Title: SFI Certification
1 Sustainable Forestry Initiative or SFI is a
program and certification standard launched by
the American Forest and Paper Association in
1994. It later on became more independent and by
2007 a separate charity known as SFI
Inc. Sustainable Forestry Initiative was
recognized by the Programme for the Endorsement
of Forest Certification or PEFC, the largest
forest certifications system, as a standard in
2005. https//enhancequality.com/sustainable-fores
2What is Sustainable Forestry Initiative all
about? The SFI certification standard
compromises integral values like biodiversity
protection, species at risk and wildlife habitat
preservation, maintenance of harvest levels,
prompt regeneration and water quality
conservation. On January 1, 2010, after a
thorough open review process, the
new SFI 2010-2014 Standard was developed. All
certifications under the SFI standard require
audits done by third party entities that are
always from internationally accredited
certification bodies. Program participants such
as the United States and Canada are encouraged to
avoid any controversial sources and comply with
applicable laws. SFI also supports well-intended
projects that seek ways to address the issue of
illegal logging and other unlawful forest abuse.
3Officials who oversee the SFI program has three
divisions that equally recognize environmental,
economic and social sectors. The Board of
Directors generally include representatives from
professional loggers, academic groups,
environmental conservation advocates, public
officials, forest owners and concerned parties
from the forest industry. https//enhancequality.c
4According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization/ United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe, in one of its annual reviews, several
of the issues that set the previous differences
between certification systems have become less
distinct. SFI certification is considered to be
less rigid than the Forest Stewardship Council or
FSC. For instance, SFI does not demand
presentation of conservation strategies or
consultation with local stakeholders (with the
exception of public lands), and they also allow
extended tree farming. https//enhancequality.com/
5Although denied to be included despite its
efforts by the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design or LEED, SFI is still
supported by conservation groups like American
Bird Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, Conservation
International and Conservation Fund. The said
organizations believe that SFI reinforces
responsible harvesting, procurement of wood and
forestry. Some SFI program participants claim
that by conforming to the SFI standard, they are
able to reassure their customers and consumers
that the paper and forest products they provide
are taken from sustainable managed forests.