Title: Optical illusions
1Optical illusions
2What are optical illusions?
Optical illusions are illusions that deceive the
human eye and brain into perceiving something
that is not, or incorrectly perceiving something
that is.
3In other words.
Our eyes deliver stimuli to our brain creating
perceptions that are not real.
We see, then perceive images that are not really
These illusions are consistent between the
majority of humans.
It is the way that our eyes and brain work
together. We call it the Eye / Brain
4Have you ever poked a stick into a campfire until
the end has a glowing ember
then twirl it quickly in the air until it
creates a circle in front of you?
5Have you ever drawn cartoons on the pages of a
notepad, then flipped the pages to simulate
This is how Walt Disney created his animations
years ago.
6We call this optical illusion closure.
This illusion is why we can watch animation or
movies and see them as continuous motion rather
than a series of still images.
Our brain fills in the gaps for us.
7There are many other optical illusions
Do you see a face or the word liar ?
8Do you see 3 or 4 shelves?
9Continuously climbing stairs?
10Stare at the black dot in the centre. You should
see the outer edges of the circle fade away
11Can you see two faces in this image?
A young face
An old face
12Faces or Vases?
13Its not really moving
14The floor seems to bulge out in the center even
though all the squares are equal. Place a
straight edge along any horizontal or vertical
line to perceive reality.
15Is the blue side on the front or the back of the
Keep looking until you see both.
16Are the lines straight or curved?
17Is it a spiral or a group of circles?
18Something is wrong with these pillars
19Stare at the centre of the circle
Move your face closer and further away from the
20Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed
it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but
the wrod as a wlohe.
21So remember the next time you say..
I cant believe my eyes!
Its True!
22References Campfire http//www.ebibleteacher.com/i
mages/campfire.jpg Wikipedia http//encyclopedia.t
hefreedictionary.com/Optical20illusion Disney
animation http//www.clickmagique.com/images/POTD/
WDS/AnimCourt/020718.jpg Rotating Snake illusion
http//www.ritsumei.ac.jp/akitaoka/rotsnake.gif B
ulging Floor http//www.ritsumei.ac.jp/akitaoka/B
ulge02.jpg Straight lines http//www.eyetricks.
com/0102.htm Blue front cube http//www.eyetrick
s.com/0103.htm Circle or Spiral
http//www.eyetricks.com/0104.htm Two faces
http//eyetricks.com/0201.htm Liar Face
http//www.eyetricks.com/0202.htm Faces or vases
http//www.eyetricks.com/0205.htm Word Jumble
http//www.eyetricks.com/wordjumble.htm Bird boat
http//www.eyetricks.com/0606.htm Stairs
http//eyetricks.com/0701.htm Yellow circles
http//www.eyetricks.com/0903.htm Shelves
http//www.eyetricks.com/0906.htm Black dot
http//www.eyetricks.com/0906.htm Pillars
http//www.eyetricks.com/0906.htm Spinning
circles http//www.eyetricks.com/1303.htm
Doug Kearney 2005