Title: EMDR Remote’s Training Program – Offer Loaded Benefits
1Welcome To
EMDR Remote
2EMDR Remotes Training Program Offer Loaded
As things are changing rapidly and working with
clients remotely is quickly becoming a necessity.
EDMR Remote is considered one of the most
powerful EDMR tool. Whether you use EMDR Remote
in your office or with clients remotely this tool
helps you securely connect with your clients from
anywhere in the world. With the help of EMDR
Remote, you can easily serve your clients more
effectively using Video Service with built-in
world-class Distraction Technology.
3Among the many treatments shifting to a virtual
mode, EMDR as a psychotherapy became recognized
as an accessible and affordable option, and
advancements in this modality continue to roll
out. Presently, people are experiencing an
increasing emergence of self-guided EMDR programs
that enable users to undertake the therapy
anytime they want, without needing to wait for an
appointment with a therapist.
4Certain reasons that make people love using EDMR
Remote include-
Monitor Your Client the Way You Like It
If youre attending face-to-face session, the
world-class distraction task technology is built
in a way so that you could have full control over
the session.
5Cover Distance
Losing clients because to them moving away is no
longer an option. Actually, you can now easily
reduce their travel time to 0 so you can treat
those Im too busy for therapy cases too.
Better Working Memory Load
This most efficient therapy makes use of best
EDMR tool over traditional EDMR so that higher
efficiency can be easily achieved. Today, it
helps therapists continue their treatment for
free. The most advanced software suite available
today provides EMDR therapists with everything
they need.
6EMDR Remotes training program is ideal for
several institutions that can use at no cost to
you. certain features include- Easy training to
unlimited number of EDMR clinicians at one
time. Provide big training room for a speaker to
train a large group of trainees. Accessibility of
small breakout rooms with EDMR BLS tools ready
for practicum Accessibility to medium discussion
group for assistants and trainers to meet with
multiple breakout groups face to face answer
questions. Easy to switch from therapists,
clients or observer. Easy to change the group
training and practicum with a click of a few
7The End
info_at_EMDRremote.com United States, New York
City www.emdrremote.com