Title: Taking WebEOC Off the Grid
1Taking WebEOC Off the Grid
- Using Amateur Radio to Extend the Reach of WebEOC
Randall Todd, DrPH Washoe County Health
District Mark Foxen Nevada State Health Division
Fueled by ARES Volunteers
2Taking WebEOC Off the Grid
- Using Amateur Radio to Extend the Reach of WebEOC
Randall Todd, DrPH Washoe County Health
District Mark Foxen Nevada State Health Division
- Background Application of WebEOC
- Why take WebEOC off-grid
- How to get WebEOC off-grid
- Other Potential Applications of WebEOC off-grid
- Hybrid Approaches
- Other Ideas
- Mass Dispensing Requirement
- 100 Population
- 48 Hours
- Problem
- Multiple Dispensing Sites
- Need for Central Command and Control
- Common Operating Picture
- Doses Administered per Hour
- Total Doses Administered
- Doses Remaining
- Coordination of Re-supply
- Direction of Public to Specific Sites
5Background October 13, 2007
- 2,200 people receive flu shots
- 4 hours
- Vaccine runs out
- Would we be able to run multiple Points of
Dispensing (PODs) at the same time? - How would we maintain command and control?
- How would we maintain a common operating picture?
6Background October 25, 2008
2,493 people receive flu vaccine
3.5 Hours
7Background October 25, 2008
2,493 people receive flu vaccine
3.5 Hours
8Background October 25, 2008
2,493 people receive flu vaccine
3.5 Hours - Plus 30 minutes for an unexpected
building evacuation
9Background October 25, 2008
10Background October 24, 2008
11Background October 25, 2008
12Background October 25, 2008
13Background October 25, 2008
- WebEOC updates from POD Command Posts to Local
Health District Operations Center - Local DOC to State DOC
14Why Take WebEOC Off-Grid
- From a planning perspective
- We get paid to think about bad situations and how
they could be even worse - Then we get to figure out how to make our plans
more robust - Internet unavailability
- Cell phone unavailability
- Staff and volunteers already trained on WebEOC
15How to Get WebEOC Off-Grid
- Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio
(D-STAR) - D-STAR transfers both voice and data via digital
encoding over 2m (VHF), 70cm (UHF) and 23 cm (1.2
GHz) amateur radio bands - High-speed Digital Data (DD) can be sent at 128
kbits/s only on 23 cm
16How to Get WebEOC Off-Grid
17How to Get WebEOC Off-Grid
18How to Get WebEOC Off-Grid
19Other Potential Applications
- Alternative Care Sites
- Isolation and Quarantine
- Forward Command Posts
20Hybrid Approaches
21Other Ideas
- OSCAR Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio