John Deere Z645 Zero Turn Mowers Operator’s Manual Instant Download (PIN120001-) (Publication No.OMM168435) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Deere Z645 Zero Turn Mowers Operator’s Manual Instant Download (PIN120001-) (Publication No.OMM168435)


John Deere Z645 Zero Turn Mowers Operator’s Manual Instant Download (PIN120001-) (Publication No.OMM168435) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere Z645 Zero Turn Mowers Operator’s Manual Instant Download (PIN120001-) (Publication No.OMM168435)

John Deere EZtrak OMM168435 F2
Original Instruction All information,
illustrations and specifications in this manual
are based on the latest information at the time
of publication. The right is reserved to make
changes at any time without notice. COPYRIGHT
2012 Deere Co. John Deere Ag Turf Division
All rights reserved Previous Editions COPYRIGHT
2009, 2010, 2011
Table of Contents lntroduction....................
.......................... 1 Product
2 Safety LabeIs...................................
........ 3 Safety ................................
...................... 6 Machine CIeanout
10 AssembIy.......................................
........ 11 Operating - ControIs
.............................. 13 Operating.......
14 Service lntervaIs..............................
...... 24 Service Lubrication.....................
........... 25 Service Engine ....................
.................. 26 Service Transmission
........................... 33 Service
38 Service EIectricaI.............................
...... 47 Service MisceIIaneous
.......................... 48 TroubIeshooting
51 Storage........................................
.......... 53 Specifications .....................
................... 53 DecIaration of Conformity
...................... 56 DecIaration of
Conformity .......................................
................................. 57 DecIaration
of Conformity ....................................
.................................... 59
......... 61 Getting QuaIity Service
......................... 62 Service
............................................ 64
Introduction Thank You for Purchasing a John
Deere Product We appreciate having you as a
customer and wish you many years of safe and
satisfied use of your machine.
Using Your Operator's Manual This manuaI is an
important part of your machine and shouId remain
with the machine when you seII it. Reading your
operators manuaI wiII heIp you and others avoid
personaI injury or damage to the machine.
lnformation given in this manuaI wiII provide the
operator with the safest and most effective use
of the machine. Knowing how to operate this
machine safeIy and correctIy wiII aIIow you to
train others who may operate this machine. lf you
have an attachment, use the safety and operating
information in the attachment operators manuaI
aIong with the machine operators manuaI to
operate the attachment safeIy and correctIy. This
manuaI and safety signs on your machine may aIso
be avaiIabIe in other Ianguages (see your
authorized deaIer to order). Sections in your
operators manuaI are pIaced in a specific order
to heIp you understand aII the safety messages
and Iearn the controIs so you can operate this
machine safeIy. You can aIso use this manuaI to
answer any specific operating or servicing
questions. A convenient index Iocated at the end
of this book wiII heIp you to find needed
information quickIy. The machine shown in this
manuaI may differ sIightIy from your machine, but
wiII be simiIar enough to heIp you understand our
instructions. RlGHT-HAND and LEFT-HAND sides are
determined by facing in the direction the machine
wiII traveI when going forward. When you see a
broken Iine (------), the item referred to is
hidden from view. Before deIivering this machine,
your deaIer performed a predeIivery inspection to
ensure best performance.
Machine Use This machine is designed soIeIy for
use in customary Iawn mowing and Iight grounds
care operations. Use in any other way is
considered as contrary to the intended use. This
machine is not intended for use in spraying
operations where hazardous substances may be
used. The manufacturer accepts no IiabiIity for
damage or injury resuIting from this misuse, and
these risks must be borne soIeIy by the user.
CompIiance with and strict adherence to the
conditions of operation, service and repair as
specified by the manufacturer aIso constitute
essentiaI eIements for the intended use. This
machine shouId be operated, serviced and repaired
onIy by persons famiIiar with aII its particuIar
characteristics and acquainted with the reIevant
safety ruIes (accident prevention). The accident
prevention reguIations, aII other generaIIy
recognized reguIations on safety and occupationaI
medicine and the road traffic reguIations must be
observed at aII times. Setting fueI deIivery
beyond pubIished factory specifications or
otherwise overpowering wiII resuIt in Ioss of
warranty protection for this machine. Any
arbitrary modifications carried out on this
machine wiII reIieve the manufacturer of aII
IiabiIity for any resuIting damage or
injury. Special Messages Your manuaI contains
speciaI messages to bring attention to potentiaI
safety concerns, machine damage as weII as
heIpfuI operating and servicing information.
PIease read aII the information carefuIIy to
avoid injury and machine damage.
lntroduction - 1
Product Identification
Product ldentification Number (A)
CAUTION Avoid injury! This symbol and text
highlight potential hazards or death to the
operator or bystanders that may occur if the
hazards or procedures are ignored.
Engine Serial Number On engine vaIve covers.
IMPORTANT Avoid damage! This text is used to
tell the operator of actions or conditions that
might result in damage to the machine.
Transaxle Serial Numbers S/N tag at rear of each
transaxIe housing. LEFT SlDE
Product Identification Record Identification
Numbers Zero Turn Mowers PlN (120001-) lf you
need to contact an Authorized Service Center for
information on servicing, aIways provide the
product modeI and identification numbers. You
wiII need to Iocate the modeI and seriaI number
for the machine, engine and transmission/transaxIe
of your machine and record the information in
the spaces provided beIow. DATE OF PURCHASE
Identification Number
Product ldentification - 2
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
Safety Labels
Safety Label Location
Safety Labels
MX45981 Picture Note Use label number listed in
table below to locate complete text of safety
label message following this illustration.
E- DANGER M146611 (Z645 only) F- DANGER
M118040 G- CAUTION M165708
Pictorial Safety Signs At severaI important
pIaces on this machine safety signs are affixed
intended to signify potentiaI danger. The hazard
is identified by a pictoriaI in a warning
triangIe. An adjacent pictoriaI provides
information how to avoid personaI injury.
Pictorial labels are required for certain parts
of the world. Your machine may not be equipped
with these labels. A- DANGER-POISON (On
M118041 D- DANGER M160860
These safety signs, their pIacement on the
machine and a brief expIanatory text are shown in
this Safety section.
Safety Labels
There can be additionaI safety information
contained on parts and components sourced from
suppIiers that is not reproduced in this
operators manuaI. WARNING M162849
  • M162849
  • Make sure that chiIdren stay cIear of mower at
    aII times when the engine is running.
  • Stay a safe distance from the machine.

Avoid Injury From Rotating Blades - M118041
  • This operators manuaI contains important
    information necessary for safe machine operation.
  • CarefuIIy read operators manuaI before operating
    machine. Observe aII safety ruIes to avoid
  • WARNING M162849
  • M118041
  • Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when
    engine is running.
  • Do not operate mower without discharge chute or
    entire grass catcher in pIace.
  • Avoid Injury From Rotating Blades and Thrown
  • - M118040
  • M162849
  • Keep safe distance from the machine as Iong as
    the engine is running.
  • WARNING M162849
  • M118040
  • Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when
    engine is running.
  • Do not operate mower without discharge chute or
    entire grass catcher in pIace.
  • Before mowing, cIear area of objects that may be
    thrown by bIade.
  • Stay cIear whiIe engine is running.
  • M162849
  • Do not drive where machine couId sIip or tip.
    Drive across sIopes, not up and down.

Avoid Injury From Loaded Spring
  • Do not drive on sIope with more than a 10º
  • DANGER M162849

Safety Labels
Avoid Injury From Getting Caught in Belts and
Blades - M160860
  • Stay cIear of beIts.
  • Do not operate mower without shieIds.
  • Keep fingers and hands away from pinch point.
  • Lock Iift pedaI before changing attachment.
  • Read operators manuaI before changing attachment.

Prevent Equipment Fires
  • CIean and inspect the entire machine.
  • CarefuIIy read Operators ManuaI Machine CIeanout
    section for detaiIs.
  • CE Certification and Specification Label - M160859

M160859 This IabeI on your machine indicates that
this modeI has been certified and is in
compIiance with European Directive 2006/42/EC
(98/37EEC) Standard.
  • On muIti-bIaded machines, take care as rotating
    one bIade can cause other bIades to rotate.
  • Safety
  • Training
  • Read the instructions carefuIIy. Be famiIiar with
    the controIs and the proper use of the equipment.
  • Operation
  • Do not operate the engine in a confined space
    where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can coIIect.
  • The residentiaI zero radius Iawn mower drives
    differentIy than a traditionaI riding mower.
    Learning to operate the controIs smoothIy and
    safeIy wiII take some time.
  • Mow onIy in dayIight or in good artificiaI Iight.
  • Before attempting to start the engine, disengage
    aII bIade attachment cIutches and shift into
  • Practice operating the residentiaI zero radius
    Iawn mower in a Iarge open area with the bIades
    off. Keep practicing untiI you feeI confident in
    your maneuvering and driving skiIIs.
  • Do not use on sIopes of degrees more than
    recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Remember there is no such thing as a safe sIope.
    TraveI on grass sIopes requires particuIar care.
    To guard against overturning
  • do not stop or start suddenIy when going up or
  • Never aIIow chiIdren or peopIe unfamiIiar with
    these instructions to use the Iawnmower. LocaI
    reguIations can restrict the age of the operator.
  • OnIy aIIow responsibIe aduIts, who have practiced
    driving the residentiaI zero radius Iawn mower
    and are famiIiar with the instructions to operate
    the machine.
  • Never mow whiIe peopIe, especiaIIy chiIdren, or
    pets are nearby.
  • engage cIutch sIowIy, aIways keep machine in
    gear, especiaIIy when traveIing downhiII
  • machine speeds shouId be kept Iow on sIopes and
    during tight turns
  • stay aIert for humps and hoIIows and other hidden
  • never mow across the face of a sIope, unIess the
    machine is designed for this purpose.
  • Keep in mind that the operator or user is
    responsibIe for accidents or hazards occurring to
    other peopIe or their property.
  • Do not carry passengers.
  • Use care when puIIing Ioads or using heavy
  • AII drivers shouId seek and obtain professionaI
    and practicaI instruction. Such instruction
    shouId emphasize
  • use onIy approved drawbar hitch points
  • the need for care and concentration when working
    with ride-on machines.
  • controI of a ride-on machine sIiding on a sIope
    wiII not be regained by the appIication of the
  • Iimit Ioads to those you can safeIy controI
  • do not turn sharpIy. Use care when reversing
  • use counterweights or wheeI weights when
    suggested in the operators manuaI.
  • The main reasons for Ioss of controI are
  • insufficient wheeI grip
  • Watch out for traffic when crossing or near
  • Stop the bIades from rotating before crossing
    surfaces other than grass.
  • being driven too fast
  • inadequate braking
  • Never direct discharge of materiaI toward
    bystanders nor aIIow anyone near the machine
    whiIe in operation.
  • the type of machine is unsuitabIe for its task
  • Never operate the machine with defective guards,
    or without safety protective devices in pIace.
  • Do not change the engine governor settings or
    overspeed the engine. Operating the engine at
    excessive speed can increase the hazard of
    personaI injury.
  • Before Ieaving the operators position
  • Iack of awareness of the effect of ground
    conditions, especiaIIy sIopes
  • incorrect hitching and Ioad distribution.
  • Preparation
  • WhiIe mowing, aIways wear substantiaI footwear
    and Iong trousers. Do not operate the equipment
    when barefoot or wearing open sandaIs.
  • disengage the drive to any attachments and Iower
  • change into neutraI and Iock the parking brake
  • stop the engine and remove the key.
  • ThoroughIy inspect the area where the equipment
    is to be used and remove aII objects which can be
    thrown by the machine.
  • WARNlNG-FueI is highIy fIammabIe.
  • Disengage drive to attachments, stop the engine,
    disconnect the spark pIug wires and remove the
    ignition key
  • store fueI in containers specificaIIy designed
    for this purpose.
  • refueI outdoors onIy and do not smoke whiIe
  • before cIearing bIockages or uncIogging chute
  • before checking, cIeaning, or working on the
  • after striking a foreign object. lnspect the
    machine for damage and make repairs before
    restarting and operating the equipment
  • if the machine starts to vibrate abnormaIIy
    (check immediateIy).
  • add fueI before starting the engine. Never remove
    the cap of the fueI tank or add fueI whiIe the
    engine is running or when the engine is hot.
  • if fueI is spiIIed, do not attempt to start the
    engine but move the machine away from the area of
    spiIIage and avoid creating any source of
    ignition untiI fueI vapors have dissipated.
  • Disengage drive to attachments when transporting
    or not in use.
  • repIace aII fueI tank and container caps secureIy.
  • Stop the engine and disengage drive to
  • before refueIing
  • RepIace fauIty siIencers.
  • Before using, aIways visuaIIy inspect to see that
    the bIades, bIade boIts and cutter assembIy are
    not worn or damaged. RepIace worn or damaged
    bIades and boIts in sets to preserve baIance.
  • before removing the grass catcher

  • before making height adjustment unIess adjustment
    can be made from the operators position.
  • Reduce the throttIe setting during run-out and,
    if the engine is provided with a shut-off vaIve,
    turn the fueI off at the concIusion of mowing.
  • any components with stored energy, such as
    hydrauIic components or springs.
  • ReIease hydrauIic pressure by Iowering attachment
    or cutting units to the ground or to a mechanicaI
    stop and move hydrauIic controI Ievers back and
  • Disconnect battery or remove spark pIug (for gas
    engines) before making any repairs. Disconnect
    the negative terminaI first and the positive
    Iast. Reconnect positive first and negative Iast.
  • Use care when checking bIades. Wrap the bIades or
    wear gIoves, and use caution when servicing them.
    OnIy repIace bIades. Never straighten or weId
  • Keep hands, feet, cIothing, jeweIry and Iong hair
    away from moving parts. lf possibIe, do not make
    adjustments with the engine running.
  • Read, understand and foIIow aII instructions in
    the manuaI and on the machine before starting.
  • lnspect machine before you operate. Repair or
    repIace damaged, badIy worn, or missing parts.
    Make any necessary adjustments before you operate.
  • Be sure aII drives are in neutraI and parking
    brake is Iocked before starting engine. OnIy
    start engine from the operators position.
  • Do not operate mower without discharge chute or
    entire grass catcher in pIace. Never operate with
    the discharge defIector raised, removed, or
    aItered, unIess using a grass catcher.
  • Check brake action before you operate. Adjust or
    service brakes as necessary.
  • Stop machine if anyone enters the area.
  • Charge batteries in an open weII ventiIated area,
    away from spark and fIames. UnpIug charger before
    connecting or disconnecting from battery. Wear
    protective cIothing and use insuIated tooIs.
  • Checking Mowing Area
  • CIear mowing area of objects that might be
    thrown. Keep peopIe and pets out of mowing area.
  • Do not Ieave machine unattended when it is
  • Use care when approaching bIind corners, shrubs,
    trees, or other objects that may obscure vision.
  • Low-hanging branches and simiIar obstacIes can
    injure the operator or interfere with
  • Use onIy accessories and attachments approved by
    the manufacturer of the machine. Keep safety
    IabeIs visibIe when instaIIing accessories and
  • Do not operate machine if you are under the
    infIuence of drugs or aIcohoI.
  • Data indicates operators 60 years and above are
    invoIved in a Iarge percentage of riding
    mower-reIated injuries. These operators shouId
    evaIuate their abiIity to operate the riding
    mower safeIy enough to protect themseIves and
    others from serious injury.

mowing operation. Before mowing, identify
potentiaI obstacIes such as Iow-hanging branches,
and trim or remove those obstacIes.
  • Study mowing area. Set up a safe mowing pattern.
    Do not mow where traction or stabiIity is
  • Test drive area with mower Iowered but not
    running. SIow down when you traveI over rough
  • Parking Safely
  • Stop machine on a IeveI surface, not on a sIope.
  • Disengage mower bIades.
  • Do not wear radio or music headphones. Safe
    service and operation requires your fuII
  • Use extra care when Ioading or unIoading the
    machine into a traiIer or truck.

3. Move motion controI Ievers out to the
Start/Shutdown position.
  1. Lock the park brake.
  2. Stop the engine.
  • Maintenance and Storage
  • Keep aII nuts, boIts and screws tight to be sure
    the equipment is in safe working condition.
  • Never store the equipment with fueI in the tank
    inside a buiIding where fumes can reach an open
    fIame or spark.
  1. Remove the key.
  2. Wait for engine and aII moving parts to stop
    before you Ieave the operators seat.
  • AIIow the engine to cooI before storing in any
  • To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine,
    siIencer, battery compartment and fueI storage
    area free of grass, Ieaves, or excessive grease.
  • Check the grass catcher frequentIy for wear or

8. Disconnect the negative battery cabIe or
remove the spark pIug wire (for gasoIine engines)
before servicing the machine.
Rotating Blades are Dangerous HELP PREVENT
  • RepIace worn or damaged parts for safety.
  • lf the fueI tank has to be drained, this shouId
    be done outdoors.
  • On muIti-bIaded machines, take care as rotating
    one bIade can cause other bIades to rotate.
  • When machine is to be parked, stored or Ieft
    unattended, Iower the cutting means unIess a
    positive mechanicaI Iock in used.
  • Rotating bIades can cut off arms and Iegs, and
    throw objects. FaiIure to observe safety
    instructions couId resuIt in serious injury or

  • Keep hands, feet and cIothing away from mower
    deck when engine is running.
  • Be aIert at aII times, drive forward and in
    reverse carefuIIy. PeopIe, especiaIIy chiIdren
    can move quickIy into the mowing area before you
    know it.
  • Use jack stands or Iock service Iatches to
    support components when required. SecureIy
    support any machine eIements that must be raised
    for service work.
  • Before backing up, stop mower bIades or
    attachments and Iook down and behind the machine
    carefuIIy, especiaIIy for chiIdren.
  • Before servicing machine or attachment, carefuIIy
    reIease pressure from

  • Do not mow in reverse.
  • Shut off bIades when you are not mowing.
  • a sIope.
  • Do not mow or operate machine on wet grass. Tires
    may Iose traction. Tires may Iose traction on
    sIopes even though the brakes are functioning
  • Park machine safeIy before Ieaving the operators
    station for any reason incIuding emptying the
    grasscatchers or unpIugging the chute.
  • The mower bIades shouId stop in approximateIy
    five seconds when the mower is disengaged. lf you
    beIieve that your bIades may not be stopping in
    that period of time, take your machine to your
    authorized deaIer where they can safeIy check and
    service your machine.
  • Avoid starting, stopping or turning on a sIope.
    lf the tires Iose traction, disengage the bIades
    and proceed sIowIy, straight down the sIope.
  • Keep aII movement on sIopes sIow and graduaI. Do
    not make sudden changes in speed or direction,
    which couId cause the machine to roII over.
  • Use extra care whiIe operating machine with
    grasscatchers or other attachments, they can
    affect stabiIity of the machine. Do not use on
    steep sIopes.
  • Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, embankments,
    or bodies of water. The machine couId suddenIy
    roII over if a wheeI goes over the edge or the
    edge caves in.
  • Leave at Ieast the width of the machine as a
    safety area between the machine and any safety
    hazard. Mow those areas with a hand-heId trimmer
    or waIk-behind mower.
  • FoIIow the manufacturers recommendations for
    wheeI weights or counterweights for added
    stabiIity when operating on sIopes or using front
    or rear mounted attachments. Remove weights when
    not required.
  • Drive machine sIowIy and avoid quick stops if
    attachment has been removed for servicing mower
    or machine.
  • Protect Children
  • Death or serious injury can occur when young
    chiIdren associate having fun with a Iawn mowing
    machine simpIy because someone has given them a
    ride on a machine.
  • ChiIdren are attracted to Iawn mowing machines
    and mowing activities. They dont understand the
    dangers of rotating bIades or the fact that the
    operator is unaware of their presence.
  • ChiIdren who have been given rides in the past
    may suddenIy appear in the mowing area for
    another ride and be run over or backed over by
    the machine.
  • Tragic accidents with chiIdren can occur if the
    operator is not aIert to the presence of
    chiIdren, especiaIIy when a chiId approaches a
    machine from behind. Before and whiIe backing up,
    stop mower bIades and Iook down and behind the
    machine carefuIIy, especiaIIy for chiIdren.
  • Keep Riders Off
  • OnIy aIIow the operator on the machine. Keep
    riders off.
  • Riders on the machine or attachment may be struck
    by foreign objects or thrown off the
  • Never carry chiIdren on a machine or attachment,
    even with the bIades off. Do not tow chiIdren in
    a cart or traiIer. They can faII off and be
    seriousIy injured or interfere with safe machine
  • machine causing serious injury.
  • Riders obstruct the operators view resuIting in
    the machine being operated in an unsafe manner.
  • Never use the machine as a recreationaI vehicIe
    or to entertain chiIdren.
  • Never aIIow chiIdren or an untrained person
    operate the machine. lnstruct aII operators not
    to give chiIdren a ride on the machine or in an
  • Towing Loads Safely
  • Stopping distance increases with speed and weight
    of towed Ioad. TraveI sIowIy and aIIow extra time
    and distance to stop.
  • Keep chiIdren indoors, out of the mowing area,
    and in the watchfuI eye of a responsibIe aduIt,
    other than the operator, when a mower is being
  • Stay aIert to the presence of chiIdren. Never
    assume that chiIdren wiII remain where you Iast
    saw them. Turn the machine off if a chiId enters
    the work area.
  • TotaI towed weight must not exceed combined
    weight of puIIing machine, baIIast and operator.
    Use counterweights or wheeI weights as described
    in the attachment or puIIing machine operators
  • Excessive towed Ioad can cause Ioss of traction
    and Ioss of controI on sIopes. Reduce towed
    weight when operating on sIopes.
  • Use extreme care when approaching bIind corners,
    shrubs, trees, or other objects that may bIock
    your view of a chiId.
  • Never aIIow chiIdren or others in or on towed
  • Use onIy approved hitches. Tow onIy with a
    machine that has a hitch designed for towing. Do
    not attach towed equipment except at the approved
    hitch point.
  • FoIIow the manufacturers recommendations for
    weight Iimits for towed equipment and towing on
  • Avoid Tipping
  • SIopes are a major factor reIated to
    Ioss-of-controI and tip-over accidents, which can
    resuIt in severe injury or death. Operation on
    aII sIopes requires extra caution.
  • Mow across sIopes, not up and down.
  • Never mow on any sIope that is more than 10
    degrees, or a sIope that rises more than 3-1/2
    feet within a distance of 20 feet of distance.
  • Make a safe choice when operating on sIopes. lf
    you feeI uncomfortabIe on a hiIIside, or if you
    feeI the front of the machine start to creep down
    the sIope, stop mowing immediateIy and proceed
    sIowIy and safeIy down the sIope.
  • lf you cannot back up a sIope with a towed Ioad,
    the sIope is too steep to operate on with the
    towed Ioad. Reduce the towed Ioad or do not
  • Do not turn sharpIy. Use additionaI caution when
    turning or operating under adverse surface
    conditions. Use care when reversing.
  • Do not shift to neutraI and coast downhiII.
  • lf steering direction cannot be maintained with
    sIight steering corrections, the sIope is too
    steep to mow.
  • Watch for hoIes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other
    hidden objects. Uneven terrain couId overturn the
    machine. TaII grass can hide obstacIes.
  • Choose a Iow ground speed so you wiII not have to
    stop or shift whiIe on

  • Wear Appropriate Clothing
  • AIways wear eye protection when operating the
  • UnpIug battery charger before connecting or
    disconnecting from the battery. Wear protective
    cIothing and use insuIated tooIs.
  • Do not strike the fIywheeI with a hammer or hard
    object because the fIywheeI may Iater shatter
    during operation.
  • Wear cIose fitting cIothing and safety equipment
    appropriate for the job.
  • lf equipped with hydrauIic Iift - reIease
    hydrauIic pressure by Iowering attachment or
    cutting units to the ground or to a mechanicaI
    stop and move hydrauIic controI Ievers back and
  • WhiIe operating this machine, aIways wear
    substantiaI footwear and Iong trousers. Do not
    operate the equipment when barefoot or wearing
    open sandaIs.
  • Avoid High Pressure Fluids
  • HydrauIic hoses and Iines can faiI due to
    physicaI damage, kinks, age, and exposure. Check
    hoses and Iines reguIarIy. RepIace damaged hoses
    and Iines.
  • Wear a suitabIe protective device such as
    earpIugs. Loud noise can cause impairment or Ioss
    of hearing.
  • Practice Safe Maintenance
  • OnIy quaIified, trained aduIts shouId service
    this machine. Understand service procedure before
    doing work.
  • HydrauIic fIuid connections can Ioosen due to
    physicaI damage and vibration. Check connections
    reguIarIy. Tighten Ioose connections.
  • Escaping fIuid under pressure can penetrate the
    skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by
    reIieving pressure before disconnecting hydrauIic
    or other Iines. Tighten aII connections before
    appIying pressure.
  • Search for Ieaks with a piece of cardboard.
    Protect hands and body from high pressure fIuids.
  • lf an accident occurs, see a doctor immediateIy.
    Any fIuid injected into the skin must be
    surgicaIIy removed within a few hours or gangrene
    may resuIt. Doctors unfamiIiar with this type of
    injury shouId reference a knowIedgeabIe medicaI
    source. Such information is avaiIabIe from Deere
    Company MedicaI Department in MoIine, lIIinois,
    U.S.A. lnformation may be obtained in the United
    States and Canada onIy by caIIing 1-800-822- 8262.
  • Never operate machine in a cIosed area
  • where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can
  • Keep aII nuts and boIts tight, especiaIIy bIade
    attachment boIts, to be sure the equipment is in
    safe working condition.
  • Never tamper with safety devices. Check their
    proper operation reguIarIy.
  • Keep machine free of grass, Ieaves or other
    debris buiId-up. CIean up oiI or fueI spiIIage
    and remove any fueI-soaked debris. AIIow the
    machine to cooI before storing.
  • lf you strike a foreign object, stop and inspect
    the machine. Repair, if necessary, before
  • Never make any adjustments or repairs with the
    engine running. Wait for aII movement to stop on
    machine before adjusting, cIeaning or repairing.
  • Prevent Fires
  • Besides routine maintenance, one of the best ways
    to keep your John Deere equipment running
    efficientIy and to reduce fire risk is to
    reguIarIy remove debris buiIdup from the machine.
  • PIease review these recommendations with aII
    operators. See your John Deere deaIer with
  • Check grasscatcher components and the discharge
    guard frequentIy and repIace with manufacturers
    recommended parts, when necessary. Grasscatcher
    components are subject to wear, damage, and
    deterioration which couId expose moving parts or
    aIIow objects to be thrown.
  • Mower bIades are sharp. Wrap the bIade or wear
    gIoves, and use extra care when servicing them.
    OnIy repIace bIades. Never straighten or weId
  • questions.
  • AIways foIIow aII safety procedures posted on the
    machine and in this operator manuaI. Before
    carrying out any inspection or cIeaning, aIways
    shut off engine, set parking brake and remove
    ignition key.
  • After operating, aIIow machine to cooI in an open
    area before cIeaning or storing. Do not park
    machine near fIammabIe materiaIs such as wood,
    cIoth or chemicaIs.
  • Empty any grasscatcher bags or containers
    compIeteIy before storing.
  • Check brake operation frequentIy. Adjust and
    service as required.
  • Maintain or repIace safety and instruction
    IabeIs, as necessary.
  • On muIti-bIaded machines, take care as rotating
    one bIade can cause other bIades to rotate.
  • Keep hands, feet, cIothing, jeweIry, and Iong
    hair away from any moving parts, to prevent them
    from getting caught.
  • Lower any attachments to the ground before
    cIeaning or servicing machine. Disengage aII
    power and stop the engine. Lock park brake and
    remove the key. Let machine cooI.
  • SecureIy support any machine eIements that must
    be raised for service work. Use jack stands or
    Iock service Iatches to support components when
  • Disconnect battery or remove spark pIug wire (for
    gasoIine engines) before making any repairs.
    Disconnect negative terminaI first and positive
    Iast. lnstaII positive terminaI first and
    negative Iast.
  • Frequency of these inspections and cIeaning wiII
    vary depending on a number of factors incIuding
    operating conditions, machine configuration,
    operating speeds and weather conditions
    particuIarIy dry, hot and windy conditions. When
    you are operating in these conditions, inspect
    and cIean these areas frequentIy throughout the
  • Wind direction, terrain type and moisture content
    of surrounding vegetation can effect where and
    how much debris accumuIates.
  • Debris can accumuIate anywhere on the machine,
    especiaIIy on horizontaI surfaces.
  • Before servicing machine or attachment, carefuIIy
    reIease pressure from any components with stored
    energy, such as hydrauIic components or springs.
  • Keep aII parts in good condition and properIy
    instaIIed. Fix damage immediateIy. RepIace worn
    or broken parts.
  • Keeping engine area cIean wiII provide the
    greatest impact on fire prevention. Other areas
    requiring reguIar inspection and cIeaning incIude
    behind wheeI rims, wire harness, hose/Iine
    routings, mowing attachments, etc. Compressed
    air, Ieaf bIowers or high pressured water can
    assist keeping these areas cIean.
  • Charge batteries in an open, weII-ventiIated
    area, away from sparks.

Machine Cleanout
  • eIectric discharge can ignite fueI vapors in an
    ungrounded fueI container.
  • Never fiII containers inside a vehicIe or on a
    truck or traiIer bed with a pIastic Iiner. AIways
    pIace containers on the ground away from your
    vehicIe before fueIing.
  • Excess Iubrication or fueI/oiI Ieaks or spiIIs on
    the machine can aIso serve as coIIection sites
    for debris. Prompt machine repair and oiI/fueI
    cIeanup wiII minimize the potentiaI for debris
    coIIection and reduced cooIing throughout machine
  • Bearing faiIures or overheating can resuIt in a
    fire. To reduce this risk, aIways foIIow the
    instructions in the machine operators manuaI
    regarding Iubrication intervaIs and Iocations.
    Washing the machine whiIe warm may aIso reduce
    bearing Iife and increase potentiaI for premature
    bearing faiIure.
  • AIways shut off fueI when storing or transporting
    machine, if the machine has a fueI shutoff.
  • Remove fueI-powered equipment from the truck or
    traiIer and refueI it on the ground. lf this is
    not possibIe, then refueI such equipment with a
  • portabIe container, rather than from a fueI
    dispenser nozzIe.
  • Keep the nozzIe in contact with the rim of the
    fueI tank or container opening at aII times untiI
    the fueIing is compIete. Do not use a nozzIe
    Iock- open device.
  • Never overfiII fueI tank. RepIace fueI tank cap
    and tighten secureIy.
  • RepIace aII fueI container caps secureIy after
  • Tire Safety
  • ExpIosive separation of a tire and rim parts can
    cause serious injury or death
  • Do not attempt to mount a tire without the proper
    equipment and experience to perform the job.
  • For gasoIine engines, do not use gas with
    methanoI. MethanoI is harmfuI to your heaIth and
    to the environment.

Handling Waste Product and Chemicals Waste
products, such as, used oiI, fueI, cooIant, brake
fIuid, and batteries, can harm the environment
and peopIe
  • AIways maintain the correct tire pressure. Do not
    infIate the tires above the recommended pressure.
    Never weId or heat a wheeI and tire assembIy. The
    heat can cause an increase in air pressure
    resuIting in a tire expIosion. WeIding can
    structuraIIy weaken or deform the wheeI.
  • Do not use beverage containers for waste fIuids -
    someone may drink from them.
  • See your IocaI RecycIing Center or authorized
    deaIer to Iearn how to recycIe or get rid of
    waste products.
  • When infIating tires, use a cIip-on chuck and
    extension hose Iong enough to aIIow you to stand
    to one side and NOT in front of or over the tire
  • Check tires for Iow pressure, cuts, bubbIes,
    damaged rims or missing Iug boIts and nuts.
  • See your IocaI RecycIing Center or authorized
    deaIer to Iearn how to put your machine out of
    service at the end of the machines service Iife.
  • Machine Cleanout
  • Prevent Fires
  • Besides routine maintenance, one of the best ways
    to keep your John Deere equipment running
    efficientIy and to reduce fire risk is to
    reguIarIy remove debris buiIdup from the machine.
  • PIease review these recommendations with aII
    operators. See your John Deere deaIer with
  • Checking Wheel Hardware
  • A serious accident couId occur causing serious
    injury if wheeI hardware is not tight.
  • Check wheeI hardware tightness often during the
    first 100 hours of operation.
  • WheeI hardware must be tightened to specified
    torque using the proper procedure anytime it is

Handling Fuel Safely
  • AIways foIIow aII safety procedures posted on the
    machine and in this operator manuaI. Before
    carrying out any inspection or cIeaning, aIways
    shut off engine, set parking brake and remove
    ignition key.
  • After operating, aIIow machine to cooI in an open
    area before cIeaning or storing. Do not park
    machine near fIammabIe materiaIs such as wood,
    cIoth or chemicaIs.
  • Empty any grasscatcher bags or containers
    compIeteIy before storing.

To avoid personal injury or property damage, use
extreme care in handling fuel. Fuel is extremely
flammable and fuel vapors are explosive
  • Extinguish aII cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and
    other sources of ignition.
  • Use onIy approved non-metaI, portabIe fueI
    containers. lf using a funneI, make sure it is
    pIastic and has no screen or fiIter.
  • Never remove the fueI tank cap or add fueI with
    the engine running. AIIow engine to cooI before
  • Frequency of these inspections and cIeaning wiII
    vary depending on a number of factors incIuding
    operating conditions, machine configuration,
    operating speeds and weather conditions
    particuIarIy dry, hot and windy conditions. When
    you are operating in these conditions, inspect
    and cIean these areas frequentIy throughout the
  • Wind direction, terrain type and moisture content
    of surrounding vegetation can effect where and
    how much debris accumuIates.
  • Never add fueI to or drain fueI from the machine
    indoors. Move machine outdoors and provide
    adequate ventiIation.
  • Debris can accumuIate anywhere on the machine,
    especiaIIy on horizontaI surfaces.
  • Keeping engine area cIean wiII provide the
    greatest impact on fire prevention. Other areas
    requiring reguIar inspection and cIeaning incIude
    behind wheeI rims, wire harness, hose/Iine
    routings, mowing attachments, etc. Compressed
    air, Ieaf bIowers or high pressured water can
    assist keeping these areas cIean.
  • CIean up spiIIed fueI immediateIy. lf fueI is
    spiIIed on cIothing, change cIothing immediateIy.
    lf fueI is spiIIed near machine, do not attempt
    to start the engine but move the machine away
    from the area of spiIIage. Avoid creating any
    source of ignition untiI fueI vapors have
  • Never store the machine or fueI container where
    there is an open fIame, spark. or piIot Iight
    such as on a water heater or other appIiance.
  • Primary areas that must be inspected and cIeaned
    on the machine
  • Prevent fire and expIosion caused by static
    eIectric discharge. Static
  • Machine CIeanout - 10

incIude (See Safety LabeI Section) a.Exhaust
manifoId, muffIer pipe, muffIer and muffIer
b.Engine intake screens (A), cooIing fins (B) and
oiI cooIer.
  • MX49285
  • e.Under the seat and near fuse bIock (G),
    incIuding the battery (H) and wiring harness.
  • Excess Iubrication or fueI/oiI Ieaks or spiIIs on
    the machine can aIso serve as coIIection sites
    for debris. Prompt machine repair and oiI/fueI
    cIeanup wiII minimize the potentiaI for debris
    coIIection and reduced cooIing throughout machine
  • Bearing faiIures or overheating can resuIt in a
    fire. To reduce this risk, aIways foIIow the
    instructions in the machine operators manuaI
    regarding Iubrication intervaIs and Iocations.
    Washing the machine whiIe warm may aIso reduce
    bearing Iife and increase potentiaI for premature
    bearing faiIure.
  • AIways shut off fueI when storing or transporting
    machine, if the machine has a fueI shutoff.

MX48862 c.Top of mower deck, under shieIds (C),
incIuding spindIe and beIt area (D).
Assembly Charge and Connect Battery
  • CAUTION Avoid injury! The battery produces a
    flammable and explosive gas. The battery may
  • Do not smoke or have open flame near battery.
  • Wear eye protection and gloves.
  • Never check battery charge by placing a metal
    object across the posts. Use a voltmeter or
  • Do not jump start or charge a frozen battery.
    Warm battery to 16C (60F).

d.On or near transaxIes (E) and beIt drives and
fins (F).
  • Remove and discard the red positive ()
    protective cap from the positive () battery
  • Charge the battery.
  • Battery is fuIIy charged at 12.6 voIts.
  • Connect positive () battery cabIe to battery.
  • Connect negative () battery cabIe.

  • AppIy generaI purpose grease or siIicone spray to
    terminaI to heIp prevent corrosion.
  • SIide red cover over positive battery cabIe.
  • Install Seat
  • Z645 Models

MX45961 1. Remove rear boIt (A) and discard
pIastic washer from each side of seat bracket (B).
  • Loosen front boIt (C) on each side of seat
  • Lift seat back to operating position and insert
    boIts removed earIier into hoIes (D) on each side
    of seat.
  • Tighten four boIts to 24 Nm (18 Ib-ft).
  • Check Tire Pressure
  • Check tire pressure. (See Checking Tire Pressure
    in the SERVlCE MlSCELLANEOUS section.)
  • Adjust Mower Deck Level (42 and 48)
  • Adjust mower deck IeveI. (See Adjusting Mower
    Deck LeveI in the OPERATlNG section.)
  • Check Engine Oil Level
  • Check engine oiI IeveI. (See Checking Engine OiI
    LeveI in the SERVlCE ENGlNE section.)
  • Check Machine Safety System
  • Perform safety system check to make sure the
    eIectronic safety interIock circuit is
    functioning properIy. Perform aII tests. (See
    Testing Safety System in the OPERATlNG section.)

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Operating - Controls
Operator Station Controls
Operating - Controls
MX48859, MX41661
Key Description Key Description
A Left Motion ControI Lever H Right Motion ControI Lever
B HeadIight (lf equipped) Left avaiIabIe for Z225, Left and Right l FueI Tank Cap
avaiIabIe for Z425, Z645.
C Park Brake Lever (Z225 styIe shown) J lgnition Key Switch
D Seat Adjustment Lever K HeadIight Switch (lf equipped)
E Deck Height Pin L Hourmeter
F Mower Deck Lift Lever M Mower Engagement Switch
G Mower Deck Lift PedaI N ThrottIe/Choke ControI Lever
(Z645 with 48 in. High Capacity deck onIy)
Operating - ControIs - 13
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