Case IH McCormick C-151 Disk Plow for use with Farmall C and Super C Tractors Setting Up Instructions Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006704R6) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH McCormick C-151 Disk Plow for use with Farmall C and Super C Tractors Setting Up Instructions Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006704R6)


Case IH McCormick C-151 Disk Plow for use with Farmall C and Super C Tractors Setting Up Instructions Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006704R6) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case IH McCormick C-151 Disk Plow for use with Farmall C and Super C Tractors Setting Up Instructions Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006704R6)

Disk Plow for use with Farmall C and Super C
Tractors Setting Up Instructions Owners Manual
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TOTHE OWNER The C-151 Disk Plo is used Cth the
/armail t and 8upor C Proctors equipped with
hydraulic Touch Oontzo1. The hydraulic touch
control, 1ni,- grsl with tho tractor, do s tho
1ob of aiju tlnC the piowing dept) -nd raises
ané lowers tne plot. The levers hy hich the
conrol is cperated are on the control pedestal
convenient to the driver. One Banul conrel
lever at the rear of tbe glow is used
occasionally lor "opening up" or when vxzying
conditions of the soil require t. 7he t0tal
width oF cut For the twO disks is 17". This
machine 1s compact ard close-coupled for easy
operation in any field. The rear wheel 14
automatically steered 1rom the front Of the
trac- tor, DGiWg it tasy tO fOllQU tmrVlng
terr8C99, tO pl0W uut C0rñe?0 o- UHck up t n t
ight spot s . fixcel tent work may be done in
hard dr y grounl, In s tick s oII r in
stony 0r root-infested land. ?he disk standard
adjustments are of especial va"..ue when bu
lldlng and maintaining terr.ces becaus e of tn e
luprov cd pt nh- ing ec ton In loos e grouna
. hi tih the proper se t ting, i arge puant
Ctrl es of soil may be moved t0 th Beamed
location. Ample adjustment 1s provieo in he
d1ak standards tO meet tus equiro- ment s I
mpose6 by the wlue '1elñ coridl t1ons which ning
be encoun- tered ?he disks way be tLlted
foraz'ct or hack From the norms1 position to
change the vertical engle. The disks may al9o be
turned S total o 11 of angle on a vertical axis
to change the suiting angle to meet unu-ual field
conditions. Three pairs of heel weights are
prorioed 1OP use on the rear wheel o the plow.
It 1s desirable at times, when the 9ot1 1s puuked
and hard, tO use additional etght on the roar
wheel. Three pairs Of wheel weights may be added
to those already on the heel. ?hcse are
ava1lablg on penia Order.
You are urgei to sons ltyour IntePnatlonul
harvester dealer eoncerntnp special plowtng
probl.cms. Within the International Harvester
Company are men ho have spent years in restareh
and study of piolzg oondttions. Let the exper
hence of" these nen servo you . Be sure to reai
the Ins t rue tions for 1\aj u iIng and tlpera
ttng in thin.s manual. Check each iem referred
to mnd acgumint yourself Cth thc adjust- cents
requ1red to do a good pl oetng j ob and to get
max mum trouñie- i"ree service froa your
equlpetent. . ..... ...........
..................... R emeabe r , e p I a / x
h I c h I s p r a pe r I y i u b r i c a I ed a
nd a d u s t e d a cv e y t Ime , 1 ab a r
end I ue ) c a e t c .
I I on app I y to in te r n a t I one I he rv
eate r p r oduc t s Sa I d unda r I he NcGo ra I
c k , NcCorei i ck - I n te r nat I ona) ,
McCorm I c k-0ee r I ng , or Nc Corm I c k -See r
i n g I n ie r nat i on a 1 I rade n axle .
( Se I t i n q It p I n s I r u c t i o n e ar e
o n p aga 9 )
To obtain the B8xim W9ar from tht disk blades,
run the glow level and see that time front disk
cuts approximately 8 ". The rear wñmel fearing
may be subjected to considerable unnecessary
wear lf the whoel Is not properly adjusted. Be
sure the wheel runs straight with th rur row
. After the plow has been used a short time,
check all bolts and set screws to make suzo they
are tlgnt and see that all cotter pins are spread
sufficlently to xeep thcm from falllng out.
When setting up or recounting the plot, see thet
all joints rork freely an5 do not bind . R a i
se t h e a a c h I ne e I ow ) y and u ct c h c
1 a se I y I o a ee I h a t i I i s s o a d j u
s I e d t h a I n a p ar t e s I r ik e I h e I r
a t a r be f or e c oe p I e t I n g t h e f u I
STSRTId4 THI3 FLOP Disks and scrapers are
finished to give them a high polish mnd are var-
nished before leaving the factory to prevent them
from rusting. Good ork cannot be accomplished
until the varnish 1s removed. RWiSfl BENOYffi'
Tke reeommewded method 1s to u9e a regular
prepared varnish removor which can be obtained
from almost any st or e hand11ng a line of palnts
. O0NtfNTRTE0 ltt Another method 1s to proeure
ordinary concentrated lye and mtx lt 1th tez,
making liquid strong enough tO remove the var-
nish. 0ne small an of ordinary lyc tO one quart
O aater ill be suffi- c lent to remove t he
varnls h from one d Ask. The Eye may be applied
by c lots or waste at taehea on the end of a st
lck . Af ter apply ing the the , let It stand
for a few nlnut ez, and 11' ne ces sary, repert
the operation. Cfi It T IO It I I y e I e p o i s
a n ou s and s h ou I d be k e p I aw a y I r oa
t he f a ce , h and s end c I a t h t n g . The
plow should be used immediately to prevent the
finished surfaces from rusting. Chlc he/er
method. 1s I oLlowed, be sure that all the
varnish 1s removed berore at tempt Eng to plow .
se the pressure lubricating gun furnishod with
the traotor and lubri- Cate the following places
twice d a I I y when t.he prow 1s In use 0ne
straight fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
axle bracket. Tao straight rlttings . . . . .
. . . . in disk bearings. Tao 67-1/2 elbow
fittings . . . . . . . . . . in wheel
boxes. when lubricating the disk bearings and
wheel boxes, be sure to force the lubricant all
the aay throuh the bearings until it begins to
oome out around I.tie edges . Continue to Jorce
time lubrScout In untII tche bear Ing As
lubricated its entire length. g e oe o b a r -
I u br I c a n t I e c h e ap and new ba a r i n
g e er e c a s I i r. U c e I u br I - CTOD
TBEL BEI4HTS To secure added traction f0r tough
plowlng and to better stabilize the tractor,
adding aeight on the tractor wheels 1s
recommended. F0r this puz- pose liquid, such as a
eaic rum c hlorlde soLut ion, can be In the rear
I mcs, or ona or two wnee1 wet ght s (available
froa your nay be at- tached I o the rear wnee Is
. In very I oose sotl It may be nec es s ary to
use both the 11quId and the we1 ght u to prevent
exces s Ave t me s 1 tppage .
When openlng up a land, first set the rear
adjusting lever to ithin two or three notches o
the top of the quadrant, thcn pull the left touch
con- rod lever to the rear until the plow As
working at the destrod depth. After the first
mrroe 1s opened, level the prow with the rear ley
er by sett ing it near the ceneer of tne
quadrant, then set touch control levec to
the desbred plowlng Sep th.
the plo1ng depth s regulated by the left touch
control lever hich ralges and lowers the hitch
and the front end of tne plow this adjustment 1s
made by the operator from the tractor seat. The
depth adjusting link is provided with a scre
a3ustment for ehng- Ing tha hekg nt or the
hltc ror extreme or unusual oondlt ions . Men
de- sired, this linJc may be lengthened for
deeper flowing, Or opening up s land, or when
maximum tire sizes are usea on the rear heels o/
the tractor. SDTM OP CUf The idth of cut is
determined by the Pay the traetor 1s driven, by
the tractor aheel treed, and by the ay the plO
1s edju9ted. see that the front disk cuts the
correct with, wñich is one-half of the total out
or B-1/8". Note that lt may be necessary to set
the right rear heel outwarQ s lightly when trhe
Y ac tor 1s equipped w1t,h large tires.
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