Title: Berit 2 (Norwegian, 1964)
2Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Thalia et Tutu la
3Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Celestine
Photo de classe
4Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Madeleine
6Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Chrysalide
7Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Ninon
8Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) L'aurore
9Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) L'aurore
10Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Le petit prince II
11Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Le petit prince II
12Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Victoria
13Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Le passage
14Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Le passage
15Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Marie
16Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Manon
17Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sans titre
Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sans titre
18Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Trottinettes
19Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Trottinette
20Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Trottinette
21Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Trottinette
22Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La troisième
trottinette Aloïse (detail)
23Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Début d'amitie (A
friendship start)
24Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Mes petits secrets
25Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Mes petits secrets
26Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Après le pestacle
27Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Après le pestacle
28Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Lorine, 2018
29Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Lorine, 2018
30Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Lorine, 2018
31Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Petite fille au
32Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Première bêtise
Une bêtise a deux
33Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Deuxième bêtise
(Childishness 2)
34Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Tentative de
réconciliation, 2019
35Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Trio
36Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La sculpture et les
détails du visage
37Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Martine Marjolaine
38Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Martine Marjolaine
39Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Do no evil
40Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La trilogie Hear no
evil, See no evil, Speak no evil
41Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La trilogie See no
evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil
42Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La trilogie See no
evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil
43Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) La trilogie See no
evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil
44(No Transcript)
45Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sisters, 2020
46Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sisters, 2020
47Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sisters, 2020
48Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Sisters, 2020
49(No Transcript)
50Berit Hildre (Norway, 1964) Exhibition
51Berit is self-taught. She was born on 1 February
1964 in Norway. For Berit Hildre, the vocation
is late, it is born from his meeting with the
painter Louis Tresseras with whom she lives today
in France. "I'm a Norwegian. Twenty years ago, I
left my country to travel. I met Louis on Crete.
I began to model the earth, just to try. I
continued for pleasure. This exceptional
sculptor offers us all the innocence of
childhood. Her delicate and graceful little girls
and girls embody the state of grace that is
childhood, but also its fragility. Straight out
of the tales that we were told at the time of
falling asleep and distracted from eternity, they
have been part of his daily life for more than 20
52Text pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Sissel - Sarah's song Sleep my
young darling