John Deere NOS.24 and 26 Fertilizer Attachment (for No.88 Cultivator) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC14651) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere NOS.24 and 26 Fertilizer Attachment (for No.88 Cultivator) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC14651)


John Deere NOS.24 and 26 Fertilizer Attachment (for No.88 Cultivator) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC14651) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere NOS.24 and 26 Fertilizer Attachment (for No.88 Cultivator) Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMC14651)

0 1 J U N 5 1
O M C 1 4 6 5 1
'i ' "zm
Figure l - Jobm Deere No. 26 Sïx-mcm Integral
Fertïllzer Attachment
llluetrallons carefully wben settlng up a Jobo
Deere No. 24 or 26 Fertiliser Attachemnt. Grease
or oil all beeringg sn working perts ee you
proceed en eee Abet they all worb Ireelg. Terms
"R1ghfl'mod "Left," "Front" end "beer," refer to
4he operator's Right en Left, From smd Rear,
when fecing In the 1rect1oo the meoAine
travels. Set the rear whoels of the tractor to
run approximately in tha oanter of tm spaca be
tween two roWB . Thus, for 20-Inch rosa sob the
uheela BO lnchea apart. ReBembOF, mOBt tFOUble
With OOV WBlhio B G B fDOB iB O - er selng
n leok o lvbricatlon, Read all instructions
oarsfullg and follow tbe steps outlined in his
msoual. Care In setting up your fertillser
attechDmnt vlll prome longer wear en more
efficient opar- atlon. D0 NOT allov fertiliser
attacbmenL LO stent fOr long peFi- ode oe Iw with
ha fertiliser in the hoppers. Thie allove the
ferti- liser to settle or absorb moisture en
peak In he bottom of tha hopper oauelng thB
mechBDiBm tO ClOg. Tbis Will, Of COUF88, O8t
lAWn the efficient operation of the
mschlne. SEAINO-UP INSTRUCTIONS Remove depth
ad,us IIng 1.e ver A, Flgurs 2, from The
rsaz' axle and attach rigb-hsnâ jacksheft drive
aesemblg ae ehown. \fhen asaeaIi1Ing lbs attach
aant on a John Deere Moel "A" or "B" tractor
assemble jackshsft drtven sprocket B on the maids
o bracket 1 vith shorter en of hub nearest the
bracket. Plscu bear- ing between eprocKet moB
bracket vllh long 80ctloo Ot bHBFlhg W8 fFDM
8FO0k- et mid mmming thrmgh bracket C wlth
greaée fitttng outslde of bracket as When
assembling the attachment on a Jotn Deere MOdel
APB or BN8 tractor place the driven sprocket A,
Figur 3 on the outsldo of the bracket as
shosm. Secure the jackeheft drlPe assembly to tbe
front of tha rear axle ot the tractor with three
bol4a D, Fig- Replace depth adjusting lever A,
Figure 2, nnâ tighten all bolts. Figure 2 1
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Atteoh tJae drive aprockeI Fcure 3 on rear
vheel axle , In- lac the the el, dna ally ulth
tne II ven s prookeI . Ua e thin eJims (_at_9Q293
-) when aBa Ambling the lr1ve s procJset on
bodeI "A" Trao tore rna use thick shims
(/2_at_ddt-A) when resembling on a Model "B"
Tractor. lock strap B, Elgu 3, fits into he
ap11ne1 aile and pre- vents tbe sprocket from
turning on the axle. When attaching lock strap,
push 1s aovn tnto bottom of ep1lre na rotake
aprocke t backvrartt untll a snug flt la
obtained. There ere two holee In this lock strap.
Use the short end when attaohlng to a MoAel "A"
traotor end the long enA ie ueed with tbe John
Deere Model "B" tractor. Leaye bolte slightly
loose untll chains are los tallea na "ilned-up"
, then t I ght en all bolto thoroughly. Weela
ao not have to be removea to lriatall this a
procke t . Attach power lift arm 'T",F1gure P, o
power llft shsft so that pouer llft arm oap 1s to
the front of the treotor. Attach throwout arm "F"
Figure 2,to poor llft arm cup with upper bolt of
oap. laeten throwouC llnF G, Flguro 2, using the
hole In the end ot link when assembling the
ertlllzer attachment on a Model "A" Tractor. Uee
the eecona hole from the end of the link when
assembling on a Model "B" Tractor.
FITJRE t When settln8 up 2 or 26 Fertilizer
Attachment on a Model "B" tractor, use all four
spacers, two on eaoh tractor frroo shown as F,
Figure t. When eettIn_at_ up on Model A, no spacers
Pro required. Attach hopper bot Tom bracke ts
"A" to frame ana 8 holeo Rd BTOMB a
neOeesary for proper ep-ec ln8 IDBort hropjie
drive Bhaft "B " throu_at_ fiopper boston braoLet a
with era of edit cloaos t to holea flra t .
Aseemble hopper drive gears 0 onto hroppe
drive a1iat't ao hoppsre on ke4t -hana na
r1ght - hand s tae of mac hlne vt i1 be dz'lven
from The left a lde of hopper . on right -h na
siae of mac hlne localse hols a 9 end 3, of
hroppe drive a WPt, etratñltng cIaIn t i
Jtrene arm. On ieri -hand tae of nachlne hasø
holeø 1 and Ø ln hopper drlvø øhn4l s traåHlnØ
oha ln t l ghtøner arm . Waørt cottør plnø "D"
dn theøe hole a . Aaaemble hopper driven a procke
t E " to Copper dr he s halt lnaldc of cha
In tl hterier arm. Short hub of s procke t mrna
t be toward are. frioppe drive ahsft bear lng
mat be assemb beét with zerk I lttlng on outside
oI clsIn tlghtener amo. Attach hoppor drive chem
to hopper drive sheft driven sprocket and to
/ackslatt drive sprocket. Install clui1n iller
end roller on top of hopper drlve chem end tGe up
slaok In ohaln. Text attaoh hopper to hopper
bottom bracke t by ti pp jn8 hop- per f'o rd na
r It t1D8 he , In bottom OF hopper, Into
hooks of brac - ke t ma mOV 8 per to uprlght
posIt 1or. Secure with bold and wing nut on
lmpper. Assemble openers to culClvator tool bar
end attach spouts. 3
(No Transcript)
  • for identification purpoaee lt ie important to
    remember that your fertiliser attachment ls a
    "John Deere No. 2h or 26 Eert1ll,er Attachment
    for No. 88 Cultivator.
  • Exploded Vlewe
  • Prom the exploded views of psrts in the pegee
    which ollow, i is easy to find any pBrt or perk
  • The exploded viewe aleo show the order of
    assembly of perts.
  • If parts are aeeembled properly the terilizer
    atachmeo will perform better. If weariog
    vashere rsd other perte ere iQ thelr proper
    places, the prms will ver looger.
  • Key Pumber
  • Each part haa been given a key number vMch 1s
    used only aa a gut ñe I o flnd The part number ,
    dev cr lpt ton, and quant1ty used .
  • Do not use the key number vhen ordering parts.
  • Quantity
  • It' only one of each part i a used, The
    quant'lty 1s not 11sted .
  • If' aore than one of each park la used , the
    quantify is k1sted with The deacr ipt i on .
  • ten Rir chaa Ing Part a
  • When purchasin8 Ps, direct or by meil, or when
  • orders to yor John Deere dealer, 8've the
    following 1normetion
  • Give number of yor fertilizer attachment (No. 2h
  • ITo . 26) .
  • Give part nuaber , dea crlptlon and quant lay
    Danted .

Page 6 - - 9 10 - 11 12 3 i6 lT T 18- 19
Main Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Axle Sprockets, Jack Shafts rod Tbrow-out.
. . . . . . . fertilizer 8opper. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Lift Pipe Offeet with Clamps
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lift Arm and
Throw-out Blñk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dieh
wlth Boot end Scraper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Shoe Furrov Opener ................... Tool
Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Spear Point fertilizer Opener. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Numerical Index. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
J2 14 Ì 5 26 17
9 IQ Œ1 9
Bolt, Me . 7/16 a 3-1/2, witb Nut (2 useà) Arm,
Cbain Tlgbtener (2 ueed) Roller, Idler (2 used)
Specer, Idler (2 ueed) Wasber, Steel, 1/2" x
l-l/k" (2 used) Wesber, Loch, T/16 (2 used)
9Aeft, Bopper Orive (2 used) Chsln, gopper Drl ve
, If . 34 Street Cbeln, 61 Llnks (2
ueed) gTrrocbet Dr1 e Sba9t, U-'Tootb, No . 3k
Clam ( P uscd) Flttlog, Grease, StralgDt, 1/8" (
z uaed ) Sprocket, Drlve Sbaft, 10-Tootb, -
3 Un (2 used) Cap, Beerlng Flttlog, Greaae,
1/b, Bzacàet , l'eztll1zer Bottoa Geaz P1zz1on,
28B 20a D 2kB \T9 A
367 D Tl6D 22 3 o
TTJ9 22j2 D V66 D 77 k00g D 006 D
Pert Ro. TB 6fi8 B
3 D
12 R
a M

lT 18 19 20
21 2Z 23 2h 2g 26
Ee L2 13 15 16
EzmAe Bolt, Mecb., 5/8" x 2-1/2, xlth 8ex. Rut
(h used) Plate, Flller, Narrov Plate, I'111ez,
V1óe (2 useó) Support, Begrlog (2 used) Boix,
Mech., 1/2 x 1-1/4", vlth Puc ( h uaed) Vaebez
locg, Boix, Xacb. , mut (z ed ) Veaher,
Rock, /16" ( 2 u8ad) Washer, Steel, 15/16" x
1-1/2", No. 16 Pio, Cotter, 3/16 r 1-1/2" (2
used) Bearlog, Bopper Ebet (2 uaed) 8leeye,
Boj?yez Sbaf't (2 used )
T28 n 13 R SSR l2 R 23 D 8k R 225t D 2291 D
TU D 912 R 1R
(TB ( (UB (G ( (l2B 2ÀB lla M M
8 9 10 11
1 z
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Key Part No. 1 3 6k A
Descriptlon ShIm, Axle Sprocket (Thíet, for John
Deere Model "B" Tractor) Strap, Sprocket Lock (2
used) Shim, Axle Sprocket (Thln, íor John Deere
Moáel "A" Tractor) Bolt, Mach., z/i6" x 5", with
Nut (2 uaed) Washer, Lock, T/" ( 2 use d
) Sprocket, Axle (2 used) Bolt, Mach., j/16" x
l-i/2", with Not (z used) Washer, Lock, j/l6" (2
used) Washer, Lock, 7/i6 Washer, Steel, 1/2" x
1-1/a", No. 16 (3 uBed) Roller, Idler Spacer,
Idler Roller Bolt, Mach., T/16" 3-i/2",wire x i
Bolt, Mach., T/l6" x 1-1 4", leBs Nut Washer,
Lock, 7 16" Pin, Colt er , 3/ " 1 -1/2 ( 2 u
Be d ) Shaft, Jack
k (
688 B K R
( 12B
  • 6 ( zoo a
  • (l2R 10 R
  • 7 l2B 12 R
  • 8 2F8 l9 A
  • 9 G 35 D
  • lO ?8a 20a D
  • li /g 6J8 R
  • n (p 638
  • (l2B 12 R
  • 13 llB 8k R
  • IN M 23h9 D
  • 15 2k8 2L3 D
  • 16 JD T60
  • 1 (N 2j2 D
  • (N 2 28D
  • i8 (u 2J9 D
  • ( X9D
  • llB lj D
  • (N L6z D

Washer , Sheet, IQ/16" x k-l 2" , No .
16 9 used) Pitting, Grease, 6-1/2, 1/8" Bracket,
Throw-out, R.8. Bracket, Throw-out, L.8. Sleeve,
Ratchet, R.B. Sleeve, Ratchet, L.8. Pin, Cotter,
1/8" x l" Sprocket, Ratchet, R.B. Sprocket,
Ratchet, L.B. Fittin8, Grease, Straight, l 8
Spring, Throw-Out
3 z 22a ( T8 R 6j R Screw, Set, 3/8" x I" Bolt, Mach., T x 1-1/", with Nut
(l2H 12 R Washer, Lock, T/i6"
J TD Collar, Throw-0ut Spring 26 ( 67 D frame, Jack Shaft, R.B. J TD Collar, Throw-0ut Spring 26 ( 67 D frame, Jack Shaft, R.B. J TD Collar, Throw-0ut Spring 26 ( 67 D frame, Jack Shaft, R.B. J TD Collar, Throw-0ut Spring 26 ( 67 D frame, Jack Shaft, R.B. J TD Collar, Throw-0ut Spring 26 ( 67 D frame, Jack Shaft, R.B.
( 66 D ( 66 D ( 66 D Frome, Jack Shaft, L.8. Frome, Jack Shaft, L.8.
2 M 228L D Mm, Chain Tightener Mm, Chain Tightener
z8 ( 63 R Bolt, Mach., 7/i6 x 1-1/ ", with Nut (2 Bolt, Mach., 7/i6 x 1-1/ ", with Nut (2
used) used)
(lP8 12 R Washer, Lock, 7/16 (2 used) Washer, Lock, 7/16 (2 used)
29 R T7I fitting, Greaae, Straight, 1/8" fitting, Greaae, Straight, 1/8"
j0 M 229 D Bearing, Jack Shaft Bearing, Jack Shaft
31 M 22jl D Sleeve, Jack Shaft Sleeve, Jack Shaft
32 M 22/ D Spro et Jai Shaft (lb Tooth) Spro et Jai Shaft (lb Tooth)
34 N 683 D 2521 D Chain, Drive, No. 3 Steel Chain, _at_6 Link Cam, Throw-0ut Chain, Drive, No. 3 Steel Chain, _at_6 Link Cam, Throw-0ut
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