Title: Maraj Electric, Inc. - Unmatched Electrical Excellence in NYC
1Maraj Electric, Inc.
Electrical Contractor with Master Electrician
2(No Transcript)
3One of the best and top New York City Based
Licensed Electrical Contractor, Maraj Electric,
Inc. is a full-time service provider for all
sorts of electrical work. They were initially
located in Queens County, New York, and were
launched in 2013 by its owner George Maraj.
4The main aim to start this business was to
provide the highest quality and the best
electrical services to the citys industrial and
municipal contracting service.
5The aim of perseverance and brotherhood that were
the core reasons to start the company is still
present and running through the companys being.
With the passing years, Maraj Electric has proved
itself to be stronger and committed to quality.
6Maraj Electric has numerous certifications and is
fully capable of providing different types of
electric installations, with heavy industrial
installations being their specialization.
7Maraj Electric Inc has provided its safe and
quality-centric services to some of the best
clients, including NYC Health and hospitals
corporation, the NYC department of environmental
protection, the NYC department of homeless
services, and the NYC transit authority (MTA).
8Thank You
Find out more at http//www.marajelectric.com