2Let us improve our piety (taqwa) and good deeds
by obeying Allahs entire commands and omitting
all the forbidden.
3Blessed Muslims, On this blessed day, let us
ponder upon a reminder from Allah, in which He
s.w.t. tells us that He promises success and
victory for those who fulfill His commands.
4Verily, Allah will help those who help His
(Cause). Truly, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.
Those (Muslim rulers) who, if We give them power
in the land, (they) enjoin Iqamat-as-Salat,
5to pay the Zakat (alms) and they enjoin
Al-Ma'ruf, and forbid Al-Munkar . And with Allah
rests the end of (all) matters (of creatures).
verse 40-41)
6Blessed Muslims, The verse tells us that Allah
guarantees victory for those whom, when they are
endowed with power and authority, are persistent
in performing their salaah (prayers), giving
zakaat (alms/charity),
7encouraging in al-maruf (goodness), discouraging
and preventing al-munkar (evil), and only set
their goals and visions in that which is allowed
and loved by Allah.
8Rasulullah s.a.w. exemplified these
characteristics and roles through his leadership
when he s.a.w. successfully established the first
Islamic state in Medina, which was later on
maintained by his companions, among whom were the
caliphs (radhiAllahu anhum ajmaeen). These
persisted until the fall of Ottoman Empire in
Turkey in 1924.
9Thereafter, the Muslim ummah became helpless and
Islamic empires were destroyed one after another.
Muslims were extremely weak at that time because
their hearts and minds were intoxicated with
wealth and worldly desires.
10Secularism, which separates the worldly matters
from the religion, became the new way of living,
consequently producing people who think lowly of
religion and hates those who fight for it.
11These secularists believe that religion is
exclusive to the matters of ibadah such as
praying, fasting, giving zakaat and performing
hajj. As such, they considered those who fight
for Islam as the way of life, as extremists,
backwards, anti-development and others.
12Blessed Muslims,If we intent to revive the
golden era of Islam like that which our previous
righteous predecessors had built, then it is a
must for us
13to restore the function of Khaliful Fil Ardhi
i.e. governance on earth, as explained by Ibn
Khaldun in his book, Al-Muqaddimah, which is
to Uphold the religion and to govern the world
with it.
14Which means, Islam need to be taken and applied
as a whole in planning and organizing our lives,
be it in the matters of specific ibadah like
praying, fasting etc. or in general ibadah,
which include our daily dealings and transactions
with fellow human being.
15The live of a Muslim is always guided by the
teachings of Islam in all matters. Therefore, a
Muslims daily activities, his wants and needs,
his likes and dislikes should be well within the
guidelines of Islam. Rasulullah s.a.w says
16None of you truly believes until his
inclination is in accordance with what I have
17Hence, a state/country whose leaders protect the
wellbeing of its citizens will attain the
forgiveness of Allah, if the leaders fulfill
their responsibilities with sincerity and taqwa
18And in this context, besides Rasulullah s.a.w.,
his companion, Saidina Umar Al-Khatab depicted
for us a beautiful example in fulfilling his
responsibility towards his people and country.
There was a time when Umar r.a. said
19If there was a horse whose leg was broken
because it fall into a hole in the middle of the
road in Iraq, Umar will be asked O Umar! Why
is there a hole on that road..?
20Blessed Muslims, Umar would always remember the
advice of Rasulullah for him Anyone who is
given the authority to lead the Ummah, and then
he cheats in it, the smell of paradise is
prohibited from him
(Riwayat Al-Bukhari)
21If the leaders or the citizens of a state/country
aim for peace and justice, then all need to obey
and follow the commands of Allah, and stay away
from His prohibitions. Allah s.w.t tells us the
story of Prophet Nuh a.s in his dawah mission.
Prophet Nuh said
22And I have said Seek pardon of your Lord. Lo!
He was ever Forgiving. He will let loose the sky
for you in plenteous rain. And will help you with
wealth and sons, and will assign unto you Gardens
and will assign unto you rivers.
(Nuh verse 10-12)
23That is the promise of Allah, that He will bestow
upon us wealth, the good things of this world and
blessings in our livelihood if we listen to Him
and obey Him. Similarly, Allah s.w.t. also warns
those who disobey Him and cause corruption on
earth that He will destroy them.
24Allah s.w.t says And when We would destroy a
township We send commandment to its folk who live
at ease, and afterward they commit abomination
therein, and so the Word (of doom) hath effect
for it, and we annihilate it with complete
(Al-Isra verse 16)
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26- O Allah,
- The most merciful god, we thank you for all the
mercy and pleasure that you gave so that we can
enhance and strengthen our Islamic country
especially Selangor as a developed and peaceful
27- O Allah,
- We beg you to increase our practice, brace up our
unity, give us prosperous life, make us rich with
good knowledge, flourish our soul with noble
character, bring back our youngsters to the right
path, save us from your biggest test such
28- as huge flood, drought, epidemic, disputing
between ourselves, poorness and anything else so
that this country will be more prosperous and