John Deere 3200 Spring-Reset Moldboard Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32008) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere 3200 Spring-Reset Moldboard Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32008)


John Deere 3200 Spring-Reset Moldboard Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32008) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 3200 Spring-Reset Moldboard Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32008)

C 6
O M A 3 2 0 0 8
2 Safety Suggestions
Identification Views
4-5 Preparing for Use
6-7 Attaching and Detaching
8-9 Transporting
10-19 Operating Adjustments
20 Field Adjusting Plow
21-24 Special Equipment
25-26 Lubrication
27-28 Service
29-31 Trouble Shooting
32-35 Converting to 16-Inch (405 mm) Frame
36-45 Assembly
46 Specifications
47-48 Index
Safety Suggestions
GENERAL The safety of the operator was one of the
prime considerations in the minds of John Deere
engineers when this plow was designed. You can
make your farm a safer place to live and work if
you observe the safety suggestions given. Study
these suggestions carefully and insist that they
be followed by those working with you and for
you. Remember! An accident is usually caused by
someone s carelessness, neglect, or
oversight. TRANSPORTING Use care when
transporting across rough ground. While
transporting the plow on a public road, lollow
safety instructions outlined under
Transporting. Pages 8 and 9. HYDRAULIC
OIL Escaping hydraulic oil under pressure can
have sufficient force to penetrate the skin,
causing serious personal injury. Before
disconnecting lines, be sure to relieve aJl
pressure. Before applying pressure 1o the system,
be sure ali connections are tight and that lines,
pipes and hoses are not damaged. Hydraulic oil
escaping from a very small hole can be almost
invisi- ble. Use a piece of cardboard or wood,
rather than hands, to search for suspected
leaks. If injured by escaping hydraulic oil, see
a doctor at once. Serious infection or reaction
can develop if proper medical treatment is not
administered immedi- ately
OPERATION To avoid injur y, always be care fun
while operating a tractor and plow. Never permit
any person olher than tne operator on the
tractor. Never ride or permit others to ride on
the plow. Stay clear of spring-reset standard
while plowing. If standard hangs up in a
partially-tripped position, stay clear of reset
path. Use a long pole or other tool to remove
obstruction. Lubrication of standard linkage and
keeping springs tight helps prevent standards
from hanging uo during tripping. Do not grease,
oil. or adjust the plow while i1 is in
motion. Maintain proper adtustment of cou/ter to
avoid inter- ference witn plow bottom during
reset. Allow the rear wheei to clear the furrow
before making Sharp turns at end of field. Always
lower the prow to the ground when not in use
unless plow is secured in storage position. See
page 19. \/Vilh the tractor engine shut-off move
the selective control lever back and forth to
relieve pressure in cylinder and hoses. If spray
Can paint is used for protecting plow bottoms to
be put in storage, be careful when discarding
empty can. Do not incinerate or puncture can.
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
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AFurrow Wheel WLift Rod
CRear Wheel Land Wheel
ERemote Hyd rauIie Cylinder FTransport Lock
John Deere 3200 Series Six-Botiom Spring-Resel
Drawn Mo10board Plow (Trash Boards Special
Spring Can ERefIe ctor F Furrow W freeI
A-Rearvvneel -5PV Embem iLi Rod
GSpring-Reset Standard HRolling Coulter
Spring and Lock Rod
John Deete 320o Series lix -Bottom Opting-Reset
Drawn tvioi'dboe Id 9!ow (Trash Boards Special
-quipmeni j
Preparing for Use
  • A well-adjusted plow puJls lighter its furrow
    slices are uniform in width and depth it covers
    trash it leaves the soil in proper condition to
    be worked down into the best-type seedbed.
  • Imprope adjustment results in rapid wear and pos-
    sibJe breakage of parts, and inefficienl
  • Plow Bottoms
  • The polished surfaces of the plow bottoms have
    been painted with protective black paint.
  • In most cases it is not necessary to remove the
    black paint because it will wear off quickly upon
    contact with
  • the soil. in those soils where the black paint
    will not wear off, remove with diesel fuel.
  • If the plow is not to be used immediately protect
    polished surfaces by applying a coat of John
    Deere Plow Bottom Black Paint. If the plow is to
    be put in
  • storage for a considerable length of time, see
    oage 27.
  • Bolts And Set Screws
  • Before starting to wprk with a new plow or one
    which Inas been stored, be sure all bolts and set
    screws are tight and aI! cotter pins spread to
    keep them from falling out. Be sure the bolts
    that hold the plow bottoms are drawn up tight.
  • Check for loose bolts, screws, or parts when
    lubri- cating the plow. Loose bolts are easily
    lost or cause excessive wear on parts, resulting
    in possible damage to the plow. See bolt torque
    chart, page 27.
  • Lubrication
  • Be sure plow has been prooerly lubricated. See
    Lubrication Charts on pages 25 and 26
  • Tire Inflation
  • lnfJate tires on plow to air pressures shown in
    the following chart.

Recommended New Implement Or New Or Used Auto
inflation Pressure
11L x 14, 6-ply rating
36 psi (2.5 bar)
tractor operating instructions, refer to your
tractor operator's manual. Tire Inflation Inflate
the tractor tires as recommended in the trac- tor
operator's manual. Rockshaft Selector Lever Set
the rockshaft selector lever in Zero", "D", or
"Min" position depending upon your model tractor
This will lock out the tractor rockshaft
hydraulic sensing system. Rockshaft Height Stop
Lock (4030, 4230, and 4430 Tractors) If the
tractor rockshatt is accidentally lowered with a
Ouik-Coupler hitch on the tractor, damage can
occur to the 3200 Plow hitch when turning the
tractor. To prevent accidentally lowering the
rockshaft while operating the plow, install
AR60331 rockshaft height stop. Installation
instructions are provided with the stop. Rear
Wheel Setting Tractor Wheels in Furrow Adust
rear wheels of the tractor equidistant from the
center line of the tractor to inside edge ol tire.
Preparing for Use 5
Tractor Wheels on the Land Set the rear wheels
equidislant from the center line of the tractor
to insure maximum performance.
Rear Wheel Weighting Rear wheel weights may De
necessary to eliminate excessive wheel slippage
or for stability in rough or hillside fields.
However, weights should not be added to the point
where all slippage is eliminated. To do so would
hinder maximum performance of the tractor.
When operating the tractor with all wheels on the
land. set the rear wheels (depending on size o
plow) to leave at least four nches (100 mm)
between the fur- row wall and the outside edge of
the right tractor tire
See your tractor operator's manual.
Tractor Drawbar When using a two-wheel drive
tractor, set the draw- bar in the high position.
Pin the drawbar as Instructed in Horizontal
Hitching on page 10.
NOTE When tractor is eguipped wiih dual rear
wheels, set wheels in narrowest available
setting. See your tractor operators manual.
Front Wheel Setting On wide-front-end tractors,
to gel proper field ma- neuverability when
working with tractor wheel in the furrow, set the
front wheels to conform to rear-wheel setting,
center-to-center of tread, or set al least 2
inches (50 mm) wider than rear lires, measured
from center of tractor to inside eoge of tire.
When using either a crawler or four-wheel drive
tractor. set the drawbar as instructed in
"Horizontal Hitching" on pages 10-12.
NOTE. After the drawbar attitude is determined,
leave one hole open on each side ot the drawbar
io allow for some steering flexibility.
Attaching and Detaching
Hitching To Tractor
Before attaching the hitch drawbar to the tractor
drawbar, be sure the hitch drawbar plates are
posi- tioned correctly for the type of tractor
drawbar used. See following illustrations
Before attaching hoses, move remote cylinder op-
erating lever back and forth several times with
tractor engine stopped to relieve pressure in the
tractor hy- drauIiC system.
IMPORTANT Wipe hose ends to remove any dirt
before inserting in the breakaway couplers.
Install hoses in breakaway couplets so that
cylin- der will extend or retract as indicated by
symbols on tractor console. MOve the operating
lever back and forth a few times to pressurize
the cylinder.
NOTE. If the Cases have been disconnected from
the hydraulic cylinder or if the cylinder has not
Deen used before, all trapped air must be removed
(rom the cylinder. To remove trapped air, remove
cylinder attaching pins and lay the cylinder
across the plow frame w th the oil outlets up to
allow the trapped air to escape. Start the engine
and operate the remote cylinder op- erating lever
back and forth seven or eight times, al- lowing
the full stroke each time. Attach the hydraulic
cylinder to the plow.
For Tractors wiih Hammerslrap 0raw0ars or Tandem
Plow Hiich
Attach 'ng a nd Detaching 7
Checking Hydraulic System After attaching plow
to tractor for the first time, check all
hydraulic connections and hoses for leaks
not in use, either lower plow to ground so that
it rests on its bottoms or lock in storage
position with the furrow axle lift arm secured
to the transport lock strap with the lock-pin.
See illustration on page 19 under Storage."
CAUTION Escaping hydraulic oil under pressure
can have sufficient torce to pen- etrate the
skin, causing serious personal injury. Betore
disconnecting hoses, be sure to relieve
all pressure. Before applying pressure to the
sys- tem, be sure all connections are tight and
that hoses are not damaged.
When detaching plow from the tractor, relie ve
hy- draulic pressure by moving the remote
cyl nder operating lever back and forth with the
tractor engine shut off.
Hydraulic oil escaping from a very small hole can
be almost invisible. Use a piece of cardboard or
wood, rather than hands, to search tor sus-
pected leaks.
Disconnect all hoses from the breakaway couplers
on the tractor.
Disconnect the Dlow from the tractor hitch.
If injured by escaping hydraulic oil, see a doc-
tor at once. Serious infection or reaction can
de- v eI o p if p r op er medi ca I t rea tm e nt
i s n o t administered immediately.
Move axle pin (A) from rear axle and insert
through rear wheel assembly and rear axle in
transport position (B). Secure with spring
locking pin.
Secure transport lock strap to furrow axle lift
arms with lock pin (indicated by bold arrow) and
spring locking pin
IMPORTANT- Transport 1ock strap must be se- cured
before transporting plow. After securing lock
strap with lock pin and spring locking pin, the
remote cylinder can be removed if desired. To
remove, retract cylinder 1 to 2 inches (25 mm to
50 mm) and remove from plow.
To level the plow for transport, tighten the lock
nut (indicated by bold arrow) on the rear lifl
rod to raise the rear of the plow. Loosen the nut
to lower the rear of the plow. CAUTION These
plows have been de- signed to be transported at
a maximum speed of 20 mph (32 km/h). DO NOT
EXCEED. Never travel at any speed which does not
permit adequate control of steering and
stopping. CAUTION When transporting the plow on
a road or highway at night or during the day, use
accessory lights and devices for adequate warning
to the operators of other vehicles. In this
regard, check local governmental regulations
for proper use. Various safety lights and devices
are available from your John Deere dealer. NOTE.
Use of a safety chain is recommended when towing
this implement on pu6lic roads. Tensile strength
ol the safely ctain should be at leasi equal to
the gross weight of the towed load. Saleiy chains
are available from your John Deere dealer,
AAxle Pin
BTransport Position
Transporting 9
Rear Wheel Cam Lock
To ncrease the spring pressure for the spring rod
and lock assembly to hold the lock assembly in
the cam nolch during plowing, tighten the spring
pressure nut (indicated by bold arrow).
Tighten nut on spring rod until spring is compres
sea to a length of approximately 5-inches (125 mm)
The spring rod and lock should be adjusted with
lhe plow in the plowing position and wilh the
lock in the cam nolch.
Operating Adjustments
L T 0 E 0 F 0R/\ F T
C EN T E R P 0 I k T 0 F PU L L
The dr awbar attitude (hor izontal and vertical
loca- tion) of the hitch is most important to
insure proper plowing performance along with fore
-and- all and lat- eral Ie veling. The ideal
hitch is a straight line from the cenler point of
pull on the tractor to Ihe center point of
resistance on the plow, both hor izontally and
ver lically. When this has been determ ned, the
hitch pin MUST be located on this line or as near
as possible to it
Therefore, the center point of resistance of a
5-bot- tom 18-inch plow is 49-1/2 inches (1 260
mm) mea- sured to the left and at right angles
from the furrow wall. See A" in illustration
Hitch point (C) is located on the ideal line of
dralt connecting points (A) and (B). To find the
hitch point distance from the furrow wall, divide
the difference between dimensions, (A) and (B) by
3, then add this quantity to dimension (B). C -(A
-B) B
Horizontal (In-Furrow) The center point o( pull
on the tractor is located ahead of the rear axle
housing and centered between the rear wheels as
shown by (B) in illustration above. Measurement
for point (B) is from center of tractor to the
inside of the Iract or tire. The center point of
resistance of the plow can be located by using
the following rule RULE The center point of
resistance of a mold- board plow is located at a
point one-fourth of the cutting width of one
bottom measured to the left of the center of the
total cut of the plow. This rule applies to all
plows whether 4, 5, or 6 bottom. Example. To find
!he center poini of resistance of a 5-boiiom
f8-inch (455 mm) plow.
U.S. Measure Example To ind hitch point
distance from furrow wall of 5-bottom 18-inch
plow with tractor wheels set at 30 inches (from
centerline of tractor to inside of tread)
A 49-1/2 (See rule for binding cenler point of
re - sistance.) B - 30
C (49 1/2"-30") 30" 3 19-1 /2 30
36-1/2 3
90 (2 285 mm )
Total Cut of Plow Center of Cut or 1/2 of 90 (2
285 mm) 1/4 the Cutting Width of 1-Bottom
45 (1 145 mm)
- 4-1/2 ( 1 4 5 mm)
4-1/2 (115 mm) Added to Center of Cut 49-1/2
( 1 260 mm)
Opera ting Adjustments 11
Metric Examole Finding hitch point distance from
furrow wall ol 5- bottom 460 mm plow with tractor
wheels set at 1 880 mm (from centerline of
tractor to ins de of tread)
When operating the tractor on the land, measure -
ment (B) from the center of the tractor (center
point of pull) to the outer tire edge should be
kept to its nar - rowest possible measurement
for efficient plowing oerformance
A 1 260 mm (See rule lor finding center poinl of
resistance )
Outer tractor whee (single or dual) must be 4
inches ( 100 mm) or more from the furrow wall to
prevent the burrow wall from collapsing.
760 mm
Hitch point (C) for on- land plowing is located
on the line of draft connecting points (A) and
(B). To find the hitch point distance rom the
furrow wall, divide the difference between dimens
ions (A) and (B) by 3, then subtract this
quantity rom dimension (B) C B (B A)
( 1 260 mm 760 mm) 760 mm 500 mm 760 mm 925 mm
When using a Iour-wheel drive tractor leave one
hole to either side of the drawbar open to allow
some lle x Ability for steering after the dr
awbar attitude is de termined
Horizontal (On-Land) The 4-bottom plow is nol
recommended for on-land hitching
U.S. Measure Example Finding hitch point distance
from furrow wall of 5-bot- tom 18- inch plow with
tractor wheels set at 74 inches (mom centerline
of tractor to outside of tread)
The 5-bottom plow can be used with tractor wheels
in-furrow or on-land when tractor is equipped
with single whe els. Dual wheel tractors are not
recom - mended
A 49-1 /2 (See rule for finding center point
of re- sistance, page 10.) B 74 4 (from
furrow wall) 78 C 78 (78 49-1/2") 78
28- 1/2 3 3
The 6-bo\1om plow can be used w th tractor wheels
in-furrow or on-land when tractor is equipped
with single or dual wheels. Set dual wheels in
the narrowest possible position for on-land
68- /2
12 Operating Adjustments HITCH
Hor izontal (On- Land)Continued
Set drawbar on plow and tractor so the hitch pin
is as close as possible to this measurement.
Metric Example. Finding hitch point distance from
furrow wall of 5- bottom (460 mm) plow with
tractor wheels set at (1 880 mm ) (from
centerline of tractor to outside of tread)
When using a four-wheel drove tractor or a
crawler tractor. leave one hole to either side of
the drawbar open to allow some flexibility for
steering after the drawbar attitude is determined
A 1 260 mm TSee rule for finding center point
of resistance ) B 1 880 mm 100 mm (rom furrow
wall) 1 980 mm C - 1 980 mm (1 980 mm 1 260
1 980 mm 720 mm
1 740 mm
Opera tion 13
Vertical Hitch Adjustments
P I T C H P L A15 A h 0 T U 8 fi
Adjust the hitch plate assembly (A) on the plow
so the plow hitch will fall on a straight line
from the tractor drawbar to the center point of
resistance on the plow. Holes (indicated by bold
arrow in the illustration at right) are provided
on the hitch tubes for this adjust- ment.
If the hitch plate assembly is adjusted too high
for the depth ol plowing, the tractor will pull
down on the front end of the plow. The bottoms
will bounce along on the points of the shares,
resulting in heavy draft, un- even penetration,
excessive wear on shares and wheel bearings (in
land and furrow wheels), and a poor job of
plowing. If the rear wheel attempts to run up the
furrow was I, it is a good indication the hitch
plate assembly is set too high and you are
pulling down on the front end of the plow.
If the hitch plates and tube assembly (A) is
adjusted too low for the depth of plowing, the
tractor will pull up on the front end of the
plow. The bottoms will penetrate very slowly,
resulting in excessive weight on the rear wheel
of the olow.
AHitch Plate Assembly
Zen ca/ hitch p/are ad/ustmenf
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14 Operating Adjustments
ADJUSTING PLOWING DEPTH The wor king depth of the
prow is established and maintained by the
hydraulically-controlled land wheel with the
adjustable stop on the remote cylinder.
AAdjusting serew BLand Opening Screw
CDrilled Pin
With the plow on a level surface, be sure the
front bottom and front urrow wheel are the same
height. To attain the same height, the exposed
length of the adjusting screw (head end) should
be approximately 3-1/4 inches (80 mm) as shown
above. Make final adjustment in the lield, if
Land Axle and Whee!
Decreasing this dimension lowers the front bottom
in r elation to the front furrow wheel, allowing
the tront bottom to plow deeper. Increasing this
dimension raises the front bottom in relation to
the front furrow wheel, allowing the front
bottom to plow shallower. To change from the
land opening screw (B) lo the adjusting screw
(A), remove lhe spring locking pin and drilled
pin (C) from the slide straps and depth adjuster.
Pivot the depth adiuster to the adjusting screw
position and secure with the drilled pin and
spring locking pin.
NOTE. Only use a hydraulic cylinder with an ad
justable stop (hydraulic or mechanical). For a
starting position, to achieve approximately 6
inches (150 mm) of plowing depth, set the
hydraulic cylinder stop so the cylinder will
retract to approxi- mately 22 inches (560 mm)
center to center of attach- ing pins, as
illustrated above ReadjustmenI may be necessary
after the plowing depth is checked in the field
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