Title: Forensic Science and Drugs of Abuse
1Forensic Science and Drugs of Abuse
2Requirements of Forensic Science
- Meet the Federal Rules of Evidence
- 0-50
- Mere suspicion
- Reasonable suspicion
- Probable cause
3Requirements of Forensic Science
- Meet the Federal Rules of Evidence
- 50-95
- Preponderance of evidence
- 95-99.9
- Beyond a reasonable doubt
4Advantages and Disadvantages Blood
- Advantages
- Less susceptible to adulteration
- Quantitative- can tell how much drug is present
- Shorter detection times ?
- can make a better guess about when drug was
- Disadvantages
- Difficult to collect in time
- Strict regulations on collection and testing
procedure - Labor-intensive and expensive
5Advantages and Disadvantages Urine
- Advantages
- Easily collected
- Can be more quickly and easily screened
- Longer detection times
- Disadvantages
- Not quantitative
- Easily adulterated
- Difficult to predict when drug was used
6 Forensic Urine Drug Testing
- Urine is the fluid and dissolved substances
secreted by the kidneys, stored in the bladder,
and excreted from the body through the urethra. -
7 Nature of Forensic Urine
- The nature of forensic urine is affected by many
issues. - Individual physiology
- Medical conditions and treatments
- Diet and exercise
- Collection time and circumstances
- Adulteration
8 Characteristics of Normal Urine
- Temperature 90 100 F
- Color Yellow
- Appearance Clear
- Specific Gravity 1.003 1.035
- Glucose Negative
- Bilirubin Negative
- Ketones Negative
- Occult Blood Negative
- Protein Negative
- Nitrite Negative (0-500 mg/L)
- Leukocyte esterase Negative
9(No Transcript)
10 Methods of Adulteration
- Dilution / diuresis
- Additives
- Substitution
11 Specimen Integrity Testing for Adulterants
- Color and Appearance
- Temperature (90 - 100 F)
- Creatinine (20 400 mg/dl)
- Nitrite (0 500 mg/L)
- pH (4.5 9.0)
- Specific Gravity (1.003 1.035 units)
12 Dilution / Diuresis
- Consuming large quantities of fluid to dilute
metabolites - Diuretics
- Coffee, cranberry juice, iced tea, herbal tea,
grapes, herbal diuretics - Commercial detoxification agents
13 Dilution / Diuresis
- Ultimate blend
- Carbo Clean
- Naturally Klean Herbal Tea
- Goldenseal
- Certa or Certo (pectin)
- Vales Original Formula
14 Dilution / Diuresis
- Vinegar
- Fiber
- Lecithin
- Lasix (Rx)
- Aspirin
- Niacin
- Zinc sulfate
- Puri Blend (claimed blocker)
- The Stuff (claimed blocker)
15Tests to Detect Dilution /DiuresisAdulteration
- Temperature
- Color and Appearance
- Creatinine
- Specific Gravity
16 Additives / Doping
- Water
- Coloring
- Powdered bleach
- Klear (nitrite)
- Ammonia
- Blood
- Drano
- Goldenseal
- 30 Hydrogen peroxide
- Lemon juice
- Liquid soap
17Additives / Doping
- Mary Janes SuperClean 13
- Purifyit
- Sodium nitrate
- Table salt
- UrinAid
- Vinegar
- Visine
- WD40
- Papain
18Tests to Detect Additives Adulteration
- Temperature
- Color and Appearance
- Nitrite
- pH
- Specific Gravity
- Use purchased urine liquid or dried
- Urine transportation system Urinator
- Bladder Injection
- Dog urine does not work
- Stealing urine
The Whizzinator
20Tests to Detect SubstitutionAdulteration
- Temperature
- Color and Appearance
- Creatinine
- Specific Gravity
21Forensic Urine Drug Screen Tests
- Amphetamine / Methamphetamine (1000 ng/ml)
- Barbiturate (300 ng/ml)
- Benzodiazepine (300 ng/ml)
- Cocaine (300 ng/ml)
- Alcohol, Ethyl (0 )
- Opiate (2000 ng/ml)
- THC / marijuana (50 ng/ml)
- Specimen integrity tests
22Drug Detection Rate
- Amphetamine / Methamphetamine (3)
- Barbiturate (5)
- Benzodiazepine (12)
- Cocaine (8)
- Alcohol, Ethyl (3)
- Opiate (22)
- THC / marijuana (47)
23Drug Detection Times
- Amphetamine / Methamphetamine (2-4 days)
- Barbiturate
- (1 day Seconal 2-3 weeks - Phenobarbital)
- Benzodiazepine (3-7 days)
- Cocaine (2-4 days)
- Alcohol, Ethyl (12 24 hours)
- Opiate (2-4 days)
- THC / marijuana (3-30 days)
24Amphetamine / Methamphetamine
- Stimulants
- Biphetamine
- Dexedrine
- Desoxyn
- MDMA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine
- Depressant
- Amytal
- Nembutal
- Seconal
- Phenobarbital
- Depressant
- Ativan
- Halcion
- Librium
- Valium
- Xanax
- (Rohypnol Mexican Valium)
28Alcohol, Ethyl
- Depressant
- Beer, wine, spirits
- Pain relief, depressant
- Codeine
- Fiorinal, Empirin, Tylenol with codeine
- Robitussin A-C
- Fentanyl (Actiq, Duragesic, Sublimaze)
- Heroin (diacetylmorphine)
- Morphine (Roxanol, Duramorph)
- Opium (laudanum, paregoric)
- Oxycodone HCl (Oxycontin)
- Vicodin (hydrocodone bitartrate)
30THC /Marijuana
- Cannabinoid
- Hashish
- Marijuana
31Other Drugs of Interest
- Depressants
- GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate)
- Methaqualone (Quaalude, Sopor, Parest)
- Dissociative Anesthetics
- Ketamine (Ketalar SV)
- PCP and analogs (phencyclidine)
32Other Drugs of Interest
- Hallucinogens
- LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
- Mescaline (peyote)
- Psilocybin (mushroom)
- Steroids
- Anabolic (Anadrol, Oxandrin, Durabolin,
Depo-Testosterone, Equipoise
33Other Drugs of Interest
- Inhalants
- Solvents (paint thinners, gasoline, glues)
- Gases (butane, propane, aerosol propellants,
nitrous oxides) - Nitrites (isoamyl, isobutyl, cyclohexyl)
34 Forensic Drug Testing
- Presumptive Tests- these tests are used for
screening, or determining the presence of a
certain amount of a drug or drug metabolites - Metabolite- a chemical produced when the body
breaks down a drug
35Presumptive Tests
- EMIT (Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Test)
- RIA (Radioimmunoassay)
- ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbency assay)
36Presumptive tests
- These immunoassays are considered presumptive
rather than conclusive because other similar
substances in the sample could yield a false
positive. - Can you think of any substances that would
yield a false positive on an immunoassay?
37Some common causes of false positives in
presumptive tests
38Confirmatory Tests
- Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
- Sample is injected into GC unit
- Different chemicals in sample are separated as
they travel around the column at different speeds - As the chemicals exit the column, they are blown
apart, and their parts are compared with knowns
40Effects of Drugs of Abuse on the Brain
- Almost all drugs of abuse change the way the
brain works by affecting chemical
neurotransmission. - Heroin and LSD mimic the effects of natural
neurotransmitters. - PCP blocks receptors and interrupts neuronal
41Effects of Drugs of Abuse on the Brain
- PCP blocks receptors and interrupts neuronal
messages - Cocaine blocks re-uptake of neurotransmitters
- Amphetamines cause the release of excessive
amounts of neurotransmitters
42Effects of Drugs of Abuse on the Brain
- THC binds to and activates receptors in the
cerebellum and hippocampus. Binding interferes
with the normal activity of neurons in these