Chapter 19: Thermodynamics and Equilibrium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 19: Thermodynamics and Equilibrium


First Law: conservation of energy ... Enthalpy. Change in enthalpy (?H) = heat of reaction at. constant pressure (qp) ... Enthalpy, entropy, and spontaneity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 19: Thermodynamics and Equilibrium

Chapter 19 Thermodynamics and Equilibrium
Chemistry 1062 Principles of Chemistry II Andy
Aspaas, Instructor
First Law of Thermodynamics
  • First Law conservation of energy applied to
    thermodynamic systems
  • Internal Energy (U) sum of kinetic and potential
    energies in a system (energy of motion, and
    energy contained in chemical bonds and
    intermolecular forces)
  • U is a state function
  • Changing from one state to another will give you
    the change in internal energy, and this is
    independent of path (?U Uf Ui is independent
    of path)
  • Changes of U are caused by exchanges of energy
    between system and surroundings
  • As either heat (due to temp change) or work (due
    to a force moving an object a certain distance)

  • Change in enthalpy (?H) heat of reaction at
    constant pressure (qp)
  • More specifically, H U PV
  • ?H for a reaction can be calculated by summing
    standard ?Hf values for products and subtracting
    summed ?Hf values for reactants

  • Entropy (S) measure of how dispersed the energy
    in a system is among all possible ways a system
    can contain energy
  • As a coffee cup cools, it heats the surroundings
    and disperses its energy. S increases
  • If a gas is allowed to enter an empty chamber,
    the kinetic energy of the gas molecules
    distributes through the whole volume S increases.

Entropy changes
  • ?S Sf Si
  • For H2O(s) ? H2O(l), ?S 22 J/K
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Total entropy for a system and surroundings
    increases in a spontaneous process
  • Entropy associated with heat flow q / T
  • Total entropy change for the system entropy
    created plus entropy associated with heat flow
    (?S Screated q / T)
  • Since entropy must be created in a spontaneous
    process, if ?S gt q / T the process must be
  • At equilibrium, no new entropy is being created,
    so any entropy change is just due to heat flow
  • ?S q / T in a system at equilibrium

Enthalpy, entropy, and spontaneity
  • Since ?H qp, ?S gt ?H / T for any spontaneous
    process (at constant temp and pressure)
  • ?H T?S lt 0 for a spontaneous process
  • gt 0 for a nonspontaneous process
  • 0 for a system at equilibrium

3rd Law of Thermodynamics
  • 3rd Law a perfectly crystalline solid at 0 K has
    entropy of zero
  • When heat is transferred, ?S q / T
  • So Standard entropy
  • Calculated by changing the temperature slightly
    and measuring the heat absorbed

Predicting changes in entropy
  • Three occurrences will generally increase entropy
  • A single molecule is broken into 2 or more
  • The number of moles of gas increases
  • Phase changes (s) ? (l) or (g) or (l) ? (g)
  • An increase in entropy means the sign of ?S is
  • The opposite of any of the above corresponds with
    a decrease in entropy, ?S (-)

Predicting the sign of ?S
  • CS2 (l) ? CS2 (g)
  • 2Hg (l) O2 (g) ? 2HgO (s)
  • CaCO3 (s) ? CaO (s) CO2 (g)

Calculating ?So
  • ?So ?nSo(products) - ?mSo(reactants)
  • So CS2 (l) 151.3 J/K
  • So CS2 (g) 237.9 J/K

Free energy
  • Gibbs Free Energy, G H - TS
  • Free energy change, ?G ?H - T?S
  • ?G (-) for a spontaneous process
  • ?G () for a nonspontaneous process
  • ?G 0 for a process at equilibrium

Standard free energy change
  • ?Go ?Ho - T?So
  • Calculate ?Go for the following reaction, and
    predict its spontaneity
  • CH4 (g) 2O2 (g) ? CO2 (g) 2H2O (g)
  • ?Hfo -74.87 0 -393.5 -241.8 (kJ)
  • So 186.1 205.0 213.7 188.7 (J/K)

Standard free energies of formation
  • ?Gfo ?G for production of 1 mol of a compound
    under standard conditions from elements in their
    standard forms
  • ?Go ? n ?Gfo (products) - ? m ?Gfo (reactants)

More precise predictions of spontaneity
  • If ?Go lt -10 kJ, the reaction is spontaneous as
    written, and reactants transform nearly entirely
    to products when equilibrium is reached
  • If ?Go gt 10 kJ, the reaction is nonspontaneous
    as written, and the reactants will not give a
    significant amount of products at equilibrium
  • If ?Go is between -10 kJ and 10 kJ, an
    equilibrium mixture of reactants and products
    will be obtained, with significant amounts of each

Relating ?Go to the equilibrium constant
  • ?Go can be converted to ?G (for nonstandard
  • ?G ?Go RT ln Q
  • (where Q is the reaction quotient)
  • At equilibrium, ?G 0, and Q K
  • ?Go -RT ln K
  • (this equation relates standard free energy
    change for a reaction with that reactions
    equilibrium constant)

Calculating K from ?Go
  • 2NH3(g) CO2(g) NH2CONH2(aq) H2O(l)
  • ?Go -13.6 kJ
  • R 8.31 J/(K mol)
  • ?Go -RT ln K
  • When K gt 1, ?Go lt 0
  • When K lt 1, ?Go gt 0

Change of free energy with temperature
  • ?GTo ?Ho -T?So (assuming ?Ho and ?So are
    constant with respect to temperature)

?Ho ?So ?Go Description
- - Spont. at all T
- Nonspont at all T
- - or - Spont at low T, nonspont at high T
or - Nonspont at low T, spont at high T
  • Ba(OH)2 8H2O(s) 2NH4NO3(s) ? Ba(NO3)2(aq)
    2NH3(g) 10H2O(l)
  • Predict sign of ?S
  • ?Ho
  • ?So
  • ?Go at room temperature
  • At what temperature does this reaction switch
    from being spontaneous to nonspontaneous?
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