Title: Christmas with Angels 8 Lucia Chuvilyaeva
With Angels
2Lucy Chuvilyaeva is one of the most amazing young
Saint Petersburg artists of our time. Starting to
create paintings from a young age, she is a true
professional who puts her soul into every work.
Each of her paintings is a fascinating story and
her Solar Angels are not just interesting
images, they are a gift for you, a piece of
sincerity, joy and happiness. Lucy's creativity
does not leave indifferent, because she puts her
soul and love into it, each work carries the
warmth of the artist, that is why it is
impossible to pass by!
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51Images Internet All copyrights belong to
their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound The Piano Guys - Carol of the
Bells Angels from the Realms of Glory (with
Peter Hollens and David Archuleta)