Title: PA System-Based School Bell Solutions by Vivency Technology LLC
1PA System Based School Bell Solutions
Improving Communication in Schools
2Your School Communication Experts
We provide advanced PA and school bell systems
for seamless communication and schedule
management in educational institutions
3PA System Solutions
Clear, School Wide Announcements
Features include microphone options, volume
control, and zoned announcements for efficient
4Automated School Bell Solutions
Effortless Time Management
Automated bells for classes and breaks, fully
customizable to your schedule, ensuring smooth
school operations
5Tailored to Your Needs
Fully customizable systems to fit your school's
schedule, with flexible programming and
6Emergency Notifications
Instant Crisis Communication
Rapid alerts for lockdowns or evacuations,
ensuring the safety of students and staff in
7Ease of Use Support
User-friendly, quick installation with ongoing
support and training for your staff
8Why Choose Vivency?
Reliable, Custom Solutions
Rapid alerts for lockdowns or evacuations,
ensuring the safety of students and staff in
9Contact Us
Lets Enhance Your School Communication. Contact
us for more details
971 4 238 4199
U A E Enterprise Building, Office 05, 206 - 8
Airport Rd, near Cargo Village - Garhoud - Dubai
10Thank You
For Your Attention