Title: Chris Salis’s SAP Consultation Tactics (1)
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3One of the biggest mistakes Ive seen in SAP
projects is when communication breaks down. I get
it everyones busy, theres a lot to do, and
sometimes it feels like theres just not enough
time to keep everyone in the loop. But trust me,
this is one of those areas where you cant afford
to slack off. I always set up regular check-ins
with my clients. Whether its a quick weekly
meeting or just a daily update email, I make sure
everyone knows whats going on and what needs to
be done next. And, most importantly, I make sure
to keep the lines open for feedback. Its amazing
how much smoother things go when youre all on
the same page.
Communication Is Everything Dont Let Things
Fall Through the Cracks
4EIve worked with a lot of different companies,
and heres the truth no two businesses are the
same. What works for one might not work for
another. Thats why Im a huge believer in
customizing SAP to fit each companys unique
needs. Sure, SAP comes with a lot of
out-of-the-box solutions, but I always ask
myself How can we make this work better for the
client? Sometimes that means tweaking things a
bit, other times its about adding custom
features. Whatever it takes to make the system
work for them.
Customization Dont Be Afraid to Make SAP Your
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6Final Thoughts
SAP consultation isnt just about implementing a system its about understanding the business, staying flexible, and making sure the system actually works for the people using it. If you can do that, youre golden. So, if youre just starting out or youre looking to improve your SAP consultation game, take it from me focus on the business, communicate clearly, customize where needed, stay agile, and never underestimate the power of proper training. Its a simple formula, but it works every time.
7Thank You