Title: Cosmic-ray Generator and comparison with BFEM data
1Cosmic-ray Generator and comparison with BFEM data
- Nov 26, 2001
- Tsunefumi Mizuno
2Overview of this study
- Main purpose of this work is to construct
reliable Cosmic-Ray generator and BFEM simulator.
They are essential for background prediction of
GLAST satellite. - Simulator and generators were first constructed
by K. Hirano (simulator) and M. Ozaki (CR
generator), and now being developed by H.
Mizushima, T. Mizuno and Y. Fukazawa. - CR proton, electron, positron, gamma and muon
generators are constructed. - Trigger rate, Hit distribution in TKR and
reconstruction are utilized to improve the
simulator and generator.
3CR generator(proton/e-)
CR proton
- Uncertain
- Spectrum below 100 MeV
- Angular dependence of secondary
- (10.6sin(theta) is assumed)
- Attenuation by the air (primary)
- East-west effect (not implemented)
CR electron
4CR generator (e/gamma/muon)
- Uncertain
- Spectrum below 100 MeV (e)
- Angular dependence of e/muon
- COR dependence of muon
- Angular dependence of gamma
- Spectrum of gamma
5Comparison with BFEM data
L1T rate 500Hz (data)/ 550Hz (simulation)
neutral event rate (lt0.5MeV in ACD) 60Hz (data)/
68Hz (simulation)
6Modifying gamma-ray distribution (sharper earth
neutral event rate 60Hz (data)/ 55Hz
downward upward
7CR proton/muon filter (1)
- The filter is developed by Michael Roterman
- Only single and straight track is selected
(proton/muon) - Select events based on hit in ACD and number of
hits in TKR layers are
MC Protons Red MC Muons (- ) Yellow BFEM
data blue
- Any one of top ACDs is hit
- 8 or more TKR layers are hit
- Vertically downward proton/muon
- Good agreement between data and simulation
8CR proton/muon filter (2)
- Any one of side ACDs is hit
- 4 or more TKR layers are hit
- proton/muon come from horizon is selected
- Simulation overestimates data
MC Protons Red MC Muons (- ) Yellow BFEM
data blue
- Angular distribution of secondary is uniform
rather than 10.6sin(theta)?
9Narrow gamma-ray and uniform secondary charged
L1T rate 500Hz (data)/ 450Hz (simulation)
neutral event rate 60Hz (data)/ 50Hz
10Other issues to be examined
- Low energy spectrum (especially e- and e)
- Apply gamma-ray filter (with Kotani-san _at_ GSFC)
- Attenuation by air (primary proton)
- Brush-up geometry (outside Pressure Vessel)
- Physics process of Geant4 (studied by Ogata/Kamae)