- out delay.
  • Never at tern pt to c I e ar o bstru ctio ns off
    t he cutting platform unless the
    mower-conditioner is sto pped and the tracto r en
    gine shut off
  • Cl othing worn by the mower-conditioner oper-
    ator shou Id be fairly tight and belted. Loose
    jackets, skirts, shirts, or sleeves sh ould
    never be worn because of the danger of cloth
    ing getting into moving parts.
  • Check to make sure hookup is securely latched by
    pulling rearward on shield bell. Do not pull on
    collar as this will release Iatch.

Replace badIy frayed or worn belts before they
break. Never operate 540 rpm mower-conditioner
with J 000 rpm tractor. Escaping fluid under
pressure can have suf- ficient force to penetrate
the skin causing serious personal injury. Befo re
disconnecting lines, be sure to relieve all
pressure. Before applying pres- sure to the
system, be sure all connections are tight and
that lines and hoses are not dam9ed. FJuid escap
ing from a very small hole can be al- most invisi
ble. Use a piece of card board or wood, rather
than the hands. to search for suspected leaks. If
injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor at once.
Serious infection can develop if proper medical
treatment is not administered immediately. Whe n
transporting the mower-cond itioner on a road or
highway at night of du ring the day. use
accessory lights and devices for adequ ate
warning to operators of other vehicles. In this
regard, check Iocal governmental regu latio ns.
Various lights and devices are available from
your John Deere deale r. Clean the SMV (Slow
Moving Veh icle) em blem be- fore transportin g
the mower-conditioner on a road or highway When
you are exposed to any noise wh ich is
objectionable or uncomfortable, it is recommended
that you wear a suitable hearing protective
device (such as ear muffs or plugs.) Be alert,
the life you save could be your own.
(No Transcript)
screwed finger-tight onto valve
The Operator
stems. This will prevent dust, fine gravel, mud,
and other foreign material from accumulating
in the valve core and permitting the compressed
air to escape. Check tire pressure frequently and
inflate or de- flate tires to obtain pro per air
pressure as given in tire inflation chart
below. Keep wheel Iugs tightened to 85 ft-lbs
(114 Nm) (11 kgm) to rque.
The deg ree of satisfaction given by your mower-
conditioner is directly dependent upon the
care given by the operator. Once the mower-cond
itioner has been adjusted to meet the crop cond
ition, the rest is up to the operator. Understandi
ng the Function of All Working Units Th is
mower-conditioner is built to handIe a wide range
of conditions. Field conditions vary from
year to year. from day to day, and even from hour
to hour. Difterent varieties of crops present
very different mowing and conditioning
problems. A ca refuI study of the adjustments on
your mower- conditioner, and what they accomplish
under dif- ferent conditions, will allow you to
reap the many benefits and economies that a
mower-conditioner can provide. Beto re starting
your mower-cond itioner in the field, be sure
you are thorou ghly fam il iar with the function
of each wo rking unit. Study the illustra- tions
carefully and become familiar with the adjust-
ments necessary to obtain best results. Checking
Lubrication Check to see that your
mower-conditioner has been Iu bricated according
to lu bricati ng instruc- tions, pages 10 throu
gh 1 2. Inflating Tires Proper inflation is
essential to the long life of a tire. Lack of air
pressu re allows the tire to slip on the rim and
buckles the side walls, resulting in to rn valve
stems and u neven tread wear. Too mu ch pres-
sure causes undue strain on tire stru cti on and
may result in ruptures due to im pact with
stones, roots, or ruts. It also causes excess ive
tread wear and allows tire to cut in more on wet
ground .
Tire Size 25x7.50x15
Pressu re 24 psi (166 kPa) (1.6 bar)
Positioning Tongue
The tongue can be placed in any one of three
operating positions or a transport position. The
transport position or one of the operating
positions can be selected by removing the
locating pin. Any of I he th ree ope rat i ng
posit io ns can be set by placement of the
carriage bolt.
Opera tion S
Operating Jack stand
A - 14" 356 mm) B - 6-12 (152305 mm) C -
13-17 (33o-432 mm)
D - Equal Angle Hitch E - Spring Pin F - Adju
sting Bolts G - Shims
The center of the PTO shaft to the top of the
drawbar (B) must be adjusted to from 6 to 12
inches (152 to 305 mm). The top of the rear end
ot the drawbar sh ould be 13 to 17 inches (330 to
432 mm) mom the ground (C). The drawbar hitch pin
hole must be aligned vertical Iy with the
centerline of the tractor power take-off
shaft. Attaching Hitch to Drawbar To attach equal
angle hitch (Dj to tracto r draw- bar, sl ide
hitch onto tractor d raw bar. PIace shims (G)
between draw bar and hitch until a tight f it is
attained, then secure with hitch p in and sp ring
lock ing p in (E), with pin on top. Tighten
adjusting bolts (F) on top and side of equal
angle hitch (D) until there is approximately
1/32-inch f0.79 mm) clearance between bolt and
tractor drawbar. Ti ghten jam T1Uts against hitch
During operatio n or transporting, the jack stand
(Io cated on the side of the tongue) is locked
firm Iy out of the way by removing the sp ring
lock ing and hoIding p ins then pivoting the
stand to the hori- zontal pos iti on. Lock the
stand in this position with the h oldi ng pin an
d the sp ri ng lock ing pin. When unhitchin g the
tractor from the mo we r- co n ditioner, place
the jack in the vertical position and secure it
with the h ol ding pin and spring lock- ing p in.
Crank the stand down untiI it reaches the ground
. Several more turns will Iift the to ngue hitch
ball fro m the equal angle hitch pin, allowing
you to remove the equal ang Ie hitch from the
tracto r draw bar.
PREPARING THE TRACTOR Your mower-conditioner can
be attached to any tractor having a drawbar and
power take-off that conforms to ASAE-SAE
standards and having a 540 rpm power take-off
speed to match the power- shaft speed of your
mower-conditioner. CAUTION Never operate 540
rpm mower- s conditioner with 1000 rpm
tractor. Adjusting Tractor Dr awbar IMPORTANT
Before attaching mower-condi- tioner to
tractor, be sure to adjust tractor draw- bar so
it measures 14 inches (360 mm) from the end of
the power take-off shaft to th e hitch pin hole
in the drawba r.
6 Operation
To detach front PTO Powr-Gard from tractor 1.
Support tractor hooku p with one hand and pull
3-Iobed collar back with other han d. Button need
not be held down. Attaching to Tractor Hydraulic
System To attach mower-conditioner hydraulic
line, re- move cap from left-hand operning in
coupler of tractor and attach hydraulic hose to
this opening. IMPORTANT Always aflach hydraulic
line to left-hand coupler.
Continued Connecting Telescoping
Hookup IMPORTANT Keep the hookup and shaft
splines clean of paint, dirt, and chaff.
adjust mower-conditioner with power engaged.
Breaking in the Mower-Conditioner After the
mower-co nditioner has been com- pletely assem
bled and connected to the tractor, inspect it to
be sure all bolts are tight. A loose bolt may
cause wear and make premature replacement of
parts necessary. Inspect chain for proper
tension. The new mach ine shoul d be given an
empty running breaking-in period of at least 30
minutes to allow the parts to work in gradually.
After a short run at slow idling speed, sto p
machine and inspect it c o mp I ete Iy , maki ng
a check fo r I oose bolts, heated bearings,
binding parts, chain tension, etc. Run the
mower-con ditioner at slow idling speed for the
first 15 minutes, and increase to full speed for
the rest of the period . Inspect mower-condi-
tioner frequently during the breaking-in"
period . During break-in, it is necessary to
lubricate the knife head every hour for the first
3 or 4 hours of operation. After break-.n follow
normal Iubr ication intervals. (See page
11.) IMPORTANT Do not engage PTO with engine
running at high speed. Engaging may cause un- due
wear or possible breakage. Starting and
Driving Operate tractor engine to obtain the SAE
rated PTO speed. Running the engine at slow speed
may cause the mower-conditioner to clog when
the crop is heavy. Where difficu It conditions
make it
,/'\ CAUTION Never attach telescoping hook-
up while tractor is running. Attach
mower-conditioner to tractor drawbar as
shown above.
Attach rear telescoping hook up universal joint
to mower-conditioner powershaft and secure with a
bolt and nut (A) through a groove in the power-
shaft. If your tractor doesn't meet ASAE
standards at the power take-off shaft, a
conversion fo r the PTO Pow r-G ard i s ava
iIabIe f ro m yo ur John Deere dealer. To attach
front PTO Powr-Gard universal joint to
tractor 1. Slide 3-Iobed collar back against
stop and push button on col lar down to lock in
  • Al i gn spIines w it h tracto r PTO shaft by
  • Push bell assem bly forward firmly onto tractor
    PTO snaft until coupler snaps into locked
    position. After the mower-conditioner has been
  • hooked up, replace all shielding removed while
  • attaching the tractor hooku p.
  • CAUTION After the mower-conditioner has been
    prope rly hoo ked up, replace all shielding
    including master shield if removed
  • while attaching the tractor hookup.
  • Check to make sure hookup ie securely latched by
    pullin9 rearward on shield bell. DO NOT pull on
    collar as this will release latch.

Opera tion 7
necessary to slow down the travel speed of trac-
tor, shift to a lower gear rather than redu ce
the engine speed . By sh ifting to a lower gear,
the en- gine will maintain its rated speed, which
will keep the rolls and cutterbar running at the
proper speed tor best results.
When adjusting the gauge shoes for desired
cutting heig ht, adj ust the f I oat sp ri ng s
(A) fo r grou nd pressure of 50 to 100 pounds (23
to 45 kg). To measure ground pressure, ift
cutting platform at the knock down bar. Loosen
lock ing nuts (B) and turn adjusting bolts (C) to
increase or de- crease the fl oat sprin g tension
which increases or decreases the ground
pressure. IMPOR TANT Proper platform float will
increase cutterbar and platform gauge shoe
life. Adjusting Safety Slip Clutch
OPERATING ADJUSTMENTS Adjusting Cutting Height
A Gauge Shoe
The adjustable gauge shoes (A) help to gauge an
even cutting height and also help to prevent the
cutterbar from digging into the ground when
cutting over irregular ground. To adjust cutting
height pull p in (B) from shoe adjustment and
place shoe (A) in desired position. Replace pin
(B). IMPORTANT Check platform float
adjustment. Adjusting Platform Float
The slip cl utch (A) wiII require adju stment
if excessive slipping occurs during operatio n or
if it has been disassem bled . A c lutch co
nsistin g of new parts is proper Iy adjusted when
d imension (C) is 1-17/32 inches (39 mm). CIutch
facing wear may require adjustment to maintain
1-17/32 inches (39 mm) for 540 RPM or 1-45/64
inches (43 mm) for 1000 RPM.
IMPORTANT The slip clutch has been de-
signed to furnish protectio n to the drive train
overtig htening will lessen this protection. To
adjust the sl ip clutch (A), tu rn the
spring adj usting nuts (B) until the prope r
spring dimen- si on is attained.
Continued Adjusting Swath Board
Adjust the swath bóard (located under the Food)
to deflect the hay downward in fluffier, faster
eur- ing swaths. Adjust to desired position by
Iooseni9 wing nut and move swath board up or
down. Tighten wing nut. If no swath board
adjustment is desired. place all the way up and
tig hten wing nut.
After raising the cutting platform with the hy-
draulic lift control, the transport lock pin can
be placed in the transport position (A),
installed from the rear, and secured with a
spring- locking pin secured trom the rear. When
not transporting, place the transport pin in the
operating position (B), i nstalled from the rear.
Change from the operating to transporting posi-
tion (A) ay removing the tongue locating pin (B)
and backing the tracto r toward the right-hand
side. Relocate the tongue locating pin (B).
vehicle not having a standard tractor
drawbar. This requires removing the tractor
part of the equal angle hitch and placing the
tongue swivel over transporting pin. CAUTION
When transporting the mower-
s conditioner on a road or highway at night or
during the day, use accessory lights and de-
vices for adequate warning to the operators of
other vehicles. In this regard, check local
govern- mental regulations. Various safety lights
and de- vices are available from your John Oeere
dealer. Among these is the SMV (slow moving
vehicle) emblem. A bracket is included with each
emblem so that it can be attached vertically to
the mount- ing on the front side of the
left-hancl float spring bracket.
  • To assu re best performance at the beg inning of
    the next season, take the mower-conditioner to
    your John Deere dealer fo r an inspection and any
    necessary service work at the end of each season.
  • Shelter the mower-cond itioner in a dry p lace.
  • Clean the mower-conditioner thoroughly i n- side
    and out. Trash and dirt will draw moisture and
    cause rust.
  • Thoroughly Iubricate the machine according to the
    lubrication section
  • Paint all parts from which the paint has been
  • Remove chain and wash in a solvent. Dry chain
    well, coat with a heavy oil, and install.
  • Block up mower-conditioner under axle, tak- ing
    load off tires. DO NOT DEFLATE TIRES. f exposed,
    cover the tires to protect them from light,
    grease and oil.
  • Lower the machine to prevent thermal expan- sion
    of oil and possible damage to hydraulic system
    due to heat and direct rays of sun.
  • List the replacement parts that will be needed
    and order them early. The dealer at this time can
    expedite delivery of parts and install them
    during slack periods, thereby avoiding delays for
    the next mowing and conditioning season.
  • To assure best performance at the beginning of
    the next season, take the mower-conditioner to
    your John Deere dealer for an inspection and any
    necessary service.
  • SIi p th e c Iutch to be su re i t wiI I ope rate
  • Wipe excess heavy oil from the drive chain and
    lu bricate with SAE 30W or heavier oiI.
  • Lubricate complete machine this will force any
    collected moisture out of the bearings. (See
    Lubrication Section.)
  • Check air pressure in tires. See page 4.
  • Tighten all loose bolts, nuts, and set screws.
  • If any majo r moving parts have been replaced
    they should be run in.
  • Review your operator's manual.

The economical and efficient operation of any
machine is dependent upon regular and proper Iu-
brication of all moving parts with a quality
lubricant. The period recommended is based on no
rmal conditions severe or unusual conditions may
re- quire more frequent lubrication or oil
changes. Clean grease fittings before using
grease gun. Replace any lost or broken fittings
immediately. CAUTION Do not clean, lubricate, or
ad- d just your machine while it is in
motion. Lubricate with John Deere Multi-Purpose
Lubricant or an equivalent SAE multipur-
pose-type gease at hourly intervals in- dicated
on the sym bols. Lubricate periodically with SAE
10, 20, or 30 oil. Brush periodically with John
Deere Multi- Purpose Lu bricant or an equivalent
SAE multipurpose-type grease. AS REOUIRED Tongue
30 or heavier oil to drive chain every 10 hours
of operation. Lubric ate chain im m edia teIy
after operation when the chain is still warm. Let
the machine stand idle for a short period to
insure etfective oil pene- tration, resulting in
longer chain life.
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