Title: Best Notary Database and Scheduling Software
Best Notary Database and Scheduling Software
2About CloseWise
CloseWise was built by and for signing agents and
services alike to not only to increase your
productivity, but to give all parties peace of
mind. As Notary and attorney signing agents
ourselves, we wanted a simple way to focus on
keeping our closings up to date and orderly for
our clients during the day while not having to
track our accounting and business reports at
night. As the owners of signing companies, we
wanted a platform that could automate the
scheduling process, accounting, reports, and
cohesion between valued clients and signing
agents while being able to focus on the quality
of our business... not to mention quality of
3Users of CloseWise
We have a software for everyone involved in a
mortgage/loan closing process. Our loan
origination software can by used by -
- Signing Agents
- Signing Services
- Title Escrow Companies
4Features of CloseWise Software
Accounting CloseWise is all-in-one. We keep the
entirety of your business in one place. Under
this feature, you can generate pro?t loss
report, expense tracking, track of payments,
automated invoice, etc. Payment
Processing Receive your payments from CloseWise
vendors directly through the platform. Agent
Payroll approval automation, receive payments
directly through CloseWise by linking your
accounts, payroll made easy and trackable to
minimize discrepancies. Scheduling Stay up to
date and in the know with all dates and details
at a glance. With our software, you will get
various features, such as Bookings, Master
Schedule, Calendar Integration, Available Agent
Listings, Easy Call Con?rm Features, etc.
5Features of CloseWise Software
- Noti?cations
- Let us help! You have enough to keep track of in
your day to day. CloseWise noti?cations keep you
ahead of the job with minimal effort, Settings
allow you to choose what reminders and
noti?cations you want to receive and how. - Reporting
- Analyze each avenue of your business. Here, you
can generate reports of Mileage Log, Receipt
Tracking, Status Reports and Summary. - Closing File Details
- Everything you need for your assignments at a
glance. Click the action button and see all the
details of your order. Signer information,
Lender and Client information, Appointment
details, Critical Document Uploads from your
client, Activity logs of all actions taken on the
order, Expenses directly related to the order you
have added, Special Instructions from your
6Contact Us
Email support_at_closewise.com Call Us 1 (800)
555-5666 Website https//www.closewise.com/