Title: Andrey Remnev 4 (Russian, 1962)
1 Andrey Remnev
2Andrey Remnev (1962)
Vaslav (Ballets Russes) 2017
3The golden slave (Ballets Russes)
4(No Transcript)
5Bronislava 2017 (Ballets Russes)
Iron logic, 2013
Andrey Remnev (1962)
6Andrey Remnev (1962) Bronislava
2017 48x40cm detail
7Andrey Remnev (1962)
8 Favourite 2015
Andrey Remnev (1962) 110x95cm
9Andrey Remnev (1962) Favourite 2015 Fragment
10Andrey Remnev (1962)
11Chiromancy (Palmistry art) 2011
Andrey Remnev (1962)
12Andrey Remnev (1962) Chiromancy (Palmistry art)
13Portrait of Artem Ovcharenko Bolshoi Theatre
Ship, 2013 29x29 cm
Andrey Remnev (1962)
14Andrey Remnev (1962)
Prima ballerina Olga Smirnova, 2017
15Andrey Remnev (1962)
Code 2016
16Andrey Remnev (1962) Code 2016 100x50cm fragments
17Andrey Remnev (1962)
Andromeda galaxy 2017
18Andrey Remnev (1962)
Strelka. Beginning, 2015
19Andrey Remnev (1962)
Night Watch 2012
20Andrey Remnev (1962)
Papagena's dream 2009
21Andrey Remnev (1962)
Navigator 2015
22Andrey Remnev (1962)
23Andrey Remnev (1962) 45x45 cm
Reverse Avers 2010
24Andrey Remnev (1962)
Midsummer night, 2003
Portrait Sasha 2005
25Andrey Remnev (1962)
Snow of October 2006
26Portrait of a series Silk Road 2013
Andrey Remnev (1962)
27Andrey Remnev (1962)
Portrait of a series Silk Road Lisa and Kate
Diptych 2014
28Andrey Remnev (1962)
29Andrey Remnev (1962)
Samaria 2004
30Andrey Remnev (1962)
Spring 2010
Étude detail
31Andrey Remnev (1962)
32Andrey Remnev (1962)
33Andrey Remnev (1962)
Urtica (2013)
Hole 2009
34Andrey Remnev (1962)
Zingaro Sunny wind, 2014
35Andrey Remnev (1962)
Angel Zahariya 2007
36Andrey Remnev (1962)
37Andrey Remnev (1962)
38Andrey Remnev (1962)
Strelka 2015
39Andrey Remnev (1962) Strelka 2015
40Andrey Remnev (1962) Strelka 2015 fragment
41Andrey Remnev (1962)
Hortus 2013
42Contemporary Russian artist Andrey Remnev is a
rising superstar on the art scene today. Born in
Yakhroma, a small town outside of Moscow, his
work is very influenced by traditional Russian
icons. One of the reasons for this is that Remnev
began his education studying icon painting at the
Holy Andronic Monastery in Moscow. The monastery
is the home of innumerable Russian Orthodox
artworks, many of which were painted by the
abbeys most famous monk and artist, Andrei
Rublev (1360-1427). Remnev combines the old with
the new in his own unique style to create a
statement about our modern world. Just like
Russian icon art, Remnevs work is decorative,
colorful and deeply symbolic. My paintings are
distinguished by attention to detail and
meticulous decorating, in a traditional Russian
style, he says. Remnevs work seems very
traditional initially with the dresses and
costumes worn by his characters. Upon closer
inspection you can see elegant additions that
propel the piece right into contemporary times.
Women play an important role in Remnevs
paintings, often taking up a large part of the
picture plan contrasted by a miniature town. This
compositional technique makes the women look
powerful. Remnev uses this traditional device of
shrinking the space around the main character to
give them a feeling of monumentality or
It was a technique employed by Renaissance
artists, particularly Leonardo da Vinci. The
women in his paintings possess a universal
quality of grandeur and mystery. Remnev explains,
My characters are not real women, but
symbols. He is not looking to make his women
have specific character traits, but to stand for
a concept or ideal. Remnev believes that art in
general is accountable for what it brings to the
world. He wants his art to bring beauty to the
world, to create a type of eternal beauty. Cathy
Locke - Musings-on-art.org.
43Text and pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Natasha Morozova - Song about
birds Dropped the ring Spring freckle