Title: The Protected Asset TEP Fund No'2
1The Protected Asset TEP Fund No.2
The clear choice for the risk-averse and
experienced investor
Prepared by Protected Distribution Limited the
exclusive worldwide promoter of the Fund (June
2008) for professional advisers and
2Purpose of this presentation
- Background
- Description of Asset
- Underlying Financial Strength
- Opportunities
- The Protected Asset TEP Fund No.2 Structure
- Statistics and Market Commentary
- Further Information
3Some History
- Launched in 2003, The Protected Asset TEP Fund
No.2 (PATF No.2) was designed for the more
cautious and experienced investor. -
- It was founded on three pillars - capital
growth, security and stability and has achieved
5 years of success through the careful
acquisition of a diverse range of traded
endowment policies. - PATF No.2 is an OEIC, resident in the Isle of
4What is a Traded Endowment Policy (TEP)?
- A traditional with-profits life assurance
contract, which is disposed of in the middle of
its life cycle in the TEP market rather than
surrendered to the issuing life office - Each policy comprise 3 elements - With-Profits
Sum Assured Attaching Bonuses Terminal Bonus - After the policy is purchased in the market, the
new owner pays premiums to maturity
5Components of a TEP
- TEPs have valuable in-built guarantees made up of
with-profits sum assured and attaching bonuses -
once declared they cannot be removed provided
premium payments are maintained.
6Life Office Strength
Through the acquisition of a wide range of traded
endowment policies, The Protected Asset TEP Fund
No.2 gains access to the with-profits funds of
some of the strongest and oldest global financial
Five Largest Investments in PATF No.2 LIFE
Life A Stable Norwich Union AA Stable Prudent
ial AA Stable General Accident AA Stable Cleri
cal Medical AA Stable
- The high levels of guarantees offered by TEPs
provide superior security and locked-in value - Competitive returns compared to those available
from cash deposits and other low-risk asset
classes - Through diversification and smoothing, TEPs
demonstrate a low correlation to equity and
interest rate markets - TEPs have exhibited strong and stable returns in
both high and low inflationary environments - The re-structure of life office with-profits
funds, distributions of inherited estates,
re-attributions, de-mutualisation or other
arrangement may signify generous windfalls for
investors in the Fund
8Underlying With-Profits Performance
Source Prudential, February 2008
9Structure Diagram
10Key Features
Competitive Management charges
Monthly Dealing
The Protected Asset TEP Fund No.2
No Bid Offer Spread
Consistent Stable Growth
3 currency classes available Sterling US Dollar
Acceptable to all major offshore life wrappers,
11Strength in Numbers
The Protected Asset TEP Fund No.2 (Sterling Class)
Fund Price 1.4305 as at 15th May 2008 Monthly
Growth (12 Month High) 0.62 Low Volatility
12Delivering Stable Returns
13Reassuring News
- some assurers with-profits funds are
performing quite well and the bonuses received by
policyholders are much higher. -
- Policies with 25-year terms are the most popular
kind as they allow investors to earn the highest
bonuses and also offer stable annualised returns
... - The TEP market is far more buoyant now than it
was a decade or two ago. -
- Ellen Kelleher from the Financial Times, May 2008
- Insurers have also taken steps to de-risk their
balance sheets, reducing their - equity exposure and more closely matching their
assets to their policyholder - guarantees, which further protects them against
market volatility - Fitch Ratings, March 2008
- Billions of pounds of orphan assets have
accrued over the decades as a financial cushion
in the huge with-profits funds of the UK
insurance industry - BBC News, June 2008
14Further Information
- For further information on this product and the
generous commissions available, please contact
Alastair on - Tel 00 44 (0)208 282 8087
- Fax 00 44 (0)208 732 4080
- E-mail alastair_at_pdlgroup.com
- Related Links
- PATF No.2 scheme particulars
15Important Information
- This presentation has been prepared for
professional advisers and intermediaries only. - The Protected Asset TEP Fund Plc (PATF) is an
Experienced Investor Fund and complies with the
requirements of the Isle of Man Financial
Supervision (Experienced Investor Fund)
(Exemption) Order 1999, as amended. PATF is not
subject to any form of approval in the Isle of
Man and investors are not protected by any
statutory compensation arrangements in the event
of PATFs failure. - Any investor into PATF must be an Experienced
Investor and, prior to investment, must have
signed a statement acknowledging that they are an
Experienced Investor and that they have read and
understood the Scheme Particulars and accept the
risks associated with such an investment. - The value of shares and the income produced by
them can fall as well as rise. Investors may not
get back the value of their original investment.
Past performance is not necessarily a guide to
future performance. Any reference to a guarantee
relates to the underlying policies and not to the
share price of PATF No.2. An investment in the
Fund should be regarding as medium to long in
nature. If an investor redeems shares in the
first five years exit penalties may be applied. - The figures and charts displayed in the
presentation refer to past performance and are
not an indicator of future returns. - Full details of PATF No.2 can be found in their
Particulars which are available upon request. - This document, which is issued by Protected
Distribution Limited does not constitute
investment advice or an offer to invest and is
for information purposes only.