Title: USS Hawkbill, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
1USS Hawkbill, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
2- 12 kHz Sidescan Swath Bathymetry Sonar
- 2.5-6.5 kHz Swept Frequency Subbottom Profiler
- Gravimeter
3Unanticipated Findings - Mapping the Ice
Canopy SCAMP was designed to send sound
downwards, but we observed coherent patterns in
outgoing portion of the data
6- Conditions Controlling Ice Canopy Maps
- Water Depth (300-5500 m)
- Submarine Depth Below Surface (220 ft, 440 ft
and 750 ft)
7Water Depth 300 1000 meters Submarine
Depth 220 ft below surface
8In shallowest areas, swath width is too narrow
due to return from bottom
9Water Depth 1000 4000 m Submarine Depth 750
ft below surface
10When submarine is 750 ft deep, the SN isnt
sufficient to depict structure of the ice canopy
11Water Depth 300 1000 meters (tend to be
deeper) Submarine Depth 440 ft below
surface (220 ft on margin)
124-5 km wide swath shows lineations we think are
keel locations
Parallel orientations regardless of sub heading
13- We Find the Optimal Conditions for a 12kHz sonar
- Water Depth (gt1000 m)
- Submarine Depth Below Surface 220 - 440 ft
- Produces and Ice Canopy Swath of 4-6 km!
14SCAMP Magnitude
Coherent Phase