Title: Steve Scalabrini - A Passionate Change-Maker - Oakland, NJ
1Steve Scalabrini
Senior Preconstruction Engineer at Skanska USA
Former Assistant Project Manager at A. Autiello
Construction Co.
2(No Transcript)
3Steve Scalabrinis blend of technical expertise,
practical experience, and academic pursuit
positions him as a knowledgeable and capable
professional in construction and engineering
4Earlier in his career, Steven Scalabrini worked
at A. Autiello Construction Co., Inc. in
Cranston, RI, from November 2013 to September
2014. His time there laid the groundwork for his
professional development, allowing him to refine
his technical skills and gain practical
experience in the construction industry.
5While working at Skanska USA Building, Steve
Scalabrini specialized in estimating civil,
structural, and architectural trades. He provided
detailed quantity takeoffs and pricing,
demonstrating his analytical skills and precision
in cost estimation.
6Steven Scalabrini has demonstrated expertise in
construction project management through various
roles and experiences.
7Steven Scalabrini has assisted contractors across
plumbing, electrical, flooring, and painting
tasks on job sites, ensuring daily operations
were reported to project managers and tasks were
completed efficiently.
8At C. Mancini Construction Drywall and
Acoustical, Inc. in New Jersey, Steve Scalabrini
carried out a variety of responsibilities on
construction sites, showcasing exceptional
management skills by successfully handling
multiple projects. His hands-on approach and
ability to oversee complex tasks have contributed
to his growing expertise in the field.
9Thank You
To know more about him visit his official site