John Deere No.101A Two-Way Tractor Plow Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32550) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere No.101A Two-Way Tractor Plow Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32550)


John Deere No.101A Two-Way Tractor Plow Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32550) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: John Deere No.101A Two-Way Tractor Plow Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA32550)

(01MAY50) English
OMA32550 (01MAY50)
Behind your new plow ia an organization that has
specialized in design- ing and building plows for
over one hundred and ten yeara. This plow was
huilt in the world's largest plow factory by
experienced men, many who have worked in this
large plant for from ten to forty-five years,
thus assur- ing the utmost in good design,
high -grade workmanship and thorough
inspection, so essential to the production of
good plows. High-quality materials, precision
production methods, and accurately- controlled
heat-treating assure maximum strength and long
life for every part. This manual has been
carefully prepared and profuseljr illustrated, so
that you may make the necessary adjustments for
adapting your plow to work properly in
practically all types of soil and field
conditions. These adjustments such as proper
hitching and adjusting for width and depth of
cut, are fully covered in this manual, which has
been prepared by plow experts. Study the manual
carefully and make it your guide. Occasionally
your plow may need new parts to replace worn
parts, or emergency service may be required that
is not covered in this manual. If so, we suggest
that you take advantage of the facilities offered
by your John Deere dealer, which assure you of
genuine JOHN DEERE Parts and prompt know-how
service in the field or shop. If you will
furnish your dealer the part number, description,
and the information which should be recorded at
the bottom of this page, when the plow iz
delivered, he can give you prompt and efficient
John Deere No. l01A Two-Way Tractor Plow
Date Purchased .. .... (To be Jilld in bp
. 19.
The Tractor . . 4
Hitch . 45
Levere .
Leveling .
Rolling Coulters .
Jointers . .
Plow Bottoms, Coultera, and Jointers .
Sharpening the Share ... 8
Sharpening the Coulter Blade . 9
Wheel Bearings . .
Enclosed Lifting Clutch ........................... 9-10
Care of Pneumatic Tires . 10
Inflation Table . . t0
SET TU G-LfP INSTRUCT1O2'fS . 1 21 7
Shipping Bundled .
Bottoms . . 13
Wheels and Axlee . . i 3
Leveling C ranke . . 13
Levers and Ratchets . 14
Clutch Trip Stods ..... 14
Rolling Conifers . 14
Jointers . 14
Joint Right-Hand and Left-Hand Beam Assemblies . . l5
Hitch , IS
Landing Levers . , . 1516
Gauge Wheels . 16
Using the Parts List
Index to Parts List . 18
Parts and Lists . 19-4t
Numerical Index . 4244
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The No. 10 lA is a One Bottom Two- Way, 14- inch,
I 6-inch or 18-inch steeI bottom, or 14- inch
and 16-inch deep -chilled bottom Tractor
DEPTH RANGE .. ..... 2 inches to 11 inches,
depending on type and size of bottom.
At ordered.
HITCH .... , ... ....... Cushion Spring
Hitch. COULTERS ............ IS-inch Plain
Regular. 15-inch offset for beam in narrow
setting - Special. JO INT ERS .............
Cast Independent JointerSpecial. WHEELS
.............. SteelRegular. Wheel with or
without 5.00x2 1 Tire and Tube -Special. CHUTCHES
............ EnclosedIndependent lift for
each bottom.
Adjustable for uee with tractor having rear wheel
center apaced 44 inches to S6 inches.
2I -inch clearance under beam.
NOTE Whom terms "right" or "leII" are used, il
meant Jrom a position behind lâe plot end
fookittp tmard the frotit. (I/ is doltn Deere
policg fo 3mprae our maehine,s aI, e.rery
ap'prt,un .th. Con - sr.quenI1y, il mag be
necessatg to change desig'a tri!fioul Police.)
This plow is fully adjustable and, when properly
adjusted, will do a good job of plowing eren
when operating in adverse conditions. A
properly adjusted plow pulls 1ig.htcr covers
well tirns burrow slices that are uniform fn
width and depth leaves the soil in the best
conditions for good seedbed preparation and
keeps operating en5 maintenance costs low. In
short, a well-adjueted plow rs its in better
crops and mor cash income. The Tractor. Before
making any adjustments on the plow, the tractor
wheels and hitch. must be properly set. On
general-purpose type tractors which operate with
one wheel in the furrow, the rear wheels must be
set in a 56-inch set. ting, center to center of
wheels. Standard tread tractors must be set S6
inchee if possible. The swinging dra wbar on
wheel tractors must be pinned or bolted in the
center of the tractor hitch. The Hitch. The
draft of the plow is directly on the cush- ion
spring of the spring release hitch. The link
is held with the lock. When an obstruction
is encountered which pute an excessive strain
on the cushion spKing, it is compressed to a
point where the link releases itself from the
lock, thus releasing the plow from the
tractor. To reattach the plow, slip the lock
back a little, hook up the link, and
relock. A plunger bolt on the cush- ion spring
hi tch can be adjusted to meet var- ious
aoil conditions and
etill have the safety factor of hitch
trip- ping. Horizontal Hi tc h Adjus tmera
ts. The width of cut of the plow trot toms is
deter mined by the ctistance from the center of
the itrawbar on the tractor to the edge of the
furrow wall. The beams are stripped from the
factory in the correct setting for 18-inch
bottoms, when used with a tractor witb the rear
wheels in a 56-inch setting. This is the
narrowest setting of tote beams. IN 16-inch or
14 irich bottoms are to be ueed, remove the
bolts A, Figure 2. Slide the beams out and
insert bolts at C for 16-inch bottoms and at
D for 14 -inch bottoms. The axle at B,
Figure 2, must be set to conform with the beam
setting so the bottoms will run straight while at
wor k. To move the axle out, remove the three
bolts at A, Figure 3, and slide the top axle
tie bearing out, and secure with wo bolts. A
finer adjustment can be made by loosening the
br1ts and set ecrew at B, F'igure 3, and
sliding the axle in or out. For t ra c- tors ha
vin g wider wheel treads than 5 6 i n c h e e ,
it is neces- sary to set t h e b e a m s out
on the plow to cor- respond with the tread
of your tractor. V ecr t i a I c H i t h A d - j
u s t rri e n ts . V e r t i c a 1 hitch adjust-
ments are provide d at 4. EN the bot- toms
penetrate the ground slow ly raise the hitch
pIate. ! the heel of the
landside does not rest on t he bottom of the fur
row, lower the hitch plate. The hitch must be
set properly so the hot torn will run level , t
hereby, plow will pull lighter and do a good
job of plowing. Levers. Le vers B, Figure 4,
ar'e provided for controlli up, the c1cJtli of
the plow bottonas u been in wor lain g ptsition.
Ih c ie . ers are ad justable in lcngt h for
the con geniencc c / ttic oJer
ator. Leveling. The right herid arid lef I hand
Port cms are i ,'c1c1 i'itfi the screw cranks
C, Figure 4. Be sure both bottoms are set
alile. Rolling CouTterB. SD3 70A Coulterg are
regular eq iipment with the plow. lf plow is to
be used in the narrowest setting, special offset
coulters (IND367A Rigli t-Hand and SD 368A Left
-Hand) must be used. The coulter blade must be
sharp and should ordinarily be set with the
center of the coulter over point of plow share,
Figure S. In hard ground, the center of the
coulter should be set well back of the point of
the share and not too deep. If center of
coulter is set ahead of share and too deep, it
will act as a wheel and tend to ride
the plow out of the ground, For land having
considerable trash or in bad scouring conditions,
the coulter should be set ahead of the share
point. I n both cases, the coulter ehould be set
about 1 /2-inch to S /8- inch to the outside of,
and parallel to, the landside and just deep
enough to cut the trash.(See Figures S, 6, and 7.)
.... - ..,
In de pe n de nt Rein ter
The coulter yoke is provided with a collar to
hold the yoke to the shank and also keep coulter
from swinging completely around. This collar
should be adjusted on the shank to allow coulter
to swing the same distance each side of the
share point, thus allowing coulter to pivot
when plow ie turned right or left.
Adjust ing End Play in Coulter H u be. To remove
excessive end play in rolling coulter hubs looeen
jam nut A, Figure 8. Turn bolt head B to
right until end play is removed. Adjuet eo that
coulter blade will turn freely. Tighten jam nut
1f2 TO 5/8
Jointera aseiat the plow bottom in turning under
and covering traah. By cutting and turning a
small corner of the furrow slice next to the
coulter, and dtpoaiting it in the bottom of the
furrow, a row of traeh or stalk ends will not be
present between the furrows.
Adjusting ointera. To move jointer forward,
turn set screw down n the jo nter clamp
Fi gure dCm - See tionaI o F Co cz Tier ge ar
A, Figure 5 reverse operation to move it to
the rear. To move the jointer toward the coulter,
looeen the bottom bolt and tighten the top bolt
on the clamp B, Figure S. To move the jointer
away from coulter, reverse the operation. In
average conditions, a jointer eet to work about
2- I /2 inehee deep will effectively turn the
corner of the furrow slice enough to insure good
coverage and eliminate excessive clogging. A
jointer adjusted too shallow will clog easily.
M A I N T E N A N C E S U G G E05 T 1 N S Plow
Bet toma, Coul ters, and 5ointere. Protect the
face of the moldboard, share, coulter blade,
landside, and jointer from rust between plowing
seasons or iiitermittent periods by greas rug the
polished surface with a coat of cup giease or
hard oil. Sharpening the Share. Heat the point
of the share to a low cherry red (not too hot),
and hammer the top side until the point is eharp.
Hammer at a cherry red only. High heat
deetroys the quality of the steel. Draw the
entire cutting edge from the underside until
sharp. Heat at one time only as much as can be
hammered. The body of the share should not
be heated while sharpening. Should the fitted
edgee become warped, put the blade in proper
ehape before hardening. This can Se done beet at
a blaclr heat. All foregoing information
applied to either hard or solid steel shares.
Hardening Soft-Center Stetl Shares. Heat the
entire share to a uniform cherry red. Dip the
ehare into a tub of clean, cold water, with the
cutting edge down, and the blade perpen-
dicular. NOTE. Solid or crucible steel shares
shovld trot be hat deiied.
U'ndrpoint Sur ion of Point "A"
Setting isharee. Set the point of the share down
until there ie a 1 /8- to 3/16-inch suction under
the landside at point A, Figure 10. See that
the clearance in the throat of the share at B,
Figure 11, ie at least 1/8-inch. For side, set
should be about 3/16- inch clearance at C,
Figure 12. Set the edge of the ehare at the wing
point D wit hon t wi ng bearing, Figure 13.
B Fig u re I I S h are Sh ou Id
Keep Your John Deere Plow a Joh n
Deere Plow. Genuine John Deere Sharee have more
and better material in points and in wearing
surfaces. Deere shares stay sharp longer, they
fi t litre the original share. They save you
money. Buy your extra ehares from your John Deere
dealer and insist on shares with the word D
EERE stamped in the back near the share
number. Sharpeztiztg the Coulter Blade. Remove
the poke and blade from the shank and grind the
blade on an emery wheel until sharp. After
repeated sharpenings the blade will be too small
to do efficient worn. Replace with a new one.
S h a re e Owe Se I Hi I fi o o I Wâ fa g Bea ri
n g t "H
Wheel Bearings. The power lift wheel box revolved
on a large chrome chilled sleeve of the clutch
drum. With proper lubrication there should be
practically no wear on the wheel box. The
Enclosed Lifting Clutch. Themechanism of the
lifting clutch is completely enclosed and
operates in a bath of light grease. Dirt cannot
get ingrease cannot get out. When the clutch
leaVes the factory, it is properly lu bricated.
However, grease ia to be added daily through the
grease fittings fsund in the land wheel hub anlt
in the clutch axle journal. No periodical filling
of the housing with greaee is required.
The adjustable collar, Figure 14, at the outer
end of the stub axle provided a simple take up
adjustment should end play become apparent after
a period of time. This adjust ment can be made by
simply removing the wheel cap it is not
necessary to take the clutch. apart. CAUTION The
tension regulator bolt, Figure 14, at the front
of t he cm tch housing reg mates the tension on
the epring controlling the t hrow-out lever.
Tension is, properly adjusted when clutch is
aueem bled at the factory, but ehould greater
tension become rieceaaay, the bolt should be
tigh tened by turning the bolthead one or two
turns clockwise. Never loosen thia bolt or the
spri rig inside the cluteh housing may become
disconnected. Keep Nutr Tight. Tighten all nuts.
The nuts on the plow bottom ehould be inspected
periodically. Replace bent bolts or bolts with
stripped threads. Loose parts come off or bend
eaeily. Care o Pneumatic Tires. It is important
to maintain the proper tire pressure under all
conditions. Overinflation reduces traction,
increaaea wheel slippage, and results in
excessive tread wea. Underinflation may cause
the tire to slip on the rim and tear out valve
stems, buckling of the eide walls, fabric breaks,
and uneven tire wear. When plow is not in use, or
is to be stored outside, tires should be covered
with canvas or removed from plow and stored in a
cool, dry, dark place INFLAT1ON TABLE
5 00 x 21-4-ply
28 ltte.
L UBRICATI ON INSTR UCTIONS Lubrication fittings
are provided at all ooints indicated in the
lubrication chart. All parts provided with
grease fittings ehould be lubricated twice
daily. The working parts on the levers, axle
bearings on the beams, and other moving parts on
the plow ehould be oiled twice daily with an oil
can containing a good grade of lubricating oil.
Sy MBOLS Grease Every 4 HOUT8 of Operation
4 H
4 H
4 H
4 H
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S ETTI N G - iJ P INSTR UCT I ONS General Inet
ructions. A. Read all setting-up instructions and
carefully observe illu8trntions. B, Cut bundling
wires and conveniently arrange parts. C. Lubricat
e all bearings and moving parts as you proceed,
so they move freely. REGULAR SH I PP I NG BUNDLES
DrpGon No. 60 Cushion Spring Release Hitch R.H.
Beam Bundle L.H. Beam Bundle Levere and
Ratchets R.H. Axle with Clutch and JD l339A
Wheel L.H. Axle with Clutch and JD l339A Wheel
Wheel Luge (Bag of 1 2) (2 used) Rolling Coulter,
15- inch Blade Bottom, No. 6 R.H. az ordered
Bottom, No. 6 L.H. as ordered SPECIAL 5HIPPING
BUNDLES RW49A Wheel with S00x21 Tire and Tube (2
used) R.H. Caet Jointer L.H. Cast Jointer L.H.
Jointer Clamp R.H. Jointer Clamp Wheel (2
used) Wheel Lees Tire and Tube (2 used) No. S
Landing Lever (A Tractors below 561,90 2, B"
Trac- tors below 186,134, G" Tractors below
11,960) No. 6 Landing Lever (AO, AR," "BO,"
and BR" Trac- tors) No. 7 Landing Lever (D
Tractors) No. 9 Landing Lever (A Tractors above
561,902, B" Trac- tors above 186,134, G"
Tractors above 11,960. Also any older tractors on
which new drawbar hae been installed in place ot
the old drawbar. R.H. Rolling Coulter, lS-inch
blade L.H. Rolling Coulter, 15-inch blade No. 77
Gauge Wheele R.H. Axle with Clutch and RW49A
Wheel R.H. Axle with Clutch and DA501 7A
Wheel L.H. Axle with Clutch and RW49 A Wheel L.H.
Axle with Ctutch and DAS0 l7 A Wheel
B u nd Ie No. SD33 A SD 778 A SD 779 A SD 780
A SD 781 A SD784 A SD 1288 A SD l426 A
DA501TA DK74F DK81 F JC9 A JC 12 A JD1339 A RW49
A SD 74 A SD 7S A
SD 76 A SD1071 A
SD367 A SD368 A SD439 A SD782 A SD783 A SD785 A
SD786 A
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