Title: Recent Work on Laplacian Mesh Deformation
1Recent Work on Laplacian Mesh
- Speaker Qianqian Hu
- Date Nov. 8, 2006
2Mesh Deformation
- Producing visually pleasing results
- Preserving surface details
- Freeform deformation (FFD)
- Multi-resolution
- Gradient domain techniques
- FFD is defined by uniformly spaced feature points
in a parallelepiped lattice. - Lattice-based (Sederberg et al, 1986)
- Curve-based (Singh et al, 1998)
- Point-based (Hsu et al, 1992)
6Gradient domain Techniques
- Surface details
- local differences or derivatives
- An energy minimization problem
- Least squares method (Linear)
- Alexa 03 Lipman 04 Yu 04 Sorkine 04
- Zhou 05 Lipman 05 Nealen 05.
- Iteration (Nonlinear)
- Huang 06.
- Zhou, K, Huang, J., Snyder, J., Liu, X., Bao, H.,
and Shum, H.Y. 2005. Large Mesh Deformation Using
the Volumetric Graph Laplacian. ACM Trans. Graph.
24, 3, 496-503. - Huang, J., Shi, X., Liu, X., Zhou, K., Wei, L.,
Teng, S.H., Bao, H., G, B., Shum, H.Y. 2006.
Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation. In
Siggraph06 - Sorkine, O., Lipman, Y., Cohen-or,D., Alexa, M.,
Rossl, C., Seidel, H.P. 2004. Laplacian surface
editing. In Symposium on Geometry Processing, ACM
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics, 179-188.
8Differential Coordinates
Invariant only under translation!
9Geometric meaning
- Approximating the local shape characteristics
- The normal direction
- The mean curvature
10Laplacian Matrix
- The transformation from absolute Cartesian
coordinates to differential coordinates
A sparse matrix
11Energy function
- The energy function with position constraints
The least squares method
- Advantages
- Detail preservation
- Linear system
- Sparse matrix
- Disadvantages
- No rotation and scale invariants
1) Isotropic scale 2) Rotation
15Definition of Ti
- A linear approximation to
- where is such that ?0, i.e.,
16- Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph
Laplacian - Kun Zhou, Jin Huang, John Snyder, Xinguo Liu,
Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum - Microsoft Research Asia,
- Zhejiang University, Microsoft Research
- Be fit for large deformation
- No local self-intersection
- Visually-pleasing deformation results
- Construct VG (Volumetric Graph)
- Gin (avoid large volume changes)
- Gout (avoid local self-intersection)
- Deform VG based on volumetric graph laplacian
- Deform from 2D curves
20Volumetric Graph
- Step 1 Construct an inner shell Min for the mesh
by offsetting each vertex a distance opposite its
normal. - An iterative method
- based on simplification envelopes
21Volumetric Graph
- Step 2 Embed Min and M in a body-centered cubic
lattice. Remove lattice nodes outside Min.
22Volumetric Graph
- Step 3Build edge connections among M, Min, and
lattice nodes.
23Edge connection
24Volumetric Graph
- Step 4 Simplify the graph using edge collapse
and smooth the graph.
25VG Example
Left Gin (Red) Right Gout (Green) Original
Mesh (Blue)
26Laplacian Approximation
- The quadratic minimization problem
- The deformed laplacian coordinates
Ti a rotation and isotropic scale.
27Volumetric Graph LA
28Weighting Scheme
- For mesh laplacian,
- For graph laplacian,
29Local Transforms
- Propagating the local transforms over the whole
30Deformed neighbor points
31Local Transformation
- For each point on the control curve
- Rotation
- normal linear combination of face
normals - tangent vector
- Scale s(up)
32Propagation Scheme
- The transform is propagated to all graph points
via - a deformation strength field f(p)
- Constant
- Linear
- Gaussian
33Propagation Scheme
- A smoother result computing a weighted average
over all the vertices on the control curve. - Weight
- The reciprocal of distance
- A Gaussian function
- Transform matrix
A sparse linear system Axb
Precomputing A-1 using LU decomposition
36Deformation from 2D curves
37Curve Editing
39- Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation
- Jin Huang, Xiaohan Shi, Xinguo Liu, Kun Zhou,
Liyi Wei, Shang-Hua Teng, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo,
Heung-Yeung Shum - Microsoft Research Asia,
- Zhejiang University, Boston University
- Linear and nonlinear constraints
- Volume constraint
- Skeleton constraint
- Projection constraint
- Fit for non-manifold surface or objects with
multiple disjoint components
- Deformation with nonlinear constraints
- Deformation of multi-component mesh
43Laplacian Deformation
- The unconstrained energy minimization problem
- where
are various deformation constraints
44Constraint Classification
- Soft constraints
- a nonlinear constraint which is quasi-linear.
- AXb(X)
- A a constant matrix,
- b(X) a vector function, JbltltA
- Hard constraints
- those with low-dimensional restriction and
nonlinear constraints that are not quasi-linear
45Deformation with constraints
- The energy minimization problem
- where L is a constant matrix and g(X)
- 0 represents all hard constraints.
- Soft constraints laplacian, skeleton, position
constraints - Hard constraints volume, projection constraints
46Subspace Deformation
- Build a coarse control mesh
- Control mesh is related to original mesh XWP
using mean value interpolation - The energy minimization problem
- Laplacian constraint
- Skeleton constraint
- Volume constraint
- Projection constraint
49Laplacian constraint
- a) the Laplacian is a discrete approximation of
the curvature normal - b) the cotangent form Laplacian lies exactly in
the linear space spanned by the normals of the
incident triangles
50Laplacian coordinate
- For the original mesh,
- In matrix form, di Ai µi, then µi Aidi
- For deformed mesh
- The differential coordinate
51Skeleton constraint
- For deforming articulated figures, some parts
require unbendable constraint. Eg, humans arm,
52Skeleton specificaation
- A closed mesh two virtual vertices(c1,c2), the
centroids of the boundary curve of the open ends - Line segment ab approximating the middle of the
front and back intersections(blue)
53Skeleton constraint
- Preserving both the straightness and the length
- In matrix form,
54Volume constraint
- The total signed volume
- The volume constraint
- is the total volume of the original mesh
- Notice volume constraint can also be applied to
local body parts
56Projection constraint
- Let pQpX, the projection constraint
57Projection constraint
- The projection of p(QpX)
- In matrix form,
- i.e.,
59Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares
- The energy minimization problem
60Iterative algorithm
- Following the Gauss-Newton method, f(X) LX-b(X)
is linearized as
61Iterative algorithm
- At each iteration,
- then
- When Xk Xk-1 , stop
62Stability Comparison