Title: SPRING Singapore
1SPRING Singapore
- Country Report for Fluid Flow Measurement
2Current Measurement Capability of SPRING
3Standards for Gas flow Measurements
- 1. Bell prover
- Measurement Range
- Mass flow rate From 2.00E-05 to 1 g/s
- Volume flow rate 1.70E-2 to 8.30E2cm³/s
- Expanded measurement uncertainty
- ? 0.7 of Rd
- 2. Piston Prover
- Measurement Range
- Mass flow rate From 1 to 3.30E1 g/s
- Volume flow rate From 8.30E-1 to 2.8E1cm³/s
- Expanded measurement uncertainty
- ? 0.7 of Rd
Treaceability of measurements SPRINGs primary
length standard SPRINGs primary pressure
standard SPRINGs primary temperature
standard SPRINGs primary time and frequency
4Peer assessment
- The 1st peer assessment for ISO 17025 on gas flow
measurements - Conducted from 31 Jan 05 to 4 Feb 05
- Assessment scope the services of claimed CMC at
BIMP data base. - Assessment organization SAC- SINGLAS
- Auditors Dr. Bignell Noel from NMIA
- Jason Tan from SINGLAS
The following bilateral comparisons had been
conducted at 2004 -2005 SPRING and NMIJ Volume
flow rate Dry Air/Ambient pressure/1.5-3.5
NL/min SPRING and NMIA Mass flow rate Dry
Air/Ambient- negative Pressure/ 2.3-6 g/s SPRING
and ITRI Volume flow rate Nitrogen/Ambient
6Article Published
- A report the for uncertainty analysis of bell
prover gas flow standard has been published at
ICFM'2004, 135-140, Spt 2004. -
- Title ltltThe middle range gas flow standard of
SPRING Singaporegtgt - Presented at The 12th international conference
on flow measurement (IMEKO TC9), -
7Future Development
- The primary Microgas flow standard.
- In-house development of gas flow standard
- Two piston provers
- Working range 10E-6 to 10E-10 mol/s
- Uncertainty ?2
- The orifice flow primary vacuum standard
- Working range from 1.3E-4 to 1.3E-7 mbar
- The Micro-liquid flow standard