John Deere NO.4 Big Enclosed Gear Mower (High Lift) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH2850) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere NO.4 Big Enclosed Gear Mower (High Lift) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH2850)


John Deere NO.4 Big Enclosed Gear Mower (High Lift) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH2850) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere NO.4 Big Enclosed Gear Mower (High Lift) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH2850)

(HIGH LIFT) OMH2850 (01AUG50) English
0 1 A U G 5 0
O M H 2 8 5 0
OMH2850 (01AUG50)
FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to give
you useful information about your new John Deere
No. 4 Big Enclosed Gear Mower. The following
pages have been carefulIy prepared in order to
give you all the possible information to assure
full efficiency of your mower. We suggest you
make it your guide. Study it carefully and follow
the sug- gestions it offers. At any time
additional information is desired, consult your
John Deere dealer who has trained servicemen
available to assist you. The mower is one of the
pioneer implements of the farmas simple as a
pair of shearsas efficient as a safety razor,
and still a machine in which causes for trouble
are often overlooked, even though apparent.
These troubles are usually expressed in terms of
poor work, though they are largely due to natural
wear or parts not being in origina I adjustment
or condition. Most of these difficulties are not
real troubles, but can be taken care of easiIy
and quickly if t he operator knows how to
locate and remedy them. This manual te11s you
how. If you will read and carefully apply the
information it contains you should have no
difficulty in keeping your mower the fine machine
it is today. Remember, how long the mower will
last and continue its good work is a matter
entirely in your hands. The exploded views and
parts list are all listed for your model, making
it easy to get repairs at all times. When making
repairs, a1ways see your John Deere dealerJohn
Deere parts are duplicate origina Is of parts now
on your mower, therefore, fit properly, izear
better and last longer. Save t his book. Put it
away where you can find it for quick
referenee. It will save you time, trouble and
moneyDon't lose it! Date of Purchase .
Spring . Cutter Bar . . Cutter Bar Tilt
Adjustment . Adjustable Subsoles . Knives . Pit
man . Registering Knife . Cutter Bar and Pitman
Alignment . Lifting Chain, Adjusting Bolt in Bell
Crank, and Chain Swivel Adjustment . .
..... Lifting Spring ........ Foot Lever .
3 4S 518 5 5 69 9 9 9 10 101 1 11-12 13 13 13
Clui ch . ...
Removal of Gears, Axle, and Shafts ... Wheels and
Tawl Plates . Bevel Gear and Pinion ......
...... 1415
15 16 16 1fi 17 17 18
Care of Rubber Tires .. Storing for Winter ....
Sa fety Hitch ....
..... . .. ........ ..
Rope Control Lever .
Com mon Mower Troubles and their Causee . ..
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT . Special Steel Book C wards
and Heavy Knife . . Lifting C uard s .
. 192 fi 19 19 20
Lesoedeza Cutter Bar. ... ..
Side Delivery Windro vers.
?0 20 21
Canning Pea Bar and Windrower....
High-iiitting Attachment . isweet Clover
Bar-Wheel, High Cutting Attachment .
............ 22-23
Quirk-Turn Tongue Trurk.... Pea Bar..... Reztping
Attachment . Tractor Hitch and Control Lever
. Mower (iuard Block and Knife Repair Anvil . . ..
24 25 25 28 . 2734
SETTING -UP INSTRUCTIONS . ... , SMping Packages
.. 27 28
SetnngUp . 29-32 Trector Hookup ... .. .. , ..
... ...... ...... , , . ........... . , . 33
.. , , , 35-.36 EXPLODED VIEW'5 AND PARTS
LIST.... . ........... 37fi1 NUMER ICAL IN DFX
. . ............... , ..... .. , ....... . 6264
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.... . ............. 3-1/2, 4-1/2, 5', 6',
and 7 Type of Power ..........................
Grou.nd Driven Type of Drive .....................
...... 2-Steo Enclosed Gears Diameter of Axle
.......... ..... . , 1-1/2 Type of Wheels
......................... Cast-Iron or Pneumatic
Tire Axle Bearings ...........................
Hyatt R o!1er Flywheel Shaft Bearings, Rear
............ Ball Front ...........
Bronze Lubrication of Man Gears .......
............. ....... Enclcued in Oil Paw1 Plates
........ ........... ........ Enclosed in
Oil Drive Clutch ................. ........
Enclosed in Oil Pneumatic Tire Size Main V/heel
...... . 5.00 x 7 1 Tongue
......................... 4.00 x 9
Approximate Shipping Weight wit!i 5' Cut- ter Bar
827 Lbs.
(De!ail design su,tjrcl to change without notice)
LB8RICAT!ON The economic a1 anlt .fT ient cy
erat ion ref any m achine is dependent upon red
uia ' and prrape r u tar icat ion I ,all mov
in parts wit li a quality lubricant. The use of
the pr. pc r 'i lr icat in oil in the gear
case of your mower is just as vital to its
serrice lite as it is in the crankcase of an
auto- mobile or t ra ctor. N egIect Ie.cds to rem
ucecl efficiency, heavy draft, wear, breakdown ,
and cost Iv re la 'oinciiI ot parts. Gear
Case. Oil in gear case lufarcates the rnain
axle, crankshaft, countershaft, gears and
bearings. Keep 6 quart s of S.A.E. 40 or S0 Iu
bri c ati rig oi I in gear case. Oil m ust eover
crunt crshaft at all times when tongue is at
operating height tsee Pa ge 5 i ' insure proper
lu brination of pitman shaft bearings. To Test
R -inave fi tier plug and wipe gauge. Insert
gauge, but do not screw plug into ease oil should
show up to mark on gauge at all times ii i. tnew
t end of tong ue at the ccrrect height. Never
permit oil to get so low that i t does not
register on gauge. First Week Servi ce Drain
and strain oi1 after the first weeks run. Put
this oil back itit o rase after it has been
carefully strained. Yearly Servi ce New oil
shouIâ lie put into case at the beginning of
each year's cuts ink. Do no t use b ur ned-out
erankcase or I from auto- mobile or tractor.
Pawl PIate Housi rigs. Use one (1) pint of S.A.E.
40 or â0 lubricating oil in each pawl plate
housing. Drain and put new oil in each housing
at the beginning of each year's cutting. Grease
Fittings. All major moving parts not enclosed in
oil are equipped with grease fittings for grease-
gun lubrication. Wipe dirt from fittings before
greasing. Use plenty of high-grade grease in
grease gun. Replace all missing grease fittings
immediately. Grease each fitting periodically as
Main Wheels Pitman Bearing Box Drag Bar, Yoke End
Once Daily 4 Times Daily Once Daily
Oiling Use a good grade of heavy machine oil in
oil can. Oil lifting mechanism bearings and
cutter bar hinge pins occasionally. Lubricate
pitman con- nections often. Keep cutting parts
oiled except in dry, dusty, and sandy conditions,
when cutting parts work best without
oil. OPERATION AND A DJU STMENT S Read every word
of these instructions. You will like this John
Deere No. 4 Mower. With proper care, it will give
years of satisfactory service. You will agree
that careless setting up, careless operation and
neglect are the causes of most troubles. This
machine will continue to cut like a new Mower if
properly oiled and kept in good repair. Cutting
parts must be kept sharp knife head guides,
knife holders, and wearing plates must be
replaced when badly worn, and carefully set
guards must be kept in alignment adjustments to
restore alignment of knife and pitman and for
registering knife sections in guards shou Id be
usd if ever necessary lifting spring should be
properly adjusted and pole or tractor hitch
hitched at correct height. Proper attention to
these essentials insures clean cutting, light
draft, continuous operation and low upkeep cost.
The responsibility for this kind of service rests
with the owner and operator. Upkeep costs will be
reduced by good storage and by replacing worn
parts promptly. TONGUE Front end of tongue,
measuring from underneath, should be 32 inches
from the ground when team is hitched to Mower.
This is important. At this height, the Mower is
in the correct working position. Por Tractor-
Drawn Mowers, the extension drawbar should be
21-1 2 inches from the ground. S E AT SP R IN
G Two holes at lower end of spring provide
adjustment in main frame for convenience of
operator and for reducing neck weight.
C U T T E R B A R (See Figures 3 and 4) The
cutter bar of the mower, in principle, is nothing
more than a multiple set of shearsthe blades of
shears, to cut properly, must be sharp and have a
shear cut likewise, the sections and ledger
plates of a mower must be sharp and have a shear
contact. Cutting edges of the ledger plates must
line up the full length of the bar if ledger
plates and sections are to have a shear cut, and
knife holders must be set to hold front part of
sections down against ledger plates and heel of
sections against wearing plate but must permit
knife to run without binding. Wear- ing plates
under knife holders should be replaced when worn
enough to cauee sections to raiee from contact
with ledger plates at points. Always look for
cutting troubles in the cutter bar guards out
of alignment, worn wearing plates, bent knife
back, dull knife and ledger plates, and worn,
improperly-eet knife holders. Aligning
Guards. Aligning the guards is an important and
exacting operation. A new knife or a straight
one that is not badly worn, should be used in
testing and setting the guards. Insert knife and
set each guard up or down as necessary, to obtain
a shear cut between knife section and ledger
plate. Raise knife holders so knife will have
clearance and will not bind or be bent when
aligning guards. Have guards bolted tight and
then be sure to strike them at the thick part
just in front of ledger plate. Pound down high
guards first and then bring up the low ones. Be
sure to tighten nut on guard bolt each time after
using hammer on guard. Remove knife several times
as you work in order to look across the ledger
plates and be sure you are getting them in line.
Guard wings should also be aligned, making a
smooth surface for knife back to work against.
Position of guard points should not be
consideredthe ledger plates and wings are the
important unita that must be aligned. Keep points
of guards sharp. Do not pound down lips of
guarda choking will result. The lip of the guard
is the portion that covers the ledger
plate. Adjusting Wearing Plates. Wearing plates
under knife holders should be set ahead or
replaced to take up wear on knife back, and
reduce play of knife back in neck of guards. In
setting wearing plates ahead, there should be
enough clearance left at front of sections so
sections do not strike guards. Turned-down edges
of wearing plates must line up with one another
to give knife back a straight bearing along its
entire length. Be especially careful to properIy
line up new plates.
A L I G N I N G C U T T ER B A R When aligning bar, pound down the high guards first.
and then bring up the low ones. Tighten guard
bolts before and after aligning guards. Cutting
troti bles are usualIy located btween the two
Z7951H spacere must be inserted between wearing
plates and Z 7798H knife holders when knives
equipped with extra heavy sections are
used. Setting Knife Holders. Never bend a knife
holder down with knife under holder. Start at
outer end of bor by pulling knife from under each
holder and tapping holder down. Keep trying the
knife until holder sets so knife works freely and
at the same time is down on knife. Then work each
holder in the same manner. If holder is too tight
on knife, strike holder between the bolts while
knife is under holder. A knife workin g tight on
bar will cause heavy draft. Knife holders should
not be set until after guards are aligned. Be
sure all guard bolts are tight. After setting
knife holders, try knife, put oil on led.ger
plates and be sure knife ie working
freely. Replacing Ledger Platea. Ledger plates
should be replaced when worn dull. Replating
guards with the John Deere Mower Guard and Knife
Repair Block (see page 26) does a way with the
hard work and makes it an easy job to keep cutter
bar in good working order. With the Mower Guard
Block, you do not take the bar from the mower or
the guards from the bar. Set the guard repair
block under the bar. The only tools needed are
two punches (a heavy one and a light one), a
hammer and a chisel. Drive the rivet through
ledger plate with heavy punch and follow rivet
with small punch and drive through guard. Put on
new ledger plate. Put rivet in from underside,
set riveting post under head of rivet and rivet
over with hammer. Chisel off end of rivet flush
with ledger plate to leave a smooth surface for
knife. Batter boss on rear of plate to hold plate
more securely. Knife Head G uidea. Knife head
guide, front, Z897 7H, should be replaced if
worn badly. Worn wearing plate and ledger plate
on inner shoe should be replaced promptly to
avoid knife head breakage. 6- and 7-Foot C u tter
Bars. A crown or dish is built into the 6-foot
and 7-foot cutter bars (Z6698H regular bar,
6-foot Z 6439H, regular bar, 7-foot) to
compensate for the added weight of the outer shoe
and guards. The 6 foot bar has a 9 16 inch dish
in the center the 7-foot has a 15 16-inch dish
in the center. This autc matteafly straightens
out when the cutter bar is attached to the mower
and prop er lifting spring tension is
applied. Gum my Tras h on Cutter Bar. Use water
to remove gummy trash that packs on wearing
plates and guards (operate mower slowly and pour
water on bar). Do not let i t harden.
Repairing of Cutter Bar. The repairing of the
mower cutter bar is generally put off too Iong.
The mower does not give satisfactory strvice and
is abused more than necessary. This neglect iG
generally due to lack of proper tools and
nee.ssar y repairs to make a quick, easy job.
Many times new guards are put on wnen ne w ledger
plates only are needed. Note the helpful
suggestions for repairing in Figures 3 and 4. C
U T T E R B A R T I L T A D J U S T ht E N
T Cutter bar should be run leve1 to the ground
whenever possible. Should it be necessary to
change tilt of cutter bar for short cuttin or
wnen cutting in hay that is lodged, cutter bar
can be tilted by means of convenient tilting
lever. A D J U S T A B L E S0U B S L E S These
soles under inner and outers hoes should be
adjusted to regulate the height of cut for
different field conditions. They will s.t bar to
cut as hi gh as three inches. Be sure to have
cutter bar same height at both ends. On rough or
stony land, the cutting parts should be protected
by adjusting the subsoles to raise cutter bar. K
N 1 V E S The two kniv es packed z ith the bar
should remain with it and be handled so they will
not be bent. In sharpening knives, try to
maintain angle of bevel and cutting edge of the
new knife. If knife becomes bent in rough cutting
or storage, straighten it on level pole or
block. A Guard and Knife Repair Block provides
the easiest and quickest way for replating
guards, replacing worn or broken sections and
straighten- ing knives (Figure 29, page 26) .
The knife head connection of the automatic
pitman requires no attention from the
operator to keep in proper adjustment.
Wear on knife head is auto- matically taken
up by spring tension, see Figure 5
Fig u re S
Te Attach Pitman. Hold pitman down with foot and
u9e punch to pry up the spring, allow- ing
pitman straps to close over knife head.
(Pigure 6) .
Fi gu re â
Te hemove Pitman. Insert punch through hole in
flat spring and into yoke plunger, and force yoke
plunger back, and the flat spring down between
the straps, to spread them and release the knife
head (Figure 7) . Ft gure ?
R EG I S T E R I N G K N I F E The knife
registers if sections center in guards when
pitman is at t he inner or outer end of its
stroke. A knife off register will not cut clean.
Adjustable (forked) washers are provided at inner
and outer ends of drag bar bearing in yoke. Knife
is registered by transferring one or more washers
from one end of yoke to the other and by
lengthening or shortening the Brace Bar A'' at
Flywheel Bowl (see Figure 8) . One turn of Brace
Bar gives bar 1/8-inch movement. When checki rig
knife for register, be sure th at pitm an
connections are adj usted as directed above. Be
sure t hat tongue is 32 i riches from the ground
at front end (see page 6). Be sure that lifting
spring has proper tension (see page 13). To 4a
he R egisterin g Adust men1. Unhook lifting
spring from lifting 10
lever support arm. Disconnect brace bar irorr.
fron side of yoke. 'Hemo re pin and collar from
outer end of drag bar. love yoke onI iust. her
enou gh on drag bar to per rriit i ransferrin g
wa shers ft cm one end of yolre to tlie other as
may be necessa-y to re-regioter the kr.ife.
Adjust brace tar n socket at A, Figrire 8,
at flywhe.el end to correspond t.o tf'e amount or
thickness of washers transferrerl. When triower
is old or has had severe use and is badly worn,
the brace bar socket connection can be Thortened
one or two turus after all otier adjustments
have been made. Reass.. mlale parts and recheck
knife making sure it registers. Looseness of head
on brace bar may be taken up with adjlisting
bolt. Do not ti gh I en too tight. Brace bar must
swivel in sorket when tilting cutt.r bar.
/ . .'8 / 'i i 'fi'
C U T T E R B A A N D P I T/t A N A L I G f4 H
ñ f4 T The mower, al en it leaves the factory,
has a certain't of lead in the cunt.r
barI. bat is, the outer end is set ahes.ct of
the iiver end in re- lation to the axle Iire of
the mower. This construction provides for tIe
backward strain or i the ba- ar.d enables the
pitman and knife to run in a straight line when
cutting under ordinary con oiions. No trob1e
is usiially encountered with a new mower, but
after long use, some wear may or.cur on shoe
hinge pins an5 in oin bearings in yolre, allowing
the outer end of the bar to leg or go back until
Lnife is running at a backward angle en using
undo breakage of cutting parts and heavy draft.
13y means of an eccentric bearing around rear
hinge pin, the outer er.d of the bar can be moved
ahead until pitman and knife are again running in
a straight. line. Usually realigning pitman and
knife resores the original l-ad of cutter bar.
In some cases, wear has oceurr-d at pull
bar connections or when mower hss hit an
obst r ttction, it rriay be necessary to adjust
pull bar to move yoke as well as cutter bar
shead to the original lead. One turn of pull
bar socket gives bar 1 ,'8 inch movement. To C
heck and Restore Alignment of Pitman and
Knife. Pull mower to a level place and block whee
ls securely. If mower is not equipped with tongue
truck, make sure front end of pole is 32 inc hes
f rom the ground, measuring from underside of
pole. Adjust lifting spring (see page 13). Be
sure cutter bar is not tilted and is parallel
with ground. Pull outer end of bar back taking
up slack due to wear. Tie a cord to pit - man
bearing box and run cord down the center of
pitman stick and over the center of knife head
ball and out, over and beyond outer shoe, keeping
it parallel with pitman. If pitman and knife are
in line, t he back edge of knife back should be
parallel wit h cord. If pit man and knife are not
in line, turn eceentric bearing A , Fi gure 9,
around rear hinge pin to the let t as far as
necessary to bring the outer end of bar ahead
until pitman and knife are in a straight line.
Ad- justing eccentric usually restores
original lead as well as alignment but always
check to make sure. Should bar show
insufficient lead, adjust pull bar. Do not
use ec- centric to register kn ife or to
establis h lead if pitman and knife are in a
straight line. To Check for Lead. Turn flywheel
to put knife at outer end of stroke. Tie a cord
to left -hand wheel and draw it tightly and
evenly across the face of both wheels, 6 inches
above the ground, and secure to a point a few
inches beyond the outer shoe. Be sure cord is
same distance from ground along its entire
length. Measure from cord to back edge of knife
at knife head end. Measure from cord to back edge
of knife at outside of outer shoe. The difference
between the two measurements is the amount of
lead the outer shoe has over the inner
end. Proper Lead. The outer end of the cutter
bar should have a lead over the inner end of
l-inch on a 3-1/2 -foot l -inch to 1-1/4 inches
on 4-1 2-foot 1-1/4 inches to 1-1 2 inches on
5-foot 1- I /2 inches to 1-3 '4 inches on
6-foot and 1 -3/4 inches to 2 inches on 7-foot
cutter bars.
f4 B E L L C R A N K , A N D CH A I N S W I V E
L A D J U ST Id E N T Inner and outer end of bar
should leave the ground at the same time. If
outer end of bar rises trio fast, screw adjusting
bolt do vvn in bell cranir at B (see Figure
31). If outer end rises too slow, screw adjusting
boit up enough to make both encts of bar rise
evenly at the start. Chain swivel adjust ment,
9, Figure 31, can also be shortened to take up
wear and to make outer end of bar rise faster, or
lengthened to make outer end of bar rise slower.
Be sure that lifting spring has proper
tension. LI F T I N G S PR I N G
There should be enough tension on lifting spring
so that bar will rise easily and make the bar
float rather than drag, and yet move steadily
over the ground. If there is not enough tension,
the bar will ride on the ground and increase side
draft. Too much tension, will not allow the bar
to follow the uneven ground, and may hold it up
after it has risen over a mound or other
obstruction. When properly adjusted, the
lifting spring carries the bulk of the weight of
cutter bar on the wheels, increases the traction,
and reduces the friction of bar on ground. F O O
T L E Y E R Foot lever is adjustable at F,
Figure 33. It can be raised or lowered for the
convenience of the operator and to raise the
cutter bar higher without using hand lever. C L U
T CH The clutch shifter rod is ad- justable at
B to keep clutch properly engaged with
bevel gear. (See Fi gure 10.) When shifter
lever is up and clutch meshes full depth with
clutch jaws on gear, the clutch shifter yoke
should be free in clutch
and not bind against eithet side of groove in
clutch. When shifter lever is down, clutch jaws
should clear each other 1J8-inch. If the
mower does not go out or stay out of gear when
shifter lever is moved down, shorten the rod
adjust- ment. To Adjust' Loosen bolt at A and
turn clutch throw-out adjusting sleeve at B.
Turn sleeve forward (right-hand) to lengthen the
throw of shifter lever, and rearward (left-hand)
to shorten. After adjustment is made, be sure
to tighten bolt at A and secure with
R E M O Y A L O F G E A R S, A X L E, A N D SH A
F T S It is not necessary to take all gears from
Mower to replace individual parte. A Main
Axle and fdain Spur Gear. Block up frame, drain
gear case and remove cover. Loosen four bolts
through main spur gear hub. Remove two upper
bolts and remove key. Remove right-hand wheel
cap, pawl plate (sq. hd. cap screw in end of axle
has right-hand thread) and wheel (see
inetructions for Wheels and Pawl Plates on page
15), then remove left-hand wheel with axle
attached. Main spur gear may then be lifted from
case. fB) Countarshaft Assembly. Drain gear case
and remove cover. Remove pin at F (Figure 10)
and lock washer under nut at D, replace nut
loosely on shaft to protect threads. Strike
countershaft to drive out expansion plugthen
remove nut and slip countershaft out through
expansion plug hole. Lift bevel gear and clutch
parts from case. C) Pitman CrankrhafM. Block up
frame, drain gear case and remove cover. Remove
flywheel ehield, brace bar and pitman. Unscrew
bevel pinion (right-hand thread) and remove
flywheel with shaft attached. If ever necessary
to remove bearingstap rear ball bearing out to-
ward gear case. To remove front (bronze) bearing,
place a 9/16-inch carriage bolt in bearing from
rear. With head against end of bearing and with a
heavy rod or ahaft and hammer, drive out bearing.
It may be necessary to file edge of bolthead to
fit barrel of frame. To replace bearingsremove
flywheel from pitman drive ehaft. Slide pitman
drive shaft into barrel at front of main frame.
Slide rear ball bear- ing over rear of pitman
drive shaft and screw bevel pinion (right-hand
thread) onto rear end of shaft. Fit ball bearing
and bevel pinion snugly agatnst shoulder in main
frame. Slide bronze bearing onto front end of
pitman drive shaft. Drive bearing into barrel at
front of main frame using pitman shaft as
guide. Be sure bearing is driven straight into
main frame to avoid damage to bronze bearing. Do
not batter end of bearing when driving into main
frame. lf bearing is battered or damaged, the
bearing will heat when operating Mower. Replace
oil seal and flywheel. ID) Clutch
Shifters Remove countershaft assembly as
described under (B) countershaft assembly. Loosen
bolt A (Figure 10) in throw-out lever. Remove
cotter C through throw-out shifter rod.
Slide shifter yoke toward large drive gear, as
shown in Figure 11, being care- ful not to damage
leather washer and cupped washer in frame.
Turned-down end of shifter rod allows play
enoiigh in hole in gear case to permit removal
of shifter between spokes of large drive gear.
Bushing A, Fiqure l2. is in- serteri into
lug ir. man frame to ma.e tip for difference
in sise of turned-down end of shaft and hole 'n
1ig. Replace parts, as shown in Figure 10.
Should leather washer become dam- aged, it should
be replaced or an oil leak might result. After
shifter has been replaced, adjust as described
under Clutch, page 13. Care must be taken
when making
" "
repairs to keep dirt and foreign particles out of
gear case also to keep oil free from dirt and
grit. Strain oil if it is to be used again. W H
E E L. â A N D P A W L P L- A T E â To Remove
Block up fram.e. Remove pawl plate cover and
pawl plate washer (cap screw in end of axle has
right-hand thread). Screu cap screw with lock
washer tightly into ax!e. Strike head of cap
screw with a heavy hammer a.t sam-e ti rre
pu!lin.a out or'. u'i'.eel us.ti1 panel piate is
flush with head of cap screw. Then bump pau'1
p!ate off with wheel. To Replace Set wheel
at oizter end of axle. Place pawls and plate in
wheel hub and drive pawl plate onto axle at
same time holding wheel against pawl plate.
Keep pa wl plate cap screwa tight. Be sure
tub on washer fits into slot in pawl
plate. Pawls are in wheel ratchets correctly if
they click when wheel is turned back- wards. The
end of the dog that engages the ratchet in wheel
must point op- posite to the direction of
wheel travel.
AND PINION at rear of pitman crankshaft can
always be kept in proper mesh by adjusting
notched collar at G, Figure 10, and by using
Z5406 H washers between collar on crankshaft and
pinion at E. Be sure geara ae properly meshed.
Gear teeth should not bottom, but must have at
out 1 /16-inch clearance so that gears work
freely. CARE OF RUBBER TIRES No. 4 Mowers
shipped from the factory equipped with rubber
tires have the correct air pres9ure in each tire.
Two 5.00x21-4-ply tires are furnished for the
main wheels. Two 400x9-4-ply tires are furnished
for pneumatic tired tongue truck. keep the main
wheels inflated to 20 lbs. and the tongue truck
wheels inflated to 24 lbs. pressure. It is very
important that tires be kept properly inflated to
insure proper traction, and to prevent serious
damage to tires. Lack of preaa ure will allow the
tire to slip on rim or to buckle the side walls
resulting in a torn stem, fabric breaks and
uneven tread wear. Too muc h press ure causes
undue strain on fabric, excessive tread wear, and
allow9 tire to cut in more on wet ground, thus
greatly increasing the draft. When season is over
store Mower inside and out of sunlight if
possible. Store in place free from drafts. Jack
up Mower to take load off tires. Do not remove
air from tu bes. 0 S T R I N0G F R T H E W I N T
E R If space is at a premium, the tongue can be
removed without disturbing other parts. If tongue
is not removed, place block under center to keep
it from warping. If Mower is stored with cutter
bar in vertical position, place block under shoe
to relieve lifting spring and partsif stored
with cutter bar down, unhook lifting spring. Be
sure bar is not tilted so that pitman is under
strainit is likely to take a permanent twist and
later cause trouble. It is best to remove pitman
when storing. Clean off the dirt, tighten loose
bolts, spread cotters, grease the knives and
wearing parts on cutter bar, paint the wood
parts, and order t he re- pairs that will be
needed before Mower is used again. If you do not
order the needed repairs when Mower is put away,
be sure to make a list of them and give the order
to your dealer earlyhe can give you better
service if you do. Note Keep an 8-inch block
under flywheel bowl of Mower when not in use. 16
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S A F ET V H I T CH (Tractor-Drawn Mower OnI y) A
safety spring release at the front end of hitch
pipe protects the entire machine when hitched
to a tractor. When the cut- ter bar hits an
obstruc- tion or is clogged, the re- lease spring
permits the hitch bolt to pull out of a collar
and disconnect the mower from the trac- tor. The
collar is pushed back on the hitch pipe making it
easy to secure hitch bolt when connect- ing mower
again. Release spring should have j ust enough
tension to pull mower in normal work. Adjust
spring tension on loose side at first and ti ght
en grad ually until proper work- ing tension
is de- termined. T o A d j u s t . Screw
eyebolt into hitch pipe to tighten and out to
loosen. R O P E C ON T R O L L E Y E
R (Tractor-Drawn Mower Onl y) Cutter bar is
raised by pulling control rope and is lowered to
the ground by the same method. Adjust liftin g
spring at 14, Figure 32, so that cutter bar
raises easily. Before making this adjustment,
adjust cutter bar lifting epring.
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