Title: CSIRO Livestock Industries
1CSIRO Livestock Industries
Interspecific Parasite Interactions Agent-Based
2Why are interactions important?
3How may parasites interact?
- Direct interactions
- competition for a resource
- toxic / non-toxic excretions
4How may parasites interact?
- Indirect interactions
- Alteration of host environment
- Host immune response
Host Immunity
5Evidence from a wild host
6Evidence from a wild host
7Simple Model
- Interactions may increase / decrease the
efficacy of vaccine - May cause unexpected increases in previously
benign species
Lello, Boag, Fenton, Stevenson Hudson (2004)
Competition and mutualism among the gut helminths
of a mammalian host. Nature 22nd April
8CSS Research Team
- CSIRO Collaborators
- Sue McClure Immunology
- Peter Hunt Molecular identification of larvae
- Robert Dobson Parasitology and modelling
- International Collaborators
- Andrew Fenton Mathematical modelling
- (University of Cambridge)
- Mark Viney Parasites and immune interactions
- (University of Bristol)
9The Original Model
10The Advanced Model
11Preliminary Results
12Experimental Protocols in Sheep
- 70 sheep currently infected with
- Haemonchus contortus
- Trichostrongylus colubriformis
- Ostertagia circumcincta
- H. c. with T. c.
- H. c. with O.c.
- T. c. with O. c.
- H.c with T.c. and O.c.
- 10 week infection
- FEC and larval differential carried out weekly
- Immune parameters monitored
- Final cull
- full worm count
- tissue samples for immune response
- measurements
13Sheep Helminth Interactions What we knew!
- In Host
- Ostertagia circumcincta displaces Haemonchus
contortus (change in abomasal pH cross
immunity) - In Faeces
- H. contortus suppresses development of
Trichostrongylus vitrinus - T. vitrinus suppresses development of T.
colubriformis - T. colubriformis and H. contortus no effect
- In Field
- H. contortus controlled and T. vitrinus appears
14Sheep Helminth Interactions Preliminary Results
- Is egg output affected by interspecific
interactions? - Species Egg Output / g diff combined FEC
/ g - H. contortus suppressed by O. Circumcincta
- O. circumcinta suppressed by both H. contortus
and T. colubriformis - T. colubriformis not affected
15Haemonchus contortus egg output in single and
mixed infections
97 to 99 reduction
Egg Output
H.c. with T.c.
H.c. with O.c.
Hc with T.c. O.c.
16Ostertagia circumcincta egg output in single and
mixed infections
93 to 99 reduction
Log Egg Output
O.c. with H.c.
O.c. with T.c.
O.c. with T.c. H.c.
17Sheep Helminth Interactions Preliminary Results
- Is adult worm burden affected by interspecific
interactions? -
- H. contortus suppressed by O. circumcincta only
- No significant effects of other species on O.
circumcincta or T. colubriformis
18Haemonchus contortus adult numbers in single and
mixed infections
66 to 73 reduction
- Andrew Fenton University of Cambridge and
London Zoological Society - Peter Hudson Penn State University
- Ian Stevenson Sunadal Data Solutions
- Rachel Norman University of Stirling
Brian Boag for data, rabbit knowledge and a lot
of support
Malcolm Knox CSIRO Livestock Industries Kerri
Tyrrell CSIRO Livestock Industries Debbie
Hickey CSIRO Livestock Industries Fiona
MacArthur CSIRO Livestock Industries Peter
Bradley CSIRO Livestock Industries
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