CIS05 Comparative Languages Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CIS05 Comparative Languages Introduction


CIS05 Comparative Languages Introduction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CIS05 Comparative Languages Introduction

CIS05 Comparative LanguagesIntroduction
  • Marc Conrad
  • D104a (Park Square Building)
  • Outline
  • Week 1-6 (MC) C/C, Java, C, other object
    oriented languages as Eiffel, Cecil, ...
  • Week 7-12 (Jie Zhang) Other (not necessarily
    object oriented) languages

Other information
  • Further reading Internet Library.
  • Practicals are in the Linux-Lab.
  • Marking
  • 1st assignment (week 7) 20
  • 2nd assignment (week 11) 40
  • Exam 40

  • General introduction into programming languages -
  • History of C.
  • Comparative Languages in Cambridge.
  • Example of a C program.
  • Structures in C.

A history of programming languages - the early
  • 1957 Fortran. (owned by IBM). Still used for
    scientific computing, current version Fortran 90.
  • 1958 ALGOL. Developed as a non-proprietary
    version of Fortran. Not widely used in practice
    but a reference language for many research
  • 1967 Simula 67. Introduced Classes and
    Inheritance therefore the first Object Oriented
    Programming language.
  • 1980 Smalltalk. Develops further Object Oriented

w-pages/history/ http//
A history of programming languages C and C
  • 1972 C. Developed as the implementation language
    of the UNIX operating system. Allows system
    independent low level programming.
  • 1979 Bjarne Stroustrup designs C with classes
    which becomes later (1983) C.
  • 1989 ANSI C is published - a standardised version
    of C.
  • 1989 work on an ISO standard on C begins.
  • 1997 ISO C is published.

Bjarne Stroustrup http//
A history of programming languages (recent).
  • 1991 Python A high level interpreted,
    interactive, object oriented scripting language.
  • 1995 Java An object oriented language originally
    designed for video recorders. Now used in many
    application areas. http//
  • 1997 PHP 3.0 A general purpose language designed
    for web applications. http//
  • 2000 C A Java like language for Microsofts .NET
    framework. http//

Categorisation of Computer Programming Languages
  • Classification according to levels of
  • Machine code, assembler, high level languages
  • Classification according to generations of
    programming languages
  • 1GL, 2GL, 3GL, 4GL, 5GL
  • Classification according to application area
  • General Purpose, Research, AI, Games, ...
  • Classification according to paradigm
  • Object oriented, procedural, declarative,

The programming language C
  • Many syntax elements used in a variety of
    programming languages (C, Java, C, javascript,
    PHP, ) today.
  • Main application area today System software.
  • Especially Linux, Unix
  • Compromise between assembly code and
  • Lots of legacy code.
  • Overview
  • http//

History of C
  • before 1960 CPL (Combined Programming Language)
    developed in Cambridge and London.
  • 1966 Martin Richards designed BCPL, a simpler
    version of CPL.
  • 1969-70 Ken Thompson created B, a simple form of
  • 1971-1973 Dennis Ritchie develops C from B by
    adding types. DRs Homepage http//www.cs.bell-l
  • 1978 Kernighan and Ritchie established a de facto
    standard by writing a book on C
  • 1989 Ansi C becomes the C standard.

The really early history of CBCPL still alive
  • Martin Richards Homepage
  • http//
  • BCPL uses a virtual machine approach
  • http//
  • Different in C (direct compilation)
  • But similar strategy as in Java!
  • A BCPL distribution
  • http//
  • MRs lecture comparative languages (Cambridge,
    2003) http//

BCPL OCODE (virtual machines)
  • From Martin Richards The BCPL Cintcode System
    Users Guide (draft), August 2001,

Design principles in C
  • Pragmatic
  • close to the machine
  • Efficient
  • Use libraries for all system relevant tasks (I/O,
    memory management, )
  • Preprocessor (include, define, )

Example A C program
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Output

Example A C programThe entry point (main)
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • The entry point of each C program is the main()
  • It does not need to have arguments (cf. Java)
  • The return value of main() must be int and will
    be passed back to the operating system.

Example A C programBlocks and Statements
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Curly brackets , are used to structure the
  • Code inside a pair of and is called a block.
  • Semicolons are used to separate statements.
  • This is still the basis of a number of modern
    programming languages.

Example A C programLibraries Header files
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • The include statement is processed by the C
  • Its meaning is simple Copy the contents of the
    designated file (here stdio.h) in this place
    before compilation.
  • The consequence is that we can use other
    functions written by somebody else.
  • These header files provide declarations of
    functions that are implemented in libraries.
  • stdio.h refers to the header file of the standard
    I/O library.

Example A C programprintf, sprintf, I/O
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • printf and sprintf are implemented in the
    standard I/O library.

Example A C programCompilation
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • So, the compilation of a C program consists of
    three steps
  • Run the preprocessor.
  • Locally compile the resulting file.
  • Link the compiled file together with the

Example A C programComments
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • / and / indicate the start and end of a
  • The // syntax for comments existed in BCPL and
    has been reintroduced in C and Java.

Example A C programFunctions, Procedures
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • A C function. The function has no return value
    (void), so it is in fact a procedure.
  • The argument of the function is a pointer to a

Example A C programArrays and Pointer
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • An array in C is identified with a pointer.
  • So name contains a memory address, and the
    following 10 memory cells are reserved by the
    system for the lifetime of the variable name.
  • This allows a very efficient handling of arrays.
  • On the other hand it is nearly impossible to
    check for boundaries or memory integrity.

Example A C programMemory management (there
isnt any)
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • sprintf writes the contents of the string
    constant Hi Folks! in the memory locations
    following the memory address where name points
  • It does not know if there is enough memory
    reserved, or if the memory location is valid.

Example A C programStrings (arrays of
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Hi Folks! is stored as H, i, , F,
    o, l, k, s, !, \0where the last
    character (\0) indicates the end of a string.
  • If the \0 were missing sprintf would copy
    character after character without stopping (and
    messing up the contents of the memory cells after

Example A C programPointer, Strings - Problems
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Similarly fiveReverse will print the contents
    of the next five memory cells where str points
    to, independent if this makes sense or not.
  • It is not checked if str has been properly

Example A C programComplicated Statements
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • This code is equivalent to
  • while(i ! 0)
  • i i - 1
  • i i - 1
  • The C while(i--) code is closer to machine
  • Branch if zero
  • Decrement register
  • Today this is largely irrelevant because
    compilers are better in optimising code!

Todays philosophy Produce human readable code!
Example A C programPointer arithmetic
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Pointer arithmetic
  • An integer can be added to a pointer value,
  • str i means a pointer to a memory cell i places
  • A star stands for the contents of this memory

Example A C programFormatting Output
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • The first argument of the printf function is a
    format string
  • d print an integer
  • c print a character
  • Also x, e, f, g, s, ,
  • See http//
  • Escape sequences for special characters
  • \n print a new line (Also \b, \a, \, )

Example A C programC and Java (Syntax)
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • Compare with Java
  • Some elements are familiar (main, , , void,
    int, char,
  • Functions are similar as Java methods.
  • There are no classes.
  • Arrays are similar declared, but internally they
    are represented differently.
  • C libraries contain functions. What does a Java
    package provide?
  • C has pointer variables. Has Java something
  • C has an include statement. How is this related
    to a Java import statement?

Example A C programQuestions
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • / This function prints the first five
  • characters in reverse order /
  • void fiveReverse(char str)
  • int i5
  • while( i-- )
  • printf("d c\n", i, (stri) )
  • int main()
  • char name10
  • sprintf(name, "Hi Folks!")
  • fiveReverse(name)
  • return 0
  • What happens when
  • you replace 5 by 20?
  • replace 5 by 1?
  • replace 10 by 3?
  • write char name instead of char name3?
  • simply write Hi as input instead of Hi
  • Or write Hello World!?

Structures a first glimpse of Object
Orientation in C
  • A structure groups variables of different types
  • The typedef keyword defines a new data type
    (here Person).
  • We say A person has the attributes yearOfBirth
    and lastName20.
  • Or The state of a Person is defined by its year
    of Birth and the last name.
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • typedef struct
  • int yearOfBirth
  • char lastName20
  • Person
  • int main()
  • Person fabian
  • int thisYear 2004
  • fabian.yearOfBirth 1998
  • sprintf(fabian.lastName, "Conrad")
  • printf("Fabian s is d years old.\n",
  • fabian.lastName,
  • thisYear - fabian.yearOfBirth )
  • return 0

Structures a first glimpse of Object
Orientation in C
  • This new data type Person can be used in the same
    way as a primitive data type (as int, char, ).
  • A variable of type Person is declared.
  • The attributes are accessed using a dot (.)
    between the name of the variable and the name of
    the attribute.
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • typedef struct
  • int yearOfBirth
  • char lastName20
  • Person
  • int main()
  • Person fabian
  • int thisYear 2004
  • fabian.yearOfBirth 1998
  • sprintf(fabian.lastName, "Conrad")
  • printf("Fabian s is d years old.\n",
  • fabian.lastName,
  • thisYear - fabian.yearOfBirth )
  • return 0

Structures a first glimpse of Object
Orientation in C
  • In this example
  • Person is a very simple form of a class.
  • fabian is a very simple form of an object.
  • Here, the class Person and the object fabian have
    only state but they do not have behaviour.
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • typedef struct
  • int yearOfBirth
  • char lastName20
  • Person
  • int main()
  • Person fabian
  • int thisYear 2004
  • fabian.yearOfBirth 1998
  • sprintf(fabian.lastName, "Conrad")
  • printf("Fabian s is d years old.\n",
  • fabian.lastName,
  • thisYear - fabian.yearOfBirth )
  • return 0

Object Orientation State Behaviour
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