Run5 Goals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Run5 Goals


L2 B gamma 3.8GeV/5.2GeV 8.7Hz 2.5Hz 8Hz TP6GeV. L2 E gamma 3.7GeV/5.2GeV ... L2 B&E di-/mono-jet/gamma 3.3 5/8GeV 1.5/.6Hz 1.1H limit ~30Hz 15/7/7Hz need study ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Run5 Goals

DSM Tree Structure 2007
Calorimeter DSMs
Full topology Pass through final bit list
Trigger patch BEMC 16 towers EEMC 10,8 or 6 towers
Bottle neck
Full jet patch(6) and paired (3) Out to layer 2
5 bit TotE sum, for pairs HT.TP bit, TP bit,
2bit JPth Each pacth 2-bit HTthr
Level 0 out to layer 1 Partial jet patch ADC
sum HT, HT.TP and JP thr bits
10 of 16 bits in TCU in 2006
Run6 (change in Transverse)
Slow BEMC-JP1 MB Prescale1
10Hz EEMC-JP1 MB Prescale1
L2 B / E HT2 5 / 5 Hz (Higher thr 4Hz)
L2 B / E pi0/photon or prescale 2.5
/ 2.5Hz (Higher thr 2.1Hz) L2 B Upsilon
1Hz B E EMC JP0EtotMB Prescale10
L010Hz (Prescale1 L0100Hz) L2 BE
di-jet or mono-jet or prescale 1.1Hz
(L211Hz) FPD-slow MB Prescale1
5Hz BE EMC-JP0 MB Prescale50
1Hz FPD-fast MB Prescale50
1Hz B EMC-JP1 (No MB)
ltlt1Hz B JP0Etot (No MB)
ltlt1Hz E HTTP (No MB)
ltlt1Hz BEMC JP2 Prescale 1 ltlt
1Hz FPD-slow Prescale20
ltlt1Hz J/psi MB Prescale20 L0 10Hz
/ L21Hz Muon Anti-Centauro
Prescalehigh 0.2Hz zerobias
Prescalehigh 0.2Hz
Total 30 triggers
Fast BE EMC-HTTPMB L040Hz (_at_L12x1030) MB
5Hz Zero-bias Prescalehigh
5Hz FPD-fast MB Prescale1
50Hz FPD-fast Prescalehigh
Assuming No Overlap Longitudinal L2 abort
40Hz / 1k-2kHz 2-4 dead L2 accept
41Hz /94Hz 42 dead Slow total
44-46 dead Transverse L2 abort 120Hz /
1k-2kHz 12-6 dead L2 accept 46Hz /94Hz
48 dead Slow total 54-60 dead
Inclusive Jets
Need justification for other physics and trigs
2008 projections
Dave 2006
Tai 2006
Want turned on fully by 15GeV maybe little
30 pb-1 recorded vs 6 x5 Pol .65 vs .60
x1.4 A_LL error bars 1/2.5
smaller Could gain at high pT from lower dead time
First estimates of dijet results for 2008
20 pb-1 and 65 polarization Uniform pTgt5GeV
(should be optimized by region) Separated by calo
region coinc. to emphasize x ranges
1.1pb-1 int lumi expect x20 2M sec/10 wks data
Estimated L2 rates from 2006 L2 J. Balewski
Est. from rate plots 130Hz
L2 in
Use random to avoid conflicting L2 condition else
L2 dijet
L2 out
6Gev jet 4 GeV HT 3.5 awayside jet
x2 for removing Etot
20x100 L x ps
20x1 L x ps
Run8 (ref run 7145009 500kHz 55Live)
CAD Guidance is x2 in peak and avg luminosity
Physics trigs Physics 2006 thr.
rate 2006 Goal 2008 Goal
2008 thr. BEMC-JP1 MB Incl. Jets
BJP160 8.5GeV 9.9Hz PS1 10Hz
4Hz 70 10.9GeV EEMC-JP1 MB
Incl. jets EJP152 9.0GeV 3.1Hz PS1 2.5Hz
3Hz 58 10.4GeV BE
HTTPMB L2 g-based HT116 TP231 B46Hz
L040Hz ETP120 BTP119 4.5/4.7 GeV
3.8GeV 7.3GeV E14Hz
HT224 5.7GeV 3.6Hz 5Hz L2 EHT2
HT222 5.2GeV
1.8Hz 5Hz L2 B
gamma 3.8GeV/5.2GeV 8.7Hz 2.5Hz
8Hz TP6GeV
L2 E gamma
3.7GeV/5.2GeV 5.0Hz 2.5Hz
8Hz TP6GeV L2 B Topology
Upsilon 4/2.5/6/15GeV 2.0Hz
1Hz 4Hz
CTB? g-Jet topology coin lower thr
L2-Jets BJP042 EJP032 B150Hz PS2
L0100Hz B70Hz 8GeV
Etot109 4.2/4.2/15.1GeV
E100Hz PS2 E0lt60Hz ps8 E125Hz 4GeV/6GeV
L2 BE di-/mono-jet/gamma 3.35/8GeV
1.5/.6Hz 1.1H limit 30Hz 15/7/7Hz need
study BEMC JP2 High pT jets
JP2110 20GeV .1Hz PS 1 ltlt 1Hz FPD-slow MB
mid-rap. jet
unused PS1 5Hz FPD2-slow
1.5Hz J/psiMB J/psi
1/1/2.2/5GeV 73Hz PS20 L010Hz
L21Hz LO topology di-jet g-jet

new Muon Anti-Cent. Muon test
2.4Hz 1Hz FPDfastBE
HTTPMB g-jet di-jet
unused lt1Hz FPD single RO all
Fast dets Low E Electrons HF, A_LL

new Mult
scaled from 7145032
Issues, questions and details
  • Best to do inclusive jets as monojets in L2.
    11-12 GeV thr. should give modest rates and turn
    on by 15GeV where stats from 2006 are still
  • Di-jets bandwidth limited. Emphasize kinematics
    for qg by setting thresholds such that at least
    one parton xgt0.1. In L0 lower endcap threshold
    than barrel. In L2 different thresholds for E-E,
    B-E and E-E dijets. Can we devote more than 15
    Hz total here?
  • g-jet at 6GeV gives 8 Hz in each of barrel
    and endcap. Raising to 6.7 GeV 1/2s rate. How
    high willing to go with thresholds? Add topology
    with jet to go lower and/or limit rates? Avoid
    Etot requirement at L0?
  • FMS-central di-jets/p0-p0 corr. low pT3GeV. FMS
    singles-fast detector readout. Poor jet Et
    resol. But good stats on xlt0.01. Level of
    p0/g separation for g-jet measurement? Deadtime
    if read out BSMD?
  • FMS-central g-jet/dijet/p0 slow detector readout.
    Some sample to check angle reconstruction?
    Sufficient stats for DG? Topology at L0 and/or
  • Electrons for HF and A_LL. Can we reach relevant
    statistics in A_LL? Can CTB help limit rates w/o
    topology in L0? Accommodate multiple HT thr?
  • Upsilon high priority for HF but is there any way
    to accommodate rates for J/psi?
  • Total deadtime is important would like 2/3rds
  • But would mostly fill at peak rate of 30Hz spin
    B/EEMC triggers

If limit to 10 of 16 bits in TCU again in 2008
2 bits Barrel JP low thr possible coinc with
endcap or primary dijet trigger to L2 Mid
thr primary dijet trigger to L2
inclusives High inclusive jets
JP w/o minbias 3 bits Barrel HT
or HT.TP non photonic electrons,upsilon-
multiple thresholds and prescales 1 bit J/Psi
topology 2 bits endcap JP low endcap dijet
trigger to L2 prescale or coinc with FMS mid
endcapbarrel dijets to L2
endcap L2 trigger high inclusive jets
coincidence with
barrel 1 bit Endcap Etot alternate trigger for
endcap-endcap dijets 1 EEMC HT.TP Low E
electrons in endcap
Additional possibilities jet patch
topology New luminosity monitor Vppd,
alternate config BBC or ?
I believe only DSM issue is that TP bits need to
be dropped at layer 0 to layer 1 interface to
allow for extra threshold for barrel HT.TP
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