Title: Vietnam Hue Oras Imperial 2
Hué oras imperial
2Kinh Thanh Hue (Hue Capital Citadel) construction
started in 1805 under the reign of Emperor Gia
Long and completed in 1832 under the reign of
Emperor Ming Mang. Under Nguyen' reign, Kings
have ordered to build ramparts, palaces and
constructional works of royal. The citadel was
oriented to face the Huong River (Perfume River)
to the southeast The Citadel, square in shape
and almost 10 km in circumference, 6 m high, 2,1
m thick. On the top of the walls that surround
it, 24 bastions are established for defensive
purposes. The Imperial City is located in the
centre of the Citadel where established highest
offices of Viet Nam's feudalism and sanctums
honoring the cult of decreased Emperors.
3The Imperial City, built along the same lines as
the Forbidden Palace in Beijing, was the
country's administrative centre. Senior
mandarins, court officers and civil servants
would have entered by the Ngo Mon (noon gate).
Directly behind were the Dai Trieu Nghi (great
rites courtyard) and the Thai Hoa Palace (throne
hall) where the Emperor would meet foreign rulers
and emissaries, high-ranking ministers and other
4Chiar în spatele Palatului Armoniei Supreme se
afla Curtea Mandarinilor Dai Trieu Nghi (great
rites courtyard)
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6Cele doua cladiri în care mandarinii se pregateau
pentru ceremoniile de la curte au fost restaurate
în anul 1977
7The Can Chanh Palace Courtyard Cele doua enorme
vase de bronz vac dong dateaza din sec
XVII Bronze Cauldron At The Can Chanh Palace
(Palace of Audiences)
8The Can Chanh Palace Courtyard
9Ta Vu where worshiping the Mandarins
literature The Can Chanh Palace
10The Can Chanh Palace
Window shaped like the Confucian symbol of luck
11Ta Vu
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13Sigiliul Imperial
14Window shaped like the Confucian symbol of luck,
Ta Vu where worshiping the Mandarins literature,
building in Can Chanh Palace Courtyard
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17Teatrul Imperial
18Teatrul Imperial a fost început în anul 1826.
Recladit pe vechea fundatie, a devenit
Conservatorul National de Muzica. The Royal
Theater was where the ruling elite got their
regular dose of entertainment. It was built in
1826 during the reign of Minh Mang and later
restored in the early 2000s. The theater is
still used today for performances of traditional
Vietnamese music, making this the oldest working
theater in the country.
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20Internet images
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22Royal Theatre, sculpture of metal bronze scaled
dragon figure in courtyard
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33Din cele 147 de structuri ale Palatului au fost
restaurate doar Poarta Ngo Mon, The Mieu (templul
memorial pentru cei 13 împarati din dinastia
Nguyên), Palatul Tronului, Sala Armoniei Supreme,
Hien Lam Cac (pavilionul cu urnele împaratilor),
Sala de Lectura Imperiala si Palatele
Mandarinilor (2010)
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Text Internet Fotografii ?
Nicoleta Leu ? Sanda
Foisoreanu ? Sanda
Negrutiu ? Jean Moldovan
? Internet (slide 2, 3)
Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
Muzica ? Huong Sen Dong Thap (Lotus
Fragrance Of The Dong Thap) ?
Khôc Hoàng Thiên
38Hanoi public art
Hu? was the state capital from 1738 to 1775 and
of the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to 1945. The city
functioned as the administrative capital of the
protectorate of Annam during the French Indochina
period .The Imperial City, built along the same
lines as the Forbidden Palace in Beijing, was the
country's administrative centre. Senior
mandarins, court officers and civil servants
would have entered by the Ngo Mon (noon gate).
Directly behind were the Dai Trieu Nghi (great
rites courtyard) and the Thai Hoa Palace (throne
hall) where the Emperor would meet foreign rulers
and emissaries, high-ranking ministers and other
39Hue Imperial City
was one of the most important political centres
of the country and tells a fascinating story
about the history of modern Vietnam
Huong Giang
Khai Dinh
Tu Duc
Khai Dinh
Huong Giang
Oras Imperial 2
Oras Imperial 3
Oras Imperial 1
Oras Imperial 4
Oras Imperial 5
Pagoda Thien Mu 1
Oras Imperial 6
Pagoda Thien Mu 2
Dong Ba Market