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Motivation for ZEN Real-time ORB. Integrate best aspects of several ... Achieving a small footprint must be a fore thought. Micro-ORB vs. Monolithic ORB Designs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design

Design Evaluation of a Highly Modular CORBA
Portable Object Adapter
Raymond Klefstad Douglas C. Schmidt Elec Comp.
Eng. Dept
Arvind S. Krishna Info Comp. Sci. Dept
University of California, Irvine Distributed
Objects Applications (DOA) Conference 29
January 2014
Motivation for ZEN Real-time ORB
  • Integrate best aspects of several key
  • Java Simple, less error-prone, large user-base
  • Real-time Java Real-time support
  • CORBA Standards-based distributed applications
  • Real-time CORBA CORBA with Real-time QoS
  • ZEN project goals
  • Make development of distributed, real-time,
    embedded (DRE) systems easier, faster, more
  • Provide open-source Real-time CORBA ORB written
    in Real-time Java to enhance international
    middleware RD efforts

Technical Goals for the ZEN Real-time ORB
  • Real-time CORBA using Real-time Java
  • Easily Extensible
  • Code and compile new alternatives
  • Dynamically plug them in/out of the ORB
  • e.g., new protocols, Object Adapters, IOR
    formats, etc.
  • Flexible Configuration
  • Small footprint
  • Load components only as needed
  • On-demand or at initialization time
  • Real-time performance
  • Bounded jitter for ORB/POA operations
  • Eliminate sources of priority inversion
  • Access to Real-time Java features in ORB by
  • Low startup latency

Micro-ORB vs. Monolithic ORB Designs
  • Context
  • Standards-based middleware (e.g CORBA) must
    provide a wide range of features, each may have a
    variety of behavior options
  • Problem
  • memory constraints Implementing a full service,
    flexible ORB can lead to monolithic ORB
  • Embedded Systems often have severe.memory

Achieving a small footprint must be a fore thought
Micro-ORB vs. Monolithic ORB Designs
  • Solution
  • Identify core ORB services whose behavior may
  • Move each core ORB service out of the ORB by
    applying the Virtual Component pattern
  • Implement pluggable alternatives
  • Remaining kernel is micro-ORB kernel
  • Candidate services for applying the Virtual
    Component Pattern include
  • Object Adapters, IOR Parsers, GIOP Message
    handlers, CDR Stream readers/writes, Any handlers
    and protocol transports

Virtual Component Design Pattern
  • Intent
  • Application transparent way of loading and
    unloading components implementing middleware
  • Problem
  • Features and options for standards based
    middleware are large and growing
  • Few embedded applications use all the
    functionality provided
  • Cannot eliminate capabilities based on any
    particular embedded system
  • Solution
  • Identify components whose interfaces represent
    building blocks
  • Define concrete components that implement
  • Define factories that create the concrete
    components using a set of loading/
  • unloading strategies

ZEN applies the Virtual Component pattern to the
CORBA Portable Object Adapter
What is a Portable Object Adapter (POA)?
  • A POA maps remote client requests to local
  • Capabilities
  • Generate Object References
  • Activate/objects
  • Incarnate/Etherealize servants
  • Demultiplex client requests to the appropriate
  • Customization based on policies
  • Key Components
  • Adapter Activator
  • Servant Managers
  • POA Manager
  • The POA is a large chunk of code adds
    considerably to server footprint
  • To reduce foot print apply the Virtual Component
    Pattern to make POA pluggable

Two levels of pluggability (1) Coarse grained
(2) Fine grained
Coarse Grained Pluggability
  • Context
  • A POA maps client requests to server servants
  • Several types of POAs
  • Standard POA For non-real-time applications
  • Min POA Reduce memory footprint features
  • Real-time POA Ensures predictability required
    for real-time systems
  • Problem
  • Each application needs only one type of POA
  • Moreover, Servers and peers need a POA, but
    clients do not
  • Solution
  • Apply Virtual Component pattern to allow the POA
    to be plugged in/out as one piece

This level of granularity has been implemented in
But we can we do better and reduce the footprint
of servers peers?
Fine-Grained POA Pluggability
POA Policies
  • POAs behavior is governed by the policies
    associated with it
  • Servers need only a few of the features provided
    by a POA
  • Many applications use only a Root POA
  • Root POA has only one policy value from each
    policy (indicated in red) associated with it
  • Request Processing Policy
  • Use Active Object Map Only
  • Use Default Servant
  • Use Servant Manager
  • Implicit Activation Policy
  • Implicit Activation
  • No Implicit Activation
  • Lifespan Policy
  • Persistent
  • Transient
  • Thread Policy
  • - Single Thread Model
  • - ORB Control Model
  • - Main Thread Model
  • Id Assignment Policy
  • - System Id
  • - User Id
  • Id Uniqueness Policy
  • - Unique Id
  • - Multiple Id
  • Servant Retention
  • Policy
  • - Retain
  • - Non Retain
  • We decompose the POA across policies

Fine-Grain POA Architecture
  • Implement each policy value as a Virtual
  • E.g Servant Retention Policy
  • Retain
  • Non Retain
  • Each policy value is a different mechanism of
    enforcing the policy
  • Load only the components required based on policy
  • POA Policy factory creates a concrete strategy
    for each of the abstract strategy

Thread Policy Strategy
  • Implements the POAs Thread policy
  • Values are
  • Single Thread Strategy
  • ORB Control Strategy
  • Each strategy contains the mechanism of enforcing
    the policy value

Lifespan Policy Strategy
  • Responsibilities
  • Object key validation
  • Maintain POA time stamps
  • POA uses the validate() method to check
    freshness of the object key.
  • Transient strategy compares time stamp values

Activation Policy Strategy
  • Implements the Activation Policy
  • Values
  • Implicit Activation Strategy (flyweight)
  • Explicit Activation Strategy (flyweight)
  • Responsibilities
  • Validates operations that implicitly
  • activate servants
  • _this(),
  • servant_to_reference()
  • validate() method on the concrete Activation
    strategy associated allows/disallows implicit
  • Thread, Lifespan, and Activation Strategies are
    Primary POA Components
  • They are composed first during POA creation
  • The primary components associated with the POA
    influence rest of the strategies

Secondary POA Components
  • Secondary components depend on the values of
    primary components
  • These dependencies may lead to conflicts
  • When two policies cannot coexist they are said to
    be in conflict.
  • Example Implicit Activation policy value and User
    Id policy value cannot coexist.
  • Conflicts are identified at strategy creation
  • Secondary Components include
  • Id Assignment Strategy
  • Servant Retention Strategy
  • Id Uniqueness Strategy
  • Request Processing Strategy

Id Assignment Policy Strategy
  • Overview
  • Implements the Id Assignment Policy
  • Values are
  • System Id Strategy
  • User Id Strategy

Id Uniqueness Policy Strategy
  • Responsibilities
  • POA operations like activate_object call the
    validate() method on the strategy to check if
    registration of servants is permitted.

Servant Retention Policy Strategy
  • Overview
  • Implements the semantics of Servant Retention
  • Responsibilities
  • Aid in object id based and servant based lookup
    operations in the POA.
  • Non Retain Strategy raises WRONG_POLICY exception
    for lookup operations

Request Processing Policy Strategy
  • Overview
  • Implements the Request Processing policy
  • Strategized along
  • Active Object Map Only Strategy
  • Default Servant Strategy
  • Servant Manager Strategy
  • Servant Locator Strategy
  • Servant Activator Strategy
  • Responsibilities
  • Handle client requests
  • handleRequest() method uses the Strategy plugged
    in to service client requests
  • Secondary components depend on the values of
    primary components
  • Other secondary components
  • Id Assignment, Servant Retention, Id Uniqueness

Fine Grain POA Architecture Summary
Consider example POAs A and B with the following
policy values
Root POA Footprint Analysis
  • Overview
  • Root POA is the base POA for all POAs created in
    an ORB
  • A Root POA suffices for many applications unless
    different QoS guarantees needed, e.g object
  • Experiment
  • Measures the footprint increase prior and after
    the call to resolve_initial_references(RootPOA)
  • In particular, the increase in process space
    was measured after the association of the Root
    POA with the Server
  • Results
  • ZEN 61 k.B
  • JacORB 180 k.B

Child POA Footprint Analysis
  • Overview
  • Child POA created if different QoS guarantees
    required than provided by Root POA
  • Using the Micro POA design
  • considerably reduces the foot print
  • scale as most of the components implemented as
  • Experiment
  • Variation in footprint with the number of POAs
    created measured
  • The increase in footprint prior to and after a
    create_POA method call measured in each of the
  • POAs created have the following policy values
    User Id, Non Retain and Servant Manager.
    (Maximizes number of flyweights)
  • Results
  • ZEN 35 k.B
  • JacORB 250 k.B

Child POA Creation Time Metrics
  • Overview
  • Many applications create a child POA as a side
    effect of an up call
  • Slow creation time in this scenario could
    decrease jitter and increase throughput
  • ZENs POA design decreases creation time as most
    of the components are implemented as Flyweights
  • Experiment
  • Variation in child POA creation time measured
    with the number of POAs created
  • POAs created have default policies (involve least
    number of flyweights)
  • Results
  • Average child POA creation time
  • ZEN 0.17 msecs
  • JacORB 0.88 msecs
  • JacORB 7 times slower

POA Demultiplexing Steps
  • Context
  • A key functionality of a CORBA ORB is to
    demultiplex client requests to the appropriate
  • Problem
  • Conventional Layered demultiplexing approach
    inefficient, causes increased priority inversions
  • Factors
  • The POA hierarchy is arbitrarily deep
  • and/or the POA is managing a large number of
  • and/or a Servant implements an interface with a
    large number of operations

POA Demultiplexing Strategies
  • Demuxing Strategies
  • Linear Search, Binary Search,Dynamic Hashing,
    Perfect Hashing and Active Demultiplexing
  • ZEN Solution
  • Use Active Demultiplexing and Perfect Hashing to
    ensure O(1) worst case time bound for all the
    demultiplexing stages

ZEN POA Demultiplexing
  • Overview
  • The first step involved in request demultiplexing
    is finding the Object Adapter
  • The POA Hierarchy can be arbitrarily nested
  • Test Description
  • Variation in POA demultiplexing time with the
    depth of the POA hierarchy measured
  • Result Synopsis
  • Active Demultiplexing provides constant latency
    irrespective of POA hierarchy
  • Dynamic Hashing degrades with depth
  • Dual-CPU 1.7GHz Xenon (512Mb RAM)
  • Debian Linux 2.4.1,
  • javac compiler, JDK 1.4 JVM

Active Demultiplexing ensures O(1) worst case
lookup time for POA Demultiplexing
ZEN Servant Demultiplexing
  • Overview
  • The POA finds the servant associated with the
  • A POA can manage arbitrary number of objects in
    the AOM
  • Test Description
  • Latency variations with the increase in number of
    servants measured
  • Result Synopsis
  • Dynamic Hashing higher overhead, degrades with
    number of servants
  • Active Demultiplexing provides constant time

Active Demultiplexing ensures O(1) worst case
Servant lookup time
ZEN Operation Demultiplexing
  • Overview
  • The last step at the Object Adapter layer is to
    demultiplex request to the appropriate skeleton
  • Operation dispatch time varies with the number of
    methods in the interface
  • Test Description
  • Variation in Operation Demultiplexing latency
    measured with number of methods
  • Result Synopsis
  • Dynamic hashing has higher overhead and degrades
    4 u.s
  • Perfect hashing guarantees constant time bound
    1 u.s

Perfect Hashing ensures O(1) worst case operation
demultiplexing time
Future Research on ZEN
  • Complete implementation of RT CORBA specification
  • Utilizing RT Java features within the ORB and POA
    for RT CORBA
  • Ahead of time compile ZEN using jRate
  • TimeSys RTSJ implementation
  • Using Aspects to custom generate ORBs
  • Extend the pluggable protocol framework to handle
    other protocols

  • ZEN open-source download web page
  • http//
  • JacORB web page
  • http//
  • Real-time Java (JSR-1)
  • http//
  • jsr_001_real_time.html
  • Dynamic scheduling RFP
  • http//
  • Distributed Real-time Java (JSR-50)
  • http//
    / jsr_050_drt.html
  • AspectJ web page
  • http//
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