Department of Agriculture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Department of Agriculture


Department of Agriculture – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Department of Agriculture

Agriculture Jharkhand
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Government of Jharkhand

the state profile
  • Geographical area 79.71 lakh ha
  • Arable land 38.00 lakh ha
  • Net sown area 21.22 lakh ha
  • Cropping intensity 114
  • Irrigated area 1.74 lakh ha
  • Forest area 23.33 lakh ha
  • Average rainfall 1400 mm

the state profile
  • Number of villages 32,615
  • Total population 26.91 m
  • Rural population 20.92 m
  • Total working population 10.12 m
  • Cultivators 3.90 m
  • Agriculture laborers 2.86 m


the farmers
Number of operational holdings
Sl. Size class Average area (ha) Operational holding Operational holding
Sl. Size class Average area (ha) Number (lakhs) Percentage
1. Marginal (lt1.0 ha) 0.37 18.38 69.04
2. Small (1.0 2.0 ha) 1.39 3.60 13.53
3. Semimedium (2.0 4.0 ha) 2.79 3.01 11.32
4. Medium (4.0 10.0 ha) 5.77 1.44 5.42
5. Large (gt10.0 ha) 15.87 0.18 0.69
the land
Land classes Land classes Land classes Land classes
Group Sub group Type Description
Don land Don I Low land Clay-loam soil Lowest in toposequence Suitable for long duration rice crop
Don II Shallow land Clay loam soil Best for rice production Rarely faces drought Suitable for medium duration rice
Don III Drought prone shallow land Clay loam soil Transitional lands between don and tanr Upper toposequence of don lands Suitable for short duration rice
the land
Land classes Land classes Land classes Land classes
Group Sub-group Type Description
Tanr land Tanr I Upland Loam soil Land immediately adjacent to the houses Used for vegetables, maize and rice seedlings
Tanr II Upland Sandy loam soil Gentle sloppy Adjacent to villages with good soil depth Low WHC Poor in organic matter Erosion prone and acidic in nature
Tanr III Upland Sandy loam soil Sloppy and stony lands Poor soil fertility Shallow soil depth Low WHC Near foothills and acidic in nature
the gap to be bridged
Requirement and the production Requirement and the production Requirement and the production
Crops Total requirement (Lakh tones) Total production (Lakh tones)
Cereals 35.47 21.99
Pulses 11.82 01.65
Total 47.29 23.64
Oilseeds 00.95 00.59
Total 48.24 24.23
Vegetables 27.59 35.00
the problem profile
Limited Irrigation Rain fed Farming
Primitive Technology
Limited extension services
Unorganized marketing in horticulture sector
Small Holdings
Agriculture Sector
Negligible farm mechanization
Negligible flow of institutional credit
Biophysical factors
Cropping pattern
Low Investment
Low Production Low Productivity
the vicious circle
Agriculture sector
Low productivity
Low production
Low farm income
Degradation of forests
Low investment in agriculture
Stagnant rural economy
effect of drought
Oil seeds
Strategies to increase the productivity and
1. Rationalization of area under different crops.
a. Reduction of area under uplands rice.
b. Increasing area under pulses, oilseeds and coarse cereals.
c. Assured irrigation area to be covered by hybrid rice.
d. Uplands to be shifted to horticulture based cropped system.
2. Development of integrated farming models for small holdings.

3. Enhancement of investment in agriculture
a. Waste and fallow land development for horizontal expansion in agriculture.
b. Rain water harvesting.
c. Marketing infrastructure including cool chains.
d. Value addition and food processing.
e. Minor and micro irrigation.
4. Organic farming.
5. Realization of potential for seed production.
6. Impetus to appropriate farm mechanization.
7. Development of entrepreneurship for cash crops.
8. Introduction of suitable crops cotton, pomegranate etc.
9. Institutional support to farmers.
10. Risk management protected cultivation.
11. Development of crop and area specific holistic programs for
a. Bamboo.
b. Mushroom.
c. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
d. Floriculture.
e. Energy plantation Jatropha.
f. Lac cultivation.
g. Multilayer cropping system based on fruits.
Seed exchange program 2006-07
60,000Q paddy certified seed and 500Q hybrid paddy seed to be made available to farmers.
This intends to cover about 120000 ha under certified seed and about 3000 ha under hybrid paddy.
15000Q certified seed to be supplied by seed villages, will be distributed on exchange basis.
Availability of 45000Q certified seed and 500 Q hybrid seed will be facilitated by providing 50 pc subsidy to farmers.
Supply of this 45000Q certified seed and 500Qhybird seed to farmers will be ensured through an agreement between GoJ and seed organization.
Farm mechanization 2006-07
  • 75 pc subsidy to farmers belonging to STs/SCs.
  • 50 pc subsidy to farmers belonging to other
    categories for
  • procurement of farm machinery.
  • Estimated no. of farmers to be benefited 5000

Special program for marginal farmers 2006-07
  • Diversification to pulses, oilseeds and coarse
  • Cultivation package to be made available to
    marginal farmers.
  • Cultivation package to be supplemented with
    assistance for
  • creating small water holding structures.
  • Training to farmers.
  • Estimated number of farmers to be benefited

Region specific contingency plan 2006-07
  • Crop diversification program for 1.0 lakh ha
  • Main crops Maize, finger millet, pulses,
    Kulthi, niger etc.
  • Palamau and Santhal Pargana to be focused.

Vegetable seed production through seed villages
  • 12 seed village to be established.
  • Every seed village to be given Rs. 8.00 lakhs
    as revolving fund.
  • KVK, Ranchi and KVK, Dumka to provide technical
  • and help in finance management.
  • GoI to purchase all the seed during first two
  • Association of these seed villages to be
    floated as seed
  • company.

Impetus to vegetable production and marketing
  • Establishment of 50 Agri Business Centers.
  • These centers to be manned by agricultural
  • Each center to concentrate on 100-150 ha of
  • producing area.
  • Center to provide backward and forward linkages
    to farmers.
  • Center to have a pick up van, agricultural
    implements, a shade
  • net and training facilities.

Agri Export Zone 2006-07
  • Establishment of Modern Integrated Horticulture
    Market in
  • Ranchi with private-public participation.
  • Establishment of infrastructure for post harvest
  • cool chain, packaging centers and dehydration
    units for
  • vegetables.
  • Consultancy for e-marketing network.
  • Strengthening of agri information centers.

Commercial floriculture 2006-07
  • 100 units of 0.1 ha each of gladiolus.
  • 50 units of 0.1 ha each of bird of paradise.
  • 10 units of 550 sq.m of carnation under poly
  • 10 units of 550 sq.m of roses under poly house.

Integrated development of fruits on uplands
  • 500 units of 5 ha area.
  • Multi tier cropping system
  • Mango, Aonla and Litchi based orchards.

Risk management through protected cultivation.
  • 100 farmers to be provided a subsidy of Rs. 2.0
    lakh each
  • for sheltered cultivation of vegetables.
  • This is to minimize the risk in vegetable
    cultivation for
  • which no insurance scheme is available.

Soil and water conservation 2006-07
  • Creation of 440 irrigation units equipped with
    lift and
  • transmission devices and linked with high
    value crop
  • production.
  • Rain water harvesting measures for in-situ
  • conservation and enhancing the ground water
  • 400 units of 1.0 acre each
  • Treatment of catchments area.

Strengthening of infrastructure for Agriculture
Research 2006-07
  • Establishment of a Dairy Technology College.
  • Establishment of Livestock and Fisheries
    Research Institute.
  • Establishment of an Agriculture College in
    Santhal Pargana.
  • Home science and agriculture engineering.

Other important programs 2006-07
  • Establishment of one Agriculture Technology
    Park in each
  • district.
  • Development of Integrated Farming Model for
    small holdings
  • (1.0 to 2.5 acres) in 10 villages.
  • Electronic documentation of farmers and their
    resources in
  • 10 districts.
  • Establishment of two organic villages.
  • National watershed Development Program in 200
  • water sheds covering an area of 1.02 lakh ha

Fertilizers 2006-07
Consumption pattern of N, P, K in Jharkhand ,tones Consumption pattern of N, P, K in Jharkhand ,tones Consumption pattern of N, P, K in Jharkhand ,tones Consumption pattern of N, P, K in Jharkhand ,tones
Year N P K
2002-03 65762 39911 5083
2003-04 72654 42092 4808
2004-05 76166 42962 4379
2005-06 (kharif) 62567 23130 4358
  • For Kharif 2006 an allocation of 125000 tones
    of urea has been made for
  • Jharkhand.
  • Supply of DAP, Mop and SSP will be ensured
    through their manufacturers
  • in Orrisa and W. Bengal.
  • Liquid bio fertilizers are being supplied for
    25000 acres to framers .

Pest management. 2006-07
  • Climate of Jharkhand being dry, incidence of
    air borne
  • diseases is less.
  • Consumption of pesticides is minimal
  • Integrated Pest Management and Farmers Field
  • are being promoted.
  • Availability of pesticide is not a problem.

Availability of inputs
1. Certified seed From Seed villages and Govt./private seed production agencies on the basis on MoU.
2. Foundation seed Birsa Agriculture University, Ranchi.
3. Fertilizers As per allocation from Govt. of India.
4. Pest management Consumption of pesticides is very low in the State.
IPM and FFS (Field farmers school)
5. Farm mechanization 50 pc to 75 pc subsidy on different agriculture implements to farmers.

1. Constitution of Commission on Agriculture Reforms.
2. Creation of Plant Resource Centre for floriculture in joint venture with M/S Florance Flora.
3. Agreement with Patanjali Yoga Peeth Trust, Haridwar for establishment of Center on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
4. Promotion of 34 seed villages for cereals and vegetables.
5. Establishment of 50 Agri business Centre to provide institutional support to vegetable growers.
6. Multitier cropping system based on fruits for productivity enhancement in rain fed areas.
Agriculture Extension Net work
1. 4 new ATMAs Created.
2. ATMAs established and working in eight districts.
3. State Extension work Plan prepared and approved by GoI.
4. Crop Seminar held.
5. 18 KVKs working.
6. Second level Kissan Call Centre.
Crop diversification
1. Program of diversification to pulses, oilseeds and coarse cereals -1.0 lakh ha.
2. Subsidy to establish commercial floriculture units-170 units .
3. Subsidy to establish 5 ha multi tier fruit orchards - 2500 ha
4. Additional 6000 acres irrigated area created through water harvesting.
5. Promotion to vegetable seed production-12 seed villages.
Marketing Reforms
1. APMC Act being amended.
2. Agri Business Centers in 50 blocks.
3. Modern horticulture market to be established in Ranchi.
Risk Management
1. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme is in operation.
2. Promotion to protected cultivation for vegetables
3. Contingency crop plan for 1.0 lakh ha.
Risk management through protected cultivation.
Progress Report
a. State Plan

(All amount in lakh
Budgetary outlay Budgetary provisions Sanctioned amount Released amount Expenditure
8000.00 8000.00 7577.46 6800.05 3041.35
b. Centrally sponsored schemes (9010)

(All amount in lakh Rs.)
Budgetary outlay Budgetary outlay Budgetary outlay Sanctioned amount Sanctioned amount Sanctioned amount Amount released by GoI Expenditure
Central share State share Total Central share State share Total Amount released by GoI Expenditure
2966.20 329.58 3295.80 2599.65 286.85 2788.50 2084.56 616.52
c. Central sector schemes
amount in lakh Rs.)
Budgetary outlay Sanctioned amount Released amount Expenditure
90.00 90.00 to be revalidated -
Growth in food grains production 2006-07
1. Estimated total food grains production in 2005-06 21.23 lakhs tones
2. Estimated total food grains production in 2006-07 24.12 lakhs tones
3. Estimated increase in food grains production 2.89 lakhs tones
4. Estimated annual growth in food grains production 13.61 pc.
intervention needed
  • Public investment for reclamation of unused
    cultivable land
  • Total cultivable land 38.00 lakh ha.
  • Net area sown 21.22 lakh ha.
  • Unused land about 17.00 lakh ha.

The resource less farmers are unable to cultivate
it due to lack of finances and irrigation
facility. Massive public investment is
required to put this land for agricultural
usage so that to bring a horizontal expansion
in the agriculture sector.
intervention needed
Important issues where intervention of Government
of India is required
a. State should be permitted to use the central aid for providing compensation towards crops damages for the purpose of providing agriculture crop input packages to the affected farmers.
b. National Seed Corporation need to take up seed production of high yielding varieties of cereals and vegetables in the State itself and play a proactive role in the efforts of the State to bring more and more cultivable area under high yielding varieties.
c. National Watershed Development Program for Rain fed Agriculture to be extended to the whole State.
d. High subsidy should be made available on rain water harvesting schemes.
e. Vegetables to be brought under insurance cover.
f. Agriculture banking to be given rural orientation.
g. Present ceiling of 25 pc. subsidy to the farmers in the centrally sponsored and central sector schemes to be reviewed and enhanced for the Jharkhand State considering the economic status of the farmers in the State.
intervention needed
  • Institutional support for development of
  • Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for Rain
    fed Agriculture System to generate the relevant
    technology and imparting it to the farmers at the
    local level.
  • Development of infrastructure at the Birsa
    Agriculture University, the sole State
    Agriculture University in the State, so that to
    help it produce quality human resources, carry
    out the need based quality research and impart
    technology to the farmers.
  • Up gradation of Horticulture and Agro forestry
    Research Program to the level of a Research
    Institute so that to make it able to provide
    technical support to the horticultural
    development program of the State in a better way.
  • All the ICAR Centers and Institutes in the State
    to be equipped with the technology transfer cells
    so that the technologies developed here may reach
    the farmers fields.
  • All the KVKs need to have the vocational training
    center so that they can provide practical
    knowledge of agriculture to the rural youths.

Thank you
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