Title: Vietnam Hue Pagoda Thien Mu 2
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2Thien Mu Pagoda (namely Heaven Fairy Lady Pagoda)
3Pagoda Thien Mu
Pagoda Doamnei (Zânei) Celeste a fost ridicata
initial de guvernatorul provinciei în anul 1601.
Conform legendei o zâna a aparut si a spus
oamenilor ca un stapân va construi o pagoda spre
prosperitatea tinutului, iar guvernatorul auzind
aceasta s-a hotarât sa zideasca o pagoda, care
de-a lungul secolelor a fost distrusa si
recladita de câteva ori. Thien Mu Pagoda
(namely Heaven Fairy Lady Pagoda), also known as
Linh Mu Pagoda, is one of the ancient pagoda in
Hue city. It is situated on Ha Khe hill, on the
north bank of the Perfume River, in Huong Long
village, 5 kilometers from Hue city center. The
name of the pagoda comes from a legend a long
ago, an old woman appeared on the hill where the
pagoda stands today. She told local people that a
Lord would come and build a Buddhist pagoda for
the country's prosperity. Lord Nguyen Hoang, on
hearing that, ordered the construction of the
pagoda of the "Heavenly Lady". The beautiful
pagoda was built in 1601.
4Turnul octogonal, înalt de 21 de metri, a fost
construit în anul 1844 iar fiecare dintre cele
sapte etaje ale sale este dedicat unui
Manushi-Buddha, adica un Buddha care a aparut în
forma umana. Phuoc Duyen tower (initially
called Tu Nhan tower), was erected in 1884 by
King Thieu Tri, and has become the unofficial
symbol of Hue. This octagonal tower has seven
storeys (2m high), which is dedicated to a Buddha
who appeared in human form. It is the highest
stupa in Vietnam, and is often the subject of
folk rhymes and cadao about Hue
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6The triple-gated entrance six warriors, on
either side of the three entrance gates
7Near the entrance gate are 12 huge wooden
sculptures of fearsome temple guardians, with
real facial hair
8Huge wooden sculptures of the temple guardians
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11Three statues of Buddhist guardians stand at the
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18The main sanctuary
19In the main sanctuary behind the bronze laughing
Buddha are three statues A Di Da, the Buddha of
the Past Thich Ca, the historical Buddha
(Sakyamuni) and Di Lac Buddha, the Buddha of the
20Multa vreme Pagoda Thien Mu a fost simbolul
rezistentei politice. În anul 1963 un calugar
din aceasta manastire si-a dat foc la Saigon.
Masina cu care a calatorit este expusa în spatele
sanctuarului central. În anul 1993 un alt calugar
si-a dat foc în manastire. Buddhist temples in
Hu? have long been an important part of the
city's consciousness and in 1963, the temples of
the city were at the centre of international
attention when they were at the heart of the
beginning of the Buddhist crisis. The temples
were the base of Buddhist protests and government
attacks A building near the rear of the complex
houses a national relic the car in which the
monk Thich Quang Duc rode from his temple to
Saigon on June 11, 1963. He stepped out of the
car in an intersection, sat down in the lotus
position, and burned himself to death in protest
against the regime's violations of religious
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30Adenium obesum (Desert Rose, Elephants Foot,
Impala Lily, Mock Azalea, Kudu, Sabi Star)
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32Bauhinia purpurea
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36Black Pepper Plant
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40Thunbergia grandiflora, Alba Trumpet Vine
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42At the far north end of the complex is a large
cemetery at the base of the Truong Son mountains
and a well-kept garden of pine trees
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44Flamboyant, Flame Tree, Royal poinciana, Delonix
45Flamboyant, Flame Tree, Royal poinciana, Delonix
Regia In Vietnam, this tree is called "Phu?ng
v?", or phoenix's tail, and is a popular urban
tree in much of Vietnam.
46Its flowering season is MayJuly, which coincides
with the end of the school year in Vietnam.
Because of this timing, the flower of poinciana
is sometimes called the "pupil's flower". The
tree is also commonly found on school grounds in
Vietnam, however after several trees incidents
where the tree fell on students , with one
student killed, schools started cutting down or
severely pruning the trees.
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50Huong (Perfume) River
51Truong Tien Bridge, also called Trang Tien Bridge
is the most famous bridge in Hue. It crosses the
Perfume River. After more than 100 years of
history, the charming Truong Tien Bridge on the
poetic land has undergone many changes and
traumatic events with the ancient capital of Hue.
Fotografii ? Sanda Foisoreanu ?
Sanda Negrutiu ? Internet (slide 1,
2, 6, 45, 46, 51 ) Prezentare Sanda
Muzica ? Buddha Bar Dream ? Ly Tinh
Tang (Love song) - Traditional Vietnamese Music
53Hanoi public art
Hu? is a province capital in central Vietnam and
was the state capital from 1738 to 1775 and of
the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to 1945. The city
functioned as the administrative capital of the
protectorate of Annam during the French Indochina
period and contains one of the few UNESCO
designated sites in Vietnam The imperial courts
of Vietnams last ruling dynasty at Hue (construct
ed in 180532) were selectively modeled after
the Beijing courts using the ancient theory
of geomancy (fengshui), with the city facing the
Huong (Perfume) River and the Ngu Binh mountain
protecting the imperial gates from evil spirits.
54Hue Imperial City
was one of the most important political centres
of the country and tells a fascinating story
about the history of modern Vietnam
Huong Giang
Khai Dinh
Tu Duc
Khai Dinh
Huong Giang
Oras Imperial 2
Oras Imperial 3
Oras Imperial 1
Oras Imperial 4
Oras Imperial 5
Pagoda Thien Mu 1
Oras Imperial 6
Pagoda Thien Mu 2
Dong Ba Market